''' Dummy NFC Provider to be used on desktops in case no other provider is found ''' from electrum_gui.kivy.nfc_scanner import NFCBase from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.logger import Logger class ScannerDummy(NFCBase): _initialised = False def nfc_init(self): # print 'nfc_init()' Logger.debug('NFC: configure nfc') self._initialised = True def on_new_intent(self, dt): Logger.debug('NFC: got new dummy tag') def nfc_enable(self): Logger.debug('NFC: enable') if self._initialised: Clock.schedule_interval(self.on_new_intent, 22) def nfc_disable(self): # print 'nfc_enable()' Clock.unschedule(self.on_new_intent) def nfc_enable_exchange(self, data): ''' Start sending data ''' Logger.debug('NFC: sending data {}'.format(data)) def nfc_disable_exchange(self): ''' Disable/Stop ndef exchange ''' Logger.debug('NFC: disable nfc exchange')