Popup: id: nd title: _('Network') BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' ScrollView: GridLayout: id: scrollviewlayout cols:1 size_hint: 1, None height: self.minimum_height padding: '10dp' SettingsItem: value: _("%d connections.")% app.num_nodes if app.num_nodes else _("Not connected") title: _("Status") + ': ' + self.value description: _("Connections with Electrum servers") action: lambda x: None CardSeparator SettingsItem: title: _("Server") + ': ' + app.server_host description: _("Server used to query your history.") action: lambda x: app.popup_dialog('server') CardSeparator SettingsItem: proxy: app.proxy_config.get('mode') host: app.proxy_config.get('host') port: app.proxy_config.get('port') title: _("Proxy") + ': ' + ((self.host +':' + self.port) if self.proxy else _('None')) description: _('Proxy configuration') action: lambda x: app.popup_dialog('proxy') CardSeparator SettingsItem: title: _("Auto-connect") + ': ' + ('ON' if app.auto_connect else 'OFF') description: _("Select your server automatically") action: app.toggle_auto_connect CardSeparator SettingsItem: value: "%d blocks" % app.num_blocks title: _("Blockchain") + ': ' + self.value description: _('Verified block headers') action: lambda x: x CardSeparator SettingsItem: title: app.blockchain_info() fork_description: (_('You are following branch') if app.auto_connect else _("Your server is on branch")) + ' ' + app.blockchain_name description: _('Everything is fine') if self.disabled else self.fork_description action: app.choose_blockchain_dialog disabled: len(app.network.blockchains) == 1