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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client
# Copyright (C) 2011 Thomas Voegtlin
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
# (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
# including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
# publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
# subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Note: The deserialization code originally comes from ABE.
import struct
import traceback
import sys
import io
import base64
from typing import (Sequence, Union, NamedTuple, Tuple, Optional, Iterable,
Callable, List, Dict, Set, TYPE_CHECKING)
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import IntEnum
import itertools
import binascii
from . import ecc, bitcoin, constants, segwit_addr, bip32
from .bip32 import BIP32Node
from .util import profiler, to_bytes, bh2u, bfh, chunks, is_hex_str
from .bitcoin import (TYPE_ADDRESS, TYPE_SCRIPT, hash_160,
hash160_to_p2sh, hash160_to_p2pkh, hash_to_segwit_addr,
int_to_hex, push_script, b58_address_to_hash160,
opcodes, add_number_to_script, base_decode, is_segwit_script_type)
from .crypto import sha256d
from .logging import get_logger
from .wallet import Abstract_Wallet
_logger = get_logger(__name__)
class SerializationError(Exception):
""" Thrown when there's a problem deserializing or serializing """
class UnknownTxinType(Exception):
class BadHeaderMagic(SerializationError):
class UnexpectedEndOfStream(SerializationError):
class PSBTInputConsistencyFailure(SerializationError):
class MalformedBitcoinScript(Exception):
class MissingTxInputAmount(Exception):
class TxOutput:
scriptpubkey: bytes
value: Union[int, str]
def __init__(self, *, scriptpubkey: bytes, value: Union[int, str]):
self.scriptpubkey = scriptpubkey
self.value = value # str when the output is set to max: '!' # in satoshis
def from_address_and_value(cls, address: str, value: Union[int, str]) -> Union['TxOutput', 'PartialTxOutput']:
return cls(scriptpubkey=bfh(bitcoin.address_to_script(address)),
def serialize_to_network(self) -> bytes:
buf = int.to_bytes(self.value, 8, byteorder="little", signed=False)
script = self.scriptpubkey
buf += bfh(var_int(len(script.hex()) // 2))
buf += script
return buf
def from_network_bytes(cls, raw: bytes) -> 'TxOutput':
vds = BCDataStream()
txout = parse_output(vds)
if vds.can_read_more():
raise SerializationError('extra junk at the end of TxOutput bytes')
return txout
def to_legacy_tuple(self) -> Tuple[int, str, Union[int, str]]:
if self.address:
return TYPE_ADDRESS, self.address, self.value
return TYPE_SCRIPT, self.scriptpubkey.hex(), self.value
def from_legacy_tuple(cls, _type: int, addr: str, val: Union[int, str]) -> Union['TxOutput', 'PartialTxOutput']:
if _type == TYPE_ADDRESS:
return cls.from_address_and_value(addr, val)
if _type == TYPE_SCRIPT:
return cls(scriptpubkey=bfh(addr), value=val)
raise Exception(f"unexptected legacy address type: {_type}")
def address(self) -> Optional[str]:
return get_address_from_output_script(self.scriptpubkey) # TODO cache this?
def get_ui_address_str(self) -> str:
addr = self.address
if addr is not None:
return addr
return f"SCRIPT {self.scriptpubkey.hex()}"
def __repr__(self):
return f"<TxOutput script={self.scriptpubkey.hex()} address={self.address} value={self.value}>"
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, TxOutput):
return False
return self.scriptpubkey == other.scriptpubkey and self.value == other.value
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def to_json(self):
d = {
'scriptpubkey': self.scriptpubkey.hex(),
'address': self.address,
'value_sats': self.value,
return d
class BIP143SharedTxDigestFields(NamedTuple):
hashPrevouts: str
hashSequence: str
hashOutputs: str
class TxOutpoint(NamedTuple):
txid: bytes # endianness same as hex string displayed; reverse of tx serialization order
out_idx: int
def from_str(cls, s: str) -> 'TxOutpoint':
hash_str, idx_str = s.split(':')
return TxOutpoint(txid=bfh(hash_str),
def to_str(self) -> str:
return f"{self.txid.hex()}:{self.out_idx}"
def to_json(self):
return [self.txid.hex(), self.out_idx]
def serialize_to_network(self) -> bytes:
return self.txid[::-1] + bfh(int_to_hex(self.out_idx, 4))
def is_coinbase(self) -> bool:
return self.txid == bytes(32)
class TxInput:
prevout: TxOutpoint
script_sig: Optional[bytes]
nsequence: int
witness: Optional[bytes]
_is_coinbase_output: bool
def __init__(self, *,
prevout: TxOutpoint,
script_sig: bytes = None,
nsequence: int = 0xffffffff - 1,
witness: bytes = None,
is_coinbase_output: bool = False):
self.prevout = prevout
self.script_sig = script_sig
self.nsequence = nsequence
self.witness = witness
self._is_coinbase_output = is_coinbase_output
def is_coinbase_input(self) -> bool:
"""Whether this is the input of a coinbase tx."""
return self.prevout.is_coinbase()
def is_coinbase_output(self) -> bool:
"""Whether the coin being spent is an output of a coinbase tx.
This matters for coin maturity.
return self._is_coinbase_output
def value_sats(self) -> Optional[int]:
return None
def to_json(self):
d = {
'prevout_hash': self.prevout.txid.hex(),
'prevout_n': self.prevout.out_idx,
'coinbase': self.is_coinbase_output(),
'nsequence': self.nsequence,
if self.script_sig is not None:
d['scriptSig'] = self.script_sig.hex()
if self.witness is not None:
d['witness'] = self.witness.hex()
return d
class BCDataStream(object):
"""Workalike python implementation of Bitcoin's CDataStream class."""
def __init__(self):
self.input = None # type: Optional[bytearray]
self.read_cursor = 0
def clear(self):
self.input = None
self.read_cursor = 0
def write(self, _bytes: Union[bytes, bytearray]): # Initialize with string of _bytes
assert isinstance(_bytes, (bytes, bytearray))
if self.input is None:
self.input = bytearray(_bytes)
self.input += bytearray(_bytes)
def read_string(self, encoding='ascii'):
# Strings are encoded depending on length:
# 0 to 252 : 1-byte-length followed by bytes (if any)
# 253 to 65,535 : byte'253' 2-byte-length followed by bytes
# 65,536 to 4,294,967,295 : byte '254' 4-byte-length followed by bytes
# ... and the Bitcoin client is coded to understand:
# greater than 4,294,967,295 : byte '255' 8-byte-length followed by bytes of string
# ... but I don't think it actually handles any strings that big.
if self.input is None:
raise SerializationError("call write(bytes) before trying to deserialize")
length = self.read_compact_size()
return self.read_bytes(length).decode(encoding)
def write_string(self, string, encoding='ascii'):
string = to_bytes(string, encoding)
# Length-encoded as with read-string
def read_bytes(self, length: int) -> bytes:
if self.input is None:
raise SerializationError("call write(bytes) before trying to deserialize")
assert length >= 0
input_len = len(self.input)
read_begin = self.read_cursor
read_end = read_begin + length
if 0 <= read_begin <= read_end <= input_len:
result = self.input[read_begin:read_end] # type: bytearray
self.read_cursor += length
return bytes(result)
raise SerializationError('attempt to read past end of buffer')
def write_bytes(self, _bytes: Union[bytes, bytearray], length: int):
assert len(_bytes) == length, len(_bytes)
def can_read_more(self) -> bool:
if not self.input:
return False
return self.read_cursor < len(self.input)
def read_boolean(self) -> bool: return self.read_bytes(1) != b'\x00'
def read_int16(self): return self._read_num('<h')
def read_uint16(self): return self._read_num('<H')
def read_int32(self): return self._read_num('<i')
def read_uint32(self): return self._read_num('<I')
def read_int64(self): return self._read_num('<q')
def read_uint64(self): return self._read_num('<Q')
def write_boolean(self, val): return self.write(b'\x01' if val else b'\x00')
def write_int16(self, val): return self._write_num('<h', val)
def write_uint16(self, val): return self._write_num('<H', val)
def write_int32(self, val): return self._write_num('<i', val)
def write_uint32(self, val): return self._write_num('<I', val)
def write_int64(self, val): return self._write_num('<q', val)
def write_uint64(self, val): return self._write_num('<Q', val)
def read_compact_size(self):
size = self.input[self.read_cursor]
self.read_cursor += 1
if size == 253:
size = self._read_num('<H')
elif size == 254:
size = self._read_num('<I')
elif size == 255:
size = self._read_num('<Q')
return size
except IndexError as e:
raise SerializationError("attempt to read past end of buffer") from e
def write_compact_size(self, size):
if size < 0:
raise SerializationError("attempt to write size < 0")
elif size < 253:
elif size < 2**16:
self._write_num('<H', size)
elif size < 2**32:
self._write_num('<I', size)
elif size < 2**64:
self._write_num('<Q', size)
raise Exception(f"size {size} too large for compact_size")
def _read_num(self, format):
(i,) = struct.unpack_from(format, self.input, self.read_cursor)
self.read_cursor += struct.calcsize(format)
except Exception as e:
raise SerializationError(e) from e
return i
def _write_num(self, format, num):
s = struct.pack(format, num)
def script_GetOp(_bytes : bytes):
i = 0
while i < len(_bytes):
vch = None
opcode = _bytes[i]
i += 1
if opcode <= opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4:
nSize = opcode
if opcode == opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA1:
try: nSize = _bytes[i]
except IndexError: raise MalformedBitcoinScript()
i += 1
elif opcode == opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA2:
try: (nSize,) = struct.unpack_from('<H', _bytes, i)
except struct.error: raise MalformedBitcoinScript()
i += 2
elif opcode == opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4:
try: (nSize,) = struct.unpack_from('<I', _bytes, i)
except struct.error: raise MalformedBitcoinScript()
i += 4
vch = _bytes[i:i + nSize]
i += nSize
yield opcode, vch, i
class OPPushDataGeneric:
def __init__(self, pushlen: Callable=None):
if pushlen is not None:
self.check_data_len = pushlen
def check_data_len(cls, datalen: int) -> bool:
