import sys import time import datetime import traceback from electrum import WalletStorage, Wallet from electrum.i18n import _, set_language from electrum.contacts import Contacts from electrum.util import profiler from import App from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.logger import Logger from kivy.utils import platform from import (OptionProperty, AliasProperty, ObjectProperty, StringProperty, ListProperty, BooleanProperty) from kivy.cache import Cache from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.factory import Factory from kivy.metrics import inch, metrics # lazy imports for factory so that widgets can be used in kv Factory.register('InstallWizard', module='electrum_gui.kivy.uix.dialogs.installwizard') Factory.register('InfoBubble', module='electrum_gui.kivy.uix.dialogs') Factory.register('ELTextInput', module='electrum_gui.kivy.uix.screens') # delayed imports: for startup speed on android notification = app = ref = format_satoshis = Builder = None util = False from decimal import Decimal import re # register widget cache for keeping memory down timeout to forever to cache # the data Cache.register('electrum_widgets', timeout=0) from kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screen from kivy.uix.tabbedpanel import TabbedPanel Factory.register('TabbedCarousel', module='electrum_gui.kivy.uix.screens') class ElectrumWindow(App): def _get_bu(self): assert self.decimal_point in (5,8) return "BTC" if self.decimal_point == 8 else "mBTC" def _set_bu(self, value): try: self.electrum_config.set_key('base_unit', value, True) except AttributeError: Logger.error('Electrum: Config not set ' 'While trying to save value to config') base_unit = AliasProperty(_get_bu, _set_bu, bind=('decimal_point',)) '''BTC or UBTC or mBTC... :attr:`base_unit` is a `AliasProperty` defaults to the unit set in electrum config. ''' currencies = ListProperty(['EUR', 'GBP', 'USD']) '''List of currencies supported by the current exchanger plugin. :attr:`currencies` is a `ListProperty` default to ['Eur', 'GBP'. 'USD']. ''' def _get_decimal(self): try: return self.electrum_config.get('decimal_point', 8) except AttributeError: return 8 def _set_decimal(self, value): try: self.electrum_config.set_key('decimal_point', value, True) except AttributeError: Logger.error('Electrum: Config not set ' 'While trying to save value to config') decimal_point = AliasProperty(_get_decimal, _set_decimal) '''This defines the decimal point to be used determining the :attr:`decimal_point`. :attr:`decimal_point` is a `AliasProperty` defaults to the value gotten from electrum config. ''' electrum_config = ObjectProperty(None) '''Holds the electrum config :attr:`electrum_config` is a `ObjectProperty`, defaults to None. ''' status = StringProperty(_('Not Connected')) def _get_num_zeros(self): try: return self.electrum_config.get('num_zeros', 0) except AttributeError: return 0 def _set_num_zeros(self): try: self.electrum_config.set_key('num_zeros', value, True) except AttributeError: Logger.error('Electrum: Config not available ' 'While trying to save value to config') num_zeros = AliasProperty(_get_num_zeros , _set_num_zeros) '''Number of zeros used while representing the value in base_unit. ''' def get_amount(self, amount_str): from electrum.bitcoin import COIN from decimal import Decimal try: x = Decimal(str(amount_str)) except: return None p = pow(10, self.decimal_point) return int(p * x) hierarchy = ListProperty([]) '''used to navigate with the back button. ''' _orientation = OptionProperty('landscape', options=('landscape', 'portrait')) def _get_orientation(self): return self._orientation orientation = AliasProperty(_get_orientation, None, bind=('_orientation',)) '''Tries to ascertain the kind of device the app is running on. Cane be one of `tablet` or `phone`. :data:`orientation` is a read only `AliasProperty` Defaults to 'landscape' ''' _ui_mode = OptionProperty('phone', options=('tablet', 'phone')) def _get_ui_mode(self): return self._ui_mode ui_mode = AliasProperty(_get_ui_mode, None, bind=('_ui_mode',)) '''Defines tries to ascertain the kind of device the app is running on. Cane be one of `tablet` or `phone`. :data:`ui_mode` is a read only `AliasProperty` Defaults to 'phone' ''' url = StringProperty('', allownone=True) ''' ''' wallet = ObjectProperty(None) '''Holds the electrum wallet :attr:`wallet` is a `ObjectProperty` defaults to None. ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): # initialize variables self._clipboard = None self.exchanger = None self.info_bubble = None self.qrscanner = None self.nfcscanner = None self.tabs = None super(ElectrumWindow, self).__init__(**kwargs) title = _('Electrum App') = network = kwargs.get('network', None) self.electrum_config = config = kwargs.get('config', None) self.gui_object = kwargs.get('gui_object', None) #self.config = self.gui_object.config self.contacts = Contacts(self.electrum_config) self.bind(url=self.set_url) # were we sent a url? url = kwargs.get('url', None) if url: self.gui_object.set_url(url) # create triggers so as to minimize updation a max of 2 times a sec self._trigger_update_wallet =\ Clock.create_trigger(self.update_wallet, .5) self._trigger_update_status =\ Clock.create_trigger(self.update_status, .5) self._trigger_notify_transactions = \ Clock.create_trigger(self.notify_transactions, 5) def set_url(self, instance, url): self.gui_object.set_url(url) def scan_qr(self, on_complete): from jnius import autoclass from android import activity PythonActivity = autoclass('') Intent = autoclass('android.content.Intent') intent = Intent("") intent.putExtra("SCAN_MODE", "QR_CODE_MODE") def on_qr_result(requestCode, resultCode, intent): if requestCode == 0: if resultCode == -1: # RESULT_OK: contents = intent.getStringExtra("SCAN_RESULT") if intent.getStringExtra("SCAN_RESULT_FORMAT") == 'QR_CODE': uri = App.get_running_app().decode_uri(contents) on_complete(uri) activity.bind(on_activity_result=on_qr_result) PythonActivity.mActivity.startActivityForResult(intent, 0) def build(self): global Builder if not Builder: from kivy.lang import Builder return Builder.load_file('gui/kivy/main.kv') def _pause(self): if platform == 'android': # move activity to back from jnius import autoclass python_act = autoclass('') mActivity = python_act.mActivity mActivity.moveTaskToBack(True) def on_start(self): ''' This is the start point of the kivy ui '''"dpi: {} {}".format(metrics.dpi, metrics.dpi_rounded)) win = Window win.bind(size=self.on_size, on_keyboard=self.on_keyboard) win.bind(on_key_down=self.on_key_down) # Register fonts without this you won't be able to use bold/italic... # inside markup. from kivy.core.text import Label Label.register('Roboto', 'data/fonts/Roboto.ttf', 'data/fonts/Roboto.ttf', 'data/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf', 'data/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf') if platform == 'android': # bind to keyboard height so we can get the window contents to # behave the way we want when the keyboard appears. win.bind(keyboard_height=self.on_keyboard_height) self.on_size(win, win.size) config = self.electrum_config storage = WalletStorage(config.get_wallet_path())'Electrum: Check for existing wallet') if storage.file_exists: wallet = Wallet(storage) action = wallet.get_action() else: action = 'new' if action is not None: # start installation wizard Logger.debug('Electrum: Wallet not found. Launching install wizard') wizard = Factory.InstallWizard(config,, storage) wizard.bind(on_wizard_complete=self.on_wizard_complete) else: wallet.start_threads( self.on_wizard_complete(None, wallet) self.on_resume() def on_stop(self): if self.wallet: self.wallet.stop_threads() def on_back(self): try: self.hierarchy.pop()() except IndexError: # capture back button and pause app. self._pause() def on_keyboard_height(self, window, height): win = window active_widg = win.children[0] if not issubclass(active_widg.__class__, Factory.Popup): try: active_widg = self.root.children[0] except IndexError: return try: fw = self._focused_widget except AttributeError: return if height > 0 and fw.to_window(*fw.pos)[1] > height: return Factory.Animation(y=win.keyboard_height, d=.1).start(active_widg) def on_key_down(self, instance, key, keycode, codepoint, modifiers): if 'ctrl' in modifiers: # q=24 w=25 if keycode in (24, 25): self.stop() elif keycode == 27: # r=27 # force update wallet self.update_wallet() elif keycode == 112: # pageup #TODO move to next tab pass elif keycode == 117: # pagedown #TODO move to prev tab pass #TODO: alt+tab_number to activate the particular tab def on_keyboard(self, instance, key, keycode, codepoint, modifiers): # override settings button if key in (319, 282): #f1/settings button on android self.gui.main_gui.toggle_settings(self) return True def on_wizard_complete(self, instance, wallet): if