#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2011 Thomas Voegtlin # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # Note: The deserialization code originally comes from ABE. from typing import Sequence, Union from .util import print_error, profiler from . import ecc from . import bitcoin from .bitcoin import * import struct import traceback import sys # # Workalike python implementation of Bitcoin's CDataStream class. # from .keystore import xpubkey_to_address, xpubkey_to_pubkey NO_SIGNATURE = 'ff' PARTIAL_TXN_HEADER_MAGIC = b'EPTF\xff' class SerializationError(Exception): """ Thrown when there's a problem deserializing or serializing """ class UnknownTxinType(Exception): pass class NotRecognizedRedeemScript(Exception): pass class BCDataStream(object): def __init__(self): self.input = None self.read_cursor = 0 def clear(self): self.input = None self.read_cursor = 0 def write(self, _bytes): # Initialize with string of _bytes if self.input is None: self.input = bytearray(_bytes) else: self.input += bytearray(_bytes) def read_string(self, encoding='ascii'): # Strings are encoded depending on length: # 0 to 252 : 1-byte-length followed by bytes (if any) # 253 to 65,535 : byte'253' 2-byte-length followed by bytes # 65,536 to 4,294,967,295 : byte '254' 4-byte-length followed by bytes # ... and the Bitcoin client is coded to understand: # greater than 4,294,967,295 : byte '255' 8-byte-length followed by bytes of string # ... but I don't think it actually handles any strings that big. if self.input is None: raise SerializationError("call write(bytes) before trying to deserialize") length = self.read_compact_size() return self.read_bytes(length).decode(encoding) def write_string(self, string, encoding='ascii'): string = to_bytes(string, encoding) # Length-encoded as with read-string self.write_compact_size(len(string)) self.write(string) def read_bytes(self, length): try: result = self.input[self.read_cursor:self.read_cursor+length] self.read_cursor += length return result except IndexError: raise SerializationError("attempt to read past end of buffer") def can_read_more(self) -> bool: if not self.input: return False return self.read_cursor < len(self.input) def read_boolean(self): return self.read_bytes(1)[0] != chr(0) def read_int16(self): return self._read_num('<h') def read_uint16(self): return self._read_num('<H') def read_int32(self): return self._read_num('<i') def read_uint32(self): return self._read_num('<I') def read_int64(self): return self._read_num('<q') def read_uint64(self): return self._read_num('<Q') def write_boolean(self, val): return self.write(chr(1) if val else chr(0)) def write_int16(self, val): return self._write_num('<h', val) def write_uint16(self, val): return self._write_num('<H', val) def write_int32(self, val): return self._write_num('<i', val) def write_uint32(self, val): return self._write_num('<I', val) def write_int64(self, val): return self._write_num('<q', val) def write_uint64(self, val): return self._write_num('<Q', val) def read_compact_size(self): try: size = self.input[self.read_cursor] self.read_cursor += 1 if size == 253: size = self._read_num('<H') elif size == 254: size = self._read_num('<I') elif size == 255: size = self._read_num('<Q') return size except IndexError: raise SerializationError("attempt to read past end of buffer") def write_compact_size(self, size): if size < 0: raise SerializationError("attempt to write size < 0") elif size < 253: self.write(bytes([size])) elif size < 2**16: self.write(b'\xfd') self._write_num('<H', size) elif size < 2**32: self.write(b'\xfe') self._write_num('<I', size) elif size < 2**64: self.write(b'\xff') self._write_num('<Q', size) def _read_num(self, format): try: (i,) = struct.unpack_from(format, self.input, self.read_cursor) self.read_cursor += struct.calcsize(format) except Exception as e: raise SerializationError(e) return i def _write_num(self, format, num): s = struct.pack(format, num) self.write(s) # enum-like type # From the Python Cookbook, downloaded from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/67107/ class EnumException(Exception): pass class Enumeration: def __init__(self, name, enumList): self.__doc__ = name lookup = { } reverseLookup = { } i = 0 uniqueNames = [ ] uniqueValues = [ ] for x in enumList: if isinstance(x, tuple): x, i = x if not isinstance(x, str): raise EnumException("enum name is not a string: " + x) if not isinstance(i, int): raise EnumException("enum value is not an integer: " + i) if x in uniqueNames: raise EnumException("enum name is not unique: " + x) if i in uniqueValues: raise EnumException("enum value is not unique for " + x) uniqueNames.append(x) uniqueValues.append(i) lookup[x] = i reverseLookup[i] = x i = i + 1 self.lookup = lookup self.reverseLookup = reverseLookup def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr not in self.lookup: raise AttributeError return self.lookup[attr] def whatis(self, value): return self.reverseLookup[value] # This function comes from bitcointools, bct-LICENSE.txt. def long_hex(bytes): return bytes.encode('hex_codec') # This function comes from bitcointools, bct-LICENSE.txt. def short_hex(bytes): t = bytes.encode('hex_codec') if len(t) < 11: return t return t[0:4]+"..."