from weakref import ref from decimal import Decimal import re import datetime import traceback, sys import threading from import App from kivy.cache import Cache from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.compat import string_types from import (ObjectProperty, DictProperty, NumericProperty, ListProperty) from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.factory import Factory from electrum.i18n import _ from electrum.util import profiler from electrum import bitcoin from electrum.util import timestamp_to_datetime from electrum.plugins import run_hook class CScreen(Factory.Screen): __events__ = ('on_activate', 'on_deactivate', 'on_enter', 'on_leave') action_view = ObjectProperty(None) loaded = False kvname = None app = App.get_running_app() def _change_action_view(self): app = App.get_running_app() action_bar = app.root.manager.current_screen.ids.action_bar _action_view = self.action_view if (not _action_view) or _action_view.parent: return action_bar.clear_widgets() action_bar.add_widget(_action_view) def on_enter(self): # FIXME: use a proper event don't use animation time of screen Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: self.dispatch('on_activate'), .25) pass def update(self): pass @profiler def load_screen(self): self.screen = Builder.load_file('gui/kivy/uix/ui_screens/' + self.kvname + '.kv') self.add_widget(self.screen) self.loaded = True self.update() setattr(, self.kvname + '_screen', self) def on_activate(self): if self.kvname and not self.loaded: self.load_screen() #Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: self._change_action_view()) def on_leave(self): self.dispatch('on_deactivate') def on_deactivate(self): pass #Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: self._change_action_view()) class HistoryScreen(CScreen): tab = ObjectProperty(None) kvname = 'history' def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.ra_dialog = None super(HistoryScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) def get_history_rate(self, btc_balance, timestamp): date = timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp) return run_hook('historical_value_str', btc_balance, date) def parse_history(self, items): for item in items: tx_hash, conf, value, timestamp, balance = item time_str = _("unknown") if conf > 0: try: time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat(' ')[:-3] except Exception: time_str = _("error") if conf == -1: time_str = _('unverified') icon = "atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/close" elif conf == 0: time_str = _('pending') icon = "atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/unconfirmed" elif conf < 6: time_str = '' # add new to fix error when conf < 0 conf = max(1, conf) icon = "atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/clock{}".format(conf) else: icon = "atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/confirmed" if tx_hash: label, is_default_label = else: label = _('Pruned transaction outputs') is_default_label = False quote_currency = 'USD' rate = self.get_history_rate(value, timestamp) quote_text = "..." if rate is None else "{0:.3} {1}".format(rate, quote_currency) yield (conf, icon, time_str, label, value, tx_hash, quote_text) def update(self, see_all=False): if is None: return history_card = self.screen.ids.recent_activity_card history = self.parse_history(reversed( # repopulate History Card last_widget = history_card.ids.content.children[-1] history_card.ids.content.clear_widgets() history_add = history_card.ids.content.add_widget history_add(last_widget) RecentActivityItem = Factory.RecentActivityItem count = 0 for item in history: count += 1 conf, icon, date_time, address, value, tx, quote_text = item ri = RecentActivityItem() ri.icon = icon = date_time ri.address = address ri.value = value ri.quote_text = quote_text ri.confirmations = conf ri.tx_hash = tx history_add(ri) if count == 8 and not see_all: break class ScreenAddress(CScreen): '''This is the dialog that shows a carousel of the currently available addresses. ''' labels = DictProperty({}) ''' A precached list of address labels. ''' tab = ObjectProperty(None) ''' The tab associated With this Carousel ''' class ScreenPassword(Factory.Screen): __events__ = ('on_release', 'on_deactivate', 'on_activate') def on_activate(self): app = App.get_running_app() action_bar = app.root.main_screen.ids.action_bar action_bar.add_widget(self._action_view) def on_deactivate(self): self.ids.password.text = '' def on_release(self, *args): pass class SendScreen(CScreen): kvname = 'send' def set_qr_data(self, uri): self.ids.payto_e.text = uri.get('address', '') self.ids.message_e.text = uri.get('message', '') amount = uri.get('amount') if amount: amount_str = str( Decimal(amount) / pow(10, self.ids.amount_e.text = amount_str + ' ' + def do_clear(self): self.ids.payto_e.text = '' self.ids.message_e.text = '' self.ids.amount_e.text = 'Amount' #self.set_frozen(content, False) #self.update_status() def do_send(self): scrn = self.ids label = unicode(scrn.message_e.text) r = unicode(scrn.payto_e.text).strip() # label or alias, with address in brackets m = re.match('(.*?)