#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2011 thomasv@gitorious # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import time from util import * from bitcoin import * from decimal import Decimal import bitcoin from transaction import Transaction class Command: def __init__(self, name, min_args, max_args, requires_network, requires_wallet, requires_password, description, syntax = '', options_syntax = ''): self.name = name self.min_args=min_args self.max_args = max_args self.requires_network = requires_network self.requires_wallet = requires_wallet self.requires_password = requires_password self.description = description self.syntax = syntax self.options = options_syntax known_commands = {} def register_command(*args): global known_commands name = args[0] known_commands[name] = Command(*args) payto_options = ' --fee, -f: set transaction fee\n --fromaddr, -F: send from address -\n --changeaddr, -c: send change to address' listaddr_options = " -a: show all addresses, including change addresses\n -l: include labels in results" restore_options = " accepts a seed or master public key." mksendmany_syntax = 'mksendmanytx <recipient> <amount> [<recipient> <amount> ...]' payto_syntax = "payto <recipient> <amount> [label]\n<recipient> can be a bitcoin address or a label" paytomany_syntax = "paytomany <recipient> <amount> [<recipient> <amount> ...]\n<recipient> can be a bitcoin address or a label" signmessage_syntax = 'signmessage <address> <message>\nIf you want to lead or end a message with spaces, or want double spaces inside the message make sure you quote the string. I.e. " Hello This is a weird String "' verifymessage_syntax = 'verifymessage <address> <signature> <message>\nIf you want to lead or end a message with spaces, or want double spaces inside the message make sure you quote the string. I.e. " Hello This is a weird String "' # command # requires_network # requires_wallet # requires_password register_command('contacts', 0, 0, False, True, False, 'Show your list of contacts') register_command('create', 0, 0, False, True, False, 'Create a new wallet') register_command('createmultisig', 2, 2, False, True, False, 'similar to bitcoind\'s command') register_command('createrawtransaction', 2, 2, False, True, False, 'similar to bitcoind\'s command') register_command('deseed', 0, 0, False, True, False, 'Remove seed from wallet, creating a seedless, watching-only wallet.') register_command('decoderawtransaction', 1, 1, False, False, False, 'similar to bitcoind\'s command') register_command('getprivatekeys', 1, 1, False, True, True, 'Get the private keys of a given address', 'getprivatekeys <bitcoin address>') register_command('dumpprivkeys', 0, 0, False, True, True, 'Dump all private keys in your wallet') register_command('freeze', 1, 1, False, True, True, 'Freeze the funds at one of your wallet\'s addresses', 'freeze <address>') register_command('getbalance', 0, 1, True, True, False, 'Return the balance of your wallet, or of one account in your wallet', 'getbalance [<account>]') register_command('getservers', 0, 0, True, False, False, 'Return the list of available servers') register_command('getversion', 0, 0, False, False, False, 'Return the version of your client', 'getversion') register_command('getaddressbalance', 1, 1, True, False, False, 'Return the balance of an address', 'getaddressbalance <address>') register_command('getaddresshistory', 1, 1, True, False, False, 'Return the transaction history of a wallet address', 'getaddresshistory <address>') register_command('getconfig', 1, 1, False, False, False, 'Return a configuration variable', 'getconfig <name>') register_command('getpubkeys', 1, 1, False, True, False, 'Return the public keys for a wallet address', 'getpubkeys <bitcoin address>') register_command('getrawtransaction', 1, 1, True, False, False, 'Retrieve a transaction', 'getrawtransaction <txhash>') register_command('getseed', 0, 0, False, True, True, 'Print the generation seed of your wallet.') register_command('getmpk', 0, 0, False, True, False, 'Return your wallet\'s master public key', 'getmpk') register_command('help', 0, 1, False, False, False, 'Prints this help') register_command('history', 0, 0, True, True, False, 'Returns the transaction history of your wallet') register_command('importprivkey', 1, 1, False, True, True, 'Import a private key', 'importprivkey <privatekey>') register_command('listaddresses', 2, 2, False, True, False, 'Returns your list of addresses.', '', listaddr_options) register_command('listunspent', 0, 0, True, True, False, 'Returns the list of unspent inputs in your wallet.') register_command('getaddressunspent', 1, 1, True, False, False, 'Returns the list of unspent inputs for an address.') register_command('mktx', 5, 5, False, True, True, 'Create a signed transaction', 'mktx <recipient> <amount> [label]', payto_options) register_command('mksendmanytx', 4, 4, False, True, True, 