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#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from electrum import Interface
from electrum import bitcoin, Transaction, Network
def get_transaction(network, tx_hash, tx_height):
raw_tx = network.synchronous_get([(
'blockchain.transaction.get', [tx_hash, tx_height])])[0]
tx = Transaction(raw_tx)
return tx
def get_history(network, addr):
transactions = network.synchronous_get([(
'blockchain.address.get_history', [addr])])[0]
transactions.sort(key=lambda x: x["height"])
return [(i["tx_hash"], i["height"]) for i in transactions]
def get_addr_balance(network, address):
prevout_values = {}
h = get_history(network, address)
if h == ['*']:
return 0, 0
c = u = 0
received_coins = [] # list of coins received at address
transactions = {}
# fetch transactions
for tx_hash, tx_height in h:
transactions[(tx_hash, tx_height)] = get_transaction(
network, tx_hash, tx_height)
for tx_hash, tx_height in h:
tx = transactions[(tx_hash, tx_height)]
if not tx:
update_tx_outputs(tx, prevout_values)
for i, (addr, value) in enumerate(tx.outputs):
if addr == address:
key = tx_hash + ':%d' % i
for tx_hash, tx_height in h:
tx = transactions[(tx_hash, tx_height)]
if not tx:
v = 0
for item in tx.inputs:
addr = item.get('address')
if addr == address:
key = item['prevout_hash'] + ':%d' % item['prevout_n']
value = prevout_values.get(key)
if key in received_coins:
v -= value
for i, (addr, value) in enumerate(tx.outputs):
key = tx_hash + ':%d' % i
if addr == address:
v += value
if tx_height:
c += v
u += v
return c, u
def update_tx_outputs(tx, prevout_values):
for i, (addr, value) in enumerate(tx.outputs):
key = tx.hash() + ':%d' % i
prevout_values[key] = value
def main(address):
network = Network()
c, u = get_addr_balance(network, address)
print("Balance - confirmed: %d (%.8f BTC), unconfirmed: %d (%.8f BTC)" %
(c, c / 100000000., u, u / 100000000.))
if __name__ == "__main__":
address = sys.argv[1]
except Exception:
print "usage: get_balance <bitcoin_address>"