not wallet: Logger.debug('Electrum: No Wallet set/found. Exiting...') app = App.get_running_app() app.show_error('Electrum: No Wallet set/found. Exiting...', exit=True) self.init_ui() self.load_wallet(wallet) def popup_dialog(self, name): popup = Builder.load_file('gui/kivy/uix/ui_screens/'+name+'.kv') @profiler def init_ui(self): ''' Initialize The Ux part of electrum. This function performs the basic tasks of setting up the ui. ''' global ref if not ref: from weakref import ref set_language(self.electrum_config.get('language')) self.funds_error = False self.completions = [] # setup UX self.screens = {} #setup lazy imports for mainscreen Factory.register('AnimatedPopup', module='electrum_gui.kivy.uix.dialogs') #Factory.register('TabbedCarousel', # module='electrum_gui.kivy.uix.screens') Factory.register('ScreenDashboard', module='electrum_gui.kivy.uix.screens') #Factory.register('EffectWidget', # module='electrum_gui.kivy.uix.effectwidget') Factory.register('QRCodeWidget', module='electrum_gui.kivy.uix.qrcodewidget') Factory.register('MainScreen', module='electrum_gui.kivy.uix.screens') Factory.register('CSpinner', module='electrum_gui.kivy.uix.screens') # preload widgets. Remove this if you want to load the widgets on demand Cache.append('electrum_widgets', 'AnimatedPopup', Factory.AnimatedPopup()) #Cache.append('electrum_widgets', 'TabbedCarousel', Factory.TabbedCarousel()) Cache.append('electrum_widgets', 'QRCodeWidget', Factory.QRCodeWidget()) Cache.append('electrum_widgets', 'CSpinner', Factory.CSpinner()) # load and focus the ui self.root.manager = self.root.ids['manager'] self.recent_activity_card = None self.history_screen = None self.contacts_screen = None self.icon = "icons/electrum.png" # connect callbacks if'updated', self._trigger_update_wallet)'status', self._trigger_update_status)'new_transaction', self._trigger_notify_transactions) self.wallet = None def create_quote_text(self, btc_balance, mode='normal'): ''' ''' if not self.exchanger: return quote_currency = self.exchanger.currency quote_balance =, quote_currency) if quote_currency and mode == 'symbol': quote_currency = self.exchanger.symbols.get(quote_currency, quote_currency) if quote_balance is None: quote_text = u"..." else: quote_text = u"%s%.2f" % (quote_currency, quote_balance) return quote_text def set_currencies(self, quote_currencies): self.currencies = sorted(quote_currencies.keys()) self._trigger_update_status() def get_history_rate(self, item, btc_balance, mintime): '''Historical rates: currently only using coindesk by default. ''' maxtime ='%Y-%m-%d') rate = self.exchanger.get_history_rate(item, btc_balance, mintime, maxtime) return self.set_history_rate(item, rate) def set_history_rate(self, item, rate): ''' ''' #TODO: fix me allow other currencies to be used for history rates quote_currency = self.exchanger.symbols.get('USD', 'USD') if rate is None: quote_text = "..." else: quote_text = "{0}{1:.3}".format(quote_currency, rate) item = item() if item: item.quote_text = quote_text return quote_text @profiler def load_wallet(self, wallet): self.wallet = wallet self.current_account ='current_account', None) self.update_wallet() # Once GUI has been initialized check if we want to announce something # since the callback has been called before the GUI was initialized self.update_history_tab() self.notify_transactions() def update_status(self, *dt): if not self.wallet: return unconfirmed = '' quote_text = '' if is None or not text = _("Offline") elif server_height = server_lag = - server_height if not self.wallet.up_to_date or server_height == 0: self.status = _("Synchronizing...") elif server_lag > 1: self.status = _("Server lagging (%d blocks)"%server_lag) else: c, u, x = self.wallet.get_account_balance(self.current_account) text = self.format_amount(c) if u: unconfirmed = " [%s unconfirmed]" %( self.format_amount(u, True).strip()) if x: unmatured = " [%s unmatured]"%(self.format_amount(x, True).strip()) quote_text = self.create_quote_text(Decimal(c+u+x)/100000000, mode='symbol') or '' self.status = text.strip() + ' ' + self.base_unit else: self.status = _("Not connected") return print self.root.manager.ids #try: status_card = self.root.main_screen.ids.tabs.ids.