126 lines
3.3 KiB
126 lines
3.3 KiB
from util import print_error
import traceback, sys
from util import *
from i18n import _
plugins = []
def init_plugins(config, local):
import imp, pkgutil, __builtin__, os
global plugins
if local:
fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module('plugins')
plugin_names = [name for a, name, b in pkgutil.iter_modules([pathname])]
plugin_names = filter( lambda name: os.path.exists(os.path.join(pathname,name+'.py')), plugin_names)
imp.load_module('electrum_plugins', fp, pathname, description)
plugin_modules = map(lambda name: imp.load_source('electrum_plugins.'+name, os.path.join(pathname,name+'.py')), plugin_names)
import electrum_plugins
plugin_names = [name for a, name, b in pkgutil.iter_modules(electrum_plugins.__path__)]
plugin_modules = [ __import__('electrum_plugins.'+name, fromlist=['electrum_plugins']) for name in plugin_names]
for name, p in zip(plugin_names, plugin_modules):
plugins.append( p.Plugin(config, name) )
except Exception:
print_msg(_("Error: cannot initialize plugin"),p)
hook_names = set()
hooks = {}
def hook(func):
return func
def run_hook(name, *args):
return _run_hook(name, False, *args)
def always_hook(name, *args):
return _run_hook(name, True, *args)
def _run_hook(name, always, *args):
results = []
f_list = hooks.get(name, [])
for p, f in f_list:
if name == 'load_wallet':
p.wallet = args[0]
if name == 'init_qt':
gui = args[0]
p.window = gui.main_window
if always or p.is_enabled():
r = f(*args)
except Exception:
print_error("Plugin error")
r = False
if r:
if name == 'close_wallet':
p.wallet = None
if results:
assert len(results) == 1, results
return results[0]
class BasePlugin:
def __init__(self, config, name):
self.name = name
self.config = config
self.wallet = None
# add self to hooks
for k in dir(self):
if k in hook_names:
l = hooks.get(k, [])
l.append((self, getattr(self, k)))
hooks[k] = l
def fullname(self):
return self.name
def print_error(self, *msg):
print_error("[%s]"%self.name, *msg)
def description(self):
return 'undefined'
def requires_settings(self):
return False
def enable(self):
return True
def disable(self):
return True
def init_qt(self, gui): pass
def load_wallet(self, wallet): pass
def close_wallet(self): pass
#def init(self): pass
def close(self): pass
def is_enabled(self):
return self.is_available() and self.config.get('use_'+self.name) is True
def is_available(self):
return True
def set_enabled(self, enabled):
self.config.set_key('use_'+self.name, enabled, True)
def settings_dialog(self):