#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright(C) 2011 thomasv@gitorious # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public # License along with this program. If not, see # . """ Todo: * server should check and return bitcoind status.. * improve txpoint sorting * command to check cache mempool transactions do not need to be added to the database; it slows it down """ import time, json, socket, operator, thread, ast, sys,re import ConfigParser from json import dumps, loads import urllib # we need to import electrum sys.path.append('../client/') from wallet import Wallet from interface import Interface config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() # set some defaults, which will be overwritten by the config file config.add_section('server') config.set('server','banner', 'Welcome to Electrum!') config.set('server', 'host', 'localhost') config.set('server', 'port', '50000') config.set('server', 'password', '') config.set('server', 'irc', 'yes') config.set('server', 'ircname', 'Electrum server') config.add_section('database') config.set('database', 'type', 'psycopg2') config.set('database', 'database', 'abe') try: f = open('/etc/electrum.conf','r') config.readfp(f) f.close() except: print "Could not read electrum.conf. I will use the default values." try: f = open('/etc/electrum.banner','r') config.set('server','banner', f.read()) f.close() except: pass password = config.get('server','password') stopping = False block_number = -1 old_block_number = -1 sessions = {} sessions_sub_numblocks = {} # sessions that have subscribed to the service m_sessions = [{}] # served by http peer_list = {} wallets = {} # for ultra-light clients such as bccapi from Queue import Queue input_queue = Queue() output_queue = Queue() address_queue = Queue() class Direct_Interface(Interface): def __init__(self): pass def handler(self, method, params = ''): cmds = {'session.new':new_session, 'session.poll':poll_session, 'session.update':update_session, 'transaction.broadcast':send_tx, 'address.get_history':store.get_history } func = cmds[method] return func( params ) def send_tx(tx): postdata = dumps({"method": 'importtransaction', 'params': [tx], 'id':'jsonrpc'}) respdata = urllib.urlopen(bitcoind_url, postdata).read() r = loads(respdata) if r['error'] != None: out = "error: transaction rejected by memorypool\n"+tx else: out = r['result'] return out def random_string(N): import random, string return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for x in range(N)) def cmd_stop(_,__,pw): global stopping if password == pw: stopping = True return 'ok' else: return 'wrong password' def cmd_load(_,__,pw): if password == pw: return repr( len(sessions) ) else: return 'wrong password' def modified_addresses(session): if 1: t1 = time.time() addresses = session['addresses'] session['last_time'] = time.time() ret = {} k = 0 for addr in addresses: status = get_address_status( addr ) msg_id, last_status = addresses.get( addr ) if last_status != status: addresses[addr] = msg_id, status ret[addr] = status t2 = time.time() - t1 #if t2 > 10: print "high load:", session_id, "%d/%d"%(k,len(addresses)), t2 return ret, addresses def poll_session(session_id): # native session = sessions.get(session_id) if session is None: print time.asctime(), "session not found", session_id return -1, {} else: ret, addresses = modified_addresses(session) if ret: sessions[session_id]['addresses'] = addresses return repr( (block_number,ret)) def poll_session_json(session_id, message_id): session = m_sessions[0].get(session_id) if session is None: raise BaseException("session not found %s"%session_id) else: out = [] ret, addresses = modified_addresses(session) if ret: m_sessions[0][session_id]['addresses'] = addresses for addr in ret: msg_id, status = addresses[addr] out.append( { 'id':msg_id, 'result':status } ) msg_id, last_nb = session.get('numblocks') if last_nb: if last_nb != block_number: m_sessions[0][session_id]['numblocks'] = msg_id, block_number out.append( {'id':msg_id, 'result':block_number} ) return out def do_update_address(addr): # an address was involved in a transaction; we check if it was subscribed to in a session # the address can be subscribed in several sessions; the cache should ensure that we don't do redundant requests for session_id in sessions.keys(): session = sessions[session_id] if session.get('type') != 'persistent': continue addresses = session['addresses'].keys() if addr in addresses: status = get_address_status( addr ) message_id, last_status = session['addresses'][addr] if last_status != status: #print "sending new status for %s:"%addr, status send_status(session_id,message_id,addr,status) sessions[session_id]['addresses'][addr] = (message_id,status) def get_address_status(addr): # get address status, i.e. the last block for that address. tx_points = store.get_history(addr) if not tx_points: status = None else: lastpoint = tx_points[-1] status = lastpoint['blk_hash'] # this is a temporary hack; move it up once old clients have disappeared if status == 'mempool': # and session['version'] != "old": status = status + ':%d'% len(tx_points) return status def send_numblocks(session_id): message_id = sessions_sub_numblocks[session_id] out = json.dumps( {'id':message_id, 'result':block_number} ) output_queue.put((session_id, out)) def send_status(session_id, message_id, address, status): out = json.dumps( { 'id':message_id, 'result':status } ) output_queue.put((session_id, out)) def address_get_history_json(_,message_id,address): return store.get_history(address) def subscribe_to_numblocks(session_id, message_id): sessions_sub_numblocks[session_id] = message_id send_numblocks(session_id) def subscribe_to_numblocks_json(session_id, message_id): global m_sessions m_sessions[0][session_id]['numblocks'] = message_id,block_number return block_number def subscribe_to_address(session_id, message_id, address): status = get_address_status(address) sessions[session_id]['addresses'][address] = (message_id, status) sessions[session_id]['last_time'] = time.time() send_status(session_id, message_id, address, status) def add_address_to_session_json(session_id, message_id, address): global m_sessions sessions = m_sessions[0] status = get_address_status(address) sessions[session_id]['addresses'][address] = (message_id, status) sessions[session_id]['last_time'] = time.time() m_sessions[0] = sessions return status def add_address_to_session(session_id, address): status = get_address_status(address) sessions[session_id]['addresses'][addr] = ("", status) sessions[session_id]['last_time'] = time.time() return status def new_session(version, addresses): session_id = random_string(10) sessions[session_id] = { 'addresses':{}, 'version':version } for a in addresses: sessions[session_id]['addresses'][a] = ('','') out = repr( (session_id, config.get('server','banner').replace('\\n','\n') ) ) sessions[session_id]['last_time'] = time.time() return out def client_version_json(session_id, _, version): global m_sessions sessions = m_sessions[0] sessions[session_id]['version'] = version m_sessions[0] = sessions def create_session_json(_, __): sessions = m_sessions[0] session_id = random_string(10) print "creating session", session_id sessions[session_id] = { 'addresses':{}, 'numblocks':('','') } sessions[session_id]['last_time'] = time.time() m_sessions[0] = sessions return session_id def get_banner(_,__): return config.get('server','banner').replace('\\n','\n') def update_session(session_id,addresses): """deprecated in 0.42""" sessions[session_id]['addresses'] = {} for a in addresses: sessions[session_id]['addresses'][a] = '' sessions[session_id]['last_time'] = time.time() return 'ok' def native_server_thread(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind((config.get('server','host'), config.getint('server','port'))) s.listen(1) while not stopping: conn, addr = s.accept() try: thread.start_new_thread(native_client_thread, (addr, conn,)) except: # can't start new thread if there is no memory.. traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) def native_client_thread(ipaddr,conn): #print "client thread", ipaddr try: ipaddr = ipaddr[0] msg = '' while 1: d = conn.recv(1024) msg += d if not d: break if '#' in msg: msg = msg.split('#', 1)[0] break try: cmd, data = ast.literal_eval(msg) except: print "syntax error", repr(msg), ipaddr conn.close() return out = do_command(cmd, data, ipaddr) if out: #print ipaddr, cmd, len(out) try: conn.send(out) except: print "error, could not send" finally: conn.close() def timestr(): return time.strftime("[%d/%m/%Y-%H:%M:%S]") # used by the native handler def do_command(cmd, data, ipaddr): if cmd=='b': out = "%d"%block_number elif cmd in ['session','new_session']: try: if cmd == 'session': addresses = ast.literal_eval(data) version = "old" else: version, addresses = ast.literal_eval(data) if version[0]=="0": version = "v" + version except: print "error", data return None print timestr(), "new session", ipaddr, addresses[0] if addresses