+t[-4:] opcodes = Enumeration("Opcodes", [ ("OP_0", 0), ("OP_PUSHDATA1",76), "OP_PUSHDATA2", "OP_PUSHDATA4", "OP_1NEGATE", "OP_RESERVED", "OP_1", "OP_2", "OP_3", "OP_4", "OP_5", "OP_6", "OP_7", "OP_8", "OP_9", "OP_10", "OP_11", "OP_12", "OP_13", "OP_14", "OP_15", "OP_16", "OP_NOP", "OP_VER", "OP_IF", "OP_NOTIF", "OP_VERIF", "OP_VERNOTIF", "OP_ELSE", "OP_ENDIF", "OP_VERIFY", "OP_RETURN", "OP_TOALTSTACK", "OP_FROMALTSTACK", "OP_2DROP", "OP_2DUP", "OP_3DUP", "OP_2OVER", "OP_2ROT", "OP_2SWAP", "OP_IFDUP", "OP_DEPTH", "OP_DROP", "OP_DUP", "OP_NIP", "OP_OVER", "OP_PICK", "OP_ROLL", "OP_ROT", "OP_SWAP", "OP_TUCK", "OP_CAT", "OP_SUBSTR", "OP_LEFT", "OP_RIGHT", "OP_SIZE", "OP_INVERT", "OP_AND", "OP_OR", "OP_XOR", "OP_EQUAL", "OP_EQUALVERIFY", "OP_RESERVED1", "OP_RESERVED2", "OP_1ADD", "OP_1SUB", "OP_2MUL", "OP_2DIV", "OP_NEGATE", "OP_ABS", "OP_NOT", "OP_0NOTEQUAL", "OP_ADD", "OP_SUB", "OP_MUL", "OP_DIV", "OP_MOD", "OP_LSHIFT", "OP_RSHIFT", "OP_BOOLAND", "OP_BOOLOR", "OP_NUMEQUAL", "OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY", "OP_NUMNOTEQUAL", "OP_LESSTHAN", "OP_GREATERTHAN", "OP_LESSTHANOREQUAL", "OP_GREATERTHANOREQUAL", "OP_MIN", "OP_MAX", "OP_WITHIN", "OP_RIPEMD160", "OP_SHA1", "OP_SHA256", "OP_HASH160", "OP_HASH256", "OP_CODESEPARATOR", "OP_CHECKSIG", "OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY", "OP_CHECKMULTISIG", "OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY", ("OP_NOP1", 0xB0), ("OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY", 0xB1), ("OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY", 0xB2), "OP_NOP4", "OP_NOP5", "OP_NOP6", "OP_NOP7", "OP_NOP8", "OP_NOP9", "OP_NOP10", ("OP_INVALIDOPCODE", 0xFF), ]) def script_GetOp(_bytes : bytes): i = 0 while i < len(_bytes): vch = None opcode = _bytes[i] i += 1 if opcode <= opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4: nSize = opcode if opcode == opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA1: nSize = _bytes[i] i += 1 elif opcode == opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA2: (nSize,) = struct.unpack_from('<H', _bytes, i) i += 2 elif opcode == opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4: (nSize,) = struct.unpack_from('<I', _bytes, i) i += 4 vch = _bytes[i:i + nSize] i += nSize yield opcode, vch, i def script_GetOpName(opcode): return (opcodes.whatis(opcode)).replace("OP_", "") def decode_script(bytes): result = '' for (opcode, vch, i) in script_GetOp(bytes): if len(result) > 0: result += " " if opcode <= opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4: result += "%d:"%(opcode,) result += short_hex(vch) else: result += script_GetOpName(opcode) return result def match_decoded(decoded, to_match): if len(decoded) != len(to_match): return False; for i in range(len(decoded)): if to_match[i] == opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4 and decoded[i][0] <= opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4 and decoded[i][0]>0: continue # Opcodes below OP_PUSHDATA4 all just push data onto stack, and are equivalent. if to_match[i] != decoded[i][0]: return False return True def parse_sig(x_sig): return [None if x == NO_SIGNATURE else x for x in x_sig] def safe_parse_pubkey(x): try: return xpubkey_to_pubkey(x) except: return x def parse_scriptSig(d, _bytes): try: decoded = [ x for x in script_GetOp(_bytes) ] except Exception as e: # coinbase transactions raise an exception print_error("parse_scriptSig: cannot find address in input script (coinbase?)", bh2u(_bytes)) return match = [ opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4 ] if match_decoded(decoded, match): item = decoded[0][1] if item[0] == 0: # segwit embedded into p2sh # witness version 0 d['address'] = bitcoin.hash160_to_p2sh(bitcoin.hash_160(item)) if len(item) == 22: d['type'] = 'p2wpkh-p2sh' elif len(item) == 34: d['type'] = 'p2wsh-p2sh' else: print_error("unrecognized txin type", bh2u(item)) elif opcodes.OP_1 <= item[0] <= opcodes.OP_16: # segwit embedded into p2sh # witness version 1-16 pass else: # assert item[0] == 0x30 # pay-to-pubkey d['type'] = 'p2pk' d['address'] = "(pubkey)" d['signatures'] = [bh2u(item)] d['num_sig'] = 1 d['x_pubkeys'] = ["(pubkey)"] d['pubkeys'] = ["(pubkey)"] return # p2pkh TxIn transactions push a signature # (71-73 bytes) and then their public key # (33 or 65 bytes) onto the stack: match = [ opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4, opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4 ] if match_decoded(decoded, match): sig = bh2u(decoded[0][1]) x_pubkey = bh2u(decoded[1][1]) try: signatures = parse_sig([sig]) pubkey, address = xpubkey_to_address(x_pubkey) except: print_error("parse_scriptSig: cannot find address in input script (p2pkh?)", bh2u(_bytes)) return d['type'] = 'p2pkh' d['signatures'] = signatures d['x_pubkeys'] = [x_pubkey] d['num_sig'] = 1 d['pubkeys'] = [pubkey] d['address'] = address return # p2sh transaction, m of n match = [ opcodes.OP_0 ] + [ opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4 ] * (len(decoded) - 1) if match_decoded(decoded, match): x_sig = [bh2u(x[1]) for x in decoded[1:-1]] redeem_script_unsanitized = decoded[-1][1] # for partial multisig txn, this has x_pubkeys try: m, n, x_pubkeys, pubkeys, redeem_script = parse_redeemScript_multisig(redeem_script_unsanitized) except NotRecognizedRedeemScript: print_error("parse_scriptSig: cannot find address in input script (p2sh?)", bh2u(_bytes)) # we could still guess: # d['address'] = hash160_to_p2sh(hash_160(decoded[-1][1])) return # write result in d d['type'] = 'p2sh' d['num_sig'] = m d['signatures'] = parse_sig(x_sig) d['x_pubkeys'] = x_pubkeys d['pubkeys'] = pubkeys d['redeem_script'] = redeem_script d['address'] = hash160_to_p2sh(hash_160(bfh(redeem_script))) return # custom partial format for imported addresses match = [ opcodes.OP_INVALIDOPCODE, opcodes.OP_0, opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4 ] if match_decoded(decoded, match): x_pubkey = bh2u(decoded[2][1]) pubkey, address = xpubkey_to_address(x_pubkey) d['type'] = 'address' d['address'] = address d['num_sig'] = 1 d['x_pubkeys'] = [x_pubkey] d['pubkeys'] = None # get_sorted_pubkeys will populate this d['signatures'] = [None] return print_error("parse_scriptSig: cannot find address in input script (unknown)", bh2u(_bytes)) def parse_redeemScript_multisig(redeem_script: bytes): dec2 = [ x for x in script_GetOp(redeem_script) ] try: m = dec2[0][0] - opcodes.OP_1 + 1 n = dec2[-2][0] - opcodes.OP_1 + 1 except IndexError: raise NotRecognizedRedeemScript() op_m = opcodes.OP_1 + m - 1 op_n = opcodes.OP_1 + n - 1 match_multisig = [ op_m ] + [opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4]*n + [ op_n, opcodes.OP_CHECKMULTISIG ] if not match_decoded(dec2, match_multisig): raise NotRecognizedRedeemScript() x_pubkeys = [bh2u(x[1]) for x in dec2[1:-2]] pubkeys = [safe_parse_pubkey(x) for x in x_pubkeys] redeem_script2 = bfh(multisig_script(x_pubkeys, m)) if redeem_script2 != redeem_script: raise NotRecognizedRedeemScript() redeem_script_sanitized = multisig_script(pubkeys, m) return m, n, x_pubkeys, pubkeys, redeem_script_sanitized def get_address_from_output_script(_bytes, *, net=None): decoded = [x for x in script_GetOp(_bytes)] # The Genesis Block, self-payments, and pay-by-IP-address payments look like: # 65 BYTES:... CHECKSIG match = [ opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG ] if match_decoded(decoded, match): return TYPE_PUBKEY, bh2u(decoded[0][1]) # Pay-by-Bitcoin-address TxOuts look like: # DUP HASH160 20 BYTES:... EQUALVERIFY CHECKSIG match = [ opcodes.OP_DUP, opcodes.OP_HASH160, opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4, opcodes.OP_EQUALVERIFY, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG ] if match_decoded(decoded, match): return TYPE_ADDRESS, hash160_to_p2pkh(decoded[2][1], net=net) # p2sh match = [ opcodes.OP_HASH160, opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4, opcodes.OP_EQUAL ] if match_decoded(decoded, match): return TYPE_ADDRESS, hash160_to_p2sh(decoded[1][1], net=net) # segwit address possible_witness_versions = [opcodes.OP_0] + list(range(opcodes.OP_1, opcodes.OP_16 + 1)) for witver, opcode in enumerate(possible_witness_versions): match = [ opcode, opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4 ] if match_decoded(decoded, match): return TYPE_ADDRESS, hash_to_segwit_addr(decoded[1][1], witver=witver, net=net) return TYPE_SCRIPT, bh2u(_bytes) def parse_input(vds, full_parse: bool): d = {} prevout_hash = hash_encode(vds.read_bytes(32)) prevout_n = vds.read_uint32() scriptSig = vds.read_bytes(vds.read_compact_size()) sequence = vds.read_uint32() d['prevout_hash'] = prevout_hash d['prevout_n'] = prevout_n d['scriptSig'] = bh2u(scriptSig) d['sequence'] = sequence d['type'] = 'unknown' if prevout_hash != '00'*32 else 'coinbase' d['address'] = None d['num_sig'] = 0 if not full_parse: return d d['x_pubkeys'] = [] d['pubkeys'] = [] d['signatures'] = {} if