from import App from kivy.factory import Factory from import ObjectProperty from kivy.lang import Builder Builder.load_string(''' #:import _ electrum_gui.kivy.i18n._ id: popup cp_height: 0 cp_value: '' title: _('Checkpoint') size_hint: 0.8, 0.8 pos_hint: {'top':0.9} BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' Label: id: description text: 'In the event of a blockchain fork, a checkpoint can be used to ensure that you are on the correct blockchain.' halign: 'left' text_size: self.width, None size: self.texture_size BoxLayout: orientation: 'horizontal' size_hint: 1, 0.2 Label: text: _('Height') height: '48dp' TextInput: id: height_input text: '%d'%root.cp_height on_focus: root.on_height_str() TopLabel: text: _('Block hash') + ':' TxHashLabel: data: root.cp_value Label: text: 'Edit the height to fetch a checkpoint from your main server, and check its value from independent sources.' halign: 'left' text_size: self.width, None size: self.texture_size Widget: size_hint: 1, 0.3 BoxLayout: orientation: 'horizontal' size_hint: 1, 0.2 Button: text: _('Cancel') size_hint: 0.5, None height: '48dp' on_release: popup.dismiss() Button: text: _('OK') size_hint: 0.5, None height: '48dp' on_release: root.callback(root.cp_height, root.cp_value) popup.dismiss() ''') class CheckpointDialog(Factory.Popup): def __init__(self, network, callback): Factory.Popup.__init__(self) = network self.cp_height, self.cp_value = self.callback = callback def on_height_str(self): try: new_height = int(self.ids.height_input.text) except: new_height = 0 if new_height == self.cp_height: return try: header ='blockchain.block.get_header', [new_height]), 5) new_value = except BaseException as e: new_value = '' if new_value: self.cp_height = new_height self.cp_value = new_value