\ screen_dashboard.ids.status_card #except AttributeError: # return status_card.quote_text = quote_text.strip() status_card.uncomfirmed = unconfirmed.strip() def format_amount(self, x, is_diff=False, whitespaces=False): from electrum.util import format_satoshis return format_satoshis(x, is_diff, self.num_zeros, self.decimal_point, whitespaces) @profiler def update_wallet(self, *dt): ''' ''' if not self.exchanger: from electrum_gui.kivy.plugins.exchange_rate import Exchanger self.exchanger = Exchanger(self) self.exchanger.start() return self._trigger_update_status() if self.wallet.up_to_date or not or not self.update_history_tab() self.update_contacts_tab() @profiler def update_history_tab(self, see_all=False): if self.history_screen: self.history_screen.update(see_all) def update_contacts_tab(self): if self.contacts_screen: self.contacts_screen.update() @profiler def notify_transactions(self, *dt): ''' ''' if not or not return # temporarily disabled for merge return iface = ptfn = iface.pending_transactions_for_notifications if len(ptfn) > 0: # Combine the transactions if there are more then three tx_amount = len(ptfn) if(tx_amount >= 3): total_amount = 0 for tx in ptfn: is_relevant, is_mine, v, fee = self.wallet.get_tx_value(tx) if(v > 0): total_amount += v self.notify(_("{txs}s new transactions received. Total amount" "received in the new transactions {amount}s" "{unit}s").format(txs=tx_amount, amount=self.format_amount(total_amount), unit=self.base_unit())) iface.pending_transactions_for_notifications = [] else: for tx in iface.pending_transactions_for_notifications: if tx: iface.pending_transactions_for_notifications.remove(tx) is_relevant, is_mine, v, fee = self.wallet.get_tx_value(tx) if(v > 0): self.notify( _("{txs} new transaction received. {amount} {unit}"). format(txs=tx_amount, amount=self.format_amount(v), unit=self.base_unit)) def copy(self, text): ''' Copy provided text to clipboard ''' if not self._clipboard: from kivy.core.clipboard import Clipboard self._clipboard = Clipboard self._clipboard.put(text, 'text/plain') def notify(self, message): try: global notification, os if not notification: from plyer import notification import os icon = (os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/../../' + self.icon) notification.notify('Electrum', message, app_icon=icon, app_name='Electrum') except ImportError: Logger.Error('Notification: needs plyer; `sudo pip install plyer`') def on_pause(self): ''' ''' # pause nfc if self.qrscanner: self.qrscanner.stop() if self.nfcscanner: self.nfcscanner.nfc_disable() return True def on_resume(self): ''' ''' if self.qrscanner and qrscanner.get_parent_window(): self.qrscanner.start() if self.nfcscanner: self.nfcscanner.nfc_enable() def on_size(self, instance, value): width, height = value self._orientation = 'landscape' if width > height else 'portrait' self._ui_mode = 'tablet' if min(width, height) > inch(3.51) else 'phone'"size: {} {}".format(width, height))'orientation: {}'.format(self._orientation))'ui_mode: {}'.format(self._ui_mode)) def save_new_contact(self, address, label): address = unicode(address) label = unicode(label) global is_valid if not is_valid: from electrum.bitcoin import is_valid if is_valid(address): if label: self.set_label(address, text=label) self.wallet.add_contact(address) self.update_contacts_tab() self.update_history_tab() else: self.show_error(_('Invalid Address')) def send_payment(self, address, amount=0, label='', message=''): tabs = self.tabs screen_send = tabs.ids.screen_send if label and self.wallet.labels.get(address) != label: #if self.question('Give label "%s" to address %s ?'%(label,address)): if address not in self.wallet.addressbook and not self.wallet. is_mine(address): self.wallet.addressbook.append(address) self.wallet.set_label(address, label) # switch_to the send screen tabs.ids.panel.switch_to(tabs.ids.tab_send) label = self.wallet.labels.get(address) m_addr = label + ' <'+ address +'>' if label else address # populate def set_address(*l): content = screen_send.ids content.payto_e.text = m_addr content.message_e.text = message if amount: content.amount_e.text = amount # wait for screen to load Clock.schedule_once(set_address, .5) def set_send(self, address, amount, label, message): self.send_payment(address, amount=amount, label=label, message=message) def prepare_for_payment_request(self): tabs = self.tabs screen_send = tabs.ids.screen_send # switch_to the send screen tabs.ids.panel.switch_to(tabs.ids.tab_send) content = screen_send.ids if content: self.set_frozen(content, False) screen_send.screen_label.text = _("please