#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2012 thomasv@gitorious # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import sys, time, threading import os, json, traceback import shutil import socket import weakref import webbrowser import csv from decimal import Decimal import base64 from functools import partial import PyQt4 from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore from electrum.util import bh2u, bfh from . import icons_rc from electrum import keystore from electrum.bitcoin import COIN, is_address, TYPE_ADDRESS from electrum.plugins import run_hook from electrum.i18n import _ from electrum.util import (format_time, format_satoshis, PrintError, format_satoshis_plain, NotEnoughFunds, UserCancelled) from electrum import Transaction, mnemonic from electrum import util, bitcoin, commands, coinchooser from electrum import SimpleConfig, paymentrequest from electrum.wallet import Wallet, Multisig_Wallet try: from electrum.plot import plot_history except: plot_history = None from .amountedit import AmountEdit, BTCAmountEdit, MyLineEdit, BTCkBEdit from .qrcodewidget import QRCodeWidget, QRDialog from .qrtextedit import ShowQRTextEdit from .transaction_dialog import show_transaction from .fee_slider import FeeSlider from electrum import ELECTRUM_VERSION import re from .util import * class StatusBarButton(QPushButton): def __init__(self, icon, tooltip, func): QPushButton.__init__(self, icon, '') self.setToolTip(tooltip) self.setFlat(True) self.setMaximumWidth(25) self.clicked.connect(self.onPress) self.func = func self.setIconSize(QSize(25,25)) def onPress(self, checked=False): '''Drops the unwanted PyQt4 "checked" argument''' self.func() def keyPressEvent(self, e): if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Return: self.func() from electrum.paymentrequest import PR_UNPAID, PR_PAID, PR_UNKNOWN, PR_EXPIRED class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, PrintError): def __init__(self, gui_object, wallet): QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.gui_object = gui_object self.config = config = gui_object.config self.network = gui_object.daemon.network self.fx = gui_object.daemon.fx self.invoices = wallet.invoices self.contacts = wallet.contacts self.tray = gui_object.tray self.app = gui_object.app self.cleaned_up = False self.is_max = False self.payment_request = None self.checking_accounts = False self.qr_window = None self.not_enough_funds = False self.pluginsdialog = None self.require_fee_update = False self.tx_notifications = [] self.tl_windows = [] self.create_status_bar() self.need_update = threading.Event() self.decimal_point = config.get('decimal_point', 5) self.num_zeros = int(config.get('num_zeros',0)) self.completions = QStringListModel() self.tabs = tabs = QTabWidget(self) self.send_tab = self.create_send_tab() self.receive_tab = self.create_receive_tab() self.addresses_tab = self.create_addresses_tab() self.utxo_tab = self.create_utxo_tab() self.console_tab = self.create_console_tab() self.contacts_tab = self.create_contacts_tab() tabs.addTab(self.create_history_tab(), QIcon(":icons/tab_history.png"), _('History')) tabs.addTab(self.send_tab, QIcon(":icons/tab_send.png"), _('Send')) tabs.addTab(self.receive_tab, QIcon(":icons/tab_receive.png"), _('Receive')) def add_optional_tab(tabs, tab, icon, description, name): tab.tab_icon = icon tab.tab_description = description tab.tab_pos = len(tabs) tab.tab_name = name if self.config.get('show_{}_tab'.format(name), False): tabs.addTab(tab, icon, description.replace("&", "")) add_optional_tab(tabs, self.addresses_tab, QIcon(":icons/tab_addresses.png"), _("&Addresses"), "addresses") add_optional_tab(tabs, self.utxo_tab, QIcon(":icons/tab_coins.png"), _("Co&ins"), "utxo") add_optional_tab(tabs, self.contacts_tab, QIcon(":icons/tab_contacts.png"), _("Con&tacts"), "contacts") add_optional_tab(tabs, self.console_tab, QIcon(":icons/tab_console.png"), _("Con&sole"), "console") tabs.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.setCentralWidget(tabs) if self.config.get("is_maximized"): self.showMaximized() self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":icons/electrum.png")) self.init_menubar() wrtabs = weakref.proxy(tabs) QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+W"), self, self.close) QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+Q"), self, self.close) QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+R"), self, self.update_wallet) QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+PgUp"), self, lambda: wrtabs.setCurrentIndex((wrtabs.currentIndex() - 1)%wrtabs.count())) QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+PgDown"), self, lambda: wrtabs.setCurrentIndex((wrtabs.currentIndex() + 1)%wrtabs.count())) for i in range(wrtabs.count()): QShortcut(QKeySequence("Alt+" + str(i + 1)), self, lambda i=i: wrtabs.setCurrentIndex(i)) self.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('payment_request_ok'), self.payment_request_ok) self.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('payment_request_error'), self.payment_request_error) self.history_list.setFocus(True) # network callbacks if self.network: self.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('network'), self.on_network_qt) interests = ['updated', 'new_transaction', 'status', 'banner', 'verified', 'fee'] # To avoid leaking references to "self" that prevent the # window from being GC-ed when closed, callbacks should be # methods of this class only, and specifically not be # partials, lambdas or methods of subobjects. Hence... self.network.register_callback(self.on_network, interests) # set initial message self.console.showMessage(self.network.banner) self.network.register_callback(self.on_quotes, ['on_quotes']) self.network.register_callback(self.on_history, ['on_history']) self.connect(self, SIGNAL('new_fx_quotes'), self.on_fx_quotes) self.connect(self, SIGNAL('new_fx_history'), self.on_fx_history) # update fee slider in case we missed the callback self.fee_slider.update() self.load_wallet(wallet) self.connect_slots(gui_object.timer) self.fetch_alias() def on_history(self, b): self.emit(SIGNAL('new_fx_history')) def on_fx_history(self): self.history_list.refresh_headers() self.history_list.update() self.address_list.update() def on_quotes(self, b): self.emit(SIGNAL('new_fx_quotes')) def on_fx_quotes(self): self.update_status() # Refresh edits with the new rate edit = self.fiat_send_e if self.fiat_send_e.is_last_edited else self.amount_e edit.textEdited.emit(edit.text()) edit = self.fiat_receive_e if self.fiat_receive_e.is_last_edited else self.receive_amount_e edit.textEdited.emit(edit.text()) # History tab needs updating if it used spot if self.fx.history_used_spot: self.history_list.update() def toggle_tab(self, tab): show = not self.config.get('show_{}_tab'.format(tab.tab_name), False) self.config.set_key('show_{}_tab'.format(tab.tab_name), show) item_text = (_("Hide") if show else _("Show")) + " " + tab.tab_description tab.menu_action.setText(item_text) if show: # Find out where to place the tab index = len(self.tabs) for i in range(len(self.tabs)): try: if tab.tab_pos < self.tabs.widget(i).tab_pos: index = i break except AttributeError: pass self.tabs.insertTab(index, tab, tab.tab_icon, tab.tab_description.replace("&", "")) else: i = self.tabs.indexOf(tab) self.tabs.removeTab(i) def push_top_level_window(self, window): '''Used for e.g. tx dialog box to ensure new dialogs are appropriately parented. This used to be done by explicitly providing the parent window, but that isn't something hardware wallet prompts know.''' self.tl_windows.append(window) def pop_top_level_window(self, window): self.tl_windows.remove(window) def top_level_window(self): '''Do the right thing in the presence of tx dialog windows''' override = self.tl_windows[-1] if self.tl_windows else None return self.top_level_window_recurse(override) def diagnostic_name(self): return "%s/%s" % (PrintError.diagnostic_name(self), self.wallet.basename() if self.wallet else "None") def is_hidden(self): return self.isMinimized() or self.isHidden() def show_or_hide(self): if self.is_hidden(): self.bring_to_top() else: self.hide() def bring_to_top(self): self.show() self.raise_() def on_error(self, exc_info): if not isinstance(exc_info[1], UserCancelled): traceback.print_exception(*exc_info) self.show_error(str(exc_info[1])) def on_network(self, event, *args): if event == 'updated': self.need_update.set() self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('updated'), event, *args) elif event == 'new_transaction': self.tx_notifications.append(args[0]) elif event in ['status', 'banner', 'verified', 'fee']: # Handle in GUI thread self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('network'), event, *args) else: self.print_error("unexpected network message:", event, args) def on_network_qt(self, event, *args): # Handle a network message in the GUI thread if event == 'status': self.update_status() elif event == 'banner': self.console.showMessage(args[0]) elif event == 'verified': self.history_list.update_item(*args) elif event == 'fee': if self.config.is_dynfee(): self.fee_slider.update() self.do_update_fee() else: self.print_error("unexpected network_qt signal:", event, args) def fetch_alias(self): self.alias_info = None alias = self.config.get('alias') if alias: alias = str(alias) def f(): self.alias_info = self.contacts.resolve_openalias(alias) self.emit(SIGNAL('alias_received')) t = threading.Thread(target=f) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() def close_wallet(self): if self.wallet: self.print_error('close_wallet', self.wallet.storage.path) run_hook('close_wallet', self.wallet) def load_wallet(self, wallet): wallet.thread = TaskThread(self, self.on_error) self.wallet = wallet self.update_recently_visited(wallet.storage.path) # address used to create a dummy transaction and estimate transaction fee self.history_list.update() self.address_list.update() self.utxo_list.update() self.need_update.set() # Once GUI has been initialized check if we want to announce something since the callback has been called before the GUI was initialized self.notify_transactions() # update menus self.seed_menu.setEnabled(self.wallet.has_seed()) self.mpk_menu.setEnabled(self.wallet.is_deterministic()) self.update_lock_icon() self.update_buttons_on_seed() self.update_console() self.clear_receive_tab() self.request_list.update() self.tabs.show() self.init_geometry() if self.config.get('hide_gui') and self.gui_object.tray.isVisible(): self.hide() else: self.show() self.watching_only_changed() run_hook('load_wallet', wallet, self) def init_geometry(self): winpos = self.wallet.storage.get("winpos-qt") try: screen = self.app.desktop().screenGeometry() assert screen.contains(QRect(*winpos)) self.setGeometry(*winpos) except: self.print_error("using default geometry") self.setGeometry(100, 100, 840, 400) def watching_only_changed(self): title = 'Electrum %s - %s' % (self.wallet.electrum_version, self.wallet.basename()) extra = [self.wallet.storage.get('wallet_type', '?')] if self.wallet.is_watching_only(): self.warn_if_watching_only() extra.append(_('watching only')) title += ' [%s]'% ', '.join(extra) self.setWindowTitle(title) self.password_menu.setEnabled(self.wallet.can_change_password()) self.import_privkey_menu.setVisible(self.wallet.can_import_privkey()) self.import_address_menu.setVisible(self.wallet.can_import_address()) self.export_menu.setEnabled(self.wallet.can_export()) def warn_if_watching_only(self): if self.wallet.is_watching_only(): msg = ' '.join([ _("This wallet is watching-only."), _("This means you will not be able to spend Bitcoins with it."), _("Make sure you own the seed phrase or the private keys, before you request Bitcoins to be sent to this