# Opcodes below OP_PUSHDATA4 all just push data onto stack, and are equivalent.
return opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4 >= datalen >= 0
def is_instance(cls, item):
# accept objects that are instances of this class
# or other classes that are subclasses
return isinstance(item, cls) \
or (isinstance(item, type) and issubclass(item, cls))
OPPushDataPubkey = OPPushDataGeneric(lambda x: x in (33, 65))
OPPushDataGeneric(lambda x: x == 20),
SCRIPTPUBKEY_TEMPLATE_P2SH = [opcodes.OP_HASH160, OPPushDataGeneric(lambda x: x == 20), opcodes.OP_EQUAL]
SCRIPTPUBKEY_TEMPLATE_WITNESS_V0 = [opcodes.OP_0, OPPushDataGeneric(lambda x: x in (20, 32))]
def match_script_against_template(script, template) -> bool:
"""Returns whether 'script' matches 'template'."""
if script is None:
return False
# optionally decode script now:
if isinstance(script, (bytes, bytearray)):
script = [x for x in script_GetOp(script)]
except MalformedBitcoinScript:
return False
if len(script) != len(template):
return False
for i in range(len(script)):
template_item = template[i]
script_item = script[i]
if OPPushDataGeneric.is_instance(template_item) and template_item.check_data_len(script_item[0]):
if template_item != script_item[0]:
return False
return True
def get_address_from_output_script(_bytes: bytes, *, net=None) -> Optional[str]:
decoded = [x for x in script_GetOp(_bytes)]
except MalformedBitcoinScript:
return None
# p2pkh
if match_script_against_template(decoded, SCRIPTPUBKEY_TEMPLATE_P2PKH):
return hash160_to_p2pkh(decoded[2][1], net=net)
# p2sh
if match_script_against_template(decoded, SCRIPTPUBKEY_TEMPLATE_P2SH):
return hash160_to_p2sh(decoded[1][1], net=net)
# segwit address (version 0)
if match_script_against_template(decoded, SCRIPTPUBKEY_TEMPLATE_WITNESS_V0):
return hash_to_segwit_addr(decoded[1][1], witver=0, net=net)
# segwit address (version 1-16)
future_witness_versions = list(range(opcodes.OP_1, opcodes.OP_16 + 1))
for witver, opcode in enumerate(future_witness_versions, start=1):
match = [opcode, OPPushDataGeneric(lambda x: 2 <= x <= 40)]
if match_script_against_template(decoded, match):
return hash_to_segwit_addr(decoded[1][1], witver=witver, net=net)
return None
def parse_input(vds: BCDataStream) -> TxInput:
prevout_hash = vds.read_bytes(32)[::-1]
prevout_n = vds.read_uint32()
prevout = TxOutpoint(txid=prevout_hash, out_idx=prevout_n)
script_sig = vds.read_bytes(vds.read_compact_size())
nsequence = vds.read_uint32()
return TxInput(prevout=prevout, script_sig=script_sig, nsequence=nsequence)
def construct_witness(items: Sequence[Union[str, int, bytes]]) -> str:
"""Constructs a witness from the given stack items."""
witness = var_int(len(items))
for item in items:
if type(item) is int:
item = bitcoin.script_num_to_hex(item)
elif isinstance(item, (bytes, bytearray)):
item = bh2u(item)
witness += bitcoin.witness_push(item)
return witness
def parse_witness(vds: BCDataStream, txin: TxInput) -> None:
n = vds.read_compact_size()
witness_elements = list(vds.read_bytes(vds.read_compact_size()) for i in range(n))
txin.witness = bfh(construct_witness(witness_elements))
def parse_output(vds: BCDataStream) -> TxOutput:
value = vds.read_int64()
raise SerializationError('invalid output amount (too large)')
if value < 0:
raise SerializationError('invalid output amount (negative)')
scriptpubkey = vds.read_bytes(vds.read_compact_size())
return TxOutput(value=value, scriptpubkey=scriptpubkey)
# pay & redeem scripts
def multisig_script(public_keys: Sequence[str], m: int) -> str:
n = len(public_keys)
assert 1 <= m <= n <= 15, f'm {m}, n {n}'
op_m = bh2u(add_number_to_script(m))
op_n = bh2u(add_number_to_script(n))
keylist = [push_script(k) for k in public_keys]
return op_m + ''.join(keylist) + op_n + opcodes.OP_CHECKMULTISIG.hex()
class Transaction:
_cached_network_ser: Optional[str]
def __str__(self):
return self.serialize()
def __init__(self, raw):
if raw is None:
self._cached_network_ser = None
elif isinstance(raw, str):
self._cached_network_ser = raw.strip() if raw else None
assert is_hex_str(self._cached_network_ser)
elif isinstance(raw, (bytes, bytearray)):
self._cached_network_ser = bh2u(raw)
raise Exception(f"cannot initialize transaction from {raw}")
self._inputs = None # type: List[TxInput]
self._outputs = None # type: List[TxOutput]
self._locktime = 0
self._version = 2
self._cached_txid = None # type: Optional[str]
def locktime(self):
return self._locktime
def locktime(self, value):
self._locktime = value
def version(self):
return self._version
def version(self, value):
self._version = value
def to_json(self) -> dict:
d = {
'version': self.version,
'locktime': self.locktime,
'inputs': [txin.to_json() for txin in self.inputs()],
'outputs': [txout.to_json() for txout in self.outputs()],
return d
def inputs(self) -> Sequence[TxInput]:
if self._inputs is None:
return self._inputs
def outputs(self) -> Sequence[TxOutput]:
if self._outputs is None:
return self._outputs
def deserialize(self) -> None:
if self._cached_network_ser is None:
if self._inputs is not None:
raw_bytes = bfh(self._cached_network_ser)
vds = BCDataStream()
self._version = vds.read_int32()
n_vin = vds.read_compact_size()
is_segwit = (n_vin == 0)
if is_segwit:
marker = vds.read_bytes(1)
if marker != b'\x01':
raise ValueError('invalid txn marker byte: {}'.format(marker))
n_vin = vds.read_compact_size()
if n_vin < 1:
raise SerializationError('tx needs to have at least 1 input')
self._inputs = [parse_input(vds) for i in range(n_vin)]
n_vout = vds.read_compact_size()
if n_vout < 1:
raise SerializationError('tx needs to have at least 1 output')
self._outputs = [parse_output(vds) for i in range(n_vout)]
if is_segwit:
for txin in self._inputs:
parse_witness(vds, txin)
self._locktime = vds.read_uint32()
if vds.can_read_more():
raise SerializationError('extra junk at the end')
def get_siglist(self, txin: 'PartialTxInput', *, estimate_size=False):
if txin.is_coinbase_input():
return [], []
if estimate_size:
pubkey_size = len(txin.pubkeys[0])
except IndexError:
pubkey_size = 33 # guess it is compressed
num_pubkeys = max(1, len(txin.pubkeys))
pk_list = ["00" * pubkey_size] * num_pubkeys
num_sig = max(1, txin.num_sig)
