''' Dialogs and widgets Responsible for creation, restoration of accounts are defined here. Namely: CreateAccountDialog, CreateRestoreDialog, RestoreSeedDialog ''' from functools import partial from kivy.app import App from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.properties import ObjectProperty, StringProperty, OptionProperty from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.uix.button import Button from electrum_gui.kivy.uix.dialogs import EventsDialog from electrum_gui.kivy.i18n import _ Builder.load_string(''' #:import Window kivy.core.window.Window #:import _ electrum_gui.kivy.i18n._ border: 4, 4, 4, 4 font_size: '15sp' padding: '15dp', '15dp' background_color: (1, 1, 1, 1) if self.focus else (0.454, 0.698, 0.909, 1) foreground_color: (0.31, 0.31, 0.31, 1) if self.focus else (0.835, 0.909, 0.972, 1) hint_text_color: self.foreground_color background_active: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/create_act_text_active' background_normal: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/create_act_text_active' size_hint_y: None height: '48sp' : root: None size_hint: 1, None height: '48sp' on_press: if self.root: self.root.dispatch('on_press', self) on_release: if self.root: self.root.dispatch('on_release', self) <-WizardDialog> text_color: .854, .925, .984, 1 #auto_dismiss: False size_hint: None, None canvas.before: Color: rgba: 0, 0, 0, .9 Rectangle: size: Window.size Color: rgba: .239, .588, .882, 1 Rectangle: size: Window.size crcontent: crcontent # add electrum icon BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' if self.width < self.height else 'horizontal' padding: min(dp(27), self.width/32), min(dp(27), self.height/32),\ min(dp(27), self.width/32), min(dp(27), self.height/32) spacing: '10dp' GridLayout: id: grid_logo cols: 1 pos_hint: {'center_y': .5} size_hint: 1, None height: self.minimum_height Label: color: root.text_color text: 'ELECTRUM' size_hint: 1, None height: self.texture_size[1] if self.opacity else 0 font_size: '33sp' font_name: 'gui/kivy/data/fonts/tron/Tr2n.ttf' GridLayout: cols: 1 id: crcontent spacing: '1dp' Image: id: logo_img mipmap: True allow_stretch: True size_hint: 1, None height: '110dp' source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/electrum_icon640' Widget: size_hint: 1, 1 Label: color: root.text_color size_hint: 1, None text_size: self.width, None height: self.texture_size[1] text: _("Wallet file not found")+"\\n\\n" +\ _("Do you want to create a new wallet ")+\ _("or restore an existing one?") Widget size_hint: 1, 1 GridLayout: id: grid orientation: 'vertical' cols: 1 spacing: '14dp' size_hint: 1, None height: self.minimum_height WizardButton: id: create text: _('Create a new seed') root: root WizardButton: id: restore text: _('I already have a seed') root: root : size_hint: 1, None height: '33dp' on_release: self.parent.update_amount(self.text) : size_hint: None, None padding: '5dp', '5dp' text_size: None, self.height width: self.texture_size[0] height: '30dp' on_release: self.parent.new_word(self.text) : height: dp(100) border: 4, 4, 4, 4 halign: 'justify' valign: 'top' font_size: '18dp' text_size: self.width - dp(24), self.height - dp(12) color: .1, .1, .1, 1 background_normal: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/white_bg_round_top' background_down: self.background_normal size_hint_y: None : font_size: '12sp' text_size: self.width, None size_hint: 1, None height: self.texture_size[1] halign: 'justify' valign: 'middle' border: 4, 4, 4, 4 word: '' Label: color: root.text_color size_hint: 1, None text_size: self.width, None height: self.texture_size[1] text: "[b]ENTER YOUR SEED PHRASE[/b]" GridLayout cols: 1 padding: 0, '12dp' orientation: 'vertical' spacing: '12dp' size_hint: 1, None height: self.minimum_height SeedButton: id: text_input_seed text: '' on_text: Clock.schedule_once(root.on_text) SeedLabel: text: root.message BoxLayout: id: suggestions height: '35dp' size_hint: 1, None new_word: root.on_word BoxLayout: id: line1 update_amount: root.update_text size_hint: 1, None height: '30dp' MButton: text: 'Q' MButton: text: 'W' MButton: text: 'E' MButton: text: 'R' MButton: text: 'T' MButton: text: 'Y' MButton: text: 'U' MButton: text: 'I' MButton: text: 'O' MButton: text: 'P' BoxLayout: id: line2 update_amount: root.update_text size_hint: 1, None height: '30dp' Widget: size_hint: 0.5, None height: '33dp' MButton: text: 'A' MButton: text: 'S' MButton: text: 'D' MButton: text: 'F' MButton: text: 'G' MButton: text: 'H' MButton: text: 'J' MButton: text: 'K' MButton: text: 'L' Widget: size_hint: 0.5, None height: '33dp' BoxLayout: id: line3 update_amount: root.update_text size_hint: 1, None height: '30dp' Widget: size_hint: 1, None MButton: text: 'Z' MButton: text: 'X' MButton: text: 'C' MButton: text: 'V' MButton: text: 'B' MButton: text: 'N' MButton: text: 'M' MButton: text: ' ' MButton: text: '<' Widget: size_hint: 1, 1 GridLayout: rows: 1 spacing: '12dp' size_hint: 1, None