wallet.") ]) self.show_warning(msg, title=_('Information')) def open_wallet(self): wallet_folder = self.get_wallet_folder() filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Select your wallet file", wallet_folder) if not filename: return self.gui_object.new_window(filename) def backup_wallet(self): path = self.wallet.storage.path wallet_folder = os.path.dirname(path) filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, _('Enter a filename for the copy of your wallet'), wallet_folder) if not filename: return new_path = os.path.join(wallet_folder, filename) if new_path != path: try: shutil.copy2(path, new_path) self.show_message(_("A copy of your wallet file was created in")+" '%s'" % str(new_path), title=_("Wallet backup created")) except (IOError, os.error) as reason: self.show_critical(_("Electrum was unable to copy your wallet file to the specified location.") + "\n" + str(reason), title=_("Unable to create backup")) def update_recently_visited(self, filename): recent = self.config.get('recently_open', []) try: sorted(recent) except: recent = [] if filename in recent: recent.remove(filename) recent.insert(0, filename) recent = recent[:5] self.config.set_key('recently_open', recent) self.recently_visited_menu.clear() for i, k in enumerate(sorted(recent)): b = os.path.basename(k) def loader(k): return lambda: self.gui_object.new_window(k) self.recently_visited_menu.addAction(b, loader(k)).setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+%d"%(i+1))) self.recently_visited_menu.setEnabled(len(recent)) def get_wallet_folder(self): return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.config.get_wallet_path())) def new_wallet(self): wallet_folder = self.get_wallet_folder() i = 1 while True: filename = "wallet_%d" % i if filename in os.listdir(wallet_folder): i += 1 else: break full_path = os.path.join(wallet_folder, filename) self.gui_object.start_new_window(full_path, None) def init_menubar(self): menubar = QMenuBar() file_menu = menubar.addMenu(_("&File")) self.recently_visited_menu = file_menu.addMenu(_("&Recently open")) file_menu.addAction(_("&Open"), self.open_wallet).setShortcut(QKeySequence.Open) file_menu.addAction(_("&New/Restore"), self.new_wallet).setShortcut(QKeySequence.New) file_menu.addAction(_("&Save Copy"), self.backup_wallet).setShortcut(QKeySequence.SaveAs) file_menu.addSeparator() file_menu.addAction(_("&Quit"), self.close) wallet_menu = menubar.addMenu(_("&Wallet")) self.password_menu = wallet_menu.addAction(_("&Password"), self.change_password_dialog) self.seed_menu = wallet_menu.addAction(_("&Seed"), self.show_seed_dialog) self.mpk_menu = wallet_menu.addAction(_("&Master Public Keys"), self.show_master_public_keys) self.private_keys_menu = wallet_menu.addMenu(_("&Private keys")) self.private_keys_menu.addAction(_("&Sweep"), self.sweep_key_dialog) self.import_privkey_menu = self.private_keys_menu.addAction(_("&Import"), self.do_import_privkey) self.export_menu = self.private_keys_menu.addAction(_("&Export"), self.export_privkeys_dialog) self.import_address_menu = wallet_menu.addAction(_("Import addresses"), self.import_addresses) wallet_menu.addSeparator() labels_menu = wallet_menu.addMenu(_("&Labels")) labels_menu.addAction(_("&Import"), self.do_import_labels) labels_menu.addAction(_("&Export"), self.do_export_labels) contacts_menu = wallet_menu.addMenu(_("Contacts")) contacts_menu.addAction(_("&New"), self.new_contact_dialog) contacts_menu.addAction(_("Import"), lambda: self.contact_list.import_contacts()) invoices_menu = wallet_menu.addMenu(_("Invoices")) invoices_menu.addAction(_("Import"), lambda: self.invoice_list.import_invoices()) hist_menu = wallet_menu.addMenu(_("&History")) hist_menu.addAction("Plot", self.plot_history_dialog).setEnabled(plot_history is not None) hist_menu.addAction("Export", self.export_history_dialog) wallet_menu.addSeparator() wallet_menu.addAction(_("Find"), self.toggle_search).setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+F")) def add_toggle_action(view_menu, tab): is_shown = self.config.get('show_{}_tab'.format(tab.tab_name), False) item_name = (_("Hide") if is_shown else _("Show")) + " " + tab.tab_description tab.menu_action = view_menu.addAction(item_name, lambda: self.toggle_tab(tab)) view_menu = menubar.addMenu(_("&View")) add_toggle_action(view_menu, self.addresses_tab) add_toggle_action(view_menu, self.utxo_tab) add_toggle_action(view_menu, self.contacts_tab) add_toggle_action(view_menu, self.console_tab) tools_menu = menubar.addMenu(_("&Tools")) # Settings / Preferences are all reserved keywords in OSX using this as work around tools_menu.addAction(_("Electrum preferences") if sys.platform == 'darwin' else _("Preferences"), self.settings_dialog) tools_menu.addAction(_("&Network"), lambda: self.gui_object.show_network_dialog(self)) tools_menu.addAction(_("&Plugins"), self.plugins_dialog) tools_menu.addSeparator() tools_menu.addAction(_("&Sign/verify message"), self.sign_verify_message) tools_menu.addAction(_("&Encrypt/decrypt message"), self.encrypt_message) tools_menu.addSeparator() paytomany_menu = tools_menu.addAction(_("&Pay to many"), self.paytomany) raw_transaction_menu = tools_menu.addMenu(_("&Load transaction")) raw_transaction_menu.addAction(_("&From file"), self.do_process_from_file) raw_transaction_menu.addAction(_("&From text"), self.do_process_from_text) raw_transaction_menu.addAction(_("&From the blockchain"), self.do_process_from_txid) raw_transaction_menu.addAction(_("&From QR code"), self.read_tx_from_qrcode) self.raw_transaction_menu = raw_transaction_menu run_hook('init_menubar_tools', self, tools_menu) help_menu = menubar.addMenu(_("&Help")) help_menu.addAction(_("&About"), self.show_about) help_menu.addAction(_("&Official website"), lambda: webbrowser.open("http://electrum.org")) help_menu.addSeparator() help_menu.addAction(_("&Documentation"), lambda: webbrowser.open("http://docs.electrum.org/")).setShortcut(QKeySequence.HelpContents) help_menu.addAction(_("&Report Bug"), self.show_report_bug) help_menu.addSeparator() help_menu.addAction(_("&Donate to server"), self.donate_to_server) self.setMenuBar(menubar) def donate_to_server(self): d = self.network.get_donation_address() if d: host = self.network.get_parameters()[0] self.pay_to_URI('bitcoin:%s?message=donation for %s'%(d, host)) else: self.show_error(_('No donation address for this server')) def show_about(self): QMessageBox.about(self, "Electrum", _("Version")+" %s" % (self.wallet.electrum_version) + "\n\n" + _("Electrum's focus is speed, with low resource usage and simplifying Bitcoin. You do not need to perform regular backups, because your wallet can be recovered from a secret phrase that you can memorize or write on paper. Startup times are instant because it operates in conjunction with high-performance servers that handle the most complicated parts of the Bitcoin system." + "\n\n" + _("Uses icons from the Icons8 icon pack (icons8.com)."))) def show_report_bug(self): msg = ' '.join([ _("Please report any bugs as issues on github:
"), "https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/issues

", _("Before reporting a bug, upgrade to the most recent version of Electrum (latest release or git HEAD), and include the version number in your report."), _("Try to explain not only what the bug is, but how it occurs.") ]) self.show_message(msg, title="Electrum - " + _("Reporting Bugs")) def notify_transactions(self): if not self.network or not self.network.is_connected(): return self.print_error("Notifying GUI") if len(self.tx_notifications) > 0: # Combine the transactions if there are more then three tx_amount = len(self.tx_notifications) if(tx_amount >= 3): total_amount = 0 for tx in self.tx_notifications: is_relevant, is_mine, v, fee = self.wallet.get_wallet_delta(tx) if(v > 0): total_amount += v self.notify(_("%(txs)s new transactions received. Total amount received in the new transactions %(amount)s") \ % { 'txs' : tx_amount, 'amount' : self.format_amount_and_units(total_amount)}) self.tx_notifications = [] else: for tx in self.tx_notifications: if tx: self.tx_notifications.remove(tx) is_relevant, is_mine, v, fee = self.wallet.get_wallet_delta(tx) if(v > 0): self.notify(_("New transaction received. %(amount)s") % { 'amount' : self.format_amount_and_units(v)}) def notify(self, message): if self.tray: self.tray.showMessage("Electrum", message, QSystemTrayIcon.Information, 20000) # custom wrappers for getOpenFileName and getSaveFileName, that remember the path selected by the user def getOpenFileName(self, title, filter = ""): directory = self.config.get('io_dir', os.path.expanduser('~')) fileName = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, title, directory, filter) if fileName and directory != os.path.dirname(fileName): self.config.set_key('io_dir', os.path.dirname(fileName), True) return fileName def getSaveFileName(self, title, filename, filter = ""): directory = self.config.get('io_dir', os.path.expanduser('~')) path = os.path.join( directory, filename ) fileName = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, title, path, filter) if fileName and directory != os.path.dirname(fileName): self.config.set_key('io_dir', os.path.dirname(fileName), True) return fileName def connect_slots(self, sender): self.connect(sender, QtCore.SIGNAL('timersignal'), self.timer_actions) def timer_actions(self): # Note this runs in the GUI thread if self.need_update.is_set(): self.need_update.clear() self.update_wallet() # resolve aliases self.payto_e.resolve() # update fee if self.require_fee_update: self.do_update_fee() self.require_fee_update = False def format_amount(self, x, is_diff=False, whitespaces=False): return format_satoshis(x, is_diff, self.num_zeros, self.decimal_point, whitespaces) def format_amount_and_units(self, amount): text = self.format_amount(amount) + ' '+ self.base_unit() x = self.fx.format_amount_and_units(amount) if text and x: text += ' (%s)'%x return text def get_decimal_point(self): return self.decimal_point def base_unit(self): assert self.decimal_point in [2, 5, 8] if self.decimal_point == 2: return 'bits' if self.decimal_point == 5: return 'mBTC' if self.decimal_point == 8: return 'BTC' raise Exception('Unknown base unit') def connect_fields(self, window, btc_e, fiat_e, fee_e): def edit_changed(edit): if edit.follows: return edit.setStyleSheet(BLACK_FG) fiat_e.is_last_edited = (edit == fiat_e) amount = edit.get_amount() rate = self.fx.exchange_rate() if self.fx else None if rate is None or amount is None: if edit is fiat_e: btc_e.setText("") if fee_e: fee_e.setText("") else: fiat_e.setText("") else: if edit is fiat_e: btc_e.follows = True btc_e.setAmount(int(amount / Decimal(rate) * COIN)) btc_e.setStyleSheet(BLUE_FG) btc_e.follows = False if fee_e: window.update_fee() else: fiat_e.follows = True fiat_e.setText(self.fx.ccy_amount_str( amount * Decimal(rate) / COIN, False)) fiat_e.setStyleSheet(BLUE_FG) fiat_e.follows = False btc_e.follows = False fiat_e.follows = False fiat_e.textChanged.connect(partial(edit_changed, fiat_e)) btc_e.textChanged.connect(partial(edit_changed, btc_e)) fiat_e.is_last_edited = False def update_status(self): if not self.wallet: return if self.network is None or not self.network.is_running(): text = _("Offline") icon = QIcon(":icons/status_disconnected.png") elif self.network.is_connected(): server_height = self.network.get_server_height() server_lag = self.network.get_local_height() - server_height # Server height can be 0 after switching to a new server # until we get a headers subscription request response. # Display the synchronizing message in that case. if not self.wallet.up_to_date or server_height == 0: text = _("Synchronizing...") icon = QIcon(":icons/status_waiting.png") elif server_lag > 1: text = _("Server is lagging (%d blocks)"%server_lag) icon = QIcon(":icons/status_lagging.png") else: c, u, x = self.wallet.get_balance() text = _("Balance" ) + ": %s "%(self.format_amount_and_units(c)) if u: text += " [%s unconfirmed]"%(self.format_amount(u, True).strip()) if x: text += " [%s unmatured]"%(self.format_amount(x, True).strip()) # append fiat balance and price if self.fx.is_enabled(): text += self.fx.get_fiat_status_text(c + u + x, self.base_unit(), self.get_decimal_point()) or '' if not self.network.proxy: icon = QIcon(":icons/status_connected.png") else: icon = QIcon(":icons/status_connected_proxy.png") else: text = _("Not connected") icon = QIcon(":icons/status_disconnected.png") self.tray.setToolTip("%s (%s)" % (text, self.wallet.basename())) self.balance_label.setText(text) self.status_button.setIcon( icon ) def update_wallet(self): self.update_status() if self.wallet.up_to_date or not self.network or not self.network.is_connected(): self.update_tabs() def update_tabs(self): self.history_list.update() self.request_list.update() self.address_list.update() self.utxo_list.update() self.contact_list.update() self.invoice_list.update() self.update_completions() def create_history_tab(self): from .history_list import HistoryList self.history_list = l = HistoryList(self) l.searchable_list = l return l def show_address(self, addr): from . import address_dialog d = address_dialog.AddressDialog(self, addr) d.exec_() def show_transaction(self, tx, tx_desc = None): '''tx_desc is set only for txs created in the Send tab''' show_transaction(tx, self, tx_desc) def create_receive_tab(self): # A 4-column grid layout. All the stretch is in the last column. # The exchange rate plugin adds a fiat widget in column 2 self.receive_grid = grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(8) grid.setColumnStretch(3, 1) self.receive_address_e = ButtonsLineEdit() self.receive_address_e.addCopyButton(self.app) self.receive_address_e.setReadOnly(True) msg = _('Bitcoin address where the payment should be received. Note that each payment request uses a different Bitcoin address.') self.receive_address_label = HelpLabel(_('Receiving address'), msg) self.receive_address_e.textChanged.connect(self.update_receive_qr) self.receive_address_e.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) grid.addWidget(self.receive_address_label, 0, 0) grid.addWidget(self.receive_address_e, 0, 1, 1, -1) self.receive_message_e = QLineEdit() grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Description')), 1, 0) grid.addWidget(self.receive_message_e, 1, 1, 1, -1) self.receive_message_e.textChanged.connect(self.update_receive_qr) self.receive_amount_e = BTCAmountEdit(self.get_decimal_point) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Requested amount')), 2, 0) grid.addWidget(self.receive_amount_e, 2, 1) self.receive_amount_e.textChanged.connect(self.update_receive_qr) self.fiat_receive_e = AmountEdit(self.fx.get_currency if self.fx else '') if not self.fx or not self.fx.is_enabled(): self.fiat_receive_e.setVisible(False) grid.addWidget(self.fiat_receive_e, 2, 2, Qt.AlignLeft) self.connect_fields(self, self.receive_amount_e, self.fiat_receive_e, None) self.expires_combo = QComboBox() self.expires_combo.addItems([i[0] for i in expiration_values]) self.expires_combo.setCurrentIndex(3) self.expires_combo.setFixedWidth(self.receive_amount_e.width()) msg = ' '.join([ _('Expiration date of your request.'), _('This information is seen by the recipient if you send them a signed payment request.'), _('Expired requests have to be deleted manually from your list, in order to free the corresponding Bitcoin addresses.'), _('The bitcoin address never expires and will always be part of this electrum wallet.'), ]) grid.addWidget(HelpLabel(_('Request expires'), msg), 3, 0) grid.addWidget(self.expires_combo, 3, 1) self.expires_label = QLineEdit('') self.expires_label.setReadOnly(1) self.expires_label.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) self.expires_label.hide() grid.addWidget(self.expires_label, 3, 1) self.save_request_button = QPushButton(_('Save')) self.save_request_button.clicked.connect(self.save_payment_request) self.new_request_button = QPushButton(_('New')) self.new_request_button.clicked.connect(self.new_payment_request) self.receive_qr = QRCodeWidget(fixedSize=200) self.receive_qr.mouseReleaseEvent = lambda x: self.toggle_qr_window() self.receive_qr.enterEvent = lambda x: self.app.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)) self.receive_qr.leaveEvent = lambda x: self.app.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor)) self.receive_buttons = buttons = QHBoxLayout() buttons.addStretch(1) buttons.addWidget(self.save_request_button) buttons.addWidget(self.new_request_button) grid.addLayout(buttons, 4, 1, 1, 2) self.receive_requests_label = QLabel(_('Requests')) from .request_list import RequestList self.request_list = RequestList(self) # layout vbox_g = QVBoxLayout() vbox_g.addLayout(grid) vbox_g.addStretch() hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addLayout(vbox_g) hbox.addWidget(self.receive_qr) w = QWidget() w.searchable_list = self.request_list vbox = QVBoxLayout(w) vbox.addLayout(hbox) vbox.addStretch(1) vbox.addWidget(self.receive_requests_label) vbox.addWidget(self.request_list) vbox.setStretchFactor(self.request_list, 1000) return w def delete_payment_request(self, addr): self.wallet.remove_payment_request(addr, self.config) self.request_list.update() self.clear_receive_tab() def get_request_URI(self, addr): req = self.wallet.receive_requests[addr] message = self.wallet.labels.get(addr, '') amount = req['amount'] URI = util.create_URI(addr, amount, message) if req.get('time'): URI += "&time=%d"%req.get('time') if req.get('exp'): URI += "&exp=%d"%req.get('exp') if req.get('name') and req.get('sig'): sig = bfh(req.get('sig')) sig = bitcoin.base_encode(sig, base=58) URI += "&name=" + req['name'] + "&sig="+sig return str(URI) def sign_payment_request(self, addr): alias = self.config.get('alias') alias_privkey = None if alias and self.alias_info: alias_addr, alias_name, validated = self.alias_info if alias_addr: if self.wallet.is_mine(alias_addr): msg = _('This payment request will be signed.') + '\n' + _('Please enter your password') password = self.password_dialog(msg) if password: try: self.wallet.sign_payment_request(addr, alias, alias_addr, password) except Exception as e: self.show_error(str(e)) return else: return else: return def save_payment_request(self): addr = str(self.receive_address_e.text()) amount = self.receive_amount_e.get_amount() message = self.receive_message_e.text() if not message and not amount: self.show_error(_('No message or amount')) return False i = self.expires_combo.currentIndex() expiration = map(lambda x: x[1], expiration_values)[i] req = self.wallet.make_payment_request(addr, amount, message, expiration) self.wallet.add_payment_request(req, self.config) self.sign_payment_request(addr) self.request_list.update() self.address_list.update() self.save_request_button.setEnabled(False) def view_and_paste(self, title, msg, data): dialog = WindowModalDialog(self, title) vbox = QVBoxLayout() label = QLabel(msg) label.setWordWrap(True) vbox.addWidget(label) pr_e = ShowQRTextEdit(text=data) vbox.addWidget(pr_e) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CopyCloseButton(pr_e.text, self.app, dialog))) dialog.setLayout(vbox) dialog.exec_() def export_payment_request(self, addr): r = self.wallet.receive_requests.get(addr) pr = paymentrequest.serialize_request(r).SerializeToString() name = r['id'] + '.bip70' fileName = self.getSaveFileName(_("Select where to save your payment request"), name, "*.bip70") if fileName: with open(fileName, "wb+") as f: f.write(str(pr)) self.show_message(_("Request saved successfully")) self.saved = True def new_payment_request(self): addr = self.wallet.get_unused_address() if addr is None: from electrum.wallet import Imported_Wallet if not self.wallet.is_deterministic(): msg = [ _('No more addresses in your wallet.'), _('You are using a non-deterministic wallet, which cannot create new addresses.'), _('If you want to create new addresses, use a deterministic wallet instead.') ] self.show_message(' '.join(msg)) return if not self.question(_("Warning: The next address will not be recovered automatically if you restore your wallet from seed; you may need to add it manually.\n\nThis occurs because you have too many unused addresses in your wallet. To avoid this situation, use the existing addresses first.\n\nCreate anyway?")): return addr = self.wallet.create_new_address(False) self.set_receive_address(addr) self.expires_label.hide() self.expires_combo.show() self.new_request_button.setEnabled(False) self.receive_message_e.setFocus(1) def set_receive_address(self, addr): self.receive_address_e.setText(addr) self.receive_message_e.setText('') self.receive_amount_e.setAmount(None) def clear_receive_tab(self): addr = self.wallet.get_receiving_address() if addr: self.receive_address_e.setText(addr) self.receive_message_e.setText('') self.receive_amount_e.setAmount(None) self.expires_label.hide() self.expires_combo.show() def toggle_qr_window(self): from . import qrwindow if not self.qr_window: self.qr_window = qrwindow.QR_Window(self) self.qr_window.setVisible(True) self.qr_window_geometry = self.qr_window.geometry() else: if not self.qr_window.isVisible(): self.qr_window.setVisible(True) self.qr_window.setGeometry(self.qr_window_geometry) else: self.qr_window_geometry = self.qr_window.geometry() self.qr_window.setVisible(False) self.update_receive_qr() def show_send_tab(self): self.tabs.setCurrentIndex(self.tabs.indexOf(self.send_tab)) def show_receive_tab(self): self.tabs.setCurrentIndex(self.tabs.indexOf(self.receive_tab)) def receive_at(self, addr): if not bitcoin.is_address(addr): return self.show_receive_tab() self.receive_address_e.setText(addr) self.new_request_button.setEnabled(True) def update_receive_qr(self): addr = str(self.receive_address_e.text()) amount = self.receive_amount_e.get_amount() message = self.receive_message_e.text() self.save_request_button.setEnabled((amount is not None) or (message != "")) uri = util.create_URI(addr, amount, message) self.receive_qr.setData(uri) if self.qr_window and self.qr_window.isVisible(): self.qr_window.set_content(addr, amount, message, uri) def create_send_tab(self): # A 4-column grid layout. All the stretch is in the last column. # The exchange rate plugin adds a fiat widget in column 2 self.send_grid = grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(8) grid.setColumnStretch(3, 1) from .paytoedit import PayToEdit self.amount_e = BTCAmountEdit(self.get_decimal_point) self.payto_e = PayToEdit(self) msg = _('Recipient of the funds.') + '\n\n'\ + _('You may enter a Bitcoin address, a label from your list of contacts (a list of completions will be proposed), or an alias (email-like address that forwards to a Bitcoin address)') payto_label = HelpLabel(_('Pay to'), msg) grid.addWidget(payto_label, 1, 0) grid.addWidget(self.payto_e, 1, 1, 1, -1) completer = QCompleter() completer.setCaseSensitivity(False) self.payto_e.setCompleter(completer) completer.setModel(self.completions) msg = _('Description of the transaction (not mandatory).') + '\n\n'\ + _('The description is not sent to the recipient of the funds. It is stored in your wallet file, and displayed in the \'History\' tab.') description_label = HelpLabel(_('Description'), msg) grid.addWidget(description_label, 2, 0) self.message_e = MyLineEdit() grid.addWidget(self.message_e, 2, 1, 1, -1) self.from_label = QLabel(_('From')) grid.addWidget(self.from_label, 3, 0) self.from_list = MyTreeWidget(self, self.from_list_menu, ['','']) self.from_list.setHeaderHidden(True) self.from_list.setMaximumHeight(80) grid.addWidget(self.from_list, 