#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2012 thomasv@gitorious # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import socket from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * from electrum.i18n import _ from electrum.network import DEFAULT_PORTS from electrum.network import serialize_server, deserialize_server from util import * protocol_names = ['TCP', 'SSL'] protocol_letters = 'ts' class NetworkDialog(WindowModalDialog): def __init__(self, network, config, parent): WindowModalDialog.__init__(self, parent, _('Network')) self.setMinimumSize(400, 20) self.nlayout = NetworkChoiceLayout(network, config) vbox = QVBoxLayout(self) vbox.addLayout(self.nlayout.layout()) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(self), OkButton(self))) def do_exec(self): result = self.exec_() if result: self.nlayout.accept() return result class NetworkChoiceLayout(object): def __init__(self, network, config, wizard=False): self.network = network self.config = config self.protocol = None self.tor_proxy = None self.servers = network.get_servers() host, port, protocol, proxy_config, auto_connect = network.get_parameters() if not proxy_config: proxy_config = { "mode":"none", "host":"localhost", "port":"9050"} if not wizard: if network.is_connected(): status = _("Server") + ": %s"%(host) else: status = _("Disconnected from server") else: status = _("Please choose a server.") + "\n" + _("Press 'Next' if you are offline.") tabs = QTabWidget() server_tab = QWidget() proxy_tab = QWidget() blockchain_tab = QWidget() tabs.addTab(server_tab, _('Server')) tabs.addTab(proxy_tab, _('Proxy')) tabs.addTab(blockchain_tab, _('Blockchain')) # server tab grid = QGridLayout(server_tab) grid.setSpacing(8) # server self.server_host = QLineEdit() self.server_host.setFixedWidth(200) self.server_port = QLineEdit() self.server_port.setFixedWidth(60) # use SSL self.ssl_cb = QCheckBox(_('Use SSL')) self.ssl_cb.setChecked(auto_connect) self.ssl_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.change_protocol) # auto connect self.autoconnect_cb = QCheckBox(_('Select server automatically')) self.autoconnect_cb.setChecked(auto_connect) self.autoconnect_cb.setEnabled(self.config.is_modifiable('auto_connect')) msg = _("Electrum sends your wallet addresses to a single server, in order to receive your transaction history.") grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Server') + ':'), 0, 0) grid.addWidget(self.server_host, 0, 1, 1, 2) grid.addWidget(self.server_port, 0, 3) grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), 0, 4) msg = ' '.join([ _("If auto-connect is enabled, Electrum will always use a server that is on the longest blockchain."), _("If it is disabled, you have to choose a server you want to use. Electrum will warn you if your server is lagging.") ]) grid.addWidget(self.ssl_cb, 1, 1, 1, 3) grid.addWidget(self.autoconnect_cb, 2, 1, 1, 3) grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), 2, 4) label = _('Active Servers') if network.is_connected() else _('Default Servers') self.servers_list_widget = QTreeWidget() self.servers_list_widget.setHeaderLabels( [ label, _('Limit') ] ) self.servers_list_widget.setMaximumHeight(150) self.servers_list_widget.setColumnWidth(0, 240) grid.addWidget(self.servers_list_widget, 3, 0, 1, 5) def enable_set_server(): if config.is_modifiable('server'): enabled = not self.autoconnect_cb.isChecked() self.server_host.setEnabled(enabled) self.server_port.setEnabled(enabled) self.servers_list_widget.setEnabled(enabled) else: for w in [self.autoconnect_cb, self.server_host, self.server_port, self.ssl_cb, self.servers_list_widget]: w.setEnabled(False) self.autoconnect_cb.clicked.connect(enable_set_server) enable_set_server() # Proxy tab grid = QGridLayout(proxy_tab) grid.setSpacing(8) # proxy setting self.proxy_mode = QComboBox() self.proxy_host = QLineEdit() self.proxy_host.setFixedWidth(200) self.proxy_port = QLineEdit() self.proxy_port.setFixedWidth(60) self.proxy_mode.addItems(['NONE', 'SOCKS4', 'SOCKS5', 'HTTP']) self.proxy_user = QLineEdit() self.proxy_user.setPlaceholderText(_("Proxy user")) self.proxy_password = QLineEdit() self.proxy_password.setPlaceholderText(_("Password")) self.proxy_password.