# we guess that signatures will be 72 bytes long
# note: DER-encoded ECDSA signatures are 71 or 72 bytes in practice
# See
# We assume low S (as that is a bitcoin standardness rule).
# We do not assume low R (even though the sigs we create conform), as external sigs,
# e.g. from a hw signer cannot be expected to have a low R.
sig_list = [ "00" * 72 ] * num_sig
pk_list = [pubkey.hex() for pubkey in txin.pubkeys]
sig_list = [txin.part_sigs.get(pubkey, b'').hex() for pubkey in txin.pubkeys]
if txin.is_complete():
sig_list = [sig for sig in sig_list if sig]
return pk_list, sig_list
def serialize_witness(cls, txin: TxInput, *, estimate_size=False) -> str:
if txin.witness is not None:
return txin.witness.hex()
if txin.is_coinbase_input():
return ''
assert isinstance(txin, PartialTxInput)
_type = txin.script_type
if not cls.is_segwit_input(txin):
return '00'
if _type in ('address', 'unknown') and estimate_size:
_type = cls.guess_txintype_from_address(txin.address)
pubkeys, sig_list = cls.get_siglist(txin, estimate_size=estimate_size)
if _type in ['p2wpkh', 'p2wpkh-p2sh']:
return construct_witness([sig_list[0], pubkeys[0]])
elif _type in ['p2wsh', 'p2wsh-p2sh']:
witness_script = multisig_script(pubkeys, txin.num_sig)
return construct_witness([0] + sig_list + [witness_script])
elif _type in ['p2pk', 'p2pkh', 'p2sh']:
return '00'
raise UnknownTxinType(f'cannot construct witness for txin_type: {_type}')
def is_segwit_input(cls, txin: 'TxInput', *, guess_for_address=False) -> bool:
if txin.witness not in (b'\x00', b'', None):
return True
if not isinstance(txin, PartialTxInput):
return False
if txin.is_native_segwit() or txin.is_p2sh_segwit():
return True
if txin.is_native_segwit() is False and txin.is_p2sh_segwit() is False:
return False
if txin.witness_script:
return True
_type = txin.script_type
if _type == 'address' and guess_for_address:
_type = cls.guess_txintype_from_address(txin.address)
return is_segwit_script_type(_type)
def guess_txintype_from_address(cls, addr: Optional[str]) -> str:
# It's not possible to tell the script type in general
# just from an address.
# - "1" addresses are of course p2pkh
# - "3" addresses are p2sh but we don't know the redeem script..
# - "bc1" addresses (if they are 42-long) are p2wpkh
# - "bc1" addresses that are 62-long are p2wsh but we don't know the script..
# If we don't know the script, we _guess_ it is pubkeyhash.
# As this method is used e.g. for tx size estimation,
# the estimation will not be precise.
if addr is None:
return 'p2wpkh'
witver, witprog = segwit_addr.decode(, addr)
if witprog is not None:
return 'p2wpkh'
addrtype, hash_160_ = b58_address_to_hash160(addr)
if addrtype ==
return 'p2pkh'
elif addrtype ==
return 'p2wpkh-p2sh'
raise Exception(f'unrecognized address: {repr(addr)}')
def input_script(self, txin: TxInput, *, estimate_size=False) -> str:
if txin.script_sig is not None:
return txin.script_sig.hex()
if txin.is_coinbase_input():
return ''
assert isinstance(txin, PartialTxInput)
if txin.is_p2sh_segwit() and txin.redeem_script:
return push_script(txin.redeem_script.hex())
if txin.is_native_segwit():
return ''
_type = txin.script_type
pubkeys, sig_list = self.get_siglist(txin, estimate_size=estimate_size)
script = ''.join(push_script(x) for x in sig_list)
if _type in ('address', 'unknown') and estimate_size:
_type = self.guess_txintype_from_address(txin.address)
if _type == 'p2pk':
return script
elif _type == 'p2sh':
# put op_0 before script
script = '00' + script
redeem_script = multisig_script(pubkeys, txin.num_sig)
script += push_script(redeem_script)
return script
elif _type == 'p2pkh':
script += push_script(pubkeys[0])
return script
elif _type in ['p2wpkh', 'p2wsh']:
return ''
elif _type == 'p2wpkh-p2sh':
redeem_script = bitcoin.p2wpkh_nested_script(pubkeys[0])
return push_script(redeem_script)
elif _type == 'p2wsh-p2sh':
if estimate_size:
witness_script = ''
witness_script = self.get_preimage_script(txin)
redeem_script = bitcoin.p2wsh_nested_script(witness_script)
return push_script(redeem_script)
raise UnknownTxinType(f'cannot construct scriptSig for txin_type: {_type}')
def get_preimage_script(cls, txin: 'PartialTxInput') -> str:
if txin.witness_script:
opcodes_in_witness_script = [x[0] for x in script_GetOp(txin.witness_script)]
if opcodes.OP_CODESEPARATOR in opcodes_in_witness_script:
raise Exception('OP_CODESEPARATOR black magic is not supported')
return txin.witness_script.hex()
pubkeys = [pk.hex() for pk in txin.pubkeys]
if txin.script_type in ['p2sh', 'p2wsh', 'p2wsh-p2sh']:
return multisig_script(pubkeys, txin.num_sig)
elif txin.script_type in ['p2pkh', 'p2wpkh', 'p2wpkh-p2sh']:
pubkey = pubkeys[0]
pkh = bh2u(hash_160(bfh(pubkey)))
return bitcoin.pubkeyhash_to_p2pkh_script(pkh)
elif txin.script_type == 'p2pk':
pubkey = pubkeys[0]
return bitcoin.public_key_to_p2pk_script(pubkey)
raise UnknownTxinType(f'cannot construct preimage_script for txin_type: {txin.script_type}')
def serialize_input(self, txin: TxInput, script: str) -> str:
# Prev hash and index
s = txin.prevout.serialize_to_network().hex()
# Script length, script, sequence
s += var_int(len(script)//2)
s += script
s += int_to_hex(txin.nsequence, 4)
return s
def _calc_bip143_shared_txdigest_fields(self) -> BIP143SharedTxDigestFields:
inputs = self.inputs()
outputs = self.outputs()
hashPrevouts = bh2u(sha256d(b''.join(txin.prevout.serialize_to_network() for txin in inputs)))
hashSequence = bh2u(sha256d(bfh(''.join(int_to_hex(txin.nsequence, 4) for txin in inputs))))
hashOutputs = bh2u(sha256d(bfh(''.join(o.serialize_to_network().hex() for o in outputs))))
return BIP143SharedTxDigestFields(hashPrevouts=hashPrevouts,
def is_segwit(self, *, guess_for_address=False):
return any(self.is_segwit_input(txin, guess_for_address=guess_for_address)
for txin in self.inputs())
def invalidate_ser_cache(self):
self._cached_network_ser = None
self._cached_txid = None
def serialize(self) -> str:
if not self._cached_network_ser:
self._cached_network_ser = self.serialize_to_network(estimate_size=False, include_sigs=True)
return self._cached_network_ser
def serialize_as_bytes(self) -> bytes:
return bfh(self.serialize())
def serialize_to_network(self, *, estimate_size=False, include_sigs=True, force_legacy=False) -> str:
"""Serialize the transaction as used on the Bitcoin network, into hex.
`include_sigs` signals whether to include scriptSigs and witnesses.
`force_legacy` signals to use the pre-segwit format
note: (not include_sigs) implies force_legacy
nVersion = int_to_hex(self.version, 4)
nLocktime = int_to_hex(self.locktime, 4)
inputs = self.inputs()
outputs = self.outputs()
def create_script_sig(txin: TxInput) -> str:
if include_sigs:
return self.input_script(txin, estimate_size=estimate_size)
return ''
txins = var_int(len(inputs)) + ''.join(self.serialize_input(txin, create_script_sig(txin))
for txin in inputs)
txouts = var_int(len(outputs)) + ''.join(o.serialize_to_network().hex() for o in outputs)
use_segwit_ser_for_estimate_size = estimate_size and self.is_segwit(guess_for_address=True)
use_segwit_ser_for_actual_use = not estimate_size and self.is_segwit()
use_segwit_ser = use_segwit_ser_for_estimate_size or use_segwit_ser_for_actual_use
if include_sigs and not force_legacy and use_segwit_ser:
marker = '00'
flag = '01'
witness = ''.join(self.serialize_witness(x, estimate_size=estimate_size) for x in inputs)
return nVersion + marker + flag + txins + txouts + witness + nLocktime
return nVersion + txins + txouts + nLocktime
def txid(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self._cached_txid is None:
all_segwit = all(self.is_segwit_input(x) for x in self.inputs())
if not all_segwit and not self.is_complete():
return None
ser = self.serialize_to_network(force_legacy=True)
except UnknownTxinType:
# we might not know how to construct scriptSig for some scripts
return None
self._cached_txid = bh2u(sha256d(bfh(ser))[::-1])
return self._cached_txid
def wtxid(self) -> Optional[str]:
if not self.is_complete():
return None
ser = self.serialize_to_network()
except UnknownTxinType:
# we might not know how to construct scriptSig/witness for some scripts
return None
return bh2u(sha256d(bfh(ser))[::-1])
def add_info_from_wallet(self, wallet: 'Abstract_Wallet') -> None:
return # no-op
def is_final(self):
return not any([txin.nsequence < 0xffffffff - 1 for txin in self.inputs()])
def estimated_size(self):
"""Return an estimated virtual tx size in vbytes.