3, 1, 1, -1) self.set_pay_from([]) msg = _('Amount to be sent.') + '\n\n' \ + _('The amount will be displayed in red if you do not have enough funds in your wallet.') + ' ' \ + _('Note that if you have frozen some of your addresses, the available funds will be lower than your total balance.') + '\n\n' \ + _('Keyboard shortcut: type "!" to send all your coins.') amount_label = HelpLabel(_('Amount'), msg) grid.addWidget(amount_label, 4, 0) grid.addWidget(self.amount_e, 4, 1) self.fiat_send_e = AmountEdit(self.fx.get_currency if self.fx else '') if not self.fx or not self.fx.is_enabled(): self.fiat_send_e.setVisible(False) grid.addWidget(self.fiat_send_e, 4, 2) self.amount_e.frozen.connect( lambda: self.fiat_send_e.setFrozen(self.amount_e.isReadOnly())) self.max_button = EnterButton(_("Max"), self.spend_max) self.max_button.setFixedWidth(140) grid.addWidget(self.max_button, 4, 3) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addStretch(1) grid.addLayout(hbox, 4, 4) msg = _('Bitcoin transactions are in general not free. A transaction fee is paid by the sender of the funds.') + '\n\n'\ + _('The amount of fee can be decided freely by the sender. However, transactions with low fees take more time to be processed.') + '\n\n'\ + _('A suggested fee is automatically added to this field. You may override it. The suggested fee increases with the size of the transaction.') self.fee_e_label = HelpLabel(_('Fee'), msg) def fee_cb(dyn, pos, fee_rate): if dyn: self.config.set_key('fee_level', pos, False) else: self.config.set_key('fee_per_kb', fee_rate, False) self.spend_max() if self.is_max else self.update_fee() self.fee_slider = FeeSlider(self, self.config, fee_cb) self.fee_slider.setFixedWidth(140) self.fee_e = BTCAmountEdit(self.get_decimal_point) if not self.config.get('show_fee', False): self.fee_e.setVisible(False) self.fee_e.textEdited.connect(self.update_fee) # This is so that when the user blanks the fee and moves on, # we go back to auto-calculate mode and put a fee back. self.fee_e.editingFinished.connect(self.update_fee) self.connect_fields(self, self.amount_e, self.fiat_send_e, self.fee_e) self.rbf_checkbox = QCheckBox(_('Replaceable')) msg = [_('If you check this box, your transaction will be marked as non-final,'), _('and you will have the possiblity, while it is unconfirmed, to replace it with a transaction that pays a higher fee.'), _('Note that some merchants do not accept non-final transactions until they are confirmed.')] self.rbf_checkbox.setToolTip('

' + ' '.join(msg) + '

') self.rbf_checkbox.setVisible(False) grid.addWidget(self.fee_e_label, 5, 0) grid.addWidget(self.fee_slider, 5, 1) grid.addWidget(self.fee_e, 5, 2) grid.addWidget(self.rbf_checkbox, 5, 3) self.preview_button = EnterButton(_("Preview"), self.do_preview) self.preview_button.setToolTip(_('Display the details of your transactions before signing it.')) self.send_button = EnterButton(_("Send"), self.do_send) self.clear_button = EnterButton(_("Clear"), self.do_clear) buttons = QHBoxLayout() buttons.addStretch(1) buttons.addWidget(self.clear_button) buttons.addWidget(self.preview_button) buttons.addWidget(self.send_button) grid.addLayout(buttons, 6, 1, 1, 3) self.amount_e.shortcut.connect(self.spend_max) self.payto_e.textChanged.connect(self.update_fee) self.amount_e.textEdited.connect(self.update_fee) def reset_max(t): self.is_max = False self.max_button.setEnabled(not bool(t)) self.amount_e.textEdited.connect(reset_max) self.fiat_send_e.textEdited.connect(reset_max) def entry_changed(): text = "" if self.not_enough_funds: amt_color, fee_color = RED_FG, RED_FG text = _( "Not enough funds" ) c, u, x = self.wallet.get_frozen_balance() if c+u+x: text += ' (' + self.format_amount(c+u+x).strip() + ' ' + self.base_unit() + ' ' +_("are frozen") + ')' elif self.fee_e.isModified(): amt_color, fee_color = BLACK_FG, BLACK_FG elif self.amount_e.isModified(): amt_color, fee_color = BLACK_FG, BLUE_FG else: amt_color, fee_color = BLUE_FG, BLUE_FG self.statusBar().showMessage(text) self.amount_e.setStyleSheet(amt_color) self.fee_e.setStyleSheet(fee_color) self.amount_e.textChanged.connect(entry_changed) self.fee_e.textChanged.connect(entry_changed) self.invoices_label = QLabel(_('Invoices')) from .invoice_list import InvoiceList self.invoice_list = InvoiceList(self) vbox0 = QVBoxLayout() vbox0.addLayout(grid) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addLayout(vbox0) w = QWidget() vbox = QVBoxLayout(w) vbox.addLayout(hbox) vbox.addStretch(1) vbox.addWidget(self.invoices_label) vbox.addWidget(self.invoice_list) vbox.setStretchFactor(self.invoice_list, 1000) w.searchable_list = self.invoice_list run_hook('create_send_tab', grid) return w def spend_max(self): self.is_max = True self.do_update_fee() def update_fee(self): self.require_fee_update = True def get_payto_or_dummy(self): r = self.payto_e.get_recipient() if r: return r return (TYPE_ADDRESS, self.wallet.dummy_address()) def do_update_fee(self): '''Recalculate the fee. If the fee was manually input, retain it, but still build the TX to see if there are enough funds. ''' if not self.config.get('offline') and self.config.is_dynfee() and not self.config.has_fee_estimates(): self.statusBar().showMessage(_('Waiting for fee estimates...')) return False freeze_fee = (self.fee_e.isModified() and (self.fee_e.text() or self.fee_e.hasFocus())) amount = '!' if self.is_max else self.amount_e.get_amount() if amount is None: if not freeze_fee: self.fee_e.setAmount(None) self.not_enough_funds = False self.statusBar().showMessage('') else: fee = self.fee_e.get_amount() if freeze_fee else None outputs = self.payto_e.get_outputs(self.is_max) if not outputs: _type, addr = self.get_payto_or_dummy() outputs = [(_type, addr, amount)] try: tx = self.wallet.make_unsigned_transaction(self.get_coins(), outputs, self.config, fee) self.not_enough_funds = False except NotEnoughFunds: self.not_enough_funds = True if not freeze_fee: self.fee_e.setAmount(None) return except BaseException: return if not freeze_fee: fee = None if self.not_enough_funds else tx.get_fee() self.fee_e.setAmount(fee) if self.is_max: amount = tx.output_value() self.amount_e.setAmount(amount) if fee is None: return rbf_policy = self.config.get('rbf_policy', 1) if rbf_policy == 0: b = True elif rbf_policy == 1: fee_rate = fee * 1000 / tx.estimated_size() try: c = self.config.reverse_dynfee(fee_rate) b = c in [-1, 25] except: b = False elif rbf_policy == 2: b = False self.rbf_checkbox.setVisible(b) self.rbf_checkbox.setChecked(b) def from_list_delete(self, item): i = self.from_list.indexOfTopLevelItem(item) self.pay_from.pop(i) self.redraw_from_list() self.update_fee() def from_list_menu(self, position): item = self.from_list.itemAt(position) menu = QMenu() menu.addAction(_("Remove"), lambda: self.from_list_delete(item)) menu.exec_(self.from_list.viewport().mapToGlobal(position)) def set_pay_from(self, coins): self.pay_from = list(coins) self.redraw_from_list() def redraw_from_list(self): self.from_list.clear() self.from_label.setHidden(len(self.pay_from) == 0) self.from_list.setHidden(len(self.pay_from) == 0) def format(x): h = x.get('prevout_hash') return h[0:10] + '...' + h[-10:] + ":%d"%x.get('prevout_n') + u'\t' + "%s"%x.get('address') for item in self.pay_from: self.from_list.addTopLevelItem(QTreeWidgetItem( [format(item), self.format_amount(item['value']) ])) def get_contact_payto(self, key): _type, label = self.contacts.get(key) return label + ' <' + key + '>' if _type == 'address' else key def update_completions(self): l = [self.get_contact_payto(key) for key in self.contacts.keys()] self.completions.setStringList(l) def protected(func): '''Password request wrapper. The password is passed to the function as the 'password' named argument. "None" indicates either an unencrypted wallet, or the user cancelled the password request. An empty input is passed as the empty string.''' def request_password(self, *args, **kwargs): parent = self.top_level_window() password = None while self.wallet.has_password(): password = self.password_dialog(parent=parent) if password is None: # User cancelled password input return try: self.wallet.check_password(password) break except Exception as e: self.show_error(str(e), parent=parent) continue kwargs['password'] = password return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return request_password def read_send_tab(self): if self.payment_request and self.payment_request.has_expired(): self.show_error(_('Payment request has expired')) return label = self.message_e.text() if self.payment_request: outputs = self.payment_request.get_outputs() else: errors = self.payto_e.get_errors() if errors: self.show_warning(_("Invalid Lines found:") + "\n\n" + '\n'.join([ _("Line #") + str(x[0]+1) + ": " + x[1] for x in errors])) return outputs = self.payto_e.get_outputs(self.is_max) if self.payto_e.is_alias and self.payto_e.validated is False: alias = self.payto_e.toPlainText() msg = _('WARNING: the alias "%s" could not be validated via an additional security check, DNSSEC, and thus may not be correct.'%alias) + '\n' msg += _('Do you wish to continue?') if not self.question(msg): return if not outputs: self.show_error(_('No outputs')) return for _type, addr, amount in outputs: if addr is None: self.show_error(_('Bitcoin Address is None')) return if _type == TYPE_ADDRESS and not bitcoin.is_address(addr): self.show_error(_('Invalid Bitcoin Address')) return if amount is None: self.show_error(_('Invalid Amount')) return freeze_fee = self.fee_e.isVisible() and self.fee_e.isModified() and (self.fee_e.text() or self.fee_e.hasFocus()) fee = self.fee_e.get_amount() if freeze_fee else None coins = self.get_coins() return outputs, fee, label, coins def do_preview(self): self.do_send(preview = True) def do_send(self, preview = False): if run_hook('abort_send', self): return r = self.read_send_tab() if not r: return outputs, fee, tx_desc, coins = r try: tx = self.wallet.make_unsigned_transaction(coins, outputs, self.config, fee) except NotEnoughFunds: self.show_message(_("Insufficient funds")) return except BaseException as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) self.show_message(str(e)) return amount = tx.output_value() if self.is_max else sum(map(lambda x:x[2], outputs)) fee = tx.get_fee() use_rbf = self.rbf_checkbox.isChecked() if use_rbf: tx.set_rbf(True) if fee < self.wallet.relayfee() * tx.estimated_size() / 1000 and tx.requires_fee(self.wallet): self.show_error(_("This transaction requires a higher fee, or it will not be propagated by the network")) return if preview: self.show_transaction(tx, tx_desc) return # confirmation dialog msg = [ _("Amount to be sent") + ": " + self.format_amount_and_units(amount), _("Mining fee") + ": " + self.format_amount_and_units(fee), ] x_fee = run_hook('get_tx_extra_fee', self.wallet, tx) if x_fee: x_fee_address, x_fee_amount = x_fee msg.append( _("Additional fees") + ": " + self.format_amount_and_units(x_fee_amount) ) confirm_rate = 2 * self.config.max_fee_rate() if fee > confirm_rate * tx.estimated_size() / 1000: msg.append(_('Warning') + ': ' + _("The fee for this transaction seems unusually high.")) if self.wallet.has_password(): msg.append("") msg.append(_("Enter your password to proceed")) password = self.password_dialog('\n'.join(msg)) if not password: return else: msg.append(_('Proceed?')) password = None if not self.question('\n'.join(msg)): return def sign_done(success): if success: if not tx.is_complete(): self.show_transaction(tx) self.do_clear() else: self.broadcast_transaction(tx, tx_desc) self.sign_tx_with_password(tx, sign_done, password) @protected def sign_tx(self, tx, callback, password): self.sign_tx_with_password(tx, callback, password) def sign_tx_with_password(self, tx, callback, password): '''Sign