d['type'] != 'coinbase' and scriptSig: try: parse_scriptSig(d, scriptSig) except BaseException: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) print_error('failed to parse scriptSig', bh2u(scriptSig)) return d def construct_witness(items: Sequence[Union[str, int, bytes]]) -> str: """Constructs a witness from the given stack items.""" witness = var_int(len(items)) for item in items: if type(item) is int: item = bitcoin.script_num_to_hex(item) elif type(item) is bytes: item = bh2u(item) witness += bitcoin.witness_push(item) return witness def parse_witness(vds, txin, full_parse: bool): n = vds.read_compact_size() if n == 0: txin['witness'] = '00' return if n == 0xffffffff: txin['value'] = vds.read_uint64() txin['witness_version'] = vds.read_uint16() n = vds.read_compact_size() # now 'n' is the number of items in the witness w = list(bh2u(vds.read_bytes(vds.read_compact_size())) for i in range(n)) txin['witness'] = construct_witness(w) if not full_parse: return try: if txin.get('witness_version', 0) != 0: raise UnknownTxinType() if txin['type'] == 'coinbase': pass elif txin['type'] == 'address': pass elif txin['type'] == 'p2wsh-p2sh' or n > 2: witness_script_unsanitized = w[-1] # for partial multisig txn, this has x_pubkeys try: m, n, x_pubkeys, pubkeys, witness_script = parse_redeemScript_multisig(bfh(witness_script_unsanitized)) except NotRecognizedRedeemScript: raise UnknownTxinType() txin['signatures'] = parse_sig(w[1:-1]) txin['num_sig'] = m txin['x_pubkeys'] = x_pubkeys txin['pubkeys'] = pubkeys txin['witness_script'] = witness_script if not txin.get('scriptSig'): # native segwit script txin['type'] = 'p2wsh' txin['address'] = bitcoin.script_to_p2wsh(witness_script) elif txin['type'] == 'p2wpkh-p2sh' or n == 2: txin['num_sig'] = 1 txin['x_pubkeys'] = [w[1]] txin['pubkeys'] = [safe_parse_pubkey(w[1])] txin['signatures'] = parse_sig([w[0]]) if not txin.get('scriptSig'): # native segwit script txin['type'] = 'p2wpkh' txin['address'] = bitcoin.public_key_to_p2wpkh(bfh(txin['pubkeys'][0])) else: raise UnknownTxinType() except UnknownTxinType: txin['type'] = 'unknown' except BaseException: txin['type'] = 'unknown' traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) print_error('failed to parse witness', txin.get('witness')) def parse_output(vds, i): d = {} d['value'] = vds.read_int64() if d['value'] > TOTAL_COIN_SUPPLY_LIMIT_IN_BTC * COIN: raise SerializationError('invalid output amount (too large)') if d['value'] < 0: raise SerializationError('invalid output amount (negative)') scriptPubKey = vds.read_bytes(vds.read_compact_size()) d['type'], d['address'] = get_address_from_output_script(scriptPubKey) d['scriptPubKey'] = bh2u(scriptPubKey) d['prevout_n'] = i return d def deserialize(raw: str, force_full_parse=False) -> dict: raw_bytes = bfh(raw) d = {} if raw_bytes[:5] == PARTIAL_TXN_HEADER_MAGIC: d['partial'] = is_partial = True partial_format_version = raw_bytes[5] if partial_format_version != 0: raise SerializationError('unknown tx partial serialization format version: {}' .format(partial_format_version)) raw_bytes = raw_bytes[6:] else: d['partial'] = is_partial = False full_parse = force_full_parse or is_partial vds = BCDataStream() vds.write(raw_bytes) d['version'] = vds.read_int32() n_vin = vds.read_compact_size() is_segwit = (n_vin == 0) if is_segwit: marker = vds.read_bytes(1) if marker != b'\x01': raise ValueError('invalid txn marker byte: {}'.format(marker)) n_vin = vds.read_compact_size() d['segwit_ser'] = is_segwit d['inputs'] = [parse_input(vds, full_parse=full_parse) for i in range(n_vin)] n_vout = vds.read_compact_size() d['outputs'] = [parse_output(vds, i) for i in range(n_vout)] if is_segwit: for i in range(n_vin): txin = d['inputs'][i] parse_witness(vds, txin, full_parse=full_parse) d['lockTime'] = vds.read_uint32() if vds.can_read_more(): raise SerializationError('extra junk at the end') return d # pay & redeem scripts def multisig_script(public_keys: Sequence[str], m: int) -> str: n = len(public_keys) assert n <= 15 assert m <= n op_m = format(opcodes.OP_1 + m - 1, 'x') op_n = format(opcodes.OP_1 + n - 1, 'x') keylist = [op_push(len(k)//2) + k for k in public_keys] return op_m + ''.join(keylist) + op_n + 'ae' class Transaction: def __str__(self): if self.raw is None: self.raw = self.serialize() return self.raw def __init__(self, raw): if raw is None: self.raw = None elif isinstance(raw, str): self.raw = raw.strip() if raw else None elif isinstance(raw, dict): self.raw = raw['hex'] else: raise Exception("cannot initialize transaction", raw) self._inputs = None self._outputs = None self.locktime = 0 self.version = 1 # by default we assume this is a partial txn; # this value will get properly set