BIP-0141 defines 'Virtual transaction size' to be weight/4 rounded up.
This definition is only for humans, and has little meaning otherwise.
If we wanted sub-byte precision, fee calculation should use transaction
weights, but for simplicity we approximate that with (virtual_size)x4
weight = self.estimated_weight()
return self.virtual_size_from_weight(weight)
def estimated_input_weight(cls, txin, is_segwit_tx):
'''Return an estimate of serialized input weight in weight units.'''
script = cls.input_script(txin, estimate_size=True)
input_size = len(cls.serialize_input(txin, script)) // 2
if cls.is_segwit_input(txin, guess_for_address=True):
witness_size = len(cls.serialize_witness(txin, estimate_size=True)) // 2
witness_size = 1 if is_segwit_tx else 0
return 4 * input_size + witness_size
def estimated_output_size(cls, address):
"""Return an estimate of serialized output size in bytes."""
script = bitcoin.address_to_script(address)
# 8 byte value + 1 byte script len + script
return 9 + len(script) // 2
def virtual_size_from_weight(cls, weight):
return weight // 4 + (weight % 4 > 0)
def estimated_total_size(self):
"""Return an estimated total transaction size in bytes."""
if not self.is_complete() or self._cached_network_ser is None:
return len(self.serialize_to_network(estimate_size=True)) // 2
return len(self._cached_network_ser) // 2 # ASCII hex string
def estimated_witness_size(self):
"""Return an estimate of witness size in bytes."""
estimate = not self.is_complete()
if not self.is_segwit(guess_for_address=estimate):
return 0
inputs = self.inputs()
witness = ''.join(self.serialize_witness(x, estimate_size=estimate) for x in inputs)
witness_size = len(witness) // 2 + 2 # include marker and flag
return witness_size
def estimated_base_size(self):
"""Return an estimated base transaction size in bytes."""
return self.estimated_total_size() - self.estimated_witness_size()
def estimated_weight(self):
"""Return an estimate of transaction weight."""
total_tx_size = self.estimated_total_size()
base_tx_size = self.estimated_base_size()
return 3 * base_tx_size + total_tx_size
def is_complete(self) -> bool:
return True
def get_output_idxs_from_scriptpubkey(self, script: str) -> Set[int]:
"""Returns the set indices of outputs with given script."""
assert isinstance(script, str) # hex
# build cache if there isn't one yet
# note: can become stale and return incorrect data
# if the tx is modified later; that's out of scope.
if not hasattr(self, '_script_to_output_idx'):
d = defaultdict(set)
for output_idx, o in enumerate(self.outputs()):
o_script = o.scriptpubkey.hex()
assert isinstance(o_script, str)
self._script_to_output_idx = d
return set(self._script_to_output_idx[script]) # copy
def get_output_idxs_from_address(self, addr: str) -> Set[int]:
script = bitcoin.address_to_script(addr)
return self.get_output_idxs_from_scriptpubkey(script)
def output_value_for_address(self, addr):
# assumes exactly one output has that address
for o in self.outputs():
if o.address == addr:
return o.value
raise Exception('output not found', addr)
def convert_raw_tx_to_hex(raw: Union[str, bytes]) -> str:
"""Sanitizes tx-describing input (hex/base43/base64) into
raw tx hex string."""
if not raw:
raise ValueError("empty string")
raw_unstripped = raw
raw = raw.strip()
# try hex
return binascii.unhexlify(raw).hex()
# try base43
return base_decode(raw, base=43).hex()
# try base64
if raw[0:6] in ('cHNidP', b'cHNidP'): # base64 psbt
return base64.b64decode(raw).hex()
# raw bytes (do not strip whitespaces in this case)
if isinstance(raw_unstripped, bytes):
return raw_unstripped.hex()
raise ValueError(f"failed to recognize transaction encoding for txt: {raw[:30]}...")
def tx_from_any(raw: Union[str, bytes], *,
deserialize: bool = True) -> Union['PartialTransaction', 'Transaction']:
if isinstance(raw, bytearray):
raw = bytes(raw)
raw = convert_raw_tx_to_hex(raw)
return PartialTransaction.from_raw_psbt(raw)
except BadHeaderMagic:
if raw[:10] == b'EPTF\xff'.hex():
raise SerializationError("Partial transactions generated with old Electrum versions "
"(< 4.0) are no longer supported. Please upgrade Electrum on "
"the other machine where this transaction was created.")
tx = Transaction(raw)
if deserialize:
return tx
except Exception as e:
raise SerializationError(f"Failed to recognise tx encoding, or to parse transaction. "
f"raw: {raw[:30]}...") from e
class PSBTGlobalType(IntEnum):
XPUB = 1
class PSBTInputType(IntEnum):
class PSBTOutputType(IntEnum):
# Serialization/deserialization tools
def deser_compact_size(f) -> Optional[int]:
nit =[0]
except IndexError:
return None # end of file
if nit == 253:
nit = struct.unpack("<H",[0]
elif nit == 254:
nit = struct.unpack("<I",[0]
elif nit == 255:
nit = struct.unpack("<Q",[0]
return nit
class PSBTSection:
def _populate_psbt_fields_from_fd(self, fd=None):
if not fd: return
while True:
key_type, key, val = self.get_next_kv_from_fd(fd)
except StopIteration:
self.parse_psbt_section_kv(key_type, key, val)
def get_next_kv_from_fd(cls, fd) -> Tuple[int, bytes, bytes]:
key_size = deser_compact_size(fd)
if key_size == 0:
raise StopIteration()
if key_size is None:
raise UnexpectedEndOfStream()
full_key =
key_type, key = cls.get_keytype_and_key_from_fullkey(full_key)
val_size = deser_compact_size(fd)
if val_size is None: raise UnexpectedEndOfStream()
val =
return key_type, key, val
def create_psbt_writer(cls, fd):
def wr(key_type: int, val: bytes, key: bytes = b''):
full_key = cls.get_fullkey_from_keytype_and_key(key_type, key)
fd.write(bytes.fromhex(var_int(len(full_key)))) # key_size
fd.write(full_key) # key
fd.write(bytes.fromhex(var_int(len(val)))) # val_size
fd.write(val) # val
return wr
def get_keytype_and_key_from_fullkey(cls, full_key: bytes) -> Tuple[int, bytes]:
with io.BytesIO(full_key) as key_stream:
key_type = deser_compact_size(key_stream)
if key_type is None: raise UnexpectedEndOfStream()
key =
return key_type, key
def get_fullkey_from_keytype_and_key(cls, key_type: int, key: bytes) -> bytes:
key_type_bytes = bytes.fromhex(var_int(key_type))
return key_type_bytes + key
def _serialize_psbt_section(self, fd):
wr = self.create_psbt_writer(fd)
fd.write(b'\x00') # section-separator
def parse_psbt_section_kv(self, kt: int, key: bytes, val: bytes) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError() # implemented by subclasses
def serialize_psbt_section_kvs(self, wr) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError() # implemented by subclasses
class PartialTxInput(TxInput, PSBTSection):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
TxInput.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.utxo = None # type: Optional[Transaction]
self.witness_utxo = None # type: Optional[TxOutput]
self.part_sigs = {} # type: Dict[bytes, bytes] # pubkey -> sig
self.sighash = None # type: Optional[int]
self.bip32_paths = {} # type: Dict[bytes, Tuple[bytes, Sequence[int]]] # pubkey -> (xpub_fingerprint, path)
self.redeem_script = None # type: Optional[bytes]
self.witness_script = None # type: Optional[bytes]
self._unknown = {} # type: Dict[bytes, bytes]
self.script_type = 'unknown'
self.num_sig = 0 # type: int # num req sigs for multisig
self.pubkeys = [] # type: List[bytes] # note: order matters
self._trusted_value_sats = None # type: Optional[int]
self._trusted_address = None # type: Optional[str]
self.block_height = None # type: Optional[int] # height at which the TXO is mined; None means unknown
self._is_p2sh_segwit = None # type: Optional[bool] # None means unknown
self._is_native_segwit = None # type: Optional[bool] # None means unknown
def to_json(self):
d = super().to_json()
'height': self.block_height,
'value_sats': self.value_sats(),
'address': self.address,
'utxo': str(self.utxo) if self.utxo else None,
'witness_utxo': self.witness_utxo.serialize_to_network().hex() if self.witness_utxo else None,
'sighash': self.sighash,
'redeem_script': self.redeem_script.hex() if self.redeem_script else None,
'witness_script': self.witness_script.hex() if self.witness_script else None,
'part_sigs': {pubkey.hex(): sig.hex() for pubkey, sig in self.part_sigs.items()},
'bip32_paths': {pubkey.hex(): (xfp.hex(), bip32.convert_bip32_intpath_to_strpath(path))
for pubkey, (xfp, path) in self.bip32_paths.items()},
'unknown_psbt_fields': {key.hex(): val.hex() for key, val in self._unknown.items()},
return d
def from_txin(cls, txin: TxInput, *, strip_witness: bool = True) -> 'PartialTxInput':
res = PartialTxInput(prevout=txin.prevout,
script_sig=None if strip_witness else txin.script_sig,
witness=None if strip_witness else txin.witness,
return res
def validate_data(self, *, for_signing=False) -> None:
if self.utxo:
if self.prevout.txid.hex() != self.utxo.txid():
raise PSBTInputConsistencyFailure(f"PSBT input validation: "
f"If a non-witness UTXO is provided, its hash must match the hash specified in the prevout")
