#!/usr/bin/env bash # Parameterize PYTHON_VERSION=3.6.7 BUILDDIR=/tmp/electrum-build PACKAGE=Electrum GIT_REPO=https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum LIBSECP_VERSION=452d8e4d2a2f9f1b5be6b02e18f1ba102e5ca0b4 . $(dirname "$0")/base.sh src_dir=$(dirname "$0") cd $src_dir/../.. export PYTHONHASHSEED=22 VERSION=`git describe --tags --dirty --always` which brew > /dev/null 2>&1 || fail "Please install brew from https://brew.sh/ to continue" which xcodebuild > /dev/null 2>&1 || fail "Please install Xcode and xcode command line tools to continue" # Code Signing: See https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Security/Conceptual/CodeSigningGuide/Procedures/Procedures.html APP_SIGN="" if [ -n "$1" ]; then # Test the identity is valid for signing by doing this hack. There is no other way to do this. cp -f /bin/ls ./CODESIGN_TEST codesign -s "$1" --dryrun -f ./CODESIGN_TEST > /dev/null 2>&1 res=$? rm -f ./CODESIGN_TEST if ((res)); then fail "Code signing identity \"$1\" appears to be invalid." fi unset res APP_SIGN="$1" info "Code signing enabled using identity \"$APP_SIGN\"" else warn "Code signing DISABLED. Specify a valid macOS Developer identity installed on the system as the first argument to this script to enable signing." fi info "Installing Python $PYTHON_VERSION" export PATH="~/.pyenv/bin:~/.pyenv/shims:~/Library/Python/3.6/bin:$PATH" if [ -d "~/.pyenv" ]; then pyenv update else curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pyenv/pyenv-installer/master/bin/pyenv-installer | bash > /dev/null 2>&1 fi PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-framework" pyenv install -s $PYTHON_VERSION && \ pyenv global $PYTHON_VERSION || \ fail "Unable to use Python $PYTHON_VERSION" info "Installing pyinstaller" python3 -m pip install -I --user pyinstaller==3.4 || fail "Could not install pyinstaller" info "Using these versions for building $PACKAGE:" sw_vers python3 --version echo -n "Pyinstaller " pyinstaller --version rm -rf ./dist git submodule init git submodule update rm -rf $BUILDDIR > /dev/null 2>&1 mkdir $BUILDDIR cp -R ./contrib/deterministic-build/electrum-locale/locale/ ./electrum/locale/ cp ./contrib/deterministic-build/electrum-icons/icons_rc.py ./electrum/gui/qt/ info "Downloading libusb..." curl https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/libusb-1.0.22.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz | \ tar xz --directory $BUILDDIR cp $BUILDDIR/libusb/1.0.22/lib/libusb-1.0.dylib contrib/osx echo "82c368dfd4da017ceb32b12ca885576f325503428a4966cc09302cbd62702493 contrib/osx/libusb-1.0.dylib" | \ shasum -a 256 -c || fail "libusb checksum mismatched" DoCodeSignMaybe "libusb" "contrib/osx/libusb-1.0.dylib" "$APP_SIGN" # If APP_SIGN is empty will be a noop info "Building libsecp256k1" brew install autoconf automake libtool git clone https://github.com/bitcoin-core/secp256k1 $BUILDDIR/secp256k1 pushd $BUILDDIR/secp256k1 git reset --hard $LIBSECP_VERSION git clean -f -x -q ./autogen.sh ./configure --enable-module-recovery --enable-experimental --enable-module-ecdh --disable-jni make popd cp $BUILDDIR/secp256k1/.libs/libsecp256k1.0.dylib contrib/osx DoCodeSignMaybe "libsecp256k1" "contrib/osx/libsecp256k1.0.dylib" "$APP_SIGN" # If APP_SIGN is empty will be a noop info "Building CalinsQRReader..." d=contrib/osx/CalinsQRReader pushd $d rm -fr build # prefer building using xcode ourselves. otherwise fallback to prebuilt binary xcodebuild || cp -r prebuilt_qr build || fail "Could not build CalinsQRReader" popd DoCodeSignMaybe "CalinsQRReader.app" "${d}/build/Release/CalinsQRReader.app" "$APP_SIGN" # If APP_SIGN is empty will be a noop info "Installing requirements..." python3 -m pip install -Ir ./contrib/deterministic-build/requirements.txt --user && \ python3 -m pip install -Ir ./contrib/deterministic-build/requirements-binaries.txt --user || \ fail "Could not install requirements" info "Installing hardware wallet requirements..." python3 -m pip install -Ir ./contrib/deterministic-build/requirements-hw.txt --user || \ fail "Could not install hardware wallet requirements" info "Building $PACKAGE..." python3 setup.py install --user > /dev/null || fail "Could not build $PACKAGE" info "Faking timestamps..." for d in ~/Library/Python/ ~/.pyenv .; do pushd $d find . -exec touch -t '200101220000' {} + popd done info "Building binary" pyinstaller --noconfirm --ascii --clean --name $VERSION contrib/osx/osx.spec || fail "Could not build binary" info "Adding bitcoin URI types to Info.plist" plutil -insert 'CFBundleURLTypes' \ -xml ' CFBundleURLName bitcoin CFBundleURLSchemes bitcoin ' \ -- dist/$PACKAGE.app/Contents/Info.plist \ || fail "Could not add keys to Info.plist. Make sure the program 'plutil' exists and is installed." DoCodeSignMaybe "app bundle" "dist/${PACKAGE}.app" "$APP_SIGN" # If APP_SIGN is empty will be a noop info "Creating .DMG" hdiutil create -fs HFS+ -volname $PACKAGE -srcfolder dist/$PACKAGE.app dist/electrum-$VERSION.dmg || fail "Could not create .DMG" DoCodeSignMaybe ".DMG" "dist/electrum-${VERSION}.dmg" "$APP_SIGN" # If APP_SIGN is empty will be a noop if [ -z "$APP_SIGN" ]; then warn "App was built successfully but was not code signed. Users may get security warnings from macOS." warn "Specify a valid code signing identity as the first argument to this script to enable code signing." fi