import time
from struct import pack

from electrum.i18n import _
from electrum.util import PrintError, UserCancelled
from electrum.keystore import bip39_normalize_passphrase
from electrum.bitcoin import EncodeBase58Check

class GuiMixin(object):
    # Requires: self.proto, self.device

    messages = {
        3: _("Confirm the transaction output on your %s device"),
        4: _("Confirm internal entropy on your %s device to begin"),
        5: _("Write down the seed word shown on your %s"),
        6: _("Confirm on your %s that you want to wipe it clean"),
        7: _("Confirm on your %s device the message to sign"),
        8: _("Confirm the total amount spent and the transaction fee on your "
             "%s device"),
        10: _("Confirm wallet address on your %s device"),
        'default': _("Check your %s device to continue"),

    def callback_Failure(self, msg):
        # BaseClient's unfortunate call() implementation forces us to
        # raise exceptions on failure in order to unwind the stack.
        # However, making the user acknowledge they cancelled
        # gets old very quickly, so we suppress those.  The NotInitialized
        # one is misnamed and indicates a passphrase request was cancelled.
        if msg.code in (self.types.Failure_PinCancelled,
            raise UserCancelled()
        raise RuntimeError(msg.message)

    def callback_ButtonRequest(self, msg):
        message = self.msg
        if not message:
            message = self.messages.get(msg.code, self.messages['default'])
        self.handler.show_message(message % self.device, self.cancel)
        return self.proto.ButtonAck()

    def callback_PinMatrixRequest(self, msg):
        if msg.type == 2:
            msg = _("Enter a new PIN for your %s:")
        elif msg.type == 3:
            msg = (_("Re-enter the new PIN for your %s.\n\n"
                     "NOTE: the positions of the numbers have changed!"))
            msg = _("Enter your current %s PIN:")
        pin = self.handler.get_pin(msg % self.device)
        if not pin:
            return self.proto.Cancel()
        return self.proto.PinMatrixAck(pin=pin)

    def callback_PassphraseRequest(self, req):
        if self.creating_wallet:
            msg = _("Enter a passphrase to generate this wallet.  Each time "
                    "you use this wallet your %s will prompt you for the "
                    "passphrase.  If you forget the passphrase you cannot "
                    "access the bitcoins in the wallet.") % self.device
            msg = _("Enter the passphrase to unlock this wallet:")
        passphrase = self.handler.get_passphrase(msg, self.creating_wallet)
        if passphrase is None:
            return self.proto.Cancel()
        passphrase = bip39_normalize_passphrase(passphrase)
        return self.proto.PassphraseAck(passphrase=passphrase)

    def callback_WordRequest(self, msg):
        self.step += 1
        msg = _("Step %d/24.  Enter seed word as explained on "
                "your %s:") % (self.step, self.device)
        word = self.handler.get_word(msg)
        # Unfortunately the device can't handle self.proto.Cancel()
        return self.proto.WordAck(word=word)

    def callback_CharacterRequest(self, msg):
        char_info = self.handler.get_char(msg)
        if not char_info:
            return self.proto.Cancel()
        return self.proto.CharacterAck(**char_info)

class TrezorClientBase(GuiMixin, PrintError):

    def __init__(self, handler, plugin, proto):
        assert hasattr(self, 'tx_api')  # ProtocolMixin already constructed?
        self.proto = proto
        self.device = plugin.device
        self.handler = handler
        self.tx_api = plugin
        self.types = plugin.types
        self.msg = None
        self.creating_wallet = False

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s/%s" % (self.label(), self.features.device_id)

    def label(self):
        '''The name given by the user to the device.'''
        return self.features.label

    def is_initialized(self):
        '''True if initialized, False if wiped.'''
        return self.features.initialized

    def is_pairable(self):
        return not self.features.bootloader_mode

    def used(self):
        self.last_operation = time.time()

    def prevent_timeouts(self):
        self.last_operation = float('inf')

    def timeout(self, cutoff):
        '''Time out the client if the last operation was before cutoff.'''
        if self.last_operation < cutoff:
            self.print_error("timed out")

    def expand_path(n):
        '''Convert bip32 path to list of uint32 integers with prime flags
        0/-1/1' -> [0, 0x80000001, 0x80000001]'''
        # This code is similar to code in trezorlib where it unforunately
        # is not declared as a staticmethod.  Our n has an extra element.
        PRIME_DERIVATION_FLAG = 0x80000000
        path = []
        for x in n.split('/')[1:]:
            prime = 0
            if x.endswith("'"):
                x = x.replace('\'', '')
                prime = PRIME_DERIVATION_FLAG
            if x.startswith('-'):
                prime = PRIME_DERIVATION_FLAG
            path.append(abs(int(x)) | prime)
        return path

    def cancel(self):
        '''Provided here as in keepkeylib but not trezorlib.'''

    def i4b(self, x):
        return pack('>I', x)

    def get_xpub(self, bip32_path):
        address_n = self.expand_path(bip32_path)
        creating = False #self.next_account_number() == 0
        node = self.get_public_node(address_n, creating).node
        xpub = ("0488B21E".decode('hex') + chr(node.depth)
                + self.i4b(node.fingerprint) + self.i4b(node.child_num)
                + node.chain_code + node.public_key)
        return EncodeBase58Check(xpub)

    #def address_from_derivation(self, derivation):
    #    return self.get_address('Bitcoin', self.expand_path(derivation))

    def toggle_passphrase(self):
        if self.features.passphrase_protection:
            self.msg = _("Confirm on your %s device to disable passphrases")
            self.msg = _("Confirm on your %s device to enable passphrases")
        enabled = not self.features.passphrase_protection

    def change_label(self, label):
        self.msg = _("Confirm the new label on your %s device")

    def change_homescreen(self, homescreen):
        self.msg = _("Confirm on your %s device to change your home screen")

    def set_pin(self, remove):
        if remove:
            self.msg = _("Confirm on your %s device to disable PIN protection")
        elif self.features.pin_protection:
            self.msg = _("Confirm on your %s device to change your PIN")
            self.msg = _("Confirm on your %s device to set a PIN")

    def clear_session(self):
        '''Clear the session to force pin (and passphrase if enabled)
        re-entry.  Does not leak exceptions.'''
        self.print_error("clear session:", self)
            super(TrezorClientBase, self).clear_session()
        except BaseException as e:
            # If the device was removed it has the same effect...
            self.print_error("clear_session: ignoring error", str(e))

    def get_public_node(self, address_n, creating):
        self.creating_wallet = creating
        return super(TrezorClientBase, self).get_public_node(address_n)

    def close(self):
        '''Called when Our wallet was closed or the device removed.'''
        self.print_error("closing client")
        # Release the device

    def firmware_version(self):
        f = self.features
        return (f.major_version, f.minor_version, f.patch_version)

    def atleast_version(self, major, minor=0, patch=0):
        return cmp(self.firmware_version(), (major, minor, patch))

    def wrapper(func):
        '''Wrap methods to clear any message box they opened.'''

        def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
                self.creating_wallet = False
                self.msg = None

        return wrapped

    def wrap_methods(cls):
        for method in ['apply_settings', 'change_pin', 'decrypt_message',
                       'get_address', 'get_public_node',
                       'load_device_by_mnemonic', 'load_device_by_xprv',
                       'recovery_device', 'reset_device', 'sign_message',
                       'sign_tx', 'wipe_device']:
            setattr(cls, method, cls.wrapper(getattr(cls, method)))