# The following test is disabled, so we are willing to sign non-segwit inputs
# without verifying the input amount. This means, given a maliciously modified PSBT,
# for non-segwit inputs, we might end up burning coins as miner fees.
if for_signing and False:
if not Transaction.is_segwit_input(self) and self.witness_utxo:
raise PSBTInputConsistencyFailure(f"PSBT input validation: "
f"If a witness UTXO is provided, no non-witness signature may be created")
if self.redeem_script and self.address:
addr = hash160_to_p2sh(hash_160(self.redeem_script))
if self.address != addr:
raise PSBTInputConsistencyFailure(f"PSBT input validation: "
f"If a redeemScript is provided, the scriptPubKey must be for that redeemScript")
if self.witness_script:
if self.redeem_script:
if self.redeem_script != bfh(bitcoin.p2wsh_nested_script(self.witness_script.hex())):
raise PSBTInputConsistencyFailure(f"PSBT input validation: "
f"If a witnessScript is provided, the redeemScript must be for that witnessScript")
elif self.address:
if self.address != bitcoin.script_to_p2wsh(self.witness_script.hex()):
raise PSBTInputConsistencyFailure(f"PSBT input validation: "
f"If a witnessScript is provided, the scriptPubKey must be for that witnessScript")
def parse_psbt_section_kv(self, kt, key, val):
kt = PSBTInputType(kt)
except ValueError:
pass # unknown type
if DEBUG_PSBT_PARSING: print(f"{repr(kt)} {key.hex()} {val.hex()}")
if kt == PSBTInputType.NON_WITNESS_UTXO:
if self.utxo is not None:
raise SerializationError(f"duplicate key: {repr(kt)}")
if self.witness_utxo is not None:
raise SerializationError(f"PSBT input cannot have both PSBT_IN_NON_WITNESS_UTXO and PSBT_IN_WITNESS_UTXO")
self.utxo = Transaction(val)
if key: raise SerializationError(f"key for {repr(kt)} must be empty")
elif kt == PSBTInputType.WITNESS_UTXO:
if self.witness_utxo is not None:
raise SerializationError(f"duplicate key: {repr(kt)}")
if self.utxo is not None:
raise SerializationError(f"PSBT input cannot have both PSBT_IN_NON_WITNESS_UTXO and PSBT_IN_WITNESS_UTXO")
self.witness_utxo = TxOutput.from_network_bytes(val)
if key: raise SerializationError(f"key for {repr(kt)} must be empty")
elif kt == PSBTInputType.PARTIAL_SIG:
if key in self.part_sigs:
raise SerializationError(f"duplicate key: {repr(kt)}")
if len(key) not in (33, 65): # TODO also allow 32? one of the tests in the BIP is "supposed to" fail with len==32...
raise SerializationError(f"key for {repr(kt)} has unexpected length: {len(key)}")
self.part_sigs[key] = val
elif kt == PSBTInputType.SIGHASH_TYPE:
if self.sighash is not None:
raise SerializationError(f"duplicate key: {repr(kt)}")
if len(val) != 4:
raise SerializationError(f"value for {repr(kt)} has unexpected length: {len(val)}")
self.sighash = struct.unpack("<I", val)[0]
if key: raise SerializationError(f"key for {repr(kt)} must be empty")
elif kt == PSBTInputType.BIP32_DERIVATION:
if key in self.bip32_paths:
raise SerializationError(f"duplicate key: {repr(kt)}")
if len(key) not in (33, 65): # TODO also allow 32? one of the tests in the BIP is "supposed to" fail with len==32...
raise SerializationError(f"key for {repr(kt)} has unexpected length: {len(key)}")
self.bip32_paths[key] = unpack_bip32_root_fingerprint_and_int_path(val)
elif kt == PSBTInputType.REDEEM_SCRIPT:
if self.redeem_script is not None:
raise SerializationError(f"duplicate key: {repr(kt)}")
self.redeem_script = val
if key: raise SerializationError(f"key for {repr(kt)} must be empty")
elif kt == PSBTInputType.WITNESS_SCRIPT:
if self.witness_script is not None:
raise SerializationError(f"duplicate key: {repr(kt)}")
self.witness_script = val
if key: raise SerializationError(f"key for {repr(kt)} must be empty")
elif kt == PSBTInputType.FINAL_SCRIPTSIG:
if self.script_sig is not None:
raise SerializationError(f"duplicate key: {repr(kt)}")
self.script_sig = val
if key: raise SerializationError(f"key for {repr(kt)} must be empty")
if self.witness is not None:
raise SerializationError(f"duplicate key: {repr(kt)}")
self.witness = val
if key: raise SerializationError(f"key for {repr(kt)} must be empty")
full_key = self.get_fullkey_from_keytype_and_key(kt, key)
if full_key in self._unknown:
raise SerializationError(f'duplicate key. PSBT input key for unknown type: {full_key}')
self._unknown[full_key] = val
def serialize_psbt_section_kvs(self, wr):
if self.witness_utxo:
wr(PSBTInputType.WITNESS_UTXO, self.witness_utxo.serialize_to_network())
elif self.utxo:
wr(PSBTInputType.NON_WITNESS_UTXO, bfh(self.utxo.serialize_to_network(include_sigs=True)))
for pk, val in sorted(self.part_sigs.items()):
wr(PSBTInputType.PARTIAL_SIG, val, pk)
if self.sighash is not None:
wr(PSBTInputType.SIGHASH_TYPE, struct.pack('<I', self.sighash))
if self.redeem_script is not None:
wr(PSBTInputType.REDEEM_SCRIPT, self.redeem_script)
if self.witness_script is not None:
wr(PSBTInputType.WITNESS_SCRIPT, self.witness_script)
for k in sorted(self.bip32_paths):
packed_path = pack_bip32_root_fingerprint_and_int_path(*self.bip32_paths[k])
wr(PSBTInputType.BIP32_DERIVATION, packed_path, k)
if self.script_sig is not None:
wr(PSBTInputType.FINAL_SCRIPTSIG, self.script_sig)
if self.witness is not None:
wr(PSBTInputType.FINAL_SCRIPTWITNESS, self.witness)
for full_key, val in sorted(self._unknown.items()):
key_type, key = self.get_keytype_and_key_from_fullkey(full_key)
wr(key_type, val, key=key)
def value_sats(self) -> Optional[int]:
if self._trusted_value_sats is not None:
return self._trusted_value_sats
if self.utxo:
out_idx = self.prevout.out_idx
return self.utxo.outputs()[out_idx].value
if self.witness_utxo:
return self.witness_utxo.value
return None
def address(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self._trusted_address is not None:
return self._trusted_address
scriptpubkey = self.scriptpubkey
if scriptpubkey:
return get_address_from_output_script(scriptpubkey)
return None
def scriptpubkey(self) -> Optional[bytes]:
if self._trusted_address is not None:
return bfh(bitcoin.address_to_script(self._trusted_address))
if self.utxo:
out_idx = self.prevout.out_idx
return self.utxo.outputs()[out_idx].scriptpubkey
if self.witness_utxo:
return self.witness_utxo.scriptpubkey
return None
def is_complete(self) -> bool:
if self.script_sig is not None and self.witness is not None:
return True
if self.is_coinbase_input():
return True
if self.script_sig is not None and not Transaction.is_segwit_input(self):
return True
signatures = list(self.part_sigs.values())
s = len(signatures)