when deserializing self.is_partial_originally = True self._segwit_ser = None # None means "don't know" def update(self, raw): self.raw = raw self._inputs = None self.deserialize() def inputs(self): if self._inputs is None: self.deserialize() return self._inputs def outputs(self): if self._outputs is None: self.deserialize() return self._outputs @classmethod def get_sorted_pubkeys(self, txin): # sort pubkeys and x_pubkeys, using the order of pubkeys if txin['type'] == 'coinbase': return [], [] x_pubkeys = txin['x_pubkeys'] pubkeys = txin.get('pubkeys') if pubkeys is None: pubkeys = [xpubkey_to_pubkey(x) for x in x_pubkeys] pubkeys, x_pubkeys = zip(*sorted(zip(pubkeys, x_pubkeys))) txin['pubkeys'] = pubkeys = list(pubkeys) txin['x_pubkeys'] = x_pubkeys = list(x_pubkeys) return pubkeys, x_pubkeys def update_signatures(self, signatures: Sequence[str]): """Add new signatures to a transaction `signatures` is expected to be a list of sigs with signatures[i] intended for self._inputs[i]. This is used by the Trezor and KeepKey plugins. """ if self.is_complete(): return if len(self.inputs()) != len(signatures): raise Exception('expected {} signatures; got {}'.format(len(self.inputs()), len(signatures))) for i, txin in enumerate(self.inputs()): pubkeys, x_pubkeys = self.get_sorted_pubkeys(txin) sig = signatures[i] if sig in txin.get('signatures'): continue pre_hash = Hash(bfh(self.serialize_preimage(i))) sig_string = ecc.sig_string_from_der_sig(bfh(sig[:-2])) for recid in range(4): try: public_key = ecc.ECPubkey.from_sig_string(sig_string, recid, pre_hash) except ecc.InvalidECPointException: # the point might not be on the curve for some recid values continue pubkey_hex = public_key.get_public_key_hex(compressed=True) if pubkey_hex in pubkeys: try: public_key.verify_message_hash(sig_string, pre_hash) except Exception: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) continue j = pubkeys.index(pubkey_hex) print_error("adding sig", i, j, pubkey_hex, sig) self.add_signature_to_txin(i, j, sig) #self._inputs[i]['x_pubkeys'][j] = pubkey break # redo raw self.raw = self.serialize() def add_signature_to_txin(self, i, signingPos, sig): txin = self._inputs[i] txin['signatures'][signingPos] = sig txin['scriptSig'] = None # force re-serialization txin['witness'] = None # force re-serialization self.raw = None def deserialize(self, force_full_parse=False): if self.raw is None: return #self.raw = self.serialize() if self._inputs is not None: return d = deserialize(self.raw, force_full_parse) self._inputs = d['inputs'] self._outputs = [(x['type'], x['address'], x['value']) for x in d['outputs']] self.locktime = d['lockTime'] self.version = d['version'] self.is_partial_originally = d['partial'] self._segwit_ser = d['segwit_ser'] return d @classmethod def from_io(klass, inputs, outputs, locktime=0): self = klass(None) self._inputs = inputs self._outputs = outputs self.locktime = locktime return self @classmethod def pay_script(self, output_type, addr): if output_type == TYPE_SCRIPT: return addr elif output_type == TYPE_ADDRESS: return bitcoin.address_to_script(addr) elif output_type == TYPE_PUBKEY: return bitcoin.public_key_to_p2pk_script(addr) else: raise TypeError('Unknown output type') @classmethod def estimate_pubkey_size_from_x_pubkey(cls, x_pubkey): try: if x_pubkey[0:2] in ['02', '03']: # compressed pubkey return 0x21 elif x_pubkey[0:2] == '04': # uncompressed pubkey return 0x41 elif x_pubkey[0:2] == 'ff': # bip32 extended pubkey return 0x21 elif x_pubkey[0:2] == 'fe': # old electrum extended pubkey return 0x41 except Exception as e: pass return 0x21 # just guess it is compressed @classmethod def estimate_pubkey_size_for_txin(cls, txin): pubkeys = txin.get('pubkeys', []) x_pubkeys = txin.get('x_pubkeys', []) if pubkeys and len(pubkeys) > 0: return cls.estimate_pubkey_size_from_x_pubkey(pubkeys[0]) elif x_pubkeys and len(x_pubkeys) > 0: return cls.estimate_pubkey_size_from_x_pubkey(x_pubkeys[0]) else: return 0x21 # just guess it is compressed @classmethod def get_siglist(self, txin, estimate_size=False): # if we have enough signatures, we use the actual pubkeys # otherwise, use extended pubkeys (with bip32 derivation) if txin['type'] == 'coinbase': return [], [] num_sig = txin.get('num_sig', 1) if estimate_size: pubkey_size = self.estimate_pubkey_size_for_txin(txin) pk_list = ["00" * pubkey_size] * len(txin.get('x_pubkeys', [None])) # we assume that signature will be 0x48 bytes long sig_list = [ "00" * 0x48 ] * num_sig else: pubkeys, x_pubkeys = self.get_sorted_pubkeys(txin) x_signatures = txin['signatures'] signatures = list(filter(None, x_signatures)) is_complete = len(signatures) == num_sig if is_complete: pk_list = pubkeys sig_list = signatures else: pk_list = x_pubkeys sig_list = [sig if sig else NO_SIGNATURE for sig in x_signatures] return pk_list, sig_list @classmethod def serialize_witness(self, txin, estimate_size=False): _type = txin['type'] if not self.is_segwit_input(txin) and not self.is_input_value_needed(txin): return '00' if _type == 'coinbase': return txin['witness'] witness = txin.get('witness', None) if witness is None or estimate_size: if _type == 'address' and estimate_size: _type = self.guess_txintype_from_address(txin['address']) pubkeys, sig_list = self.get_siglist(txin, estimate_size) if _type in ['p2wpkh', 'p2wpkh-p2sh']: witness = construct_witness([sig_list[0], pubkeys[0]]) elif _type in ['p2wsh', 'p2wsh-p2sh']: witness_script = multisig_script(pubkeys, txin['num_sig']) witness = construct_witness([0] + sig_list + [witness_script]) else: witness = txin.get('witness', '00') if self.is_txin_complete(txin) or estimate_size: partial_format_witness_prefix = '' else: input_value = int_to_hex(txin['value'], 8) witness_version = int_to_hex(txin.get('witness_version', 0), 2) partial_format_witness_prefix = var_int(0xffffffff) + input_value + witness_version return partial_format_witness_prefix + witness @classmethod def is_segwit_input(cls, txin, guess_for_address=False): _type = txin['type'] if _type == 'address' and guess_for_address: _type = cls.guess_txintype_from_address(txin['address']) has_nonzero_witness = txin.get('witness', '00') not in ('00', None) return cls.is_segwit_inputtype(_type) or has_nonzero_witness @classmethod def is_segwit_inputtype(cls, txin_type): return txin_type in ('p2wpkh', 'p2wpkh-p2sh', 'p2wsh', 'p2wsh-p2sh') @classmethod def is_input_value_needed(cls, txin): return cls.is_segwit_input(txin) or txin['type'] == 'address' @classmethod def guess_txintype_from_address(cls, addr): # It's not possible to tell the script type in general # just from an address. # - "1" addresses are of course p2pkh # - "3" addresses are p2sh but we don't know the redeem script.. # - "bc1" addresses (if they are 42-long) are p2wpkh # - "bc1" addresses that are 62-long are p2wsh but we don't know the script.. # If we don't know the script, we _guess_ it is pubkeyhash. # As this method is used e.g. for tx size estimation, # the estimation will not be precise. witver, witprog = segwit_addr.decode(constants.net.SEGWIT_HRP, addr) if witprog is not None: return 'p2wpkh' addrtype, hash_160 = b58_address_to_hash160(addr) if addrtype == constants.net.ADDRTYPE_P2PKH: return 'p2pkh' elif addrtype == constants.net.ADDRTYPE_P2SH: return 'p2wpkh-p2sh' @classmethod def input_script(self, txin, estimate_size=False): _type = txin['type'] if _type == 'coinbase': return txin['scriptSig'] # If there is already a saved scriptSig, just return that. # This allows manual creation of txins of any custom type. # However, if the txin is not complete, we might have some garbage # saved from our partial txn ser format, so we re-serialize then. script_sig = txin.get('scriptSig', None) if script_sig is not None and self.is_txin_complete(txin): return script_sig pubkeys, sig_list = self.get_siglist(txin, estimate_size) script = ''.join(push_script(x) for x in sig_list) if _type == 'address' and estimate_size: _type = self.guess_txintype_from_address(txin['address']) if _type == 'p2pk': pass elif _type == 'p2sh': # put op_0 before script script = '00' + script redeem_script = multisig_script(pubkeys, txin['num_sig']) script += push_script(redeem_script) elif _type == 'p2pkh': script += push_script(pubkeys[0]) elif _type in ['p2wpkh', 'p2wsh']: return '' elif _type == 'p2wpkh-p2sh': pubkey = safe_parse_pubkey(pubkeys[0]) scriptSig = bitcoin.p2wpkh_nested_script(pubkey) return push_script(scriptSig) elif _type == 'p2wsh-p2sh': if estimate_size: witness_script = '' else: witness_script = self.get_preimage_script(txin) scriptSig = bitcoin.p2wsh_nested_script(witness_script) return push_script(scriptSig) elif _type == 'address': return 'ff00' + push_script(pubkeys[0]) # fd extended pubkey elif _type == 'unknown': return txin['scriptSig'] return script @classmethod def is_txin_complete(cls, txin): if txin['type'] == 'coinbase': return True num_sig = txin.get('num_sig', 1) if num_sig == 0: return True x_signatures = txin['signatures'] signatures = list(filter(None, x_signatures)) return len(signatures) == num_sig @classmethod def get_preimage_script(self, txin): preimage_script = txin.get('preimage_script', None) if preimage_script is not None: return preimage_script pubkeys, x_pubkeys = self.get_sorted_pubkeys(txin) if txin['type'] == 'p2pkh': return bitcoin.address_to_script(txin['address']) elif txin['type'] in ['p2sh', 'p2wsh', 'p2wsh-p2sh']: return multisig_script(pubkeys, txin['num_sig']) elif