\s*\<([1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{26,})\>', r) to_address = if m else r if not bitcoin.is_address(to_address):'Invalid Bitcoin Address') + ':\n' + to_address) return amount = #fee = scrn.fee_e.amt #if not fee: # app.show_error(_('Invalid Fee')) # return fee = None message = 'sending {} {} to {}'.format(, scrn.amount_e.text, r) outputs = [('address', to_address, amount)], (outputs, fee, label)) def send_tx(self, *args):"Sending...") threading.Thread(target=self.send_tx_thread, args=args).start() def send_tx_thread(self, outputs, fee, label, password): # make unsigned transaction coins = try: tx =, outputs,, fee) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) return # sign transaction try:, password) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) return # broadcast ok, txid = class ReceiveScreen(CScreen): kvname = 'receive' def update(self): addr = address_label = self.screen.ids.get('address') address_label.text = addr self.update_qr() def amount_callback(self, popup): amount_label = self.screen.ids.get('amount') amount_label.text = popup.ids.amount_label.text self.update_qr() @profiler def update_qrtt(self): raise def update_qr(self): from electrum.util import create_URI address = self.screen.ids.get('address').text amount = self.screen.ids.get('amount').text default_text = self.screen.ids.get('amount').default_text if amount == default_text: amount = None else: a, u = amount.split() assert u == amount = Decimal(a) * pow(10, msg = self.screen.ids.get('message').text uri = create_URI(address, amount, msg) qr = self.screen.ids.get('qr') qr.set_data(uri) def do_share(self): pass def do_clear(self): a = self.screen.ids.get('amount') a.text = a.default_text self.screen.ids.get('message').text = '' class ContactsScreen(CScreen): kvname = 'contacts' def add_new_contact(self): dlg = Cache.get('electrum_widgets', 'NewContactDialog') if not dlg: dlg = NewContactDialog() Cache.append('electrum_widgets', 'NewContactDialog', dlg) def update(self): contact_list = self.screen.ids.contact_container contact_list.clear_widgets() child = -1 children = contact_list.children for key in sorted( _type, value =[key] child += 1 try: if children[child].label == value: continue except IndexError: pass ci = Factory.ContactItem() ci.address = key ci.label = value contact_list.add_widget(ci) class CSpinner(Factory.Spinner): '''CustomDropDown that allows fading out the dropdown ''' def _update_dropdown(self, *largs): dp = self._dropdown cls = self.option_cls if isinstance(cls, string_types): cls = Factory.get(cls) dp.clear_widgets() def do_release(option): Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt:, .25) for value in self.values: item = cls(text=value) item.bind(on_release=do_release) dp.add_widget(item) class TabbedCarousel(Factory.TabbedPanel): '''Custom TabbedPanel using a carousel used in the Main Screen ''' carousel = ObjectProperty(None) def animate_tab_to_center(self, value): scrlv = self._tab_strip.parent if not scrlv: return idx = self.tab_list.index(value) if idx == 0: scroll_x = 1 elif idx == len(self.tab_list) - 1: scroll_x = 0 else: self_center_x = scrlv.center_x vcenter_x = value.center_x diff_x = (self_center_x - vcenter_x) try: scroll_x = scrlv.scroll_x - (diff_x / scrlv.width) except ZeroDivisionError: pass mation = Factory.Animation(scroll_x=scroll_x, d=.25) mation.cancel_all(scrlv) mation.start(scrlv) def on_current_tab(self, instance, value): if value.text == 'default_tab': return self.animate_tab_to_center(value) def on_index(self, instance, value): current_slide = instance.current_slide if not hasattr(current_slide, 'tab'): return tab = ct = self.current_tab try: if ct.text != tab.text: carousel = self.carousel carousel.slides[ct.slide].dispatch('on_leave') self.switch_to(tab) carousel.slides[tab.slide].dispatch('on_enter') except AttributeError: current_slide.dispatch('on_enter') def switch_to(self, header): # we have to replace the functionality of the original switch_to if not header: return if not hasattr(header, 'slide'): header.content = self.carousel super(TabbedCarousel, self).switch_to(header) try: tab = self.tab_list[-1] except IndexError: return self._current_tab = tab tab.state = 'down' return carousel = self.carousel self.current_tab.state = "normal" header.state = 'down' self._current_tab = header # set the carousel to load the appropriate slide # saved in the screen attribute of the tab head slide = carousel.slides[header.slide] if carousel.current_slide != slide: carousel.current_slide.dispatch('on_leave') carousel.load_slide(slide) slide.dispatch('on_enter') def add_widget(self, widget, index=0): if isinstance(widget, Factory.CScreen): self.carousel.add_widget(widget) return super(TabbedCarousel, self).add_widget(widget, index=index) class ELTextInput(Factory.TextInput): '''Custom TextInput used in main screens for numeric entry ''' def insert_text(self, substring, from_undo=False): if not from_undo: if self.input_type == 'numbers': numeric_list = map(str, range(10)) if '.' not in self.text: numeric_list.append('.') if substring not in numeric_list: return super(ELTextInput, self).insert_text(substring, from_undo=from_undo)