from import Camera from kivy.clock import Clock import iconv from electrum_gui.kivy.qr_scanner import ScannerBase try: from zbar import ImageScanner, Config, Image, Symbol except ImportError: raise SystemError('unable to import zbar please make sure you have it installed') try: import Image as PILImage except ImportError: raise SystemError('unable to import Pil/pillow please install one of the two.') __all__ = ('ScannerCamera', ) class ScannerCamera(ScannerBase): '''Widget that use the and zbar to detect qrcode. When found, the `symbols` will be updated ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ScannerCamera, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._camera = None # create a scanner used for detecting qrcode self._scanner = ImageScanner() self._scanner.parse_config('enable') #self._scanner.setConfig(Symbol.QRCODE, Config.ENABLE, 1) #self._scanner.setConfig(0, Config.X_DENSITY, 3) #self._scanner.setConfig(0, Config.Y_DENSITY, 3) def start(self): if not self._camera: self._camera = Camera( resolution=self.camera_size, size_hint=(None, None)) self.add_widget(self._camera) self.bind(size=self._camera.setter('size')) self.bind(pos=self._camera.setter('pos')) else: self._camera._camera.init_camera() = True Clock.schedule_interval(self._detect_qrcode_frame, 1/15) def stop(self): if not self._camera: return = False Clock.unschedule(self._detect_qrcode_frame) # TODO: testing for various platforms(windows, mac) self._camera._camera._pipeline.set_state(1) #self._camera = None def _detect_qrcode_frame(self, *args): # the image we got by default from a camera is using the rgba format # zbar only allow Y800/GREY image, so we first need to convert, # then start the detection on the image if not self.get_root_window(): self.stop() return cam = self._camera tex = cam.texture if not tex: return im = PILImage.fromstring('RGBA', tex.size, tex.pixels) im = im.convert('L') barcode = Image(tex.size[0], tex.size[1], 'Y800', im.tostring()) result = self._scanner.scan(barcode) if result == 0: self.symbols = [] del(barcode) return # we detected qrcode! extract and dispatch them symbols = [] for symbol in barcode.symbols: qrcode = ScannerCamera.Qrcode( type=symbol.type,, quality=symbol.quality, count=symbol.count, bounds=symbol.location) symbols.append(qrcode) self.symbols = symbols del(barcode)