from import App from kivy.factory import Factory from import ObjectProperty from kivy.lang import Builder from decimal import Decimal Builder.load_string(''' text_size: self.width, None halign: 'left' valign: 'top' address: '' memo: '' amount: '' status: '' BoxLayout: spacing: '8dp' height: '32dp' orientation: 'vertical' Widget AddressLabel: text: root.address shorten: True Widget AddressLabel: text: (root.amount if root.status == 'Funded' else root.status) + ' ' + root.memo color: .699, .699, .699, 1 font_size: '13sp' shorten: True Widget id: popup title: _('Addresses') message: '' pr_status: 'Pending' show_change: 0 show_used: 0 on_message: self.update() BoxLayout: id:box padding: '12dp', '70dp', '12dp', '12dp' spacing: '12dp' orientation: 'vertical' size_hint: 1, 1.1 BoxLayout: spacing: '6dp' size_hint: 1, None orientation: 'horizontal' AddressFilter: opacity: 1 size_hint: 1, None height: self.minimum_height spacing: '5dp' AddressButton: id: search text: {0:_('Receiving'), 1:_('Change'), 2:_('All')}[root.show_change] on_release: root.show_change = (root.show_change + 1) % 3 Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: root.update()) AddressFilter: opacity: 1 size_hint: 1, None height: self.minimum_height spacing: '5dp' AddressButton: id: search text: {0:_('All'), 1:_('Unused'), 2:_('Funded'), 3:_('Used')}[root.show_used] on_release: root.show_used = (root.show_used + 1) % 4 Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: root.update()) AddressFilter: opacity: 1 size_hint: 1, None height: self.minimum_height spacing: '5dp' canvas.before: Color: rgba: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1 AddressButton: id: change text: root.message if root.message else _('Search') on_release: Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: app.description_dialog(popup)) ScrollView: GridLayout: cols: 1 id: search_container size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height ''') from electrum_gui.kivy.i18n import _ from electrum_gui.kivy.uix.context_menu import ContextMenu class EmptyLabel(Factory.Label): pass class AddressesDialog(Factory.Popup): def __init__(self, app, screen, callback): Factory.Popup.__init__(self) = app self.screen = screen self.callback = callback = {} self.context_menu = None def get_card(self, addr, balance, is_used, label): ci = if ci is None: ci = Factory.AddressItem() ci.screen = self ci.address = addr[addr] = ci ci.memo = label ci.amount = ci.status = _('Used') if is_used else _('Funded') if balance > 0 else _('Unused') return ci def update(self): self.menu_actions = [(_('Use'), self.do_use), (_('Details'), self.do_view)] wallet = if self.show_change == 0: _list = wallet.get_receiving_addresses() elif self.show_change == 1: _list = wallet.get_change_addresses() else: _list = wallet.get_addresses() search = self.message container = self.ids.search_container container.clear_widgets() n = 0 for address in _list: label = wallet.labels.get(address, '') balance = sum(wallet.get_addr_balance(address)) is_used = wallet.is_used(address) if self.show_used == 1 and (balance or is_used): continue if self.show_used == 2 and balance == 0: continue if self.show_used == 3 and not is_used: continue card = self.get_card(address, balance, is_used, label) if search and not self.ext_search(card, search): continue container.add_widget(card) n += 1 if not n: msg = _('No address matching your search') container.add_widget(EmptyLabel(text=msg)) def do_use(self, obj): self.hide_menu() self.dismiss() def do_view(self, obj): req = { 'address': obj.address, 'status' : obj.status } status = obj.status c, u, x = balance = c + u + x if balance > 0: req['fund'] = balance, status) def ext_search(self, card, search): return card.memo.find(search) >= 0 or card.amount.find(search) >= 0 def show_menu(self, obj): self.hide_menu() self.context_menu = ContextMenu(obj, self.menu_actions) def hide_menu(self): if self.context_menu is not None: self.context_menu = None