from datetime import datetime import inspect import requests import sys from threading import Thread import time import csv from decimal import Decimal from .bitcoin import COIN from .i18n import _ from .util import PrintError, ThreadJob # See CCY_PRECISIONS = {'BHD': 3, 'BIF': 0, 'BYR': 0, 'CLF': 4, 'CLP': 0, 'CVE': 0, 'DJF': 0, 'GNF': 0, 'IQD': 3, 'ISK': 0, 'JOD': 3, 'JPY': 0, 'KMF': 0, 'KRW': 0, 'KWD': 3, 'LYD': 3, 'MGA': 1, 'MRO': 1, 'OMR': 3, 'PYG': 0, 'RWF': 0, 'TND': 3, 'UGX': 0, 'UYI': 0, 'VND': 0, 'VUV': 0, 'XAF': 0, 'XAU': 4, 'XOF': 0, 'XPF': 0} class ExchangeBase(PrintError): def __init__(self, on_quotes, on_history): self.history = {} self.quotes = {} self.on_quotes = on_quotes self.on_history = on_history def get_json(self, site, get_string): # APIs must have https url = ''.join(['https://', site, get_string]) response = requests.request('GET', url, headers={'User-Agent' : 'Electrum'}) return response.json() def get_csv(self, site, get_string): url = ''.join(['https://', site, get_string]) response = requests.request('GET', url, headers={'User-Agent' : 'Electrum'}) reader = csv.DictReader(response.content.decode().split('\n')) return list(reader) def name(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def update_safe(self, ccy): try: self.print_error("getting fx quotes for", ccy) self.quotes = self.get_rates(ccy) self.print_error("received fx quotes") except BaseException as e: self.print_error("failed fx quotes:", e) self.on_quotes() def update(self, ccy): t = Thread(target=self.update_safe, args=(ccy,)) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() def get_historical_rates_safe(self, ccy): try: self.print_error("requesting fx history for", ccy) self.history[ccy] = self.historical_rates(ccy) self.print_error("received fx history for", ccy) self.on_history() except BaseException as e: self.print_error("failed fx history:", e) def get_historical_rates(self, ccy): result = self.history.get(ccy) if not result and ccy in self.history_ccys(): t = Thread(target=self.get_historical_rates_safe, args=(ccy,)) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() return result def history_ccys(self): return [] def historical_rate(self, ccy, d_t): return self.history.get(ccy, {}).get(d_t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) def get_currencies(self): rates = self.get_rates('') return sorted([str(a) for (a, b) in rates.items() if b is not None and len(a)==3]) class BitcoinAverage(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/indices/global/ticker/short') return dict([(r.replace("BTC", ""), Decimal(json[r]['last'])) for r in json if r != 'timestamp']) def history_ccys(self): return ['AUD', 'BRL', 'CAD', 'CHF', 'CNY', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'IDR', 'ILS', 'MXN', 'NOK', 'NZD', 'PLN', 'RON', 'RUB', 'SEK', 'SGD', 'USD', 'ZAR'] def historical_rates(self, ccy): history = self.get_csv('', "/indices/global/history/BTC%s?period=alltime&format=csv" % ccy) return dict([(h['DateTime'][:10], h['Average']) for h in history]) class Bitcointoyou(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', "/API/ticker.aspx") return {'BRL': Decimal(json['ticker']['last'])} def history_ccys(self): return ['BRL'] class BitcoinVenezuela(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/') rates = [(r, json['BTC'][r]) for r in json['BTC'] if json['BTC'][r] is not None] # Giving NULL for LTC return dict(rates) def history_ccys(self): return ['ARS', 'EUR', 'USD', 'VEF'] def historical_rates(self, ccy): return self.get_json('', "/historical/index.php?coin=BTC")[ccy +'_BTC'] class Bitmarket(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/json/BTCPLN/ticker.json') return {'PLN': Decimal(json['last'])} class BitPay(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/api/rates') return dict([(r['code'], Decimal(r['rate'])) for r in json]) class Bitso(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/v2/ticker') return {'MXN': Decimal(json['last'])} class BitStamp(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/api/ticker/') return {'USD': Decimal(json['last'])} class