# note: The 'script_type' field is currently only set by the wallet,
# for its own addresses. This means we can only finalize inputs
# that are related to the wallet.
# The 'fix' would be adding extra logic that matches on templates,
# and figures out the script_type from available fields.
if self.script_type in ('p2pk', 'p2pkh', 'p2wpkh', 'p2wpkh-p2sh'):
return s >= 1
if self.script_type in ('p2sh', 'p2wsh', 'p2wsh-p2sh'):
return s >= self.num_sig
return False
def finalize(self) -> None:
def clear_fields_when_finalized():
# BIP-174: "All other data except the UTXO and unknown fields in the
# input key-value map should be cleared from the PSBT"
self.part_sigs = {}
self.sighash = None
self.bip32_paths = {}
self.redeem_script = None
self.witness_script = None
if self.script_sig is not None and self.witness is not None:
return # already finalized
if self.is_complete():
self.script_sig = bfh(Transaction.input_script(self))
self.witness = bfh(Transaction.serialize_witness(self))
def combine_with_other_txin(self, other_txin: 'TxInput') -> None:
assert self.prevout == other_txin.prevout
if other_txin.script_sig is not None:
self.script_sig = other_txin.script_sig
if other_txin.witness is not None:
self.witness = other_txin.witness
if isinstance(other_txin, PartialTxInput):
if other_txin.witness_utxo:
self.witness_utxo = other_txin.witness_utxo
if other_txin.utxo:
self.utxo = other_txin.utxo
if other_txin.sighash is not None:
self.sighash = other_txin.sighash
if other_txin.redeem_script is not None:
self.redeem_script = other_txin.redeem_script
if other_txin.witness_script is not None:
self.witness_script = other_txin.witness_script
# try to finalize now
def ensure_there_is_only_one_utxo(self):
if self.utxo is not None and self.witness_utxo is not None:
if Transaction.is_segwit_input(self):
self.utxo = None
self.witness_utxo = None
def convert_utxo_to_witness_utxo(self) -> None:
if self.utxo:
self.witness_utxo = self.utxo.outputs()[self.prevout.out_idx]
self.utxo = None # type: Optional[Transaction]
def is_native_segwit(self) -> Optional[bool]:
"""Whether this input is native segwit. None means inconclusive."""
if self._is_native_segwit is None:
if self.address:
self._is_native_segwit = bitcoin.is_segwit_address(self.address)
return self._is_native_segwit
def is_p2sh_segwit(self) -> Optional[bool]:
"""Whether this input is p2sh-embedded-segwit. None means inconclusive."""
if self._is_p2sh_segwit is None:
def calc_if_p2sh_segwit_now():
if not (self.address and self.redeem_script):
return None
if self.address != bitcoin.hash160_to_p2sh(hash_160(self.redeem_script)):
# not p2sh address
return False
decoded = [x for x in script_GetOp(self.redeem_script)]
except MalformedBitcoinScript:
decoded = None
# witness version 0
if match_script_against_template(decoded, SCRIPTPUBKEY_TEMPLATE_WITNESS_V0):
return True
# witness version 1-16
future_witness_versions = list(range(opcodes.OP_1, opcodes.OP_16 + 1))
for witver, opcode in enumerate(future_witness_versions, start=1):
match = [opcode, OPPushDataGeneric(lambda x: 2 <= x <= 40)]
if match_script_against_template(decoded, match):
return True
return False
self._is_p2sh_segwit = calc_if_p2sh_segwit_now()
return self._is_p2sh_segwit
def already_has_some_signatures(self) -> bool:
"""Returns whether progress has been made towards completing this input."""
return (self.part_sigs
or self.script_sig is not None
or self.witness is not None)
class PartialTxOutput(TxOutput, PSBTSection):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
TxOutput.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.redeem_script = None # type: Optional[bytes]
self.witness_script = None # type: Optional[bytes]
self.bip32_paths = {} # type: Dict[bytes, Tuple[bytes, Sequence[int]]] # pubkey -> (xpub_fingerprint, path)
self._unknown = {} # type: Dict[bytes, bytes]
self.script_type = 'unknown'
self.num_sig = 0 # num req sigs for multisig
self.pubkeys = [] # type: List[bytes] # note: order matters
self.is_mine = False # type: bool # whether the wallet considers the output to be ismine
self.is_change = False # type: bool # whether the wallet considers the output to be change
def to_json(self):
d = super().to_json()
'redeem_script': self.redeem_script.hex() if self.redeem_script else None,
'witness_script': self.witness_script.hex() if self.witness_script else None,
'bip32_paths': {pubkey.hex(): (xfp.hex(), bip32.convert_bip32_intpath_to_strpath(path))
for pubkey, (xfp, path) in self.bip32_paths.items()},
'unknown_psbt_fields': {key.hex(): val.hex() for key, val in self._unknown.items()},
return d
def from_txout(cls, txout: TxOutput) -> 'PartialTxOutput':
res = PartialTxOutput(scriptpubkey=txout.scriptpubkey,
return res
def parse_psbt_section_kv(self, kt, key, val):
kt = PSBTOutputType(kt)
except ValueError:
pass # unknown type
if DEBUG_PSBT_PARSING: print(f"{repr(kt)} {key.hex()} {val.hex()}")
if kt == PSBTOutputType.REDEEM_SCRIPT:
if self.redeem_script is not None:
raise SerializationError(f"duplicate key: {repr(kt)}")
self.redeem_script = val
if key: raise SerializationError(f"key for {repr(kt)} must be empty")
elif kt == PSBTOutputType.WITNESS_SCRIPT:
if self.witness_script is not None:
raise SerializationError(f"duplicate key: {repr(kt)}")
self.witness_script = val
if key: raise SerializationError(f"key for {repr(kt)} must be empty")
elif kt == PSBTOutputType.BIP32_DERIVATION:
if key in self.bip32_paths:
raise SerializationError(f"duplicate key: {repr(kt)}")
if len(key) not in (33, 65): # TODO also allow 32? one of the tests in the BIP is "supposed to" fail with len==32...
raise SerializationError(f"key for {repr(kt)} has unexpected length: {len(key)}")
self.bip32_paths[key] = unpack_bip32_root_fingerprint_and_int_path(val)
full_key = self.get_fullkey_from_keytype_and_key(kt, key)
if full_key in self._unknown:
raise SerializationError(f'duplicate key. PSBT output key for unknown type: {full_key}')
self._unknown[full_key] = val
def serialize_psbt_section_kvs(self, wr):
if self.redeem_script is not None:
wr(PSBTOutputType.REDEEM_SCRIPT, self.redeem_script)
if self.witness_script is not None:
wr(PSBTOutputType.WITNESS_SCRIPT, self.witness_script)
for k in sorted(self.bip32_paths):
packed_path = pack_bip32_root_fingerprint_and_int_path(*self.bip32_paths[k])
wr(PSBTOutputType.BIP32_DERIVATION, packed_path, k)
for full_key, val in sorted(self._unknown.items()):
key_type, key = self.get_keytype_and_key_from_fullkey(full_key)
wr(key_type, val, key=key)
def combine_with_other_txout(self, other_txout: 'TxOutput') -> None:
assert self.scriptpubkey == other_txout.scriptpubkey
if not isinstance(other_txout, PartialTxOutput):
if other_txout.redeem_script is not None:
self.redeem_script = other_txout.redeem_script
if other_txout.witness_script is not None:
self.witness_script = other_txout.witness_script
class PartialTransaction(Transaction):
def __init__(self, raw_unsigned_tx):
Transaction.__init__(self, raw_unsigned_tx)
self.xpubs = {} # type: Dict[BIP32Node, Tuple[bytes, Sequence[int]]] # intermediate bip32node -> (xfp, der_prefix)
self._inputs = [] # type: List[PartialTxInput]
self._outputs = [] # type: List[PartialTxOutput]
self._unknown = {} # type: Dict[bytes, bytes]
def to_json(self) -> dict:
d = super().to_json()
'xpubs': {bip32node.to_xpub(): (xfp.hex(), bip32.convert_bip32_intpath_to_strpath(path))
for bip32node, (xfp, path) in self.xpubs.items()},
'unknown_psbt_fields': {key.hex(): val.hex() for key, val in self._unknown.items()},
return d
def from_tx(cls, tx: Transaction) -> 'PartialTransaction':
res = cls(None)
res._inputs = [PartialTxInput.from_txin(txin) for txin in tx.inputs()]
res._outputs = [PartialTxOutput.from_txout(txout) for txout in tx.outputs()]
res.version = tx.version
res.locktime = tx.locktime
return res
def from_raw_psbt(cls, raw) -> 'PartialTransaction':
