#!/bin/bash set -e CONTRIB="$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")" ROOT_FOLDER="$CONTRIB"/.. PACKAGES="$ROOT_FOLDER"/packages/ LOCALE="$ROOT_FOLDER"/electrum/locale/ ( cd "$ROOT_FOLDER" if [ ! -d "$LOCALE" ]; then echo "Run make_locale first!" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "$PACKAGES" ]; then echo "Run make_packages first!" exit 1 fi echo "'git clean -fx' would delete the following files: >>>" git clean -fx --dry-run echo "<<<" # we could build the kivy atlas potentially? #(cd electrum/gui/kivy/; make theming) || echo "building kivy atlas failed! skipping." python3 setup.py --quiet sdist --format=zip,gztar )