else addresses, len(addresses), version out = new_session(version, addresses) elif cmd=='address.subscribe': try: session_id, addr = ast.literal_eval(data) except: print "error" return None out = add_address_to_session(session_id,addr) elif cmd=='update_session': try: session_id, addresses = ast.literal_eval(data) except: print "error" return None print timestr(), "update session", ipaddr, addresses[0] if addresses else addresses, len(addresses) out = update_session(session_id,addresses) elif cmd == 'bccapi_login': import electrum print "data",data v, k = ast.literal_eval(data) master_public_key = k.decode('hex') # todo: sanitize. no need to decode twice... print master_public_key wallet_id = random_string(10) w = Wallet( Direct_Interface() ) w.master_public_key = master_public_key.decode('hex') w.synchronize() wallets[wallet_id] = w out = wallet_id print "wallets", wallets elif cmd == 'bccapi_getAccountInfo': from wallet import int_to_hex v, wallet_id = ast.literal_eval(data) w = wallets.get(wallet_id) if w is not None: num = len(w.addresses) c, u = w.get_balance() out = int_to_hex(num,4) + int_to_hex(c,8) + int_to_hex( c+u, 8 ) out = out.decode('hex') else: print "error",data out = "error" elif cmd == 'bccapi_getAccountStatement': from wallet import int_to_hex v, wallet_id = ast.literal_eval(data) w = wallets.get(wallet_id) if w is not None: num = len(w.addresses) c, u = w.get_balance() total_records = num_records = 0 out = int_to_hex(num,4) + int_to_hex(c,8) + int_to_hex( c+u, 8 ) + int_to_hex( total_records ) + int_to_hex( num_records ) out = out.decode('hex') else: print "error",data out = "error" elif cmd == 'bccapi_getSendCoinForm': out = '' elif cmd == 'bccapi_submitTransaction': out = '' elif cmd=='poll': out = poll_session(data) elif cmd == 'h': # history address = data out = repr( store.get_history( address ) ) elif cmd == 'load': out = cmd_load(data) elif cmd =='tx': out = send_tx(data) print timestr(), "sent tx:", ipaddr, out elif cmd == 'stop': out = cmd_stop(data) elif cmd == 'peers': out = repr(peer_list.values()) else: out = None return out #################################################################### def tcp_server_thread(): thread.start_new_thread(process_input_queue, ()) thread.start_new_thread(process_output_queue, ()) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind((config.get('server','host'), 50001)) s.listen(1) while not stopping: conn, addr = s.accept() try: thread.start_new_thread(tcp_client_thread, (addr, conn,)) except: # can't start new thread if there is no memory.. traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) def close_session(session_id): #print "lost connection", session_id sessions.pop(session_id) if session_id in sessions_sub_numblocks: sessions_sub_numblocks.pop(session_id) # one thread per client. put requests in a queue. def tcp_client_thread(ipaddr,conn): """ use a persistent connection. put commands in a queue.""" print timestr(), "TCP session", ipaddr global sessions session_id = random_string(10) sessions[session_id] = { 'conn':conn, 'addresses':{}, 'version':'unknown', 'type':'persistent' } ipaddr = ipaddr[0] msg = '' while not stopping: try: d = conn.recv(1024) except socket.error: d = '' if not d: close_session(session_id) break msg += d while True: s = msg.find('\n') if s ==-1: break else: c = msg[0:s].strip() msg = msg[s+1:] if c == 'quit': conn.close() close_session(session_id) return try: c = json.loads(c) except: print "json error", repr(c) continue try: message_id = c.get('id') method = c.get('method') params = c.get('params') except: print "syntax error", repr(c), ipaddr continue # add to queue input_queue.put((session_id, message_id, method, params)) # read commands from the input queue. perform requests, etc. this should be called from the main thread. def process_input_queue(): while not stopping: session_id, message_id, method, data = input_queue.get() if session_id not in sessions.keys(): continue out = None if method == 'address.subscribe': address = data[0] subscribe_to_address(session_id,message_id,address) elif method == 'numblocks.subscribe': subscribe_to_numblocks(session_id,message_id) elif method == 'client.version': sessions[session_id]['version'] = data[0] elif method == 'server.banner': out = { 'result':config.get('server','banner').replace('\\n','\n') } elif method == 'server.peers': out = { 'result':peer_list.values() } elif method == 'address.get_history': address = data[0] out = { 'result':store.get_history( address ) } elif