the transaction in a separate thread. When done, calls the callback with a success code of True or False. ''' # call hook to see if plugin needs gui interaction run_hook('sign_tx', self, tx) def on_signed(result): callback(True) def on_failed(exc_info): self.on_error(exc_info) callback(False) task = partial(self.wallet.sign_transaction, tx, password) WaitingDialog(self, _('Signing transaction...'), task, on_signed, on_failed) def broadcast_transaction(self, tx, tx_desc): def broadcast_thread(): # non-GUI thread pr = self.payment_request if pr and pr.has_expired(): self.payment_request = None return False, _("Payment request has expired") status, msg = self.network.broadcast(tx) if pr and status is True: self.invoices.set_paid(pr, tx.txid()) self.invoices.save() self.payment_request = None refund_address = self.wallet.get_receiving_addresses()[0] ack_status, ack_msg = pr.send_ack(str(tx), refund_address) if ack_status: msg = ack_msg return status, msg # Capture current TL window; override might be removed on return parent = self.top_level_window() def broadcast_done(result): # GUI thread if result: status, msg = result if status: if tx_desc is not None and tx.is_complete(): self.wallet.set_label(tx.txid(), tx_desc) parent.show_message(_('Payment sent.') + '\n' + msg) self.invoice_list.update() self.do_clear() else: parent.show_error(msg) WaitingDialog(self, _('Broadcasting transaction...'), broadcast_thread, broadcast_done, self.on_error) def query_choice(self, msg, choices): # Needed by QtHandler for hardware wallets dialog = WindowModalDialog(self.top_level_window()) clayout = ChoicesLayout(msg, choices) vbox = QVBoxLayout(dialog) vbox.addLayout(clayout.layout()) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(OkButton(dialog))) if not dialog.exec_(): return None return clayout.selected_index() def lock_amount(self, b): self.amount_e.setFrozen(b) self.max_button.setEnabled(not b) def prepare_for_payment_request(self): self.show_send_tab() self.payto_e.is_pr = True for e in [self.payto_e, self.amount_e, self.message_e]: e.setFrozen(True) self.payto_e.setText(_("please wait...")) return True def delete_invoice(self, key): self.invoices.remove(key) self.invoice_list.update() def payment_request_ok(self): pr = self.payment_request key = self.invoices.add(pr) status = self.invoices.get_status(key) self.invoice_list.update() if status == PR_PAID: self.show_message("invoice already paid") self.do_clear() self.payment_request = None return self.payto_e.is_pr = True if not pr.has_expired(): self.payto_e.setGreen() else: self.payto_e.setExpired() self.payto_e.setText(pr.get_requestor()) self.amount_e.setText(format_satoshis_plain(pr.get_amount(), self.decimal_point)) self.message_e.setText(pr.get_memo()) # signal to set fee self.amount_e.textEdited.emit("") def payment_request_error(self): self.show_message(self.payment_request.error) self.payment_request = None self.do_clear() def on_pr(self, request): self.payment_request = request if self.payment_request.verify(self.contacts): self.emit(SIGNAL('payment_request_ok')) else: self.emit(SIGNAL('payment_request_error')) def pay_to_URI(self, URI): if not URI: return try: out = util.parse_URI(URI, self.on_pr) except BaseException as e: self.show_error(_('Invalid bitcoin URI:') + '\n' + str(e)) return self.show_send_tab() r = out.get('r') sig = out.get('sig') name = out.get('name') if r or (name and sig): self.prepare_for_payment_request() return address = out.get('address') amount = out.get('amount') label = out.get('label') message = out.get('message') # use label as description (not BIP21 compliant) if label and not message: message = label if address: self.payto_e.setText(address) if message: self.message_e.setText(message) if amount: self.amount_e.setAmount(amount) self.amount_e.textEdited.emit("") def do_clear(self): self.is_max = False self.not_enough_funds = False self.payment_request = None self.payto_e.is_pr = False for e in [self.payto_e, self.message_e, self.amount_e, self.fiat_send_e, self.fee_e]: e.setText('') e.setFrozen(False) self.set_pay_from([]) self.rbf_checkbox.setChecked(False) self.update_status() run_hook('do_clear', self) def set_frozen_state(self, addrs, freeze): self.wallet.set_frozen_state(addrs, freeze) self.address_list.update() self.utxo_list.update() self.update_fee() def create_list_tab(self, l): w = QWidget() w.searchable_list = l vbox = QVBoxLayout() w.setLayout(vbox) vbox.setMargin(0) vbox.setSpacing(0) vbox.addWidget(l) buttons = QWidget() vbox.addWidget(buttons) return w def create_addresses_tab(self): from .address_list import AddressList self.address_list = l = AddressList(self) return self.create_list_tab(l) def create_utxo_tab(self): from .utxo_list import UTXOList self.utxo_list = l = UTXOList(self) return self.create_list_tab(l) def create_contacts_tab(self): from .contact_list import ContactList self.contact_list = l = ContactList(self) return self.create_list_tab(l) def remove_address(self, addr): if self.question(_("Do you want to remove")+" %s "%addr +_("from your wallet?")): self.wallet.delete_address(addr) self.address_list.update() self.history_list.update() def get_coins(self): if self.pay_from: return self.pay_from else: return self.wallet.get_spendable_coins(None, self.config) def spend_coins(self, coins): self.set_pay_from(coins) self.show_send_tab() self.update_fee() def paytomany(self): self.show_send_tab() self.payto_e.paytomany() msg = '\n'.join([ _('Enter a list of outputs in the \'Pay to\' field.'), _('One output per line.'), _('Format: address, amount'), _('You may load a CSV file using the file icon.') ]) self.show_message(msg, title=_('Pay to many')) def payto_contacts(self, labels): paytos = [self.get_contact_payto(label) for label in labels] self.show_send_tab() if len(paytos) == 1: self.payto_e.setText(paytos[0]) self.amount_e.setFocus() else: text = "\n".join([payto + ", 0" for payto in paytos]) self.payto_e.setText(text) self.payto_e.setFocus() def set_contact(self, label, address): if not is_address(address): self.show_error(_('Invalid Address')) self.contact_list.update() # Displays original unchanged value return False self.contacts[address] = ('address', label) self.contact_list.update() self.history_list.update() self.update_completions() return True def delete_contacts(self, labels): if not self.question(_("Remove %s from your list of contacts?") % " + ".join(labels)): return for label in labels: self.contacts.pop(label) self.history_list.update() self.contact_list.update() self.update_completions() def show_invoice(self, key): pr = self.invoices.get(key) pr.verify(self.contacts) self.show_pr_details(pr) def show_pr_details(self, pr): key = pr.get_id() d = WindowModalDialog(self, _("Invoice")) vbox = QVBoxLayout(d) grid = QGridLayout() grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Requestor") + ':'), 0, 0) grid.addWidget(QLabel(pr.get_requestor()), 0, 1) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Amount") + ':'), 1, 0) outputs_str = '\n'.join(map(lambda x: self.format_amount(x[2])+ self.base_unit() + ' @ ' + x[1], pr.get_outputs())) grid.addWidget(QLabel(outputs_str), 1, 1) expires = pr.get_expiration_date() grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Memo") + ':'), 2, 0) grid.addWidget(QLabel(pr.get_memo()), 2, 1) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Signature") + ':'), 3, 0) grid.addWidget(QLabel(pr.get_verify_status()), 3, 1) if expires: grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Expires") + ':'), 4, 0) grid.addWidget(QLabel(format_time(expires)), 4, 1) vbox.addLayout(grid) def do_export(): fn = self.getOpenFileName(_("Save invoice to file"), "*.bip70") if not fn: return with open(fn, 'w') as f: data = f.write(pr.raw) self.show_message(_('Invoice saved as' + ' ' + fn)) exportButton = EnterButton(_('Save'), do_export) def do_delete(): if self.question(_('Delete invoice?')): self.invoices.remove(key) self.history_list.update() d.close() deleteButton = EnterButton(_('Delete'), do_delete) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(exportButton, deleteButton, CloseButton(d))) d.exec_() def do_pay_invoice(self, key): pr = self.invoices.get(key) self.payment_request = pr self.prepare_for_payment_request() if pr.verify(self.contacts): self.payment_request_ok() else: self.payment_request_error() def create_console_tab(self): from .console import Console self.console = console = Console() return console def update_console(self): console = self.console console.history = self.config.get("console-history",[]) console.history_index = len(console.history) console.updateNamespace({'wallet' : self.wallet, 'network' : self.network, 'plugins' : self.gui_object.plugins, 'window': self}) console.updateNamespace({'util' : util, 'bitcoin':bitcoin}) c = commands.Commands(self.config, self.wallet, self.network, lambda: self.console.set_json(True)) methods = {} def mkfunc(f, method): return lambda *args: f(method, args, self.password_dialog) for m in dir(c): if m[0]=='_' or m in ['network','wallet']: continue methods[m] = mkfunc(c._run, m) console.updateNamespace(methods) def create_status_bar(self): sb = QStatusBar() sb.setFixedHeight(35) qtVersion = qVersion() self.balance_label = QLabel("") sb.addWidget(self.balance_label) self.search_box = QLineEdit() self.search_box.textChanged.connect(self.do_search) self.search_box.hide() sb.addPermanentWidget(self.search_box) self.lock_icon = QIcon() self.password_button = StatusBarButton(self.lock_icon, _("Password"), self.change_password_dialog ) sb.addPermanentWidget(self.password_button) sb.addPermanentWidget(StatusBarButton(QIcon(":icons/preferences.png"), _("Preferences"), self.settings_dialog ) ) self.seed_button = StatusBarButton(QIcon(":icons/seed.png"), _("Seed"), self.show_seed_dialog ) sb.addPermanentWidget(self.seed_button) self.status_button = StatusBarButton(QIcon(":icons/status_disconnected.png"), _("Network"), lambda: self.gui_object.show_network_dialog(self)) sb.addPermanentWidget(self.status_button) run_hook('create_status_bar', sb) self.setStatusBar(sb) def update_lock_icon(self): icon = QIcon(":icons/lock.png") if self.wallet.has_password() else QIcon(":icons/unlock.png") self.password_button.setIcon(icon) def update_buttons_on_seed(self): self.seed_button.setVisible(self.wallet.has_seed()) self.password_button.setVisible(self.wallet.can_change_password()) self.send_button.setVisible(not self.wallet.is_watching_only()) def change_password_dialog(self): from .password_dialog import ChangePasswordDialog d = ChangePasswordDialog(self, self.wallet) ok, password, new_password, encrypt_file = d.run() if not ok: return try: self.wallet.update_password(password, new_password, encrypt_file) except BaseException as e: self.show_error(str(e)) return except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) self.show_error(_('Failed to update password')) return msg = _('Password was updated successfully') if new_password else _('Password is disabled, this wallet is not protected') self.show_message(msg, title=_("Success")) self.update_lock_icon() def toggle_search(self): self.search_box.setHidden(not self.search_box.isHidden()) if not self.search_box.isHidden(): self.search_box.setFocus(1) else: self.do_search('') def do_search(self, t): tab = self.tabs.currentWidget() if hasattr(tab, 'searchable_list'): tab.searchable_list.filter(t) def new_contact_dialog(self): d = WindowModalDialog(self, _("New Contact")) vbox = QVBoxLayout(d) vbox.addWidget(QLabel(_('New Contact') + ':')) grid = QGridLayout() line1 = QLineEdit() line1.setFixedWidth(280) line2 = QLineEdit() line2.setFixedWidth(280) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Address")), 1, 0) grid.addWidget(line1, 1, 1) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Name")), 