# auto-detect and decode Base64 and Hex.
if raw[0:10].lower() in (b'70736274ff', '70736274ff'): # hex
raw = bytes.fromhex(raw)
elif raw[0:6] in (b'cHNidP', 'cHNidP'): # base64
raw = base64.b64decode(raw)
if not isinstance(raw, (bytes, bytearray)) or raw[0:5] != b'psbt\xff':
raise BadHeaderMagic("bad magic")
tx = None # type: Optional[PartialTransaction]
# We parse the raw stream twice. The first pass is used to find the
# PSBT_GLOBAL_UNSIGNED_TX key in the global section and set 'tx'.
# The second pass does everything else.
with io.BytesIO(raw[5:]) as fd: # parsing "first pass"
while True:
kt, key, val = PSBTSection.get_next_kv_from_fd(fd)
except StopIteration:
kt = PSBTGlobalType(kt)
except ValueError:
pass # unknown type
if kt == PSBTGlobalType.UNSIGNED_TX:
if tx is not None:
raise SerializationError(f"duplicate key: {repr(kt)}")
if key: raise SerializationError(f"key for {repr(kt)} must be empty")
unsigned_tx = Transaction(val.hex())
for txin in unsigned_tx.inputs():
if txin.script_sig or txin.witness:
raise SerializationError(f"PSBT {repr(kt)} must have empty scriptSigs and witnesses")
tx = PartialTransaction.from_tx(unsigned_tx)
if tx is None:
raise SerializationError(f"PSBT missing required global section PSBT_GLOBAL_UNSIGNED_TX")
with io.BytesIO(raw[5:]) as fd: # parsing "second pass"
# global section
while True:
kt, key, val = PSBTSection.get_next_kv_from_fd(fd)
except StopIteration:
kt = PSBTGlobalType(kt)
except ValueError:
pass # unknown type
if DEBUG_PSBT_PARSING: print(f"{repr(kt)} {key.hex()} {val.hex()}")
if kt == PSBTGlobalType.UNSIGNED_TX:
pass # already handled during "first" parsing pass
elif kt == PSBTGlobalType.XPUB:
bip32node = BIP32Node.from_bytes(key)
if bip32node in tx.xpubs:
raise SerializationError(f"duplicate key: {repr(kt)}")
xfp, path = unpack_bip32_root_fingerprint_and_int_path(val)
if bip32node.depth != len(path):
raise SerializationError(f"PSBT global xpub has mismatching depth ({bip32node.depth}) "
f"and derivation prefix len ({len(path)})")
child_number_of_xpub = int.from_bytes(bip32node.child_number, 'big')
if not ((bip32node.depth == 0 and child_number_of_xpub == 0)
or (bip32node.depth != 0 and child_number_of_xpub == path[-1])):
raise SerializationError(f"PSBT global xpub has inconsistent child_number and derivation prefix")
tx.xpubs[bip32node] = xfp, path
elif kt == PSBTGlobalType.VERSION:
if len(val) > 4:
raise SerializationError(f"value for {repr(kt)} has unexpected length: {len(val)} > 4")
psbt_version = int.from_bytes(val, byteorder='little', signed=False)
if psbt_version > 0:
raise SerializationError(f"Only PSBTs with version 0 are supported. Found version: {psbt_version}")
if key: raise SerializationError(f"key for {repr(kt)} must be empty")
full_key = PSBTSection.get_fullkey_from_keytype_and_key(kt, key)
if full_key in tx._unknown:
raise SerializationError(f'duplicate key. PSBT global key for unknown type: {full_key}')
tx._unknown[full_key] = val
# inputs sections
for txin in tx.inputs():
if DEBUG_PSBT_PARSING: print("-> new input starts")
# outputs sections
for txout in tx.outputs():
if DEBUG_PSBT_PARSING: print("-> new output starts")
except UnexpectedEndOfStream:
raise UnexpectedEndOfStream('Unexpected end of stream. Num input and output maps provided does not match unsigned tx.') from None
if != b'':
raise SerializationError("extra junk at the end of PSBT")
for txin in tx.inputs():
return tx
def from_io(cls, inputs: Sequence[PartialTxInput], outputs: Sequence[PartialTxOutput], *,
locktime: int = None, version: int = None):
self = cls(None)
self._inputs = list(inputs)
self._outputs = list(outputs)
if locktime is not None:
self.locktime = locktime
if version is not None:
self.version = version
return self
def _serialize_psbt(self, fd) -> None:
wr = PSBTSection.create_psbt_writer(fd)
# global section
wr(PSBTGlobalType.UNSIGNED_TX, bfh(self.serialize_to_network(include_sigs=False)))
for bip32node, (xfp, path) in sorted(self.xpubs.items()):
val = pack_bip32_root_fingerprint_and_int_path(xfp, path)
wr(PSBTGlobalType.XPUB, val, key=bip32node.to_bytes())
for full_key, val in sorted(self._unknown.items()):
key_type, key = PSBTSection.get_keytype_and_key_from_fullkey(full_key)
wr(key_type, val, key=key)
fd.write(b'\x00') # section-separator
# input sections
for inp in self._inputs:
# output sections
for outp in self._outputs:
def finalize_psbt(self) -> None:
for txin in self.inputs():
def combine_with_other_psbt(self, other_tx: 'Transaction') -> None:
"""Pulls in all data from other_tx we don't yet have (e.g. signatures).
other_tx must be concerning the same unsigned tx.
if self.serialize_to_network(include_sigs=False) != other_tx.serialize_to_network(include_sigs=False):
raise Exception('A Combiner must not combine two different PSBTs.')
# BIP-174: "The resulting PSBT must contain all of the key-value pairs from each of the PSBTs.
# The Combiner must remove any duplicate key-value pairs, in accordance with the specification."
# global section
if isinstance(other_tx, PartialTransaction):
# input sections
for txin, other_txin in zip(self.inputs(), other_tx.inputs()):
# output sections
for txout, other_txout in zip(self.outputs(), other_tx.outputs()):
def join_with_other_psbt(self, other_tx: 'PartialTransaction') -> None:
"""Adds inputs and outputs from other_tx into this one."""
if not isinstance(other_tx, PartialTransaction):
raise Exception('Can only join partial transactions.')
# make sure there are no duplicate prevouts
prevouts = set()
for txin in itertools.chain(self.inputs(), other_tx.inputs()):
prevout_str = txin.prevout.to_str()
if prevout_str in prevouts:
raise Exception(f"Duplicate inputs! "
f"Transactions that spend the same prevout cannot be joined.")
# copy global PSBT section
# copy and add inputs and outputs
def inputs(self) -> Sequence[PartialTxInput]:
return self._inputs
def outputs(self) -> Sequence[PartialTxOutput]:
return self._outputs
def add_inputs(self, inputs: List[PartialTxInput]) -> None:
def add_outputs(self, outputs: List[PartialTxOutput]) -> None:
def set_rbf(self, rbf: bool) -> None:
nSequence = 0xffffffff - (2 if rbf else 1)
for txin in self.inputs():
txin.nsequence = nSequence
def BIP69_sort(self, inputs=True, outputs=True):
# NOTE: other parts of the code rely on these sorts being *stable* sorts
if inputs:
self._inputs.sort(key = lambda i: (i.prevout.txid, i.prevout.out_idx))
if outputs:
self._outputs.sort(key = lambda o: (o.value, o.scriptpubkey))
def input_value(self) -> int:
input_values = [txin.value_sats() for txin in self.inputs()]
if any([val is None for val in input_values]):
raise MissingTxInputAmount()
return sum(input_values)
def output_value(self) -> int:
return sum(o.value for o in self.outputs())
def get_fee(self) -> Optional[int]:
return self.input_value() - self.output_value()
except MissingTxInputAmount:
return None
def serialize_preimage(self, txin_index: int, *,
bip143_shared_txdigest_fields: BIP143SharedTxDigestFields = None) -> str:
nVersion = int_to_hex(self.version, 4)
nLocktime = int_to_hex(self.locktime, 4)
inputs = self.inputs()
outputs = self.outputs()
txin = inputs[txin_index]
sighash = txin.sighash if txin.sighash is not None else SIGHASH_ALL
if sighash != SIGHASH_ALL:
raise Exception("only SIGHASH_ALL signing is supported!")
