190 lines
5.8 KiB
190 lines
5.8 KiB
import os, sys, re, json
import platform
import shutil
from datetime import datetime
is_verbose = True
class MyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
from transaction import Transaction
if isinstance(obj, Transaction):
return obj.as_dict()
return super(MyEncoder, self).default(obj)
def set_verbosity(b):
global is_verbose
is_verbose = b
def print_error(*args):
if not is_verbose: return
args = [str(item) for item in args]
sys.stderr.write(" ".join(args) + "\n")
def print_msg(*args):
# Stringify args
args = [str(item) for item in args]
sys.stdout.write(" ".join(args) + "\n")
def print_json(obj):
s = json.dumps(obj, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, cls=MyEncoder)
except TypeError:
s = repr(obj)
sys.stdout.write(s + "\n")
def user_dir():
if "HOME" in os.environ:
return os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".electrum")
elif "APPDATA" in os.environ:
return os.path.join(os.environ["APPDATA"], "Electrum")
elif "LOCALAPPDATA" in os.environ:
return os.path.join(os.environ["LOCALAPPDATA"], "Electrum")
elif 'ANDROID_DATA' in os.environ:
return "/sdcard/electrum/"
#raise BaseException("No home directory found in environment variables.")
def appdata_dir():
"""Find the path to the application data directory; add an electrum folder and return path."""
if platform.system() == "Windows":
return os.path.join(os.environ["APPDATA"], "Electrum")
elif platform.system() == "Linux":
return os.path.join(sys.prefix, "share", "electrum")
elif (platform.system() == "Darwin" or
platform.system() == "DragonFly" or
platform.system() == "NetBSD"):
return "/Library/Application Support/Electrum"
raise Exception("Unknown system")
def get_resource_path(*args):
return os.path.join(".", *args)
def local_data_dir():
"""Return path to the data folder."""
assert sys.argv
prefix_path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
local_data = os.path.join(prefix_path, "data")
return local_data
def format_satoshis(x, is_diff=False, num_zeros = 0, decimal_point = 8, whitespaces=False):
from decimal import Decimal
s = Decimal(x)
sign, digits, exp = s.as_tuple()
digits = map(str, digits)
while len(digits) < decimal_point + 1:
s = ''.join(digits).rstrip('0')
if sign:
s = '-' + s
elif is_diff:
s = "+" + s
p = s.find('.')
s += "0"*( 1 + num_zeros - ( len(s) - p ))
if whitespaces:
s += " "*( 1 + decimal_point - ( len(s) - p ))
s = " "*( 13 - decimal_point - ( p )) + s
return s
# Takes a timestamp and returns a string with the approximation of the age
def age(from_date, since_date = None, target_tz=None, include_seconds=False):
if from_date is None:
return "Unknown"
from_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(from_date)
if since_date is None:
since_date = datetime.now(target_tz)
distance_in_time = since_date - from_date
distance_in_seconds = int(round(abs(distance_in_time.days * 86400 + distance_in_time.seconds)))
distance_in_minutes = int(round(distance_in_seconds/60))
if distance_in_minutes <= 1:
if include_seconds:
for remainder in [5, 10, 20]:
if distance_in_seconds < remainder:
return "less than %s seconds ago" % remainder
if distance_in_seconds < 40:
return "half a minute ago"
elif distance_in_seconds < 60:
return "less than a minute ago"
return "1 minute ago"
if distance_in_minutes == 0:
return "less than a minute ago"
return "1 minute ago"
elif distance_in_minutes < 45:
return "%s minutes ago" % distance_in_minutes
elif distance_in_minutes < 90:
return "about 1 hour ago"
elif distance_in_minutes < 1440:
return "about %d hours ago" % (round(distance_in_minutes / 60.0))
elif distance_in_minutes < 2880:
return "1 day ago"
elif distance_in_minutes < 43220:
return "%d days ago" % (round(distance_in_minutes / 1440))
elif distance_in_minutes < 86400:
return "about 1 month ago"
elif distance_in_minutes < 525600:
return "%d months ago" % (round(distance_in_minutes / 43200))
elif distance_in_minutes < 1051200:
return "about 1 year ago"
return "over %d years ago" % (round(distance_in_minutes / 525600))
# URL decode
_ud = re.compile('%([0-9a-hA-H]{2})', re.MULTILINE)
urldecode = lambda x: _ud.sub(lambda m: chr(int(m.group(1), 16)), x)
def parse_url(url):
o = url[8:].split('?')
address = o[0]
if len(o)>1:
params = o[1].split('&')
params = []
amount = label = message = signature = identity = ''
for p in params:
k,v = p.split('=')
uv = urldecode(v)
if k == 'amount': amount = uv
elif k == 'message': message = uv
elif k == 'label': label = uv
elif k == 'signature':
identity, signature = uv.split(':')
url = url.replace('&%s=%s'%(k,v),'')
print k,v
return address, amount, label, message, signature, identity, url
# Python bug (http://bugs.python.org/issue1927) causes raw_input
# to be redirected improperly between stdin/stderr on Unix systems
def raw_input(prompt=None):
if prompt:
return builtin_raw_input()
import __builtin__
builtin_raw_input = __builtin__.raw_input
__builtin__.raw_input = raw_input