2, 0) grid.addWidget(line2, 2, 1) vbox.addLayout(grid) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(d), OkButton(d))) if d.exec_(): self.set_contact(line2.text(), line1.text()) def show_master_public_keys(self): dialog = WindowModalDialog(self, "Master Public Keys") mpk_list = self.wallet.get_master_public_keys() vbox = QVBoxLayout() mpk_text = ShowQRTextEdit() mpk_text.setMaximumHeight(100) mpk_text.addCopyButton(self.app) def show_mpk(index): mpk_text.setText(mpk_list[index]) # only show the combobox in case multiple accounts are available if len(mpk_list) > 1: def label(key): if isinstance(self.wallet, Multisig_Wallet): return _("cosigner") + ' ' + str(key+1) return '' labels = [label(i) for i in range(len(mpk_list))] on_click = lambda clayout: show_mpk(clayout.selected_index()) labels_clayout = ChoicesLayout(_("Master Public Keys"), labels, on_click) vbox.addLayout(labels_clayout.layout()) show_mpk(0) vbox.addWidget(mpk_text) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CloseButton(dialog))) dialog.setLayout(vbox) dialog.exec_() @protected def show_seed_dialog(self, password): if not self.wallet.has_seed(): self.show_message(_('This wallet has no seed')) return keystore = self.wallet.get_keystore() try: seed = keystore.get_seed(password) passphrase = keystore.get_passphrase(password) except BaseException as e: self.show_error(str(e)) return from .seed_dialog import SeedDialog d = SeedDialog(self, seed, passphrase) d.exec_() def show_qrcode(self, data, title = _("QR code"), parent=None): if not data: return d = QRDialog(data, parent or self, title) d.exec_() @protected def show_private_key(self, address, password): if not address: return try: pk_list = self.wallet.get_private_key(address, password) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) self.show_message(str(e)) return d = WindowModalDialog(self, _("Private key")) d.setMinimumSize(600, 200) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget( QLabel(_("Address") + ': ' + address)) vbox.addWidget( QLabel(_("Private key") + ':')) keys_e = ShowQRTextEdit(text='\n'.join(pk_list)) keys_e.addCopyButton(self.app) vbox.addWidget(keys_e) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CloseButton(d))) d.setLayout(vbox) d.exec_() msg_sign = ("Signing with an address actually means signing with the corresponding " "private key, and verifying with the corresponding public key. The " "address you have entered does not have a unique public key, so these " "operations cannot be performed.") @protected def do_sign(self, address, message, signature, password): address = address.text().strip() message = message.toPlainText().strip() if not bitcoin.is_address(address): self.show_message('Invalid Bitcoin address.') return if not bitcoin.is_p2pkh(address): self.show_message('Cannot sign messages with this type of address.' + '\n\n' + self.msg_sign) return if not self.wallet.is_mine(address): self.show_message('Address not in wallet.') return task = partial(self.wallet.sign_message, address, message, password) def show_signed_message(sig): signature.setText(base64.b64encode(sig).decode('ascii')) self.wallet.thread.add(task, on_success=show_signed_message) def do_verify(self, address, message, signature): address = address.text().strip() message = message.toPlainText().strip().encode('utf8') if not bitcoin.is_address(address): self.show_message('Invalid Bitcoin address.') return if not bitcoin.is_p2pkh(address): self.show_message('Cannot verify messages with this type of address.' + '\n\n' + self.msg_sign) return try: # This can throw on invalid base64 sig = base64.b64decode(str(signature.toPlainText())) verified = bitcoin.verify_message(address, sig, message) except Exception as e: verified = False if verified: self.show_message(_("Signature verified")) else: self.show_error(_("Wrong signature")) def sign_verify_message(self, address=''): d = WindowModalDialog(self, _('Sign/verify Message')) d.setMinimumSize(410, 290) layout = QGridLayout(d) message_e = QTextEdit() layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('Message')), 1, 0) layout.addWidget(message_e, 1, 1) layout.setRowStretch(2,3) address_e = QLineEdit() address_e.setText(address) layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('Address')), 2, 0) layout.addWidget(address_e, 2, 1) signature_e = QTextEdit() layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('Signature')), 3, 0) layout.addWidget(signature_e, 3, 1) layout.setRowStretch(3,1) hbox = QHBoxLayout() b = QPushButton(_("Sign")) b.clicked.connect(lambda: self.do_sign(address_e, message_e, signature_e)) hbox.addWidget(b) b = QPushButton(_("Verify")) b.clicked.connect(lambda: self.do_verify(address_e, message_e, signature_e)) hbox.addWidget(b) b = QPushButton(_("Close")) b.clicked.connect(d.accept) hbox.addWidget(b) layout.addLayout(hbox, 4, 1) d.exec_() @protected def do_decrypt(self, message_e, pubkey_e, encrypted_e, password): cyphertext = encrypted_e.toPlainText() task = partial(self.wallet.decrypt_message, pubkey_e.text(), cyphertext, password) self.wallet.thread.add(task, on_success=lambda text: message_e.setText(text.decode('utf8'))) def do_encrypt(self, message_e, pubkey_e, encrypted_e): message = message_e.toPlainText() message = message.encode('utf8') try: encrypted = bitcoin.encrypt_message(message, pubkey_e.text()) encrypted_e.setText(encrypted.decode('ascii')) except BaseException as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) self.show_warning(str(e)) def encrypt_message(self, address=''): d = WindowModalDialog(self, _('Encrypt/decrypt Message')) d.setMinimumSize(610, 490) layout = QGridLayout(d) message_e = QTextEdit() layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('Message')), 1, 0) layout.addWidget(message_e, 1, 1) layout.setRowStretch(2,3) pubkey_e = QLineEdit() if address: pubkey = self.wallet.get_public_key(address) pubkey_e.setText(pubkey) layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('Public key')), 2, 0) layout.addWidget(pubkey_e, 2, 1) encrypted_e = QTextEdit() layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('Encrypted')), 3, 0) layout.addWidget(encrypted_e, 3, 1) layout.setRowStretch(3,1) hbox = QHBoxLayout() b = QPushButton(_("Encrypt")) b.clicked.connect(lambda: self.do_encrypt(message_e, pubkey_e, encrypted_e)) hbox.addWidget(b) b = QPushButton(_("Decrypt")) b.clicked.connect(lambda: self.do_decrypt(message_e, pubkey_e, encrypted_e)) hbox.addWidget(b) b = QPushButton(_("Close")) b.clicked.connect(d.accept) hbox.addWidget(b) layout.addLayout(hbox, 4, 1) d.exec_() def password_dialog(self, msg=None, parent=None): from .password_dialog import PasswordDialog parent = parent or self d = PasswordDialog(parent, msg) return d.run() def tx_from_text(self, txt): from electrum.transaction import tx_from_str, Transaction try: tx = tx_from_str(txt) return Transaction(tx) except BaseException as e: self.show_critical(_("Electrum was unable to parse your transaction") + ":\n" + str(e)) return def read_tx_from_qrcode(self): from electrum import qrscanner try: data = qrscanner.scan_barcode(self.config.get_video_device()) except BaseException as e: self.show_error(str(e)) return if not data: return # if the user scanned a bitcoin URI if data.startswith("bitcoin:"): self.pay_to_URI(data) return # else if the user scanned an offline signed tx # transactions are binary, but qrcode seems to return utf8... data = data.decode('utf8') z = bitcoin.base_decode(data, length=None, base=43) data = bh2u(''.join(chr(ord(b)) for b in z)) tx = self.tx_from_text(data) if not tx: return self.show_transaction(tx) def read_tx_from_file(self): fileName = self.getOpenFileName(_("Select your transaction file"), "*.txn") if not fileName: return try: with open(fileName, "r") as f: file_content = f.read() except (ValueError, IOError, os.error) as reason: self.show_critical(_("Electrum was unable to open your transaction file") + "\n" + str(reason), title=_("Unable to read file or no transaction found")) return return self.tx_from_text(file_content) def do_process_from_text(self): text = text_dialog(self, _('Input raw transaction'), _("Transaction:"), _("Load transaction")) if not text: return tx = self.tx_from_text(text) if tx: self.show_transaction(tx) def do_process_from_file(self): tx = self.read_tx_from_file() if tx: self.show_transaction(tx) def do_process_from_txid(self): from electrum import transaction txid, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, _('Lookup transaction'), _('Transaction ID') + ':') if ok and txid: txid = str(txid).strip() try: r = self.network.synchronous_get(('blockchain.transaction.get',[txid])) except BaseException as e: self.show_message(str(e)) return tx = transaction.Transaction(r) self.show_transaction(tx) @protected def export_privkeys_dialog(self, password): if self.wallet.is_watching_only(): self.show_message(_("This is a watching-only wallet")) return d = WindowModalDialog(self, _('Private keys')) d.setMinimumSize(850, 300) vbox = QVBoxLayout(d) msg = "%s\n%s\n%s" % (_("WARNING: ALL your private keys are secret."), _("Exposing a single private key can compromise your entire wallet!"), _("In particular, DO NOT use 'redeem private key' services proposed by third parties.")) vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg)) e = QTextEdit() e.setReadOnly(True) vbox.addWidget(e) defaultname = 'electrum-private-keys.csv' select_msg = _('Select file to export your private keys to') hbox, filename_e, csv_button = filename_field(self, self.config, defaultname, select_msg) vbox.addLayout(hbox) b = OkButton(d, _('Export')) b.setEnabled(False) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(d), b)) private_keys = {} addresses = self.wallet.get_addresses() done = False def privkeys_thread(): for addr in addresses: time.sleep(0.1) if done: break private_keys[addr] = "\n".join(self.wallet.get_private_key(addr, password)) d.emit(SIGNAL('computing_privkeys')) d.emit(SIGNAL('show_privkeys')) def show_privkeys(): s = "\n".join( map( lambda x: x[0] + "\t"+ x[1], private_keys.items())) e.setText(s) b.setEnabled(True) d.connect(d, QtCore.SIGNAL('computing_privkeys'), lambda: e.setText("Please wait... %d/%d"%(len(private_keys),len(addresses)))) d.connect(d, QtCore.SIGNAL('show_privkeys'), show_privkeys) threading.Thread(target=privkeys_thread).start() if not d.exec_(): done = True return filename = filename_e.text() if not filename: return try: self.do_export_privkeys(filename, private_keys, csv_button.isChecked()) except (IOError, os.error) as reason: txt = "\n".join([ _("Electrum was unable to produce a private key-export."), str(reason) ]) self.show_critical(txt, title=_("Unable to create csv")) except Exception as e: self.show_message(str(e)) return self.show_message(_("Private keys exported.")) def do_export_privkeys(self, fileName, pklist, is_csv): with open(fileName, "w+") as f: if is_csv: transaction = csv.writer(f) transaction.writerow(["address", "private_key"]) for addr, pk in pklist.items(): transaction.writerow(["%34s"%addr,pk]) else: import json f.write(json.dumps(pklist, indent = 4)) def do_import_labels(self): labelsFile = self.getOpenFileName(_("Open labels file"), "*.json") if not labelsFile: return try: f = open(labelsFile, 'r') data = f.read() f.close() for key, value in json.loads(data).items(): self.wallet.set_label(key, value) self.show_message(_("Your labels were imported from") + " '%s'" % str(labelsFile)) except (IOError, os.error) as reason: self.show_critical(_("Electrum was unable to import your labels.") + "\n" + str(reason)) self.address_list.update() self.history_list.update() def do_export_labels(self): labels = self.wallet.labels try: fileName = self.getSaveFileName(_("Select file to save your labels"), 'electrum_labels.json', "*.json") if fileName: with open(fileName, 'w+') as f: json.dump(labels, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True) self.show_message(_("Your labels were exported to") + " '%s'" % str(fileName)) except (IOError, os.error) as reason: self.show_critical(_("Electrum was unable to export your labels.") + "\n" + str(reason)) def export_history_dialog(self): d = WindowModalDialog(self, _('Export History')) d.setMinimumSize(400, 200) vbox = QVBoxLayout(d) defaultname = os.path.expanduser('~/electrum-history.csv') select_msg = _('Select file to export your wallet transactions to') hbox, filename_e, csv_button = filename_field(self, self.config, defaultname, select_msg) vbox.addLayout(hbox) vbox.addStretch(1) hbox = Buttons(CancelButton(d), OkButton(d, _('Export'))) vbox.addLayout(hbox) run_hook('export_history_dialog', self, hbox) self.update() if not d.exec_(): return filename = filename_e.text() if not filename: return try: self.do_export_history(self.wallet, filename, csv_button.isChecked()) except (IOError, os.error) as reason: export_error_label = _("Electrum was unable to produce a transaction export.") self.show_critical(export_error_label + "\n" + str(reason), title=_("Unable to export history")) return self.show_message(_("Your wallet history has been successfully exported.")) def plot_history_dialog(self): if plot_history is None: return wallet = self.wallet history = wallet.get_history() if len(history) > 0: plt = plot_history(self.wallet, history) plt.show() def do_export_history(self, wallet, fileName, is_csv): history = wallet.get_history() lines = [] for item in history: tx_hash, height, confirmations, timestamp, value, balance = item if height>0: if timestamp is not None: time_string = format_time(timestamp) else: time_string = _("unverified") else: time_string = _("unconfirmed") if value is not None: value_string = format_satoshis(value, True) else: value_string = '--' if tx_hash: label = wallet.get_label(tx_hash) label = label.encode('utf-8') else: label = "" if is_csv: lines.append([tx_hash, label, confirmations, value_string, time_string]) else: lines.append({'txid':tx_hash, 'date':"%16s"%time_string, 'label':label, 'value':value_string}) with open(fileName, "w+") as f: if is_csv: transaction = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n') transaction.writerow(["transaction_hash","label", "confirmations", "value", "timestamp"]) for line in lines: transaction.writerow(line) else: import json f.write(json.dumps(lines, indent = 4)) def sweep_key_dialog(self): d = WindowModalDialog(self, title=_('Sweep private keys')) d.setMinimumSize(600, 300) vbox = QVBoxLayout(d) vbox.addWidget(QLabel(_("Enter private keys:"))) keys_e = QTextEdit() keys_e.setTabChangesFocus(True) vbox.addWidget(keys_e) addresses = self.wallet.get_unused_addresses() h, address_e = address_field(addresses) vbox.addLayout(h) vbox.addStretch(1) button = OkButton(d, _('Sweep')) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(d), button)) button.setEnabled(False) def get_address(): addr = str(address_e.text()).strip() if bitcoin.is_address(addr): return addr def get_pk(): text = str(keys_e.toPlainText()) return keystore.get_private_keys(text) f = lambda: button.setEnabled(get_address() is not None and get_pk() is not None) on_address = lambda text: address_e.setStyleSheet(BLACK_FG if get_address() else RED_FG) keys_e.textChanged.connect(f) address_e.textChanged.connect(f) address_e.textChanged.connect(on_address) if not d.exec_(): return try: tx = self.wallet.sweep(get_pk(), self.network, self.config, get_address(), None) except BaseException as e: self.show_message(str(e)) return self.warn_if_watching_only() self.show_transaction(tx) def _do_import(self, title, msg, func): text = text_dialog(self, title, msg + ' :', _('Import')) if not text: return bad = [] good = [] for key in str(text).split(): try: addr = func(key) good.append(addr) except BaseException as e: bad.append(key) continue if good: self.show_message(_("The following addresses were added") + ':\n' + '\n'.join(good)) if bad: self.show_critical(_("The following inputs could not be imported") + ':\n'+ '\n'.join(bad)) self.address_list.update() self.history_list.update() def import_addresses(self): if not self.wallet.can_import_address(): return title, msg = _('Import addresses'), _("Enter addresses") self._do_import(title, msg, self.wallet.import_address) @protected def do_import_privkey(self, password): if not self.wallet.can_import_privkey(): return title, msg = _('Import private keys'), _("Enter private keys") self._do_import(title, msg, lambda x: self.wallet.import_key(x, password)) def update_fiat(self): b = self.fx and self.fx.is_enabled() self.fiat_send_e.setVisible(b) self.fiat_receive_e.setVisible(b) self.history_list.refresh_headers() self.history_list.update() self.address_list.update() self.update_status() def settings_dialog(self): self.need_restart = False d = WindowModalDialog(self, _('Preferences')) vbox = QVBoxLayout() tabs = QTabWidget() gui_widgets = [] fee_widgets = [] tx_widgets = [] id_widgets = [] # language lang_help = _('Select which language is used in the GUI (after restart).') lang_label = HelpLabel(_('Language') + ':', lang_help) lang_combo = QComboBox() from electrum.i18n import languages lang_combo.addItems(list(languages.values())) try: index = languages.keys().index(self.config.get("language",'')) except Exception: index = 0 lang_combo.setCurrentIndex(index) if not self.config.is_modifiable('language'): for w in [lang_combo, lang_label]: w.setEnabled(False) def on_lang(x): lang_request = list(languages.keys())[lang_combo.currentIndex()] if lang_request != self.config.get('language'): self.config.set_key("language", lang_request, True) self.need_restart = True lang_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_lang) gui_widgets.append((lang_label, lang_combo)) nz_help = _('Number of zeros displayed after the decimal point. For example, if this is set to 2, "1." will be displayed as "1.00"') nz_label = HelpLabel(_('Zeros after decimal point') + ':', nz_help) nz = QSpinBox() nz.setMinimum(0) nz.setMaximum(self.decimal_point) nz.setValue(self.num_zeros) if not self.config.is_modifiable('num_zeros'): for w in [nz, nz_label]: w.setEnabled(False) def on_nz(): value = nz.value() if self.num_zeros != value: self.num_zeros = value self.config.set_key('num_zeros', value, True) self.history_list.update() self.address_list.update() nz.valueChanged.connect(on_nz) gui_widgets.append((nz_label, nz)) def on_dynfee(x): self.config.set_key('dynamic_fees', x == Qt.Checked) self.fee_slider.update() update_maxfee() dynfee_cb = QCheckBox(_('Use dynamic fees')) dynfee_cb.setChecked(self.config.is_dynfee()) dynfee_cb.setToolTip(_("Use fees recommended by the server.")) fee_widgets.append((dynfee_cb, None)) dynfee_cb.stateChanged.connect(on_dynfee) def on_maxfee(x): m = maxfee_e.get_amount() if m: self.config.set_key('max_fee_rate', m) self.fee_slider.update() def update_maxfee(): d = self.config.is_dynfee() maxfee_e.setDisabled(d) maxfee_label.setDisabled(d) maxfee_label = HelpLabel(_('Max static fee'), _('Max value of the static fee slider')) maxfee_e = BTCkBEdit(self.get_decimal_point) maxfee_e.setAmount(self.config.max_fee_rate()) maxfee_e.textChanged.connect(on_maxfee) update_maxfee() fee_widgets.append((maxfee_label, maxfee_e)) feebox_cb = QCheckBox(_('Edit fees manually')) feebox_cb.setChecked(self.config.get('show_fee', False)) feebox_cb.setToolTip(_("Show fee edit box in send tab.")) def on_feebox(x): self.config.set_key('show_fee', x == Qt.Checked) self.fee_e.setVisible(bool(x)) feebox_cb.stateChanged.connect(on_feebox) fee_widgets.append((feebox_cb, None)) rbf_policy = self.config.get('rbf_policy', 1) rbf_label = HelpLabel(_('Propose Replace-By-Fee') + ':', '') rbf_combo = QComboBox() rbf_combo.addItems([_('Always'), _('If the fee is low'), _('Never')]) rbf_combo.setCurrentIndex(rbf_policy) def on_rbf(x): self.config.set_key('rbf_policy', x) rbf_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_rbf) fee_widgets.append((rbf_label, rbf_combo)) msg = _('OpenAlias record, used to receive coins and to sign payment requests.') + '\n\n'\ + _('The following alias providers are available:') + '\n'\ + '\n'.join(['https://cryptoname.co/', 'http://xmr.link']) + '\n\n'\ + 'For more information, see http://openalias.org' alias_label = HelpLabel(_('OpenAlias') + ':', msg) alias = self.config.get('alias','') alias_e = QLineEdit(alias) def set_alias_color(): if not self.config.get('alias'): alias_e.setStyleSheet("") return if self.alias_info: alias_addr, alias_name, validated = self.alias_info alias_e.setStyleSheet(GREEN_BG if validated else RED_BG) else: alias_e.setStyleSheet(RED_BG) def on_alias_edit(): alias_e.setStyleSheet("") alias = str(alias_e.text()) self.config.set_key('alias', alias, True) if alias: self.fetch_alias() set_alias_color() self.connect(self, SIGNAL('alias_received'), set_alias_color) alias_e.editingFinished.connect(on_alias_edit) id_widgets.append((alias_label, alias_e)) # SSL certificate msg = ' '.join([ _('SSL certificate used to sign payment requests.'), _('Use setconfig to set ssl_chain and ssl_privkey.'), ]) if self.config.get('ssl_privkey') or self.config.get('ssl_chain'): try: SSL_identity = paymentrequest.check_ssl_config(self.config) SSL_error = None except BaseException as e: SSL_identity = "error" SSL_error = str(e) else: SSL_identity = "" SSL_error = None SSL_id_label = HelpLabel(_('SSL certificate') + ':', msg) SSL_id_e = QLineEdit(SSL_identity) SSL_id_e.setStyleSheet(RED_BG if SSL_error else GREEN_BG if SSL_identity else '') if SSL_error: SSL_id_e.setToolTip(SSL_error) SSL_id_e.setReadOnly(True) id_widgets.append((SSL_id_label, SSL_id_e)) units = ['BTC', 'mBTC', 'bits'] msg = _('Base unit of your wallet.')\ + '\n1BTC=1000mBTC.\n' \ + _(' These settings affects the fields in the Send tab')+' ' unit_label = HelpLabel(_('Base unit') + ':', msg) unit_combo = QComboBox() unit_combo.addItems(units) unit_combo.setCurrentIndex(units.index(self.base_unit())) def on_unit(x): unit_result = units[unit_combo.currentIndex()] if self.base_unit() == unit_result: return edits = self.amount_e, self.fee_e, self.receive_amount_e amounts = [edit.get_amount() for edit in edits] if unit_result == 'BTC': self.decimal_point = 8 elif unit_result == 'mBTC': self.decimal_point = 5 elif unit_result == 'bits': self.decimal_point = 2 else: raise Exception('Unknown base unit') self.config.set_key('decimal_point', self.decimal_point, True) self.history_list.update() self.request_list.update() self.address_list.update() for edit, amount in zip(edits, amounts): edit.setAmount(amount) self.update_status() unit_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_unit) gui_widgets.append((unit_label, unit_combo)) block_explorers = sorted(util.block_explorer_info().keys()) msg = _('Choose which online block explorer to use for functions that open a web browser') block_ex_label = HelpLabel(_('Online Block Explorer') + ':', msg) block_ex_combo = QComboBox() block_ex_combo.addItems(block_explorers) block_ex_combo.setCurrentIndex(block_ex_combo.findText(util.block_explorer(self.config))) def on_be(x): be_result = block_explorers[block_ex_combo.currentIndex()] self.config.set_key('block_explorer', be_result, True) block_ex_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_be) gui_widgets.append((block_ex_label, block_ex_combo)) from electrum import qrscanner system_cameras = qrscanner._find_system_cameras() qr_combo = QComboBox() qr_combo.addItem("Default","default") for camera, device in system_cameras.items(): qr_combo.addItem(camera, device) #combo.addItem("Manually specify a device", config.get("video_device")) index = qr_combo.findData(self.config.get("video_device")) qr_combo.setCurrentIndex(index) msg = _("Install the zbar package to enable this.") qr_label = HelpLabel(_('Video Device') + ':', msg) qr_combo.setEnabled(qrscanner.libzbar is not None) on_video_device = lambda x: self.config.set_key("video_device", qr_combo.itemData(x), True) qr_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_video_device) gui_widgets.append((qr_label, qr_combo)) usechange_cb = QCheckBox(_('Use change addresses')) usechange_cb.setChecked(self.wallet.use_change) if not self.config.is_modifiable('use_change'): usechange_cb.setEnabled(False) def on_usechange(x): usechange_result = x == Qt.Checked if self.wallet.use_change != usechange_result: self.wallet.use_change = usechange_result self.wallet.storage.put('use_change', self.wallet.use_change) multiple_cb.setEnabled(self.wallet.use_change) usechange_cb.stateChanged.connect(on_usechange) usechange_cb.setToolTip(_('Using change addresses makes it more difficult for other people to track your transactions.')) tx_widgets.append((usechange_cb, None)) def on_multiple(x): multiple = x == Qt.Checked if self.wallet.multiple_change != multiple: self.wallet.multiple_change = multiple self.wallet.storage.put('multiple_change', multiple) multiple_change = self.wallet.multiple_change multiple_cb = QCheckBox(_('Use multiple change addresses')) multiple_cb.setEnabled(self.wallet.use_change) multiple_cb.setToolTip('\n'.join([ _('In some cases, use up to 3 change addresses in order to break ' 'up large coin amounts and obfuscate the recipient address.'), _('This may result in higher transactions fees.') ])) multiple_cb.setChecked(multiple_change) multiple_cb.stateChanged.connect(on_multiple) tx_widgets.append((multiple_cb, None)) def fmt_docs(key, klass): lines = [ln.lstrip(" ") for ln in klass.