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from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Tuple, List, Dict
from .lnutil import SENT, RECEIVED, LOCAL, REMOTE, HTLCOwner, UpdateAddHtlc, Direction, FeeUpdate
from .util import bh2u, bfh
class HTLCManager:
def __init__(self, *, log=None, initial_feerate=None):
if log is None:
initial = {
'adds': {},
'locked_in': {},
'settles': {},
'fails': {},
'fee_updates': [],
'revack_pending': False,
'next_htlc_id': 0,
'ctn': -1, # oldest unrevoked ctx of sub
log = {LOCAL: deepcopy(initial), REMOTE: deepcopy(initial)}
assert type(log) is dict
log = {(HTLCOwner(int(k)) if k in ("-1", "1") else k): v
for k, v in deepcopy(log).items()}
for sub in (LOCAL, REMOTE):
log[sub]['adds'] = {int(htlc_id): UpdateAddHtlc(*htlc) for htlc_id, htlc in log[sub]['adds'].items()}
coerceHtlcOwner2IntMap = lambda ctns: {HTLCOwner(int(owner)): ctn for owner, ctn in ctns.items()}
# "side who offered htlc" -> action -> htlc_id -> whose ctx -> ctn
log[sub]['locked_in'] = {int(htlc_id): coerceHtlcOwner2IntMap(ctns) for htlc_id, ctns in log[sub]['locked_in'].items()}
log[sub]['settles'] = {int(htlc_id): coerceHtlcOwner2IntMap(ctns) for htlc_id, ctns in log[sub]['settles'].items()}
log[sub]['fails'] = {int(htlc_id): coerceHtlcOwner2IntMap(ctns) for htlc_id, ctns in log[sub]['fails'].items()}
# "side who initiated fee update" -> action -> list of FeeUpdates
log[sub]['fee_updates'] = [FeeUpdate.from_dict(fee_upd) for fee_upd in log[sub]['fee_updates']]
if 'unacked_local_updates2' not in log:
log['unacked_local_updates2'] = {}
log['unacked_local_updates2'] = {int(ctn): [bfh(msg) for msg in messages]
for ctn, messages in log['unacked_local_updates2'].items()}
# maybe bootstrap fee_updates if initial_feerate was provided
if initial_feerate is not None:
assert type(initial_feerate) is int
for sub in (LOCAL, REMOTE):
if not log[sub]['fee_updates']:
log[sub]['fee_updates'].append(FeeUpdate(initial_feerate, ctns={LOCAL:0, REMOTE:0}))
self.log = log
def ctn_latest(self, sub: HTLCOwner) -> int:
"""Return the ctn for the latest (newest that has a valid sig) ctx of sub"""
return self.ctn_oldest_unrevoked(sub) + int(self.is_revack_pending(sub))
def ctn_oldest_unrevoked(self, sub: HTLCOwner) -> int:
"""Return the ctn for the oldest unrevoked ctx of sub"""
return self.log[sub]['ctn']
def is_revack_pending(self, sub: HTLCOwner) -> bool:
"""Returns True iff sub was sent commitment_signed but they did not
send revoke_and_ack yet (sub has multiple unrevoked ctxs)
return self.log[sub]['revack_pending']
def _set_revack_pending(self, sub: HTLCOwner, pending: bool) -> None:
self.log[sub]['revack_pending'] = pending
def get_next_htlc_id(self, sub: HTLCOwner) -> int:
return self.log[sub]['next_htlc_id']
def to_save(self):
log = deepcopy(self.log)
for sub in (LOCAL, REMOTE):
# adds
d = {}
for htlc_id, htlc in log[sub]['adds'].items():
d[htlc_id] = (htlc[0], bh2u(htlc[1])) + htlc[2:]
log[sub]['adds'] = d
# fee_updates
log[sub]['fee_updates'] = [FeeUpdate.to_dict(fee_upd) for fee_upd in log[sub]['fee_updates']]
log['unacked_local_updates2'] = {ctn: [bh2u(msg) for msg in messages]
for ctn, messages in log['unacked_local_updates2'].items()}
return log
##### Actions on channel:
def channel_open_finished(self):
self.log[LOCAL]['ctn'] = 0
self.log[REMOTE]['ctn'] = 0
self._set_revack_pending(LOCAL, False)
self._set_revack_pending(REMOTE, False)
def send_htlc(self, htlc: UpdateAddHtlc) -> UpdateAddHtlc:
htlc_id = htlc.htlc_id
if htlc_id != self.get_next_htlc_id(LOCAL):
raise Exception(f"unexpected local htlc_id. next should be "
f"{self.get_next_htlc_id(LOCAL)} but got {htlc_id}")
