from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * from datetime import datetime, date import inspect import requests import sys import threading import time import traceback from decimal import Decimal from electrum.bitcoin import COIN from electrum.plugins import BasePlugin, hook from electrum.i18n import _ from electrum.util import print_error, ThreadJob, timestamp_to_datetime from electrum.util import format_satoshis from electrum_gui.qt.util import * from electrum_gui.qt.amountedit import AmountEdit class ExchangeBase: def __init__(self, sig): self.history = {} self.quotes = {} self.sig = sig def get_json(self, site, get_string): response = requests.request('GET', 'https://' + site + get_string, headers={'User-Agent' : 'Electrum'}) return response.json() def print_error(self, *msg): print_error("[%s]" %, *msg) def name(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def update(self, ccy): self.quotes = self.get_rates(ccy) self.sig.emit(SIGNAL('fx_quotes')) return self.quotes def history_ccys(self): return [] def set_history(self, ccy, history): '''History is a map of "%Y-%m-%d" strings to values''' self.history[ccy] = history self.sig.emit(SIGNAL("fx_history")) def get_historical_rates(self, ccy): result = self.history.get(ccy) if not result and ccy in self.history_ccys(): self.print_error("requesting historical rates for", ccy) t = threading.Thread(target=self.historical_rates, args=(ccy,)) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() return result def historical_rate(self, ccy, d_t): if == rate = self.quotes.get(ccy) else: rate = self.history.get(ccy, {}).get(d_t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) return rate class BitcoinAverage(ExchangeBase): def update(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/ticker/global/all') return dict([(r, Decimal(jsonresp[r]['last'])) for r in json if r != 'timestamp']) class BitcoinVenezuela(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/') return dict([(r, Decimal(json['BTC'][r])) for r in json['BTC']]) def history_ccys(self): return ['ARS', 'EUR', 'USD', 'VEF'] def historical_rates(self, ccy): return self.get_json('', "/historical/index.php?coin=BTC")[ccy +'_BTC'] class BTCParalelo(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/api/price') return {'VEF': Decimal(json['price'])} class Bitcurex(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/data/ticker.json') pln_price = json['last'] return {'PLN': Decimal(pln_price)} class Bitmarket(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/json/BTCPLN/ticker.json') return {'PLN': Decimal(json['last'])} class BitPay(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/api/rates') return dict([(r['code'], Decimal(r['rate'])) for r in json]) class Blockchain(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/ticker') return dict([(r, Decimal(json[r]['15m'])) for r in json]) class BTCChina(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/data/ticker') return {'CNY': Decimal(json['ticker']['last'])} class CaVirtEx(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/api/CAD/ticker.json') return {'CAD': Decimal(json['last'])} class Coinbase(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/api/v1/currencies/exchange_rates') return dict([(r[7:].upper(), Decimal(json[r])) for r in json if r.startswith('btc_to_')]) class CoinDesk(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): dicts = self.get_json('', '/v1/bpi/supported-currencies.json') json = self.get_json('', '/v1/bpi/currentprice/%s.json' % ccy) ccys = [d['currency'] for d in dicts] result = dict.fromkeys(ccys) result[ccy] = Decimal(json['bpi'][ccy]['rate']) return result def history_starts(self): return { 'USD': '2012-11-30' } def history_ccys(self): return self.history_starts().keys() def historical_rates(self, ccy): start = self.history_starts()[ccy] end ='%Y-%m-%d') # Note ?currency and ?index don't work as documented. Sigh. query = ('/v1/bpi/historical/close.json?start=%s&end=%s' % (start, end)) json = self.get_json('', query) self.set_history(ccy, json['bpi']) class itBit(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): ccys = ['USD', 'EUR', 'SGD'] json = self.get_json('', '/v1/markets/XBT%s/ticker' % ccy) result = dict.fromkeys(ccys) result[ccy] = Decimal(json['lastPrice']) return result class LocalBitcoins(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/bitcoinaverage/ticker-all-currencies/') return dict([(r, Decimal(json[r]['rates']['last'])) for r in json]) class Winkdex(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/api/v0/price') return {'USD': Decimal(json['price'] / 100.0)} def history_ccys(self): return ['USD'] def historical_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', "/api/v0/series?start_time=1342915200") history = json['series'][0]['results'] self.set_history(ccy, dict([(h['timestamp'][:10], h['price'] / 100.0) for h in history])) class Plugin(BasePlugin, ThreadJob): def __init__(self, parent, config, name): BasePlugin.