You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

153 lines
4.6 KiB

import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.0
import org.electrum 1.0
ItemDelegate {
id: root
height: item.height
width: ListView.view.width
font.pixelSize: constants.fontSizeSmall // set default font size for child controls
property bool _closed: model.state_code == ChannelDetails.Closed
|| model.state_code == ChannelDetails.Redeemed
GridLayout {
id: item
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
leftMargin: constants.paddingSmall
rightMargin: constants.paddingSmall
columns: 2
Rectangle {
Layout.columnSpan: 2
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: constants.paddingXXSmall
color: 'transparent'
Image {
id: walleticon
source: model.is_trampoline ? '../../../icons/kangaroo.png' : '../../../icons/lightning.png'
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
Layout.rowSpan: 3
Layout.preferredWidth: constants.iconSizeLarge
Layout.preferredHeight: constants.iconSizeLarge
opacity: _closed ? 0.5 : 1.0
Image {
visible: model.is_trampoline
source: '../../../icons/lightning.png'
anchors {
right: parent.right
bottom: parent.bottom
width: parent.width * 1/3
height: parent.height * 1/3
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: model.node_alias ? model.node_alias : model.node_id model.node_alias ? : FixedFont
font.pixelSize: model.node_alias ? constants.fontSizeMedium : constants.fontSizeSmall
elide: Text.ElideRight
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
maximumLineCount: model.node_alias ? 2 : 1
color: _closed ? constants.mutedForeground : Material.foreground
Label {
text: model.state
font.pixelSize: constants.fontSizeMedium
color: _closed
? constants.mutedForeground
: model.state == 'OPEN'
? constants.colorChannelOpen
: Material.foreground
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: model.short_cid
color: constants.mutedForeground
Label {
text: Config.formatSats(model.capacity) FixedFont
color: _closed ? constants.mutedForeground : Material.foreground
Label {
text: Config.baseUnit
color: _closed ? constants.mutedForeground : Material.accentColor
Item {
id: chviz
visible: !_closed
Layout.fillWidth: true
height: 10
onWidthChanged: {
var cap = model.capacity.satsInt * 1000
var twocap = cap * 2
b1.width = width * (cap - model.can_send.msatsInt) / twocap
b2.width = width * model.can_send.msatsInt / twocap
b3.width = width * model.can_receive.msatsInt / twocap
b4.width = width * (cap - model.can_receive.msatsInt) / twocap
Rectangle {
id: b1
x: 0
height: parent.height
color: 'gray'
Rectangle {
id: b2
anchors.left: b1.right
height: parent.height
color: constants.colorLightningLocal
Rectangle {
id: b3
anchors.left: b2.right
height: parent.height
color: constants.colorLightningRemote
Rectangle {
id: b4
anchors.left: b3.right
height: parent.height
color: 'gray'
Item {
visible: _closed
Layout.fillWidth: true
height: 1
Item {
Layout.columnSpan: 2
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: constants.paddingXXSmall