Bitvalor(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self,ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/v1/ticker.json') return {'BRL': Decimal(json['ticker_1h']['total']['last'])} class BlockchainInfo(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/ticker') return dict([(r, Decimal(json[r]['15m'])) for r in json]) class BTCChina(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/data/ticker') return {'CNY': Decimal(json['ticker']['last'])} class BTCParalelo(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/api/price') return {'VEF': Decimal(json['price'])} class Coinbase(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/api/v1/currencies/exchange_rates') return dict([(r[7:].upper(), Decimal(json[r])) for r in json if r.startswith('btc_to_')]) class CoinDesk(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): dicts = self.get_json('', '/v1/bpi/supported-currencies.json') json = self.get_json('', '/v1/bpi/currentprice/%s.json' % ccy) ccys = [d['currency'] for d in dicts] result = dict.fromkeys(ccys) result[ccy] = Decimal(json['bpi'][ccy]['rate_float']) return result def history_starts(self): return { 'USD': '2012-11-30' } def history_ccys(self): return self.history_starts().keys() def historical_rates(self, ccy): start = self.history_starts()[ccy] end ='%Y-%m-%d') # Note ?currency and ?index don't work as documented. Sigh. query = ('/v1/bpi/historical/close.json?start=%s&end=%s' % (start, end)) json = self.get_json('', query) return json['bpi'] class Coinsecure(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/v0/noauth/newticker') return {'INR': Decimal(json['lastprice'] / 100.0 )} class Foxbit(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self,ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/v1/ticker.json') return {'BRL': Decimal(json['ticker_1h']['exchanges']['FOX']['last'])} class itBit(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): ccys = ['USD', 'EUR', 'SGD'] json = self.get_json('', '/v1/markets/XBT%s/ticker' % ccy) result = dict.fromkeys(ccys) if ccy in ccys: result[ccy] = Decimal(json['lastPrice']) return result class Kraken(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): ccys = ['EUR', 'USD', 'CAD', 'GBP', 'JPY'] pairs = ['XBT%s' % c for c in ccys] json = self.get_json('', '/0/public/Ticker?pair=%s' % ','.join(pairs)) return dict((k[-3:], Decimal(float(v['c'][0]))) for k, v in json['result'].items()) class LocalBitcoins(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/bitcoinaverage/ticker-all-currencies/') return dict([(r, Decimal(json[r]['rates']['last'])) for r in json]) class MercadoBitcoin(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/v1/ticker.json') return {'BRL': Decimal(json['ticker_1h']['exchanges']['MBT']['last'])} class NegocieCoins(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self,ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/v1/ticker.json') return {'BRL': Decimal(json['ticker_1h']['exchanges']['NEG']['last'])} def history_ccys(self): return ['BRL'] class Unocoin(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', 'trade?buy') return {'INR': Decimal(json)} class WEX(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json_eur = self.get_json('', '/api/3/ticker/btc_eur') json_rub = self.get_json('', '/api/3/ticker/btc_rur') json_usd = self.get_json('', '/api/3/ticker/btc_usd') return {'EUR': Decimal(json_eur['btc_eur']['last']), 'RUB': Decimal(json_rub['btc_rur']['last']), 'USD': Decimal(json_usd['btc_usd']['last'])} class Winkdex(ExchangeBase): def get_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', '/api/v0/price') return {'USD': Decimal(json['price'] / 100.0)} def history_ccys(self): return ['USD'] def historical_rates(self, ccy): json = self.get_json('', "/api/v0/series?start_time=1342915200") history = json['series'][0]['results'] return dict([(h['timestamp'][:10], h['price'] / 100.0) for h in history]) def dictinvert(d): inv = {} for k, vlist in d.items(): for v in vlist: keys = inv.setdefault(v, []) keys.append(k) return inv def get_exchanges_and_currencies(): import os, json