128 lines
4.1 KiB
128 lines
4.1 KiB
from functools import partial
import zlib
import json
from io import BytesIO
import sys
import platform
from electrum.plugins import BasePlugin, hook
from electrum_gui.qt.util import WaitingDialog, EnterButton, WindowModalDialog
from electrum.util import print_msg, print_error
from electrum.i18n import _
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QComboBox, QGridLayout, QLabel, QPushButton)
import amodem.audio
import amodem.main
import amodem.config
print_error('Audio MODEM is available.')
except ImportError:
amodem = None
print_error('Audio MODEM is not found.')
class Plugin(BasePlugin):
def __init__(self, parent, config, name):
BasePlugin.__init__(self, parent, config, name)
if self.is_available():
self.modem_config = amodem.config.slowest()
self.library_name = {
'Linux': 'libportaudio.so'
def is_available(self):
return amodem is not None
def requires_settings(self):
return True
def settings_widget(self, window):
return EnterButton(_('Settings'), partial(self.settings_dialog, window))
def settings_dialog(self, window):
d = WindowModalDialog(window, _("Audio Modem Settings"))
layout = QGridLayout(d)
layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('Bit rate [kbps]: ')), 0, 0)
bitrates = list(sorted(amodem.config.bitrates.keys()))
def _index_changed(index):
bitrate = bitrates[index]
self.modem_config = amodem.config.bitrates[bitrate]
combo = QComboBox()
combo.addItems([str(x) for x in bitrates])
layout.addWidget(combo, 0, 1)
ok_button = QPushButton(_("OK"))
layout.addWidget(ok_button, 1, 1)
return bool(d.exec_())
def transaction_dialog(self, dialog):
b = QPushButton()
def handler():
blob = json.dumps(dialog.tx.as_dict())
self._send(parent=dialog, blob=blob)
dialog.sharing_buttons.insert(-1, b)
def scan_text_edit(self, parent):
parent.addButton(':icons/microphone.png', partial(self._recv, parent),
_("Read from microphone"))
def show_text_edit(self, parent):
def handler():
blob = str(parent.toPlainText())
self._send(parent=parent, blob=blob)
parent.addButton(':icons/speaker.png', handler, _("Send to speaker"))
def _audio_interface(self):
interface = amodem.audio.Interface(config=self.modem_config)
return interface.load(self.library_name)
def _send(self, parent, blob):
def sender_thread():
with self._audio_interface() as interface:
src = BytesIO(blob)
dst = interface.player()
amodem.main.send(config=self.modem_config, src=src, dst=dst)
print_msg('Sending:', repr(blob))
blob = zlib.compress(blob.encode('ascii'))
kbps = self.modem_config.modem_bps / 1e3
msg = 'Sending to Audio MODEM ({0:.1f} kbps)...'.format(kbps)
WaitingDialog(parent, msg, sender_thread)
def _recv(self, parent):
def receiver_thread():
with self._audio_interface() as interface:
src = interface.recorder()
dst = BytesIO()
amodem.main.recv(config=self.modem_config, src=src, dst=dst)
return dst.getvalue()
def on_finished(blob):
if blob:
blob = zlib.decompress(blob).decode('ascii')
print_msg('Received:', repr(blob))
kbps = self.modem_config.modem_bps / 1e3
msg = 'Receiving from Audio MODEM ({0:.1f} kbps)...'.format(kbps)
WaitingDialog(parent, msg, receiver_thread, on_finished)