'Create a signed transaction', mksendmany_syntax, payto_options) register_command('payto', 5, 5, True, True, True, 'Create and broadcast a transaction.', payto_syntax, payto_options) register_command('paytomany', 4, 4, True, True, True, 'Create and broadcast a transaction.', paytomany_syntax, payto_options) register_command('password', 0, 0, False, True, True, 'Change your password') register_command('restore', 0, 0, True, True, False, 'Restore a wallet', '', restore_options) register_command('setconfig', 2, 2, False, False, False, 'Set a configuration variable', 'setconfig <name> <value>') register_command('setlabel', 2,-1, False, True, False, 'Assign a label to an item', 'setlabel <tx_hash> <label>') register_command('sendrawtransaction', 1, 1, True, False, False, 'Broadcasts a transaction to the network.', 'sendrawtransaction <tx in hexadecimal>') register_command('signrawtransaction', 1, 3, False, True, True, 'similar to bitcoind\'s command') register_command('signmessage', 2,-1, False, True, True, 'Sign a message with a key', signmessage_syntax) register_command('unfreeze', 1, 1, False, True, False, 'Unfreeze the funds at one of your wallet\'s address', 'unfreeze <address>') register_command('validateaddress', 1, 1, False, False, False, 'Check that the address is valid', 'validateaddress <address>') register_command('verifymessage', 3,-1, False, False, False, 'Verifies a signature', verifymessage_syntax) register_command('encrypt', 2,-1, False, False, False, 'encrypt a message with pubkey','encrypt <pubkey> <message>') register_command('decrypt', 2,-1, False, True, True, 'decrypt a message encrypted with pubkey','decrypt <pubkey> <message>') register_command('daemon', 1, 1, True, False, False, '<stop|status>') register_command('getproof', 1, 1, True, False, False, 'get merkle proof', 'getproof <address>') register_command('getutxoaddress', 2, 2, True, False, False, 'get the address of an unspent transaction output','getutxoaddress <txid> <pos>') register_command('sweep', 2, 3, True, False, False, 'Sweep a private key.', 'sweep privkey addr [fee]') class Commands: def __init__(self, wallet, network, callback = None): self.wallet = wallet self.network = network self._callback = callback self.password = None def _run(self, method, args, password_getter): cmd = known_commands[method] if cmd.requires_password and self.wallet.use_encryption: self.password = apply(password_getter,()) f = getattr(self, method) result = f(*args) self.password = None if self._callback: apply(self._callback, ()) return result def getaddresshistory(self, addr): return self.network.synchronous_get([ ('blockchain.address.get_history',[addr]) ])[0] def daemon(self, arg): if arg=='stop': return self.network.stop() elif arg=='status': return { 'server':self.network.main_server(), 'connected':self.network.is_connected() } else: return "unknown command \"%s\""% arg def listunspent(self): import copy l = copy.deepcopy(self.wallet.get_unspent_coins()) for i in l: i["value"] = str(Decimal(i["value"])/100000000) return l def getaddressunspent(self, addr): return self.network.synchronous_get([ ('blockchain.address.listunspent',[addr]) ])[0] def getutxoaddress(self, txid, num): r = self.network.synchronous_get([ ('blockchain.utxo.get_address',[txid, num]) ]) if r: return {'address':r[0] } def createrawtransaction(self, inputs, outputs): for i in inputs: i['prevout_hash'] = i['txid'] i['prevout_n'] = i['vout'] outputs = map(lambda x: (x[0],int(1e8*x[1])), outputs.items()) tx = Transaction.from_io(inputs, outputs) return tx def signrawtransaction(self, raw_tx, input_info, private_keys): tx = Transaction(raw_tx) self.wallet.signrawtransaction(tx, input_info, private_keys, self.password) return tx def decoderawtransaction(self, raw): tx = Transaction(raw) return tx.deserialize() def sendrawtransaction(self, raw): tx = Transaction(raw) return self.network.synchronous_get([('blockchain.transaction.broadcast', [str(tx)])])[0] def createmultisig(self, num, pubkeys): assert isinstance(pubkeys, list) redeem_script = Transaction.multisig_script(pubkeys, num) address = hash_160_to_bc_address(hash_160(redeem_script.decode('hex')), 5) return {'address':address, 'redeemScript':redeem_script} def freeze(self,addr): return self.wallet.freeze(addr) def unfreeze(self,addr): return self.wallet.unfreeze(addr) def getprivatekeys(self, addr): return self.wallet.get_private_key(addr, self.password) def dumpprivkeys(self, addresses = None): if addresses is None: addresses = self.wallet.addresses(True) return [self.wallet.get_private_key(address, self.password) for address in addresses] def validateaddress(self, addr): isvalid = is_valid(addr) out = { 'isvalid':isvalid } if isvalid: out['address'] = addr return out def getpubkeys(self, addr): out = { 'address':addr } out['pubkeys'] = self.wallet.getpubkeys(addr) return out def getbalance(self, account= None): if account is