__doc__.split("\n")] return '\n'.join([key, "", " ".join(lines)]) choosers = sorted(coinchooser.COIN_CHOOSERS.keys()) chooser_name = coinchooser.get_name(self.config) msg = _('Choose coin (UTXO) selection method. The following are available:\n\n') msg += '\n\n'.join(fmt_docs(*item) for item in coinchooser.COIN_CHOOSERS.items()) chooser_label = HelpLabel(_('Coin selection') + ':', msg) chooser_combo = QComboBox() chooser_combo.addItems(choosers) i = choosers.index(chooser_name) if chooser_name in choosers else 0 chooser_combo.setCurrentIndex(i) def on_chooser(x): chooser_name = choosers[chooser_combo.currentIndex()] self.config.set_key('coin_chooser', chooser_name) chooser_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_chooser) tx_widgets.append((chooser_label, chooser_combo)) def on_unconf(x): self.config.set_key('confirmed_only', bool(x)) conf_only = self.config.get('confirmed_only', False) unconf_cb = QCheckBox(_('Spend only confirmed coins')) unconf_cb.setToolTip(_('Spend only confirmed inputs.')) unconf_cb.setChecked(conf_only) unconf_cb.stateChanged.connect(on_unconf) tx_widgets.append((unconf_cb, None)) # Fiat Currency hist_checkbox = QCheckBox() fiat_address_checkbox = QCheckBox() ccy_combo = QComboBox() ex_combo = QComboBox() def update_currencies(): if not self.fx: return currencies = sorted(self.fx.get_currencies(self.fx.get_history_config())) ccy_combo.clear() ccy_combo.addItems([_('None')] + currencies) if self.fx.is_enabled(): ccy_combo.setCurrentIndex(ccy_combo.findText(self.fx.get_currency())) def update_history_cb(): if not self.fx: return hist_checkbox.setChecked(self.fx.get_history_config()) hist_checkbox.setEnabled(self.fx.is_enabled()) def update_fiat_address_cb(): if not self.fx: return fiat_address_checkbox.setChecked(self.fx.get_fiat_address_config()) def update_exchanges(): if not self.fx: return b = self.fx.is_enabled() ex_combo.setEnabled(b) if b: h = self.fx.get_history_config() c = self.fx.get_currency() exchanges = self.fx.get_exchanges_by_ccy(c, h) else: exchanges = self.fx.get_exchanges_by_ccy('USD', False) ex_combo.clear() ex_combo.addItems(sorted(exchanges)) ex_combo.setCurrentIndex(ex_combo.findText(self.fx.config_exchange())) def on_currency(hh): if not self.fx: return b = bool(ccy_combo.currentIndex()) ccy = str(ccy_combo.currentText()) if b else None self.fx.set_enabled(b) if b and ccy != self.fx.ccy: self.fx.set_currency(ccy) update_history_cb() update_exchanges() self.update_fiat() def on_exchange(idx): exchange = str(ex_combo.currentText()) if self.fx and self.fx.is_enabled() and exchange and exchange != self.fx.exchange.name(): self.fx.set_exchange(exchange) def on_history(checked): if not self.fx: return self.fx.set_history_config(checked) update_exchanges() self.history_list.refresh_headers() if self.fx.is_enabled() and checked: # reset timeout to get historical rates self.fx.timeout = 0 def on_fiat_address(checked): if not self.fx: return self.fx.set_fiat_address_config(checked) self.address_list.refresh_headers() self.address_list.update() update_currencies() update_history_cb() update_fiat_address_cb() update_exchanges() ccy_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_currency) hist_checkbox.stateChanged.connect(on_history) fiat_address_checkbox.stateChanged.connect(on_fiat_address) ex_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_exchange) fiat_widgets = [] fiat_widgets.append((QLabel(_('Fiat currency')), ccy_combo)) fiat_widgets.append((QLabel(_('Show history rates')), hist_checkbox)) fiat_widgets.append((QLabel(_('Show Fiat balance for addresses')), fiat_address_checkbox)) fiat_widgets.append((QLabel(_('Source')), ex_combo)) tabs_info = [ (fee_widgets, _('Fees')), (tx_widgets, _('Transactions')), (gui_widgets, _('Appearance')), (fiat_widgets, _('Fiat')), (id_widgets, _('Identity')), ] for widgets, name in tabs_info: tab = QWidget() grid = QGridLayout(tab) grid.setColumnStretch(0,1) for a,b in widgets: i = grid.rowCount() if b: if a: grid.addWidget(a, i, 0) grid.addWidget(b, i, 1) else: grid.addWidget(a, i, 0, 1, 2) tabs.addTab(tab, name) vbox.addWidget(tabs) vbox.addStretch(1) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CloseButton(d))) d.setLayout(vbox) # run the dialog d.exec_() if self.fx: self.fx.timeout = 0 self.disconnect(self, SIGNAL('alias_received'), set_alias_color) run_hook('close_settings_dialog') if self.need_restart: self.show_warning(_('Please restart Electrum to activate the new GUI settings'), title=_('Success')) def closeEvent(self, event): # It seems in some rare cases this closeEvent() is called twice if not self.cleaned_up: self.cleaned_up = True self.clean_up() event.accept() def clean_up(self): self.wallet.thread.stop() if self.network: self.network.unregister_callback(self.on_network) self.config.set_key("is_maximized", self.isMaximized()) if not self.isMaximized(): g = self.geometry() self.wallet.storage.put("winpos-qt", [g.left(),g.top(), g.width(),g.height()]) self.config.set_key("console-history", self.console.history[-50:], True) if self.qr_window: self.qr_window.close() self.close_wallet() self.gui_object.close_window(self) def plugins_dialog(self): self.pluginsdialog = d = WindowModalDialog(self, _('Electrum Plugins')) plugins = self.gui_object.plugins vbox = QVBoxLayout(d) # plugins scroll = QScrollArea() scroll.setEnabled(True) scroll.setWidgetResizable(True) scroll.setMinimumSize(400,250) vbox.addWidget(scroll) w = QWidget() scroll.setWidget(w) w.setMinimumHeight(plugins.count() * 35) grid = QGridLayout() grid.setColumnStretch(0,1) w.setLayout(grid) settings_widgets = {} def enable_settings_widget(p, name, i): widget = settings_widgets.get(name) if not widget and p and p.requires_settings(): widget = settings_widgets[name] = p.settings_widget(d) grid.addWidget(widget, i, 1) if widget: widget.setEnabled(bool(p and p.is_enabled())) def do_toggle(cb, name, i): p = plugins.toggle(name) cb.setChecked(bool(p)) enable_settings_widget(p, name, i) run_hook('init_qt', self.gui_object) for i, descr in enumerate(plugins.descriptions.values()): name = descr['__name__'] p = plugins.get(name) if descr.get('registers_keystore'): continue try: cb = QCheckBox(descr['fullname']) cb.setEnabled(plugins.is_available(name, self.wallet)) cb.setChecked(p is not None and p.is_enabled()) grid.addWidget(cb, i, 0) enable_settings_widget(p, name, i) cb.clicked.connect(partial(do_toggle, cb, name, i)) msg = descr['description'] if descr.get('requires'): msg += '\n\n' + _('Requires') + ':\n' + '\n'.join(map(lambda x: x[1], descr.get('requires'))) grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), i, 2) except Exception: self.print_msg("error: cannot display plugin", name) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) grid.setRowStretch(i+1,1) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CloseButton(d))) d.exec_() def cpfp(self, parent_tx, new_tx): total_size = parent_tx.estimated_size() + new_tx.estimated_size() d = WindowModalDialog(self, _('Child Pays for Parent')) vbox = QVBoxLayout(d) msg = ( "A CPFP is a transaction that sends an unconfirmed output back to " "yourself, with a high fee. The goal is to have miners confirm " "the parent transaction in order to get the fee attached to the " "child transaction.") vbox.addWidget(WWLabel(_(msg))) msg2 = ("The proposed fee is computed using your " "fee/kB settings, applied to the total size of both child and " "parent transactions. After you broadcast a CPFP transaction, " "it is normal to see a new unconfirmed transaction in your history.") vbox.addWidget(WWLabel(_(msg2))) grid = QGridLayout() grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Total size') + ':'), 0, 0) grid.addWidget(QLabel('%d bytes'% total_size), 0, 1) max_fee = new_tx.output_value() grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Input amount') + ':'), 1, 0) grid.addWidget(QLabel(self.format_amount(max_fee) + ' ' + self.base_unit()), 1, 1) output_amount = QLabel('') grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Output amount') + ':'), 2, 0) grid.addWidget(output_amount, 2, 1) fee_e = BTCAmountEdit(self.get_decimal_point) def f(x): a = max_fee - fee_e.get_amount() output_amount.setText((self.format_amount(a) + ' ' + self.base_unit()) if a else '') fee_e.textChanged.connect(f) fee = self.config.fee_per_kb() * total_size / 1000 fee_e.setAmount(fee) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Fee' + ':')), 3, 0) grid.addWidget(fee_e, 3, 1) def on_rate(dyn, pos, fee_rate): fee = fee_rate * total_size / 1000 fee = min(max_fee, fee) fee_e.setAmount(fee) fee_slider = FeeSlider(self, self.config, on_rate) fee_slider.update() grid.addWidget(fee_slider, 4, 1) vbox.addLayout(grid) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(d), OkButton(d))) if not d.exec_(): return fee = fee_e.get_amount() if fee > max_fee: self.show_error(_('Max fee exceeded')) return new_tx = self.wallet.cpfp(parent_tx, fee) new_tx.set_rbf(True) self.show_transaction(new_tx) def bump_fee_dialog(self, tx): is_relevant, is_mine, v, fee = self.wallet.get_wallet_delta(tx) tx_label = self.wallet.get_label(tx.txid()) tx_size = tx.estimated_size() d = WindowModalDialog(self, _('Bump Fee')) vbox = QVBoxLayout(d) vbox.addWidget(QLabel(_('Current fee') + ': %s'% self.format_amount(fee) + ' ' + self.base_unit())) vbox.addWidget(QLabel(_('New fee' + ':'))) fee_e = BTCAmountEdit(self.get_decimal_point) fee_e.setAmount(fee * 1.5) vbox.addWidget(fee_e) def on_rate(dyn, pos, fee_rate): fee = fee_rate * tx_size / 1000 fee_e.setAmount(fee) fee_slider = FeeSlider(self, self.config, on_rate) vbox.addWidget(fee_slider) cb = QCheckBox(_('Final')) vbox.addWidget(cb) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(d), OkButton(d))) if not d.exec_(): return is_final = cb.isChecked() new_fee = fee_e.get_amount() delta = new_fee - fee if delta < 0: self.show_error("fee too low") return try: new_tx = self.wallet.bump_fee(tx, delta) except BaseException as e: self.show_error(str(e)) return if is_final: new_tx.set_rbf(False) self.show_transaction(new_tx, tx_label)