self.log[LOCAL]['adds'][htlc_id] = htlc
self.log[LOCAL]['locked_in'][htlc_id] = {LOCAL: None, REMOTE: self.ctn_latest(REMOTE)+1}
self.log[LOCAL]['next_htlc_id'] += 1
return htlc
def recv_htlc(self, htlc: UpdateAddHtlc) -> None:
htlc_id = htlc.htlc_id
if htlc_id != self.get_next_htlc_id(REMOTE):
raise Exception(f"unexpected remote htlc_id. next should be "
f"{self.get_next_htlc_id(REMOTE)} but got {htlc_id}")
self.log[REMOTE]['adds'][htlc_id] = htlc
self.log[REMOTE]['locked_in'][htlc_id] = {LOCAL: self.ctn_latest(LOCAL)+1, REMOTE: None}
self.log[REMOTE]['next_htlc_id'] += 1
def send_settle(self, htlc_id: int) -> None:
self.log[REMOTE]['settles'][htlc_id] = {LOCAL: None, REMOTE: self.ctn_latest(REMOTE) + 1}
def recv_settle(self, htlc_id: int) -> None:
self.log[LOCAL]['settles'][htlc_id] = {LOCAL: self.ctn_latest(LOCAL) + 1, REMOTE: None}
def send_fail(self, htlc_id: int) -> None:
self.log[REMOTE]['fails'][htlc_id] = {LOCAL: None, REMOTE: self.ctn_latest(REMOTE) + 1}
def recv_fail(self, htlc_id: int) -> None:
self.log[LOCAL]['fails'][htlc_id] = {LOCAL: self.ctn_latest(LOCAL) + 1, REMOTE: None}
def send_update_fee(self, feerate: int) -> None:
fee_update = FeeUpdate(rate=feerate,
ctns={LOCAL: None, REMOTE: self.ctn_latest(REMOTE) + 1})
self._new_feeupdate(fee_update, subject=LOCAL)
def recv_update_fee(self, feerate: int) -> None:
fee_update = FeeUpdate(rate=feerate,
ctns={LOCAL: self.ctn_latest(LOCAL) + 1, REMOTE: None})
self._new_feeupdate(fee_update, subject=REMOTE)
def _new_feeupdate(self, fee_update: FeeUpdate, subject: HTLCOwner) -> None:
# overwrite last fee update if not yet committed to by anyone; otherwise append
last_fee_update = self.log[subject]['fee_updates'][-1]
if (last_fee_update.ctns[LOCAL] is None or last_fee_update.ctns[LOCAL] > self.ctn_latest(LOCAL)) \
and (last_fee_update.ctns[REMOTE] is None or last_fee_update.ctns[REMOTE] > self.ctn_latest(REMOTE)):
self.log[subject]['fee_updates'][-1] = fee_update
def send_ctx(self) -> None:
assert self.ctn_latest(REMOTE) == self.ctn_oldest_unrevoked(REMOTE), (self.ctn_latest(REMOTE), self.ctn_oldest_unrevoked(REMOTE))
self._set_revack_pending(REMOTE, True)
def recv_ctx(self) -> None:
assert self.ctn_latest(LOCAL) == self.ctn_oldest_unrevoked(LOCAL), (self.ctn_latest(LOCAL), self.ctn_oldest_unrevoked(LOCAL))
self._set_revack_pending(LOCAL, True)
def send_rev(self) -> None:
self.log[LOCAL]['ctn'] += 1
self._set_revack_pending(LOCAL, False)
# htlcs
for ctns in self.log[REMOTE]['locked_in'].values():
if ctns[REMOTE] is None and ctns[LOCAL] <= self.ctn_latest(LOCAL):
ctns[REMOTE] = self.ctn_latest(REMOTE) + 1
for log_action in ('settles', 'fails'):
for ctns in self.log[LOCAL][log_action].values():
if ctns[REMOTE] is None and ctns[LOCAL] <= self.ctn_latest(LOCAL):
ctns[REMOTE] = self.ctn_latest(REMOTE) + 1
# fee updates
for fee_update in self.log[REMOTE]['fee_updates']:
if fee_update.ctns[REMOTE] is None and fee_update.ctns[LOCAL] <= self.ctn_latest(LOCAL):
fee_update.ctns[REMOTE] = self.ctn_latest(REMOTE) + 1
def recv_rev(self) -> None:
self.log[REMOTE]['ctn'] += 1
self._set_revack_pending(REMOTE, False)
# htlcs
for ctns in self.log[LOCAL]['locked_in'].values():
if ctns[LOCAL] is None and ctns[REMOTE] <= self.ctn_latest(REMOTE):
ctns[LOCAL] = self.ctn_latest(LOCAL) + 1
for log_action in ('settles', 'fails'):
for ctns in self.log[REMOTE][log_action].values():
if ctns[LOCAL] is None and ctns[REMOTE] <= self.ctn_latest(REMOTE):
ctns[LOCAL] = self.ctn_latest(LOCAL) + 1
# fee updates
for fee_update in self.log[LOCAL]['fee_updates']:
if fee_update.ctns[LOCAL] is None and fee_update.ctns[REMOTE] <= self.ctn_latest(REMOTE):