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) self.proxy_password.setFixedWidth(60) def check_for_disable(index = False): if self.config.is_modifiable('proxy'): for w in [self.proxy_host, self.proxy_port, self.proxy_user, self.proxy_password]: w.setEnabled(self.proxy_mode.currentText() != 'NONE') else: for w in [self.proxy_host, self.proxy_port, self.proxy_mode]: w.setEnabled(False) check_for_disable() self.proxy_mode.connect(self.proxy_mode, SIGNAL('currentIndexChanged(int)'), check_for_disable) self.proxy_mode.setCurrentIndex(self.proxy_mode.findText(str(proxy_config.get("mode").upper()))) self.proxy_host.setText(proxy_config.get("host")) self.proxy_port.setText(proxy_config.get("port")) self.proxy_user.setText(proxy_config.get("user", "")) self.proxy_password.setText(proxy_config.get("password", "")) self.proxy_mode.connect(self.proxy_mode, SIGNAL('currentIndexChanged(int)'), self.proxy_settings_changed) self.proxy_host.connect(self.proxy_host, SIGNAL('textEdited(QString)'), self.proxy_settings_changed) self.proxy_port.connect(self.proxy_port, SIGNAL('textEdited(QString)'), self.proxy_settings_changed) self.proxy_user.connect(self.proxy_user, SIGNAL('textEdited(QString)'), self.proxy_settings_changed) self.proxy_password.connect(self.proxy_password, SIGNAL('textEdited(QString)'), self.proxy_settings_changed) self.tor_cb = QCheckBox(_("Use Tor Proxy")) self.tor_cb.setIcon(QIcon(":icons/tor_logo.png")) self.tor_cb.hide() self.tor_cb.clicked.connect(self.use_tor_proxy) grid.addWidget(self.tor_cb, 1, 0, 1, 3) grid.addWidget(self.proxy_mode, 4, 1) grid.addWidget(self.proxy_host, 4, 2) grid.addWidget(self.proxy_port, 4, 3) grid.addWidget(self.proxy_user, 5, 2) grid.addWidget(self.proxy_password, 5, 3) grid.setRowStretch(6, 1) # Blockchain Tab from electrum import bitcoin from amountedit import AmountEdit grid = QGridLayout(blockchain_tab) n = len(network.get_interfaces()) status = _("Connected to %d nodes.")%n if n else _("Not connected") height_str = "%d "%(network.get_local_height()) + _("blocks") self.checkpoint_height, self.checkpoint_value = network.blockchain.get_checkpoint() self.cph_label = QLabel(_('Height')) self.cph = QLineEdit("%d"%self.checkpoint_height) self.cph.setFixedWidth(80) self.cpv_label = QLabel(_('Hash')) self.cpv = QLineEdit(self.checkpoint_value) self.cpv.setCursorPosition(0) self.cpv.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) self.cpv.setReadOnly(True) def on_cph(): try: height = int(self.cph.text()) except: height = 0 self.cph.setText('%d'%height) if height == self.checkpoint_height: return try: self.network.print_error("fetching header") header = self.network.synchronous_get(('blockchain.block.get_header', [height]), 5) _hash = self.network.blockchain.hash_header(header) except BaseException as e: self.network.print_error(str(e)) _hash = '' self.cpv.setText(_hash) self.cpv.setCursorPosition(0) if _hash: self.checkpoint_height = height self.checkpoint_value = _hash self.cph.editingFinished.connect(on_cph) msg = ' '.join([ _("Electrum connects to several nodes in order to download block headers and find out the longest blockchain."), _("This blockchain is used to verify the transactions sent by your transaction server.") ]) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Status') + ':'), 0, 0) grid.addWidget(QLabel(status), 0, 1, 1, 3) grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), 0, 4) msg = _('This is the height of your local copy of the blockchain.') grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Height") + ':'), 1, 0) grid.addWidget(QLabel(height_str), 1, 1) grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), 1, 4) msg = ''.join([ _('A checkpoint can be used to verify that you are on the correct blockchain.'), ' ', _('By default, your checkpoint is the genesis block.'), '\n\n', _('If you edit the height field, the corresponding block hash will be fetched from your current server.'), ' ', _('If you press OK, the checkpoint will be saved, and