path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'currencies.json') try: with open(path, 'r') as f: return json.loads( except: pass d = {} is_exchange = lambda obj: (inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, ExchangeBase) and obj != ExchangeBase) exchanges = dict(inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], is_exchange)) for name, klass in exchanges.items(): exchange = klass(None, None) try: d[name] = exchange.get_currencies() except: continue with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(d, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) return d CURRENCIES = get_exchanges_and_currencies() def get_exchanges_by_ccy(history=True): if not history: return dictinvert(CURRENCIES) d = {} exchanges = CURRENCIES.keys() for name in exchanges: klass = globals()[name] exchange = klass(None, None) d[name] = exchange.history_ccys() return dictinvert(d) class FxThread(ThreadJob): def __init__(self, config, network): self.config = config = network self.ccy = self.get_currency() self.history_used_spot = False self.ccy_combo = None self.hist_checkbox = None self.set_exchange(self.config_exchange()) def get_currencies(self, h): d = get_exchanges_by_ccy(h) return sorted(d.keys()) def get_exchanges_by_ccy(self, ccy, h): d = get_exchanges_by_ccy(h) return d.get(ccy, []) def ccy_amount_str(self, amount, commas): prec = CCY_PRECISIONS.get(self.ccy, 2) fmt_str = "{:%s.%df}" % ("," if commas else "", max(0, prec)) return fmt_str.format(round(amount, prec)) def run(self): # This runs from the plugins thread which catches exceptions if self.is_enabled(): if self.timeout ==0 and self.show_history(): if self.timeout <= time.time(): self.timeout = time.time() + 150 def is_enabled(self): return bool(self.config.get('use_exchange_rate')) def set_enabled(self, b): return self.config.set_key('use_exchange_rate', bool(b)) def get_history_config(self): return bool(self.config.get('history_rates')) def set_history_config(self, b): self.config.set_key('history_rates', bool(b)) def get_fiat_address_config(self): return bool(self.config.get('fiat_address')) def set_fiat_address_config(self, b): self.config.set_key('fiat_address', bool(b)) def get_currency(self): '''Use when dynamic fetching is needed''' return self.config.get("currency", "EUR") def config_exchange(self): return self.config.get('use_exchange', 'BitcoinAverage') def show_history(self): return self.is_enabled() and self.get_history_config() and self.ccy in def set_currency(self, ccy): self.ccy = ccy self.config.set_key('currency', ccy, True) self.timeout = 0 # Because self.ccy changes self.on_quotes() def set_exchange(self, name): class_ = globals().get(name, BitcoinAverage) self.print_error("using exchange", name) if self.config_exchange() != name: self.config.set_key('use_exchange', name, True) = class_(self.on_quotes, self.on_history) # A new exchange means new fx quotes, initially empty. Force # a quote refresh self.timeout = 0 def on_quotes(self):'on_quotes') def on_history(self):'on_history') def exchange_rate(self): '''Returns None, or the exchange rate as a Decimal''' rate = if rate: return Decimal(rate) def format_amount_and_units(self, btc_balance): rate = self.exchange_rate() return '' if rate is None else "%s %s" % (self.value_str(btc_balance, rate), self.ccy) def get_fiat_status_text(self, btc_balance, base_unit, decimal_point): rate = self.exchange_rate() return _(" (No FX rate available)") if rate is None else " 1 %s~%s %s" % (base_unit, self.value_str(COIN / (10**(8 - decimal_point)), rate), self.ccy) def value_str(self, satoshis, rate): if satoshis is None: # Can happen with incomplete history return _("Unknown") if rate: value = Decimal(satoshis) / COIN * Decimal(rate) return "%s" % (self.ccy_amount_str(value, True)) return _("No data") def history_rate(self, d_t): rate =, d_t) # Frequently there is no rate for today, until tomorrow :) # Use spot quotes in that case if rate is None and ( - <= 2: rate = self.history_used_spot = True return rate def historical_value_str(self, satoshis, d_t): rate = self.history_rate(d_t) return self.value_str(satoshis, rate)