fee_update.ctns[LOCAL] = self.ctn_latest(LOCAL) + 1
# no need to keep local update raw msgs anymore, they have just been ACKed.
self.log['unacked_local_updates2'].pop(self.log[REMOTE]['ctn'], None)
def discard_unsigned_remote_updates(self):
"""Discard updates sent by the remote, that the remote itself
did not yet sign (i.e. there was no corresponding commitment_signed msg)
# htlcs added
for htlc_id, ctns in list(self.log[REMOTE]['locked_in'].items()):
if ctns[LOCAL] > self.ctn_latest(LOCAL):
del self.log[REMOTE]['locked_in'][htlc_id]
del self.log[REMOTE]['adds'][htlc_id]
if self.log[REMOTE]['locked_in']:
self.log[REMOTE]['next_htlc_id'] = max(self.log[REMOTE]['locked_in']) + 1
self.log[REMOTE]['next_htlc_id'] = 0
# htlcs removed
for log_action in ('settles', 'fails'):
for htlc_id, ctns in list(self.log[LOCAL][log_action].items()):
if ctns[LOCAL] > self.ctn_latest(LOCAL):
del self.log[LOCAL][log_action][htlc_id]
# fee updates
for i, fee_update in enumerate(list(self.log[REMOTE]['fee_updates'])):
if fee_update.ctns[LOCAL] > self.ctn_latest(LOCAL):
del self.log[REMOTE]['fee_updates'][i]
def store_local_update_raw_msg(self, raw_update_msg: bytes, *, is_commitment_signed: bool) -> None:
"""We need to be able to replay unacknowledged updates we sent to the remote
in case of disconnections. Hence, raw update and commitment_signed messages
are stored temporarily (until they are acked)."""
# self.log['unacked_local_updates2'][ctn_idx] is a list of raw messages
# containing some number of updates and then a single commitment_signed
if is_commitment_signed:
ctn_idx = self.ctn_latest(REMOTE)
ctn_idx = self.ctn_latest(REMOTE) + 1
if ctn_idx not in self.log['unacked_local_updates2']:
self.log['unacked_local_updates2'][ctn_idx] = []
def get_unacked_local_updates(self) -> Dict[int, Sequence[bytes]]:
return self.log['unacked_local_updates2']
##### Queries re HTLCs:
def htlcs_by_direction(self, subject: HTLCOwner, direction: Direction,
ctn: int = None) -> Dict[int, UpdateAddHtlc]:
"""Return the dict of received or sent (depending on direction) HTLCs
in subject's ctx at ctn, keyed by htlc_id.
direction is relative to subject!
assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
assert type(direction) is Direction
if ctn is None:
ctn = self.ctn_oldest_unrevoked(subject)
d = {}
# subject's ctx
# party is the proposer of the HTLCs
party = subject if direction == SENT else subject.inverted()
settles = self.log[party]['settles']
fails = self.log[party]['fails']
for htlc_id, ctns in self.log[party]['locked_in'].items():
if ctns[subject] is not None and ctns[subject] <= ctn:
not_settled = htlc_id not in settles or settles[htlc_id][subject] is None or settles[htlc_id][subject] > ctn
not_failed = htlc_id not in fails or fails[htlc_id][subject] is None or fails[htlc_id][subject] > ctn
if not_settled and not_failed:
d[htlc_id] = self.log[party]['adds'][htlc_id]
return d
def htlcs(self, subject: HTLCOwner, ctn: int = None) -> Sequence[Tuple[Direction, UpdateAddHtlc]]:
"""Return the list of HTLCs in subject's ctx at ctn."""
assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
if ctn is None:
ctn = self.ctn_oldest_unrevoked(subject)
l = []
l += [(SENT, x) for x in self.htlcs_by_direction(subject, SENT, ctn).values()]
l += [(RECEIVED, x) for x in self.htlcs_by_direction(subject, RECEIVED, ctn).values()]
return l