txin['type'] in ['p2wpkh', 'p2wpkh-p2sh']: pubkey = pubkeys[0] pkh = bh2u(bitcoin.hash_160(bfh(pubkey))) return '76a9' + push_script(pkh) + '88ac' elif txin['type'] == 'p2pk': pubkey = pubkeys[0] return bitcoin.public_key_to_p2pk_script(pubkey) else: raise TypeError('Unknown txin type', txin['type']) @classmethod def serialize_outpoint(self, txin): return bh2u(bfh(txin['prevout_hash'])[::-1]) + int_to_hex(txin['prevout_n'], 4) @classmethod def get_outpoint_from_txin(cls, txin): if txin['type'] == 'coinbase': return None prevout_hash = txin['prevout_hash'] prevout_n = txin['prevout_n'] return prevout_hash + ':%d' % prevout_n @classmethod def serialize_input(self, txin, script): # Prev hash and index s = self.serialize_outpoint(txin) # Script length, script, sequence s += var_int(len(script)//2) s += script s += int_to_hex(txin.get('sequence', 0xffffffff - 1), 4) return s def set_rbf(self, rbf): nSequence = 0xffffffff - (2 if rbf else 1) for txin in self.inputs(): txin['sequence'] = nSequence def BIP_LI01_sort(self): # See https://github.com/kristovatlas/rfc/blob/master/bips/bip-li01.mediawiki self._inputs.sort(key = lambda i: (i['prevout_hash'], i['prevout_n'])) self._outputs.sort(key = lambda o: (o[2], self.pay_script(o[0], o[1]))) def serialize_output(self, output): output_type, addr, amount = output s = int_to_hex(amount, 8) script = self.pay_script(output_type, addr) s += var_int(len(script)//2) s += script return s def serialize_preimage(self, i): nVersion = int_to_hex(self.version, 4) nHashType = int_to_hex(1, 4) nLocktime = int_to_hex(self.locktime, 4) inputs = self.inputs() outputs = self.outputs() txin = inputs[i] # TODO: py3 hex if self.is_segwit_input(txin): hashPrevouts = bh2u(Hash(bfh(''.join(self.serialize_outpoint(txin) for txin in inputs)))) hashSequence = bh2u(Hash(bfh(''.join(int_to_hex(txin.get('sequence', 0xffffffff - 1), 4) for txin in inputs)))) hashOutputs = bh2u(Hash(bfh(''.join(self.serialize_output(o) for o in outputs)))) outpoint = self.serialize_outpoint(txin) preimage_script = self.get_preimage_script(txin) scriptCode = var_int(len(preimage_script) // 2) + preimage_script amount = int_to_hex(txin['value'], 8) nSequence = int_to_hex(txin.get('sequence', 0xffffffff - 1), 4) preimage = nVersion + hashPrevouts + hashSequence + outpoint + scriptCode + amount + nSequence + hashOutputs + nLocktime + nHashType else: txins = var_int(len(inputs)) + ''.join(self.serialize_input(txin, self.get_preimage_script(txin) if i==k else '') for k, txin in enumerate(inputs)) txouts = var_int(len(outputs)) + ''.join(self.serialize_output(o) for o in outputs) preimage = nVersion + txins + txouts + nLocktime + nHashType return preimage def is_segwit(self, guess_for_address=False): if not self.is_partial_originally: return self._segwit_ser return any(self.is_segwit_input(x, guess_for_address=guess_for_address) for x in self.inputs()) def serialize(self, estimate_size=False, witness=True): network_ser = self.serialize_to_network(estimate_size, witness) if estimate_size: return network_ser if self.is_partial_originally and not self.is_complete(): partial_format_version = '00' return bh2u(PARTIAL_TXN_HEADER_MAGIC) + partial_format_version + network_ser else: return network_ser def serialize_to_network(self, estimate_size=False, witness=True): nVersion = int_to_hex(self.version, 4) nLocktime = int_to_hex(self.locktime, 4) inputs = self.inputs() outputs = self.outputs() txins = var_int(len(inputs)) + ''.join(self.serialize_input(txin, self.input_script(txin, estimate_size)) for txin in inputs) txouts = var_int(len(outputs)) + ''.join(self.serialize_output(o) for o in outputs) use_segwit_ser_for_estimate_size = estimate_size and self.is_segwit(guess_for_address=True) use_segwit_ser_for_actual_use = not estimate_size and \ (self.is_segwit() or any(txin['type'] == 'address' for txin in inputs)) use_segwit_ser = use_segwit_ser_for_estimate_size or use_segwit_ser_for_actual_use if witness and use_segwit_ser: marker = '00' flag = '01' witness = ''.join(self.serialize_witness(x, estimate_size) for x in inputs) return nVersion + marker + flag + txins + txouts + witness + nLocktime else: return nVersion + txins + txouts + nLocktime def txid(self): self.deserialize() all_segwit = all(self.is_segwit_input(x) for x in self.inputs()) if not all_segwit and not self.is_complete(): return None ser = self.serialize_to_network(witness=False) return bh2u(Hash(bfh(ser))[::-1]) def wtxid(self): self.deserialize() if not self.is_complete(): return None ser = self.serialize_to_network(witness=True) return bh2u(Hash(bfh(ser))[::-1]) def add_inputs(self, inputs): self._inputs.extend(inputs) self.raw = None def add_outputs(self, outputs): self._outputs.extend(outputs) self.raw = None def input_value(self): return sum(x['value'] for x in self.inputs()) def output_value(self): return sum(val for tp, addr, val in self.outputs()) def get_fee(self): return self.input_value() - self.output_value() def is_final(self): return not any([x.get('sequence', 0xffffffff - 1) < 0xffffffff - 1 for x in self.inputs()]) @profiler def estimated_size(self): """Return an estimated virtual tx size in vbytes. BIP-0141 defines 'Virtual transaction size' to be weight/4 rounded up. This definition is only for humans, and has little meaning otherwise. If we wanted sub-byte precision, fee calculation should use transaction weights, but for simplicity we approximate that with (virtual_size)x4 """ weight = self.estimated_weight() return self.virtual_size_from_weight(weight) @classmethod def estimated_input_weight(cls, txin, is_segwit_tx): '''Return an estimate of serialized input weight in weight units.''' script = cls.input_script(txin, True) input_size = len(cls.serialize_input(txin, script)) // 2 if cls.is_segwit_input(txin, guess_for_address=True): witness_size = len(cls.serialize_witness(txin, True)) // 2 else: witness_size = 1 if is_segwit_tx else 0 return 4 * input_size + witness_size @classmethod def estimated_output_size(cls, address): """Return an estimate of serialized output size in bytes.""" script = bitcoin.address_to_script(address) # 8 byte value + 1 byte script len + script return 9 + len(script) // 2 @classmethod def virtual_size_from_weight(cls, weight): return weight // 4 + (weight % 4 > 0) def estimated_total_size(self): """Return an estimated total transaction size in bytes.""" return len(self.serialize(True)) // 2 if not self.is_complete() or self.raw is None else len(self.raw) // 2 # ASCII hex string def estimated_witness_size(self): """Return an estimate of witness size in bytes.""" estimate = not self.is_complete() if not self.is_segwit(guess_for_address=estimate): return 0 inputs = self.inputs() witness = ''.join(self.serialize_witness(x, estimate) for x in inputs) witness_size = len(witness) // 2 + 2 # include marker and flag return witness_size def estimated_base_size(self): """Return an estimated base transaction size in bytes.""" return self.estimated_total_size() - self.estimated_witness_size() def estimated_weight(self): """Return an estimate of transaction weight.""" total_tx_size = self.estimated_total_size() base_tx_size = self.estimated_base_size() return 3 * base_tx_size + total_tx_size def signature_count(self): r = 0 s = 0 for txin in self.inputs(): if txin['type'] == 'coinbase': continue signatures = list(filter(None, txin.get('signatures',[]))) s += len(signatures) r += txin.get('num_sig',-1) return s, r def is_complete(self): if not self.is_partial_originally: return True s, r = self.signature_count() return r == s def sign(self, keypairs) -> None: # keypairs: (x_)pubkey -> secret_bytes for i, txin in enumerate(self.inputs()): pubkeys, x_pubkeys = self.get_sorted_pubkeys(txin) for j, (pubkey, x_pubkey) in enumerate(zip(pubkeys, x_pubkeys)): if self.is_txin_complete(txin): break if pubkey in keypairs: _pubkey = pubkey elif x_pubkey in keypairs: _pubkey = x_pubkey else: continue print_error("adding signature for", _pubkey) sec, compressed = keypairs.get(_pubkey) sig = self.sign_txin(i, sec) self.add_signature_to_txin(i, j, sig) print_error("is_complete", self.is_complete()) self.raw = self.serialize() def sign_txin(self, txin_index, privkey_bytes) -> str: pre_hash = Hash(bfh(self.serialize_preimage(txin_index))) privkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(privkey_bytes) sig = privkey.sign_transaction(pre_hash) sig = bh2u(sig) + '01' return sig def get_outputs(self): """convert pubkeys to addresses""" o = [] for type, x, v in self.outputs(): if type == TYPE_ADDRESS: addr = x elif type == TYPE_PUBKEY: # TODO do we really want this conversion? it's not really that address after all addr = bitcoin.public_key_to_p2pkh(bfh(x)) else: addr = 'SCRIPT ' + x o.append((addr,v)) # consider using yield (addr, v) return o def get_output_addresses(self): return [addr for addr, val in self.get_outputs()] def has_address(self, addr): return (addr in self.get_output_addresses()) or (addr in (tx.get("address") for tx in self.inputs())) def as_dict(self): if self.raw is None: self.raw = self.serialize() self.deserialize() out = { 'hex': self.raw, 'complete': self.is_complete(), 'final': self.is_final(), } return out def tx_from_str(txt): "json or raw hexadecimal" import json txt = txt.strip() if not txt: raise ValueError("empty string") try: bfh(txt) is_hex = True except: is_hex = False if is_hex: return txt tx_dict = json.loads(str(txt)) assert "hex" in tx_dict.keys() return tx_dict["hex"]