__init__(self, parent, config, name) # Signal object first self.sig = QObject() self.sig.connect(self.sig, SIGNAL('fx_quotes'), self.on_fx_quotes) self.sig.connect(self.sig, SIGNAL('fx_history'), self.on_fx_history) self.ccy_combo = None self.hist_checkbox = None self.ccy = self.config_ccy() is_exchange = lambda obj: (inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, ExchangeBase)) self.exchanges = dict(inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], is_exchange)) self.set_exchange(self.config_exchange()) self.btc_rate = Decimal("0.0") def thread_jobs(self): return [self] def run(self): # This runs from the network thread which catches exceptions if and self.timeout <= time.time(): self.timeout = time.time() + 150 rates = self.refresh_fields() def config_ccy(self): '''Use when dynamic fetching is needed''' return self.config.get("currency", "EUR") def config_exchange(self): return self.config.get('use_exchange', 'Blockchain') def config_history(self): return self.config.get('history_rates', 'unchecked') != 'unchecked' def set_exchange(self, name): class_ = self.exchanges.get(name) or self.exchanges.values()[0] name = class_.__name__ self.print_error("using exchange", name) if self.config_exchange() != name: self.config.set_key('use_exchange', name, True) = class_(self.sig) # A new exchange means new fx quotes, initially empty. Force # a quote refresh self.timeout = 0 self.get_historical_rates() self.on_fx_quotes() def update_status_bars(self): '''Update status bar fiat balance in all windows''' for window in window.update_status() def on_new_window(self, window): window.fx_fields = {} self.add_send_edit(window) self.add_receive_edit(window) window.update_status() def on_fx_history(self): '''Called when historical fx quotes are updated''' pass def on_fx_quotes(self): '''Called when fresh spot fx quotes come in''' self.update_status_bars() self.populate_ccy_combo() def on_ccy_combo_change(self): '''Called when the chosen currency changes''' ccy = str(self.ccy_combo.currentText()) if ccy and ccy != self.ccy: print "Setting:", ccy self.ccy = ccy self.config.set_key('currency', ccy, True) self.update_status_bars() self.get_historical_rates() self.hist_checkbox_update() def hist_checkbox_update(self): if self.hist_checkbox: self.hist_checkbox.setEnabled(self.ccy in self.hist_checkbox.setChecked(self.config_history()) def populate_ccy_combo(self): # There should be at most one instance of the settings dialog combo = self.ccy_combo # NOTE: bool(combo) is False if it is empty. Nuts. if combo is not None: combo.blockSignals(True) combo.clear() combo.addItems(sorted( combo.blockSignals(False) combo.setCurrentIndex(combo.findText(self.ccy)) def close(self): BasePlugin.close(self) for window in window.send_fiat_e.hide() window.receive_fiat_e.hide() window.update_history_tab() window.update_status() def exchange_rate(self): '''Returns None, or the exchange rate as a Decimal''' rate = if rate: return Decimal(rate) @hook def get_fiat_balance_text(self, btc_balance, r): # return balance as: 1.23 USD r[0] = self.create_fiat_balance_text(Decimal(btc_balance) / COIN) def get_fiat_price_text(self, r): # return BTC price as: 123.45 USD r[0] = self.create_fiat_balance_text(1) quote = r[0] if quote: r[0] = "%s"%quote @hook def get_fiat_status_text(self, btc_balance, r2): # return status as: (1.23 USD) 1 BTC~123.45 USD text = "" r = {} self.get_fiat_price_text(r) quote = r.get(0) if quote: price_text = "1 BTC~%s"%quote fiat_currency = quote[-3:] btc_price = self.btc_rate fiat_balance = Decimal(btc_price) * Decimal(btc_balance) / COIN balance_text = "(%.2f %s)" % (fiat_balance,fiat_currency) text = " " + balance_text + " " + price_text + " " r2[0] = text def create_fiat_balance_text(self, btc_balance): cur_rate = self.exchange_rate() if cur_rate is None: quote_text = "" else: quote_balance = btc_balance * Decimal(cur_rate) self.btc_rate = cur_rate quote_text = "%.2f %s" % (quote_balance, self.ccy) return quote_text def get_historical_rates(self): if self.config_history(): def requires_settings(self): return True def historical_value_str(self, ccy, satoshis, d_t): rate =, d_t) if rate: value = round(Decimal(satoshis) / COIN * Decimal(rate), 2) return " ".join(["{:,.2f}".format(value), ccy]) return _("No data") @hook def history_tab_headers(self, headers): headers.extend([_('Fiat Amount'), _('Fiat Balance')]) @hook def history_tab_update(self, tx, entry): if not self.config_history(): return tx_hash, conf, value, timestamp, balance = tx date = timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp) if not date: date = timestamp_to_datetime(0) for amount in [value, balance]: text = self.historical_value_str(self.ccy, amount, date) entry.append("%16s" % text) def settings_widget(self, window): return EnterButton(_('Settings'), self.settings_dialog) def settings_dialog(self): d = QDialog() d.setWindowTitle("Settings") layout = QGridLayout(d) layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('Exchange rate API: ')), 0, 0) layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('Currency: ')), 1, 0) layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('History Rates: ')), 2, 0) # Currency list self.ccy_combo = QComboBox() self.ccy_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.on_ccy_combo_change) self.populate_ccy_combo() def on_change_ex(idx): exchange = str(combo_ex.currentText()) if exchange != self.set_exchange(exchange) self.hist_checkbox_update() def on_change_hist(checked): if checked: self.config.set_key('history_rates', 'checked') self.get_historical_rates() else: self.config.set_key('history_rates', 'unchecked') def ok_clicked(): if in ["CoinDesk", "itBit"]: self.timeout = 0 d.accept(); combo_ex = QComboBox() combo_ex.addItems(sorted(self.exchanges.keys())) combo_ex.setCurrentIndex(combo_ex.findText(self.config_exchange())) combo_ex.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_change_ex) self.hist_checkbox = QCheckBox() self.hist_checkbox.stateChanged.connect(on_change_hist) self.hist_checkbox_update() ok_button = QPushButton(_("OK")) ok_button.clicked.connect(lambda: ok_clicked()) layout.addWidget(self.ccy_combo,1,1) layout.addWidget(combo_ex,0,1) layout.addWidget(self.hist_checkbox,2,1) layout.addWidget(ok_button,3,1) result = d.exec_() self.ccy_combo = None return result def refresh_fields(self): '''Update the display at the new rate''' for window in for field in window.fx_fields.values(): field.textEdited.emit(field.text()) def add_send_edit(self, window): window.send_fiat_e = AmountEdit(self.config_ccy) self.connect_fields(window, True) window.send_grid.addWidget(window.send_fiat_e, 4, 3, Qt.AlignHCenter) window.amount_e.frozen.connect(lambda: window.send_fiat_e.setFrozen(window.amount_e.isReadOnly())) def add_receive_edit(self, window): window.receive_fiat_e = AmountEdit(self.config_ccy) self.connect_fields(window, False) window.receive_grid.addWidget(window.receive_fiat_e, 2, 3, Qt.AlignHCenter) def connect_fields(self, window, send): if send: btc_e, fiat_e, fee_e = (window.amount_e, window.send_fiat_e, window.fee_e) else: btc_e, fiat_e, fee_e = (window.receive_amount_e, window.receive_fiat_e, None) def fiat_changed(): fiat_e.setStyleSheet(BLACK_FG) window.fx_fields[(fiat_e, btc_e)] = fiat_e try: fiat_amount = Decimal(str(fiat_e.text())) except: btc_e.setText("") if fee_e: fee_e.setText("") return exchange_rate = self.exchange_rate() if exchange_rate is not None: btc_amount = fiat_amount/exchange_rate btc_e.setAmount(int(btc_amount*Decimal(COIN))) btc_e.setStyleSheet(BLUE_FG) if fee_e: window.update_fee() fiat_e.textEdited.connect(fiat_changed) def btc_changed(): btc_e.setStyleSheet(BLACK_FG) window.fx_fields[(fiat_e, btc_e)] = btc_e btc_amount = btc_e.get_amount() rate = self.exchange_rate() if rate is None or btc_amount is None: fiat_e.setText("") else: fiat_amount = rate * Decimal(btc_amount) / Decimal(COIN) pos = fiat_e.cursorPosition() fiat_e.setText("%.2f"%fiat_amount) fiat_e.setCursorPosition(pos) fiat_e.setStyleSheet(BLUE_FG) btc_e.textEdited.connect(btc_changed) window.fx_fields[(fiat_e, btc_e)] = btc_e @hook def do_clear(self, window): window.send_fiat_e.setText('')