Electrum will only accept headers from nodes that pass this checkpoint.'), '\n\n', _('If there is a hard fork, you will have to check the block hash from an independent source, in order to be sure that you are on the desired side of the fork.'), ]) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Checkpoint') +':'), 3, 0, 1, 2) grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), 3, 4) grid.addWidget(self.cph_label, 4, 0) grid.addWidget(self.cph, 4, 1) grid.addWidget(self.cpv_label, 5, 0) grid.addWidget(self.cpv, 5, 1, 1, 4) grid.setRowStretch(7, 1) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(tabs) self.layout_ = vbox # tor detector self.td = td = TorDetector() td.found_proxy.connect(self.suggest_proxy) td.start() self.change_server(host, protocol) self.set_protocol(protocol) self.servers_list_widget.connect( self.servers_list_widget, SIGNAL('currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)'), lambda x,y: self.server_changed(x)) def layout(self): return self.layout_ def init_servers_list(self): self.servers_list_widget.clear() for _host, d in sorted(self.servers.items()): if d.get(self.protocol): pruning_level = d.get('pruning','') self.servers_list_widget.addTopLevelItem(QTreeWidgetItem( [ _host, pruning_level ] )) def set_protocol(self, protocol): if protocol != self.protocol: self.protocol = protocol self.init_servers_list() def change_protocol(self, use_ssl): p = 's' if use_ssl else 't' host = unicode(self.server_host.text()) pp = self.servers.get(host, DEFAULT_PORTS) if p not in pp.keys(): p = pp.keys()[0] port = pp[p] self.server_host.setText( host ) self.server_port.setText( port ) self.set_protocol(p) def server_changed(self, x): if x: self.change_server(str(x.text(0)), self.protocol) def change_server(self, host, protocol): pp = self.servers.get(host, DEFAULT_PORTS) if protocol and protocol not in protocol_letters: protocol = None if protocol: port = pp.get(protocol) if port is None: protocol = None if not protocol: if 's' in pp.keys(): protocol = 's' port = pp.get(protocol) else: protocol = pp.keys()[0] port = pp.get(protocol) self.server_host.setText( host ) self.server_port.setText( port ) self.ssl_cb.setChecked(protocol=='s') def accept(self): host = str(self.server_host.text()) port = str(self.server_port.text()) protocol = 's' if self.ssl_cb.isChecked() else 't' if self.proxy_mode.currentText() != 'NONE': proxy = { 'mode':str(self.proxy_mode.currentText()).lower(), 'host':str(self.proxy_host.text()), 'port':str(self.proxy_port.text()), 'user':str(self.proxy_user.text()), 'password':str(self.proxy_password.text())} else: proxy = None auto_connect = self.autoconnect_cb.isChecked() self.network.set_parameters(host, port, protocol, proxy, auto_connect) self.network.blockchain.set_checkpoint(self.checkpoint_height, self.checkpoint_value) def suggest_proxy(self, found_proxy): self.tor_proxy = found_proxy self.tor_cb.setText("Use Tor proxy at port " + str(found_proxy[1])) if self.proxy_mode.currentIndex() == 2 \ and self.proxy_host.text() == "" \ and self.proxy_port.text() == str(found_proxy[1]): self.tor_cb.setChecked(True) self.tor_cb.show() def use_tor_proxy(self, use_it): # 2 = SOCKS5 if not use_it: self.proxy_mode.setCurrentIndex(0) self.tor_cb.setChecked(False) else: self.proxy_mode.setCurrentIndex(2) self.proxy_host.setText("") self.proxy_port.setText(str(self.tor_proxy[1])) self.proxy_user.setText("") self.proxy_password.setText("") self.tor_cb.setChecked(True) def proxy_settings_changed(self): self.tor_cb.setChecked(False) class TorDetector(QThread): found_proxy = pyqtSignal(object) def __init__(self): QThread.__init__(self) def run(self): # Probable ports for Tor to listen at ports = [9050, 9150] for p in ports: if TorDetector.is_tor_port(p): self.found_proxy.emit(("", p)) return @staticmethod def is_tor_port(port): try: s = socket._socketobject(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(0.1) s.connect(("", port)) # Tor responds uniquely to HTTP-like requests s.send("GET\n") if "Tor is not an HTTP Proxy" in s.recv(1024): return True except socket.error: pass return False