Popup: id: nd title: _('Network') n_nodes: len(app.network.get_interfaces()) blockchain_height: app.network.get_local_height() is_connected: app.network.is_connected() BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' padding: '10dp' spacing: '10dp' TopLabel: s1: _("Connected to %d nodes.")%root.n_nodes if root.n_nodes else _("Not connected?") s2: _("Blockchain length") + ": %d "%root.blockchain_height + _("blocks") text: self.s1 + '\n' + self.s2 Widget: size_hint: 1, 0.1 GridLayout: cols: 2 Label: text: _('Server') Spinner: id: host height: '48dp' text: '' values: sorted(app.network.get_servers()) disabled: auto_connect.active Label: text: _('Auto-connect') CheckBox: id: auto_connect size_hint_y: None Widget: size_hint: 1, 0.1 TopLabel: text: _("Electrum retrieves your wallet information from a single node (address server). In addition, it connects to a number of extra nodes, in order to fetch block headers. Block headers are used to verify the information sent by the address server, using Simple Payment Verification (SPV).") font_size: '6pt' Widget: size_hint: 1, 0.1 TopLabel: text: _("If auto-connect is checked, the address server will be selected automatically.") font_size: '6pt' Widget: size_hint: 1, 0.1 BoxLayout: Widget: size_hint: 0.5, None Button: size_hint: 0.5, None height: '48dp' text: _('OK') on_release: nd.dismiss()