task: container: image: $ELECTRUM_IMAGE cpu: 1 memory: 1G matrix: - name: Tox Python $ELECTRUM_PYTHON_VERSION env: ELECTRUM_IMAGE: python:$ELECTRUM_PYTHON_VERSION TOXENV: py3 ELECTRUM_PYTHON_NAME: python3 matrix: - env: ELECTRUM_PYTHON_VERSION: 3.6 - env: ELECTRUM_PYTHON_VERSION: 3.7 - env: ELECTRUM_PYTHON_VERSION: 3.8 - env: ELECTRUM_PYTHON_VERSION: 3.9 - env: ELECTRUM_PYTHON_VERSION: 3 - env: ELECTRUM_PYTHON_VERSION: rc - name: Tox PyPy allow_failures: true env: ELECTRUM_IMAGE: pypy:3 TOXENV: pypy3 ELECTRUM_PYTHON_NAME: pypy3 pip_cache: folder: ~/.cache/pip fingerprint_script: echo $ELECTRUM_IMAGE && cat $ELECTRUM_REQUIREMENTS populate_script: mkdir -p ~/.cache/pip electrum_cache: folder: /tmp/electrum-build populate_script: mkdir -p /tmp/electrum-build version_script: - $ELECTRUM_PYTHON_NAME --version tag_script: - git tag install_script: - apt-get update - apt-get -y install libsecp256k1-0 - pip install -r $ELECTRUM_REQUIREMENTS tox_script: - tox coveralls_script: - if [ ! -z "$COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN" ] ; then coveralls ; fi env: ELECTRUM_REQUIREMENTS: contrib/requirements/requirements-travis.txt # following CI_* env vars are set up for coveralls CI_NAME: "CirrusCI" CI_BUILD_NUMBER: $CIRRUS_BUILD_ID CI_JOB_ID: $CIRRUS_TASK_ID CI_BUILD_URL: "https://cirrus-ci.com/task/$CIRRUS_TASK_ID" CI_BRANCH: $CIRRUS_BRANCH CI_PULL_REQUEST: $CIRRUS_PR # in addition, COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN is set as an "override" in https://cirrus-ci.com/settings/... task: name: Locale container: image: $ELECTRUM_IMAGE cpu: 1 memory: 1G pip_cache: folder: ~/.cache/pip fingerprint_script: echo Locale && echo $ELECTRUM_IMAGE && cat $ELECTRUM_REQUIREMENTS populate_script: mkdir -p ~/.cache/pip electrum_cache: folder: /tmp/electrum-build populate_script: mkdir -p /tmp/electrum-build install_script: - apt-get update - apt-get -y install libsecp256k1-0 gettext - pip install -r $ELECTRUM_REQUIREMENTS - pip install requests locale_script: - contrib/push_locale env: ELECTRUM_IMAGE: python:3.7 ELECTRUM_REQUIREMENTS: contrib/requirements/requirements-travis.txt # in addition, crowdin_api_key is set as an "override" in https://cirrus-ci.com/settings/... depends_on: - Tox Python 3.9 only_if: $CIRRUS_BRANCH == 'master' task: name: Regtest functional tests compute_engine_instance: image_project: cirrus-images image: family/docker-builder platform: linux cpu: 1 memory: 1G pip_cache: folder: ~/.cache/pip fingerprint_script: echo Regtest && echo docker_builder && cat $ELECTRUM_REQUIREMENTS populate_script: mkdir -p ~/.cache/pip electrum_cache: folder: /tmp/electrum-build populate_script: mkdir -p /tmp/electrum-build bitcoind_cache: folder: /tmp/bitcoind populate_script: mkdir -p /tmp/bitcoind install_script: - apt-get update - apt-get -y install libsecp256k1-0 curl jq bc - pip3 install .[tests] #- pip3 install e-x # Broken because of https://github.com/spesmilo/electrumx/issues/117 , use older version for now. - pip3 install electrumx==1.15.0 - "BITCOIND_VERSION=$(curl https://bitcoincore.org/en/download/ | grep -E -i --only-matching 'Latest version: [0-9\\.]+' | grep -E --only-matching '[0-9\\.]+')" - BITCOIND_FILENAME=bitcoin-$BITCOIND_VERSION-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz - BITCOIND_PATH=/tmp/bitcoind/$BITCOIND_FILENAME - BITCOIND_URL=https://bitcoincore.org/bin/bitcoin-core-$BITCOIND_VERSION/$BITCOIND_FILENAME - tar -xaf $BITCOIND_PATH || (rm -f /tmp/bitcoind/* && curl --output $BITCOIND_PATH $BITCOIND_URL && tar -xaf $BITCOIND_PATH) - cp -a bitcoin-$BITCOIND_VERSION/* /usr/ bitcoind_service_background_script: - electrum/tests/regtest/run_bitcoind.sh electrumx_service_background_script: - electrum/tests/regtest/run_electrumx.sh regtest_script: - sleep 10s - python3 -m unittest electrum/tests/regtest.py env: ELECTRUM_REQUIREMENTS: contrib/requirements/requirements-travis.txt # ElectrumX exits with an error without this: ALLOW_ROOT: 1 task: container: image: $ELECTRUM_IMAGE cpu: 1 memory: 1G pip_cache: folder: ~/.cache/pip fingerprint_script: echo Flake8 && echo $ELECTRUM_IMAGE && cat $ELECTRUM_REQUIREMENTS populate_script: mkdir -p ~/.cache/pip electrum_cache: folder: /tmp/electrum-build populate_script: mkdir -p /tmp/electrum-build install_script: - pip install flake8 flake8_script: - flake8 . --count --select=$ELECTRUM_LINTERS --show-source --statistics env: ELECTRUM_IMAGE: python:3.7 ELECTRUM_REQUIREMENTS: contrib/requirements/requirements-travis.txt matrix: - name: Flake8 Mandatory env: ELECTRUM_LINTERS: E9,F63,F7,F82 - name: Flake8 Non-Mandatory env: ELECTRUM_LINTERS: E,F,W,C90 allow_failures: true task: name: Windows build container: dockerfile: contrib/build-wine/Dockerfile cpu: 1 memory: 2G build_script: - cd contrib/build-wine - ./make_win.sh binaries_artifacts: path: "contrib/build-wine/dist/*" env: CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR: /opt/wine64/drive_c/electrum task: name: Android build container: dockerfile: contrib/android/Dockerfile cpu: 2 memory: 2G build_script: - ./contrib/android/make_apk binaries_artifacts: path: "dist/*" task: name: MacOS build macos_instance: image: catalina-xcode-11.3.1 env: TARGET_OS: macOS install_script: - git fetch --all --tags build_script: - ./contrib/osx/make_osx sum_script: - ls -lah dist - shasum -a 256 dist/*.dmg binaries_artifacts: path: "dist/*" task: name: AppImage build container: dockerfile: contrib/build-linux/appimage/Dockerfile cpu: 2 memory: 1G build_script: - ./contrib/build-linux/appimage/make_appimage.sh binaries_artifacts: path: "dist/*" task: name: tarball build container: dockerfile: contrib/build-linux/sdist/Dockerfile cpu: 1 memory: 1G build_script: - ./contrib/build-linux/sdist/make_sdist.sh binaries_artifacts: path: "dist/*" task: name: Submodules container: image: python:3.7 cpu: 1 memory: 1G fetch_script: - git fetch --all --tags check_script: - ./contrib/deterministic-build/check_submodules.sh only_if: $CIRRUS_TAG != ''