height: self.minimum_height WizardButton: id: back text: _('Back') root: root IconButton: id: scan on_release: root.scan_seed() icon: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/camera' WizardButton: id: next text: _('Next') root: root disabled: True spacing: '12dp' Label: color: root.text_color size_hint: 1, None text_size: self.width, None height: self.texture_size[1] text: "[b]PLEASE WRITE DOWN YOUR SEED PHRASE[/b]" GridLayout: id: grid cols: 1 pos_hint: {'center_y': .5} size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height orientation: 'vertical' spacing: '12dp' SeedButton: text: root.seed_text SeedLabel: text: root.message Widget: size_hint: 1, 1 GridLayout: rows: 1 spacing: '12dp' size_hint: 1, None height: self.minimum_height WizardButton: id: back text: _('Back') root: root WizardButton: id: confirm text: _('Confirm') root: root ''') class WizardDialog(EventsDialog): ''' Abstract dialog to be used as the base for all Create Account Dialogs ''' crcontent = ObjectProperty(None) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(WizardDialog, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.action = kwargs.get('action') _trigger_size_dialog = Clock.create_trigger(self._size_dialog) Window.bind(size=_trigger_size_dialog, rotation=_trigger_size_dialog) _trigger_size_dialog() def _size_dialog(self, dt): app = App.get_running_app() if app.ui_mode[0] == 'p': self.size = Window.size else: #tablet if app.orientation[0] == 'p': #portrait self.size = Window.size[0]/1.67, Window.size[1]/1.4 else: self.size = Window.size[0]/2.5, Window.size[1] def add_widget(self, widget, index=0): if not self.crcontent: super(WizardDialog, self).add_widget(widget) else: self.crcontent.add_widget(widget, index=index) def on_dismiss(self): app = App.get_running_app() if app.wallet is None and self._on_release is not None: app.stop() class CreateRestoreDialog(WizardDialog): ''' Initial Dialog for creating or restoring seed''' def on_parent(self, instance, value): if value: app = App.get_running_app() self._back = _back = partial(app.dispatch, 'on_back') class ShowSeedDialog(WizardDialog): seed_text = StringProperty('') message = StringProperty('') def on_parent(self, instance, value): if value: app = App.get_running_app() self._back = _back = partial(self.ids.back.dispatch, 'on_release') class WordButton(Button): pass class RestoreSeedDialog(WizardDialog): message = StringProperty('') def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(RestoreSeedDialog, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._test = kwargs['test'] from electrum.mnemonic import Mnemonic self.mnemonic = Mnemonic('en') def on_text(self, dt): self.ids.next.disabled = not bool(self._test(self.get_seed_text())) text = self.ids.text_input_seed.text if not text: last_word = '' elif text[-1] == ' ': last_word = '' else: last_word = text.split(' ')[-1] enable_space = False self.ids.suggestions.clear_widgets() suggestions = [x for x in self.mnemonic.get_suggestions(last_word)] if suggestions and len(suggestions) < 10: for w in suggestions: if w == last_word: enable_space = True else: b = WordButton(text=w) self.ids.suggestions.add_widget(b) i = len(last_word) p = set() for x in suggestions: if len(x)>i: p.add(x[i]) for line in [self.ids.line1, self.ids.line2, self.ids.line3]: for c in line.children: if isinstance(c, Button): if c.text in 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ': c.disabled = (c.text.lower() not in p) and last_word elif c.text == ' ': c.disabled = not enable_space def on_word(self, w): text = self.get_seed_text() words = text.split(' ') words[-1] = w text = ' '.join(words) self.ids.text_input_seed.text = text + ' ' self.ids.suggestions.clear_widgets() def get_seed_text(self): ti = self.ids.text_input_seed text = unicode(ti.text).strip() text = ' '.join(text.split()) return text def update_text(self, c): c = c.lower() text = self.ids.text_input_seed.text if c == '<': text = text[:-1] else: text += c self.ids.text_input_seed.text = text def scan_seed(self): def on_complete(text): self.ids.text_input_seed.text = text app = App.get_running_app() app.scan_qr(on_complete) def on_parent(self, instance, value): if value: tis = self.ids.text_input_seed tis.focus = True #tis._keyboard.bind(on_key_down=self.on_key_down) self._back = _back = partial(self.ids.back.dispatch, 'on_release') app = App.get_running_app() def on_key_down(self, keyboard, keycode, key, modifiers): if keycode[0] in (13, 271): self.on_enter() return True def on_enter(self): #self._remove_keyboard() # press next next = self.ids.next if not next.disabled: next.dispatch('on_release') def _remove_keyboard(self): tis = self.ids.text_input_seed if tis._keyboard: tis._keyboard.unbind(on_key_down=self.on_key_down) tis.focus = False def close(self): #self._remove_keyboard() app = App.get_running_app() #if self._back in app.navigation_higherarchy: # app.navigation_higherarchy.pop() # self._back = None super(RestoreSeedDialog, self).close()