None: c, u = self.wallet.get_balance() else: c, u = self.wallet.get_account_balance(account) out = { "confirmed": str(Decimal(c)/100000000) } if u: out["unconfirmed"] = str(Decimal(u)/100000000) return out def getaddressbalance(self, addr): out = self.network.synchronous_get([ ('blockchain.address.get_balance',[addr]) ])[0] out["confirmed"] = str(Decimal(out["confirmed"])/100000000) out["unconfirmed"] = str(Decimal(out["unconfirmed"])/100000000) return out def getproof(self, addr): p = self.network.synchronous_get([ ('blockchain.address.get_proof',[addr]) ])[0] out = [] for i,s in p: out.append(i) return out def getservers(self): while not self.network.is_up_to_date(): time.sleep(0.1) return self.network.get_servers() def getversion(self): import electrum return electrum.ELECTRUM_VERSION def getmpk(self): return self.wallet.get_master_public_key() def getseed(self): mnemonic = self.wallet.get_mnemonic(self.password) return { 'mnemonic':mnemonic, 'version':self.wallet.seed_version } def importprivkey(self, sec): try: addr = self.wallet.import_key(sec,self.password) out = "Keypair imported: ", addr except Exception as e: out = "Error: Keypair import failed: " + str(e) return out def sweep(self, privkey, to_address, fee = 0.0001): fee = int(Decimal(fee)*100000000) return Transaction.sweep([privkey], self.network, to_address, fee) def signmessage(self, address, message): return self.wallet.sign_message(address, message, self.password) def verifymessage(self, address, signature, message): return bitcoin.verify_message(address, signature, message) def _mktx(self, outputs, fee = None, change_addr = None, domain = None): for to_address, amount in outputs: if not is_valid(to_address): raise Exception("Invalid Bitcoin address", to_address) if change_addr: if not is_valid(change_addr): raise Exception("Invalid Bitcoin address", change_addr) if domain is not None: for addr in domain: if not is_valid(addr): raise Exception("invalid Bitcoin address", addr) if not self.wallet.is_mine(addr): raise Exception("address not in wallet", addr) for k, v in self.wallet.labels.items(): if change_addr and v == change_addr: change_addr = k final_outputs = [] for to_address, amount in outputs: for k, v in self.wallet.labels.items(): if v == to_address: to_address = k print_msg("alias", to_address) break amount = int(100000000*amount) final_outputs.append((to_address, amount)) if fee: fee = int(100000000*fee) return self.wallet.mktx(final_outputs, self.password, fee , change_addr, domain) def mktx(self, to_address, amount, fee = None, change_addr = None, domain = None): tx = self._mktx([(to_address, amount)], fee, change_addr, domain) return tx def mksendmanytx(self, outputs, fee = None, change_addr = None, domain = None): tx = self._mktx(outputs, fee, change_addr, domain) return tx def payto(self, to_address, amount, fee = None, change_addr = None, domain = None): tx = self._mktx([(to_address, amount)], fee, change_addr, domain) r, h = self.wallet.sendtx( tx ) return h def paytomany(self, outputs, fee = None, change_addr = None, domain = None): tx = self._mktx(outputs, fee, change_addr, domain) r, h = self.wallet.sendtx( tx ) return h def history(self): import datetime balance = 0 out = [] for item in self.wallet.get_tx_history(): tx_hash, conf, is_mine, value, fee, balance, timestamp = item try: time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( timestamp).isoformat(' ')[:-3] except Exception: time_str = "----" label, is_default_label = self.wallet.get_label(tx_hash) out.append({'txid':tx_hash, 'date':"%16s"%time_str, 'label':label, 'value':format_satoshis(value)}) return out def setlabel(self, key, label): self.wallet.set_label(key, label) def contacts(self): c = {} for addr in self.wallet.addressbook: c[addr] = self.wallet.labels.get(addr) return c def listaddresses(self, show_all = False, show_label = False): out = [] for addr in self.wallet.addresses(True): if show_all or not self.wallet.is_change(addr): if show_label: item = { 'address': addr } if show_label: label = self.wallet.labels.get(addr,'') if label: item['label'] = label else: item = addr out.append( item ) return out def help(self, cmd=None): if cmd not in known_commands: print_msg("\nList of commands:", ', '.join(sorted(known_commands))) else: cmd = known_commands[cmd] print_msg(cmd.description) if cmd.syntax: print_msg("Syntax: " + cmd.syntax) if cmd.options: print_msg("options:\n" + cmd.options) return None def getrawtransaction(self, tx_hash): import transaction if self.wallet: tx = self.wallet.transactions.get(tx_hash) if tx: return tx r = self.network.synchronous_get([ ('blockchain.transaction.get',[tx_hash]) ])[0] if r: return transaction.Transaction(r) else: return "unknown transaction" def encrypt(self, pubkey, message): return bitcoin.encrypt_message(message, pubkey) def decrypt(self, pubkey, message): return self.wallet.decrypt_message(pubkey, message, self.password)