method == 'transaction.broadcast': postdata = dumps({"method": 'importtransaction', 'params': [data], 'id':'jsonrpc'}) txo = urllib.urlopen(bitcoind_url, postdata).read() print "sent tx:", txo out = json.loads(txo) else: print "unknown command", method if out: out['id'] = message_id out = json.dumps( out ) output_queue.put((session_id, out)) # this is a separate thread def process_output_queue(): while not stopping: session_id, out = output_queue.get() session = sessions.get(session_id) if session: try: conn = session.get('conn') conn.send(out+'\n') except: close_session(session_id) #################################################################### def clean_session_thread(): while not stopping: time.sleep(30) t = time.time() for k,s in sessions.items(): if s.get('type') == 'persistent': continue t0 = s['last_time'] if t - t0 > 5*60: sessions.pop(k) print "lost session", k def irc_thread(): global peer_list NICK = 'E_'+random_string(10) while not stopping: try: s = socket.socket() s.connect(('irc.freenode.net', 6667)) s.send('USER electrum 0 * :'+config.get('server','host')+' '+config.get('server','ircname')+'\n') s.send('NICK '+NICK+'\n') s.send('JOIN #electrum\n') sf = s.makefile('r', 0) t = 0 while not stopping: line = sf.readline() line = line.rstrip('\r\n') line = line.split() if line[0]=='PING': s.send('PONG '+line[1]+'\n') elif '353' in line: # answer to /names k = line.index('353') for item in line[k+1:]: if item[0:2] == 'E_': s.send('WHO %s\n'%item) elif '352' in line: # answer to /who # warning: this is a horrible hack which apparently works k = line.index('352') ip = line[k+4] ip = socket.gethostbyname(ip) name = line[k+6] host = line[k+9] peer_list[name] = (ip,host) if time.time() - t > 5*60: s.send('NAMES #electrum\n') t = time.time() peer_list = {} except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) finally: sf.close() s.close() def get_peers_json(_,__): return peer_list.values() def http_server_thread(): # see http://code.google.com/p/jsonrpclib/ from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn from StratumJSONRPCServer import StratumJSONRPCServer class StratumThreadedJSONRPCServer(ThreadingMixIn, StratumJSONRPCServer): pass server = StratumThreadedJSONRPCServer(( config.get('server','host'), 8081)) server.register_function(get_peers_json, 'server.peers') server.register_function(cmd_stop, 'stop') server.register_function(cmd_load, 'load') server.register_function(get_banner, 'server.banner') server.register_function(lambda a,b,c: send_tx(c), 'transaction.broadcast') server.register_function(address_get_history_json, 'address.get_history') server.register_function(add_address_to_session_json, 'address.subscribe') server.register_function(subscribe_to_numblocks_json, 'numblocks.subscribe') server.register_function(client_version_json, 'client.version') server.register_function(create_session_json, 'session.create') # internal message (not part of protocol) server.register_function(poll_session_json, 'session.poll') # internal message (not part of protocol) server.serve_forever() import traceback if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv)>1: import jsonrpclib server = jsonrpclib.Server('http://%s:8081'%config.get('server','host')) cmd = sys.argv[1] if cmd == 'load': out = server.load(password) elif cmd == 'peers': out = server.server.peers() elif cmd == 'stop': out = server.stop(password) elif cmd == 'clear_cache': out = server.clear_cache(password) elif cmd == 'get_cache': out = server.get_cache(password,sys.argv[2]) elif cmd == 'h': out = server.address.get_history(sys.argv[2]) elif cmd == 'tx': out = server.transaction.broadcast(sys.argv[2]) elif cmd == 'b': out = server.numblocks.subscribe() else: out = "Unknown command: '%s'" % cmd print out sys.exit(0) # backend import db store = db.MyStore(config,address_queue) # supported protocols thread.start_new_thread(native_server_thread, ()) thread.start_new_thread(tcp_server_thread, ()) thread.start_new_thread(http_server_thread, ()) thread.start_new_thread(clean_session_thread, ()) if (config.get('server','irc') == 'yes' ): thread.start_new_thread(irc_thread, ()) print "starting Electrum server" while not stopping: block_number = store.main_iteration() if block_number != old_block_number: old_block_number = block_number for session_id in sessions_sub_numblocks.keys(): send_numblocks(session_id) # do addresses while True: try: addr = address_queue.get(False) except: break do_update_address(addr) time.sleep(10) print "server stopped"