nHashType = int_to_hex(sighash, 4)
preimage_script = self.get_preimage_script(txin)
if self.is_segwit_input(txin):
if bip143_shared_txdigest_fields is None:
bip143_shared_txdigest_fields = self._calc_bip143_shared_txdigest_fields()
hashPrevouts = bip143_shared_txdigest_fields.hashPrevouts
hashSequence = bip143_shared_txdigest_fields.hashSequence
hashOutputs = bip143_shared_txdigest_fields.hashOutputs
outpoint = txin.prevout.serialize_to_network().hex()
scriptCode = var_int(len(preimage_script) // 2) + preimage_script
amount = int_to_hex(txin.value_sats(), 8)
nSequence = int_to_hex(txin.nsequence, 4)
preimage = nVersion + hashPrevouts + hashSequence + outpoint + scriptCode + amount + nSequence + hashOutputs + nLocktime + nHashType
txins = var_int(len(inputs)) + ''.join(self.serialize_input(txin, preimage_script if txin_index==k else '')
for k, txin in enumerate(inputs))
txouts = var_int(len(outputs)) + ''.join(o.serialize_to_network().hex() for o in outputs)
preimage = nVersion + txins + txouts + nLocktime + nHashType
return preimage
def sign(self, keypairs) -> None:
# keypairs: pubkey_hex -> (secret_bytes, is_compressed)
bip143_shared_txdigest_fields = self._calc_bip143_shared_txdigest_fields()
for i, txin in enumerate(self.inputs()):
pubkeys = [pk.hex() for pk in txin.pubkeys]
for pubkey in pubkeys:
if txin.is_complete():
if pubkey not in keypairs:
|"adding signature for {pubkey}")
sec, compressed = keypairs[pubkey]
sig = self.sign_txin(i, sec, bip143_shared_txdigest_fields=bip143_shared_txdigest_fields)
self.add_signature_to_txin(txin_idx=i, signing_pubkey=pubkey, sig=sig)
_logger.debug(f"is_complete {self.is_complete()}")
def sign_txin(self, txin_index, privkey_bytes, *, bip143_shared_txdigest_fields=None) -> str:
txin = self.inputs()[txin_index]
pre_hash = sha256d(bfh(self.serialize_preimage(txin_index,
privkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(privkey_bytes)
sig = privkey.sign_transaction(pre_hash)
sig = bh2u(sig) + '01' # SIGHASH_ALL
return sig
def is_complete(self) -> bool:
return all([txin.is_complete() for txin in self.inputs()])
def signature_count(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
s = 0 # "num Sigs we have"
r = 0 # "Required"
for txin in self.inputs():
if txin.is_coinbase_input():
signatures = list(txin.part_sigs.values())
s += len(signatures)
r += txin.num_sig
return s, r
def serialize(self) -> str:
"""Returns PSBT as base64 text, or raw hex of network tx (if complete)."""
if self.is_complete():
return Transaction.serialize(self)
return self._serialize_as_base64()
def serialize_as_bytes(self, *, force_psbt: bool = False) -> bytes:
"""Returns PSBT as raw bytes, or raw bytes of network tx (if complete)."""
if force_psbt or not self.is_complete():
with io.BytesIO() as fd:
return fd.getvalue()
return Transaction.serialize_as_bytes(self)
def _serialize_as_base64(self) -> str:
raw_bytes = self.serialize_as_bytes()
return base64.b64encode(raw_bytes).decode('ascii')
def update_signatures(self, signatures: Sequence[str]):
"""Add new signatures to a transaction
`signatures` is expected to be a list of sigs with signatures[i]
intended for self._inputs[i].
This is used by the Trezor, KeepKey and Safe-T plugins.
if self.is_complete():
if len(self.inputs()) != len(signatures):
raise Exception('expected {} signatures; got {}'.format(len(self.inputs()), len(signatures)))
for i, txin in enumerate(self.inputs()):
pubkeys = [pk.hex() for pk in txin.pubkeys]
sig = signatures[i]
if bfh(sig) in list(txin.part_sigs.values()):
pre_hash = sha256d(bfh(self.serialize_preimage(i)))
sig_string = ecc.sig_string_from_der_sig(bfh(sig[:-2]))
for recid in range(4):
public_key = ecc.ECPubkey.from_sig_string(sig_string, recid, pre_hash)
except ecc.InvalidECPointException:
# the point might not be on the curve for some recid values
pubkey_hex = public_key.get_public_key_hex(compressed=True)
if pubkey_hex in pubkeys:
public_key.verify_message_hash(sig_string, pre_hash)
except Exception:
|"adding sig: txin_idx={i}, signing_pubkey={pubkey_hex}, sig={sig}")
self.add_signature_to_txin(txin_idx=i, signing_pubkey=pubkey_hex, sig=sig)
# redo raw
def add_signature_to_txin(self, *, txin_idx: int, signing_pubkey: str, sig: str):
txin = self._inputs[txin_idx]
txin.part_sigs[bfh(signing_pubkey)] = bfh(sig)
# force re-serialization
txin.script_sig = None
txin.witness = None
def add_info_from_wallet(self, wallet: 'Abstract_Wallet', *,
include_xpubs_and_full_paths: bool = False) -> None:
if self.is_complete():
only_der_suffix = not include_xpubs_and_full_paths
# only include xpubs for multisig wallets; currently only they need it in practice
# note: coldcard fw have a limitation that if they are included then all
# inputs are assumed to be multisig...
# note: trezor plugin needs xpubs included, if there are multisig inputs/change_outputs
from .wallet import Multisig_Wallet
if include_xpubs_and_full_paths and isinstance(wallet, Multisig_Wallet):
from .keystore import Xpub
for ks in wallet.get_keystores():
if isinstance(ks, Xpub):
fp_bytes, der_full = ks.get_fp_and_derivation_to_be_used_in_partial_tx(der_suffix=[],
xpub = ks.get_xpub_to_be_used_in_partial_tx(only_der_suffix=only_der_suffix)
bip32node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xpub)
self.xpubs[bip32node] = (fp_bytes, der_full)
for txin in self.inputs():
wallet.add_input_info(txin, only_der_suffix=only_der_suffix)
for txout in self.outputs():
wallet.add_output_info(txout, only_der_suffix=only_der_suffix)
def remove_xpubs_and_bip32_paths(self) -> None:
for txin in self.inputs():
for txout in self.outputs():
def prepare_for_export_for_coinjoin(self) -> None:
"""Removes all sensitive details."""
# globals
# inputs
for txin in self.inputs():
# outputs
for txout in self.outputs():
txout.redeem_script = None
txout.witness_script = None
def convert_all_utxos_to_witness_utxos(self) -> None:
"""Replaces all NON-WITNESS-UTXOs with WITNESS-UTXOs.
This will likely make an exported PSBT invalid spec-wise,
but it makes e.g. QR codes significantly smaller.
for txin in self.inputs():
def is_there_risk_of_burning_coins_as_fees(self) -> bool:
"""Returns whether there is risk of burning coins as fees if we sign.
- legacy sighash does not commit to any input amounts
- BIP-0143 sighash only commits to the *corresponding* input amount
- BIP-taproot sighash commits to *all* input amounts
for txin in self.inputs():
# if we have full previous tx, we *know* the input amount
if txin.utxo:
# if we have just the previous output, we only have guarantees if
# the sighash commits to this data
if txin.witness_utxo and Transaction.is_segwit_input(txin):
return True
return False
def remove_signatures(self):
for txin in self.inputs():
txin.part_sigs = {}
txin.script_sig = None
txin.witness = None
assert not self.is_complete()
def pack_bip32_root_fingerprint_and_int_path(xfp: bytes, path: Sequence[int]) -> bytes:
if len(xfp) != 4:
raise Exception(f'unexpected xfp length. xfp={xfp}')
return xfp + b''.join(i.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little', signed=False) for i in path)
def unpack_bip32_root_fingerprint_and_int_path(path: bytes) -> Tuple[bytes, Sequence[int]]:
if len(path) % 4 != 0:
raise Exception(f'unexpected packed path length. path={path.hex()}')
xfp = path[0:4]
int_path = [int.from_bytes(b, byteorder='little', signed=False) for b in chunks(path[4:], 4)]
return xfp, int_path