wait...") return True def payment_request_ok(self): tabs = self.tabs screen_send = tabs.ids.screen_send # switch_to the send screen tabs.ids.panel.switch_to(tabs.ids.tab_send) self.set_frozen(content, True) screen_send.ids.payto_e.text = self.gui_object.payment_request.domain screen_send.ids.amount_e.text = self.format_amount(self.gui_object.payment_request.get_amount()) screen_send.ids.message_e.text = self.gui_object.payment_request.memo # wait for screen to load Clock.schedule_once(set_address, .5) def do_clear(self): tabs = self.tabs screen_send = tabs.ids.screen_send content = screen_send.ids.content cts = content.ids cts.payto_e.text = cts.message_e.text = cts.amount_e.text = \ cts.fee_e.text = '' self.set_frozen(content, False) self.update_status() def set_frozen(self, entry, frozen): if frozen: entry.disabled = True Factory.Animation(opacity=0).start(content) else: entry.disabled = False Factory.Animation(opacity=1).start(content) def payment_request_error(self): tabs = self.tabs screen_send = tabs.ids.screen_send # switch_to the send screen tabs.ids.panel.switch_to(tabs.ids.tab_send) self.do_clear() self.show_info(self.gui_object.payment_request.error) def encode_uri(self, addr, amount=0, label='', message='', size='', currency='btc'): ''' Convert to BIP0021 compatible URI ''' uri = 'bitcoin:{}'.format(addr) first = True if amount: uri += '{}amount={}'.format('?' if first else '&', amount) first = False if label: uri += '{}label={}'.format('?' if first else '&', label) first = False if message: uri += '{}?message={}'.format('?' if first else '&', message) first = False if size: uri += '{}size={}'.format('?' if not first else '&', size) return uri def decode_uri(self, uri): if ':' not in uri: # It's just an address (not BIP21) return {'address': uri} if '//' not in uri: # Workaround for urlparse, it don't handle bitcoin: URI properly uri = uri.replace(':', '://') try: uri = urlparse(uri) except NameError: # delayed import from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs uri = urlparse(uri) result = {'address': uri.netloc} if uri.path.startswith('?'): params = parse_qs(uri.path[1:]) else: params = parse_qs(uri.path) for k,v in params.items(): if k in ('amount', 'label', 'message', 'size'): result[k] = v[0] return result def show_error(self, error, width='200dp', pos=None, arrow_pos=None, exit=False, icon='atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/error', duration=0, modal=False): ''' Show a error Message Bubble. ''' self.show_info_bubble( text=error, icon=icon, width=width, pos=pos or, arrow_pos=arrow_pos, exit=exit, duration=duration, modal=modal) def show_info(self, error, width='200dp', pos=None, arrow_pos=None, exit=False, duration=0, modal=False): ''' Show a Info Message Bubble. ''' self.show_error(error, icon='atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/error', duration=duration, modal=modal, exit=exit, pos=pos, arrow_pos=arrow_pos) def show_info_bubble(self, text=_('Hello World'), pos=None, duration=0, arrow_pos='bottom_mid', width=None, icon='', modal=False, exit=False): '''Method to show a Information Bubble .. parameters:: text: Message to be displayed pos: position for the bubble duration: duration the bubble remains on screen. 0 = click to hide width: width of the Bubble arrow_pos: arrow position for the bubble ''' info_bubble = self.info_bubble if not info_bubble: info_bubble = self.info_bubble = Factory.InfoBubble() win = Window if info_bubble.parent: win.remove_widget(info_bubble if not info_bubble.modal else info_bubble._modal_view) if not arrow_pos: info_bubble.show_arrow = False else: info_bubble.show_arrow = True info_bubble.arrow_pos = arrow_pos img = info_bubble.ids.img if text == 'texture': # icon holds a texture not a source image # display the texture in full screen text = '' img.texture = icon info_bubble.fs = True info_bubble.show_arrow = False img.allow_stretch = True info_bubble.dim_background = True info_bubble.background_image = 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/card' else: info_bubble.fs = False info_bubble.icon = icon #if img.texture and img._coreimage: # img.reload() img.allow_stretch = False info_bubble.dim_background = False info_bubble.background_image = 'atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/bubble' info_bubble.message = text if not pos: pos = ([0],[1] - (info_bubble.height/2)), duration, width, modal=modal, exit=exit)