#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2012 thomasv@gitorious # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import sys import os import signal try: import PyQt4 except Exception: sys.exit("Error: Could not import PyQt4 on Linux systems, you may try 'sudo apt-get install python-qt4'") from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore from electrum.i18n import _, set_language from electrum.plugins import run_hook from electrum import SimpleConfig, Wallet, WalletStorage from electrum.paymentrequest import InvoiceStore from electrum.contacts import Contacts from electrum.synchronizer import Synchronizer from electrum.verifier import SPV from electrum.util import DebugMem, UserCancelled, InvalidPassword from electrum.wallet import Abstract_Wallet from installwizard import InstallWizard, GoBack try: import icons_rc except Exception: print "Error: Could not find icons file." print "Please run 'pyrcc4 icons.qrc -o gui/qt/icons_rc.py', and reinstall Electrum" sys.exit(1) from util import * # * needed for plugins from main_window import ElectrumWindow class OpenFileEventFilter(QObject): def __init__(self, windows): self.windows = windows super(OpenFileEventFilter, self).__init__() def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.FileOpen: if len(self.windows) >= 1: self.windows[0].pay_to_URI(event.url().toEncoded()) return True return False class ElectrumGui: def __init__(self, config, daemon, plugins): set_language(config.get('language')) # Uncomment this call to verify objects are being properly # GC-ed when windows are closed #network.add_jobs([DebugMem([Abstract_Wallet, SPV, Synchronizer, # ElectrumWindow], interval=5)]) self.config = config self.daemon = daemon self.plugins = plugins self.windows = [] self.efilter = OpenFileEventFilter(self.windows) self.app = QApplication(sys.argv) self.app.installEventFilter(self.efilter) self.timer = Timer() # shared objects self.invoices = InvoiceStore(self.config) self.contacts = Contacts(self.config) # init tray self.dark_icon = self.config.get("dark_icon", False) self.tray = QSystemTrayIcon(self.tray_icon(), None) self.tray.setToolTip('Electrum') self.tray.activated.connect(self.tray_activated) self.build_tray_menu() self.tray.show() self.app.connect(self.app, QtCore.SIGNAL('new_window'), self.start_new_window) run_hook('init_qt', self) def build_tray_menu(self): # Avoid immediate GC of old menu when window closed via its action self.old_menu = self.tray.contextMenu() m = QMenu() for window in self.windows: submenu = m.addMenu(window.wallet.basename()) submenu.addAction(_("Show/Hide"), window.show_or_hide) submenu.addAction(_("Close"), window.close) m.addAction(_("Dark/Light"), self.toggle_tray_icon) m.addSeparator() m.addAction(_("Exit Electrum"), self.close) self.tray.setContextMenu(m) def tray_icon(self): if self.dark_icon: return QIcon(':icons/electrum_dark_icon.png') else: return QIcon(':icons/electrum_light_icon.png') def toggle_tray_icon(self): self.dark_icon = not self.dark_icon self.config.set_key("dark_icon", self.dark_icon, True) self.tray.setIcon(self.tray_icon()) def tray_activated(self, reason): if reason == QSystemTrayIcon.DoubleClick: if all([w.is_hidden() for w in self.windows]): for w in self.windows: w.bring_to_top() else: for w in self.windows: w.hide() def close(self): for window in self.windows: window.close() def new_window(self, path, uri=None): # Use a signal as can be called from daemon thread self.app.emit(SIGNAL('new_window'), path, uri) def create_window_for_wallet(self, wallet): w = ElectrumWindow(self, wallet) self.windows.append(w) self.build_tray_menu() # FIXME: Remove in favour of the load_wallet hook run_hook('on_new_window', w) return w def start_new_window(self, path, uri): '''Raises the window for the wallet if it is open. Otherwise opens the wallet and creates a new window for it.''' for w in self.windows: if w.wallet.storage.path == path: w.bring_to_top() break else: wallet = self.daemon.get_wallet(path) if not wallet: storage = WalletStorage(path) if not storage.file_exists or storage.is_encrypted(): wizard = InstallWizard(self.config, self.app, self.plugins, storage) wallet = wizard.run_and_get_wallet() if not wallet: return else: storage.read(None) wallet = Wallet(storage) wallet.start_threads(self.daemon.network) self.daemon.add_wallet(wallet) w = self.create_window_for_wallet(wallet) if uri: w.pay_to_URI(uri) return w def close_window(self, window): self.windows.remove(window) self.build_tray_menu() # save wallet path of last open window if not self.windows: self.config.save_last_wallet(window.wallet) run_hook('on_close_window', window) def init_network(self): # Show network dialog if config does not exist if self.daemon.network: if self.config.get('auto_connect') is None: wizard = InstallWizard(self.config, self.app, self.plugins, None) wizard.init_network(self.daemon.network) wizard.terminate() def main(self): try: self.init_network() except UserCancelled: return except GoBack: return except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) return self.timer.start() self.config.open_last_wallet() path = self.config.get_wallet_path() if not self.start_new_window(path, self.config.get('url')): return signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda *args: self.app.quit()) # main loop self.app.exec_() # Shut down the timer cleanly self.timer.stop() # clipboard persistence. see http://www.mail-archive.com/pyqt@riverbankcomputing.com/msg17328.html event = QtCore.QEvent(QtCore.QEvent.Clipboard) self.app.sendEvent(self.app.clipboard(), event) self.tray.hide()