#!/bin/bash # # This script, for the RELEASEMANAGER: # - builds and uploads all binaries, # - assumes all keys are available, and signs everything # This script, for other builders: # - builds all reproducible binaries, # - downloads binaries built by the release manager, compares and signs them, # - and then uploads sigs # Note: the .dmg should be built separately beforehand and copied into dist/ # (as it is built on a separate machine) # # env vars: # - ELECBUILD_NOCACHE: if set, forces rebuild of docker images # - WWW_DIR: path to "electrum-web" git clone # # additional env vars for the RELEASEMANAGER: # - for signing the version announcement file: # - ELECTRUM_SIGNING_ADDRESS (required) # - ELECTRUM_SIGNING_WALLET (required) # # "uploadserver" is set in /etc/hosts # # Note: steps before doing a new release: # - update locale: # 1. cd /opt/electrum-locale && ./update && push # 2. cd to the submodule dir, and git pull # 3. cd .. && git push # - update RELEASE-NOTES and version.py # - git tag # set -e PROJECT_ROOT="$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/.." CONTRIB="$PROJECT_ROOT/contrib" cd "$PROJECT_ROOT" . "$CONTRIB"/build_tools_util.sh # rm -rf dist/* # rm -f .buildozer if [ -z "$WWW_DIR" ] ; then WWW_DIR=/opt/electrum-web fi GPGUSER=$1 if [ -z "$GPGUSER" ]; then fail "usage: release.sh gpg_username" fi export SSHUSER="$GPGUSER" RELEASEMANAGER="" if [ "$GPGUSER" == "ThomasV" ]; then PUBKEY="--local-user 6694D8DE7BE8EE5631BED9502BD5824B7F9470E6" export SSHUSER=thomasv RELEASEMANAGER=1 elif [ "$GPGUSER" == "sombernight_releasekey" ]; then PUBKEY="--local-user 0EEDCFD5CAFB459067349B23CA9EEEC43DF911DC" export SSHUSER=sombernight fi VERSION=`python3 -c "import electrum; print(electrum.version.ELECTRUM_VERSION)"` info "VERSION: $VERSION" REV=`git describe --tags` info "REV: $REV" COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD) export ELECBUILD_COMMIT="${COMMIT}^{commit}" git_status=$(git status --porcelain) if [ ! -z "$git_status" ]; then echo "$git_status" fail "git repo not clean, aborting" fi set -x # create tarball tarball="Electrum-$VERSION.tar.gz" if test -f "dist/$tarball"; then info "file exists: $tarball" else ./contrib/build-linux/sdist/build.sh fi # appimage appimage="electrum-$REV-x86_64.AppImage" if test -f "dist/$appimage"; then info "file exists: $appimage" else ./contrib/build-linux/appimage/build.sh fi # windows win1="electrum-$REV.exe" win2="electrum-$REV-portable.exe" win3="electrum-$REV-setup.exe" if test -f "dist/$win1"; then info "file exists: $win1" else pushd . ./contrib/build-wine/build.sh if [ ! -z "$RELEASEMANAGER" ] ; then cd contrib/build-wine/ ./sign.sh cp ./signed/*.exe "$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/" fi popd fi # android apk1="Electrum-$VERSION.0-armeabi-v7a-release.apk" apk2="Electrum-$VERSION.0-arm64-v8a-release.apk" if test -f "dist/$apk1"; then info "file exists: $apk1" else if [ ! -z "$RELEASEMANAGER" ] ; then ./contrib/android/build.sh release else ./contrib/android/build.sh release-unsigned fi fi # the macos binary is built on a separate machine. dmg=electrum-$VERSION.dmg test -f "dist/$dmg" || fail "dmg is missing, aborting. Please build the dmg on a mac and copy it over." # now that we have all binaries, if we are the RM, sign them. if [ ! -z "$RELEASEMANAGER" ] ; then if test -f "dist/$dmg.asc"; then info "packages are already signed" else info "signing packages" ./contrib/sign_packages "$GPGUSER" fi fi info "build complete" sha256sum dist/*.tar.gz sha256sum dist/*.AppImage sha256sum contrib/build-wine/dist/*.exe echo -n "proceed (y/n)? " read answer if [ "$answer" != "y" ] ;then echo "exit" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$RELEASEMANAGER" ] ; then # people OTHER THAN release manager. # download binaries built by RM rm -rf "$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/releasemanager" mkdir --parent "$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/releasemanager" cd "$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/releasemanager" # TODO check somehow that RM had finished uploading sftp -oBatchMode=no -b - "$SSHUSER@uploadserver" << ! cd electrum-downloads-airlock cd "$VERSION" mget * bye ! # check we have each binary test -f "$tarball" || fail "tarball not found among sftp downloads" test -f "$appimage" || fail "appimage not found among sftp downloads" test -f "$win1" || fail "win1 not found among sftp downloads" test -f "$win2" || fail "win2 not found among sftp downloads" test -f "$win3" || fail "win3 not found among sftp downloads" test -f "$apk1" || fail "apk1 not found among sftp downloads" test -f "$apk2" || fail "apk2 not found among sftp downloads" test -f "$dmg" || fail "dmg not found among sftp downloads" test -f "$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/$tarball" || fail "tarball not found among built files" test -f "$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/$appimage" || fail "appimage not found among built files" test -f "$CONTRIB/build-wine/dist/$win1" || fail "win1 not found among built files" test -f "$CONTRIB/build-wine/dist/$win2" || fail "win2 not found among built files" test -f "$CONTRIB/build-wine/dist/$win3" || fail "win3 not found among built files" test -f "$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/$apk1" || fail "apk1 not found among built files" test -f "$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/$apk2" || fail "apk2 not found among built files" test -f "$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/$dmg" || fail "dmg not found among built files" # compare downloaded binaries against ones we built cmp --silent "$tarball" "$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/$tarball" || fail "files are different. tarball." cmp --silent "$appimage" "$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/$appimage" || fail "files are different. appimage." mkdir --parents "$CONTRIB/build-wine/signed/" cp -f "$win1" "$win2" "$win3" "$CONTRIB/build-wine/signed/" "$CONTRIB/build-wine/unsign.sh" || fail "files are different. windows." "$CONTRIB/android/apkdiff.py" "$apk1" "$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/$apk1" || fail "files are different. android." "$CONTRIB/android/apkdiff.py" "$apk2" "$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/$apk2" || fail "files are different. android." "$CONTRIB/osx/compare_dmg" "$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/$dmg" "$dmg" || fail "files are different. macos." # all files matched. sign them. rm -rf "$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/sigs/" mkdir --parents "$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/sigs/" for fname in "$tarball" "$appimage" "$win1" "$win2" "$win3" "$apk1" "$apk2" "$dmg" ; do signame="$fname.$GPGUSER.asc" gpg --sign --armor --detach $PUBKEY --output "$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/sigs/$signame" "$fname" done # upload sigs ELECBUILD_UPLOADFROM="$PROJECT_ROOT/dist/sigs/" "$CONTRIB/upload" else # ONLY release manager cd "$PROJECT_ROOT" info "updating www repo" ./contrib/make_download $WWW_DIR info "signing the version announcement file" sig=`./run_electrum -o signmessage $ELECTRUM_SIGNING_ADDRESS $VERSION -w $ELECTRUM_SIGNING_WALLET` info "{ \"version\":\"$VERSION\", \"signatures\":{ \"$ELECTRUM_SIGNING_ADDRESS\":\"$sig\"}}" > $WWW_DIR/version if [ $REV != $VERSION ]; then fail "versions differ, not uploading" fi # upload the files if test -f dist/uploaded; then info "files already uploaded" else ./contrib/upload touch dist/uploaded fi # push changes to website repo pushd $WWW_DIR git diff git commit -a -m "version $VERSION" git push popd fi info "release.sh finished successfully." info "now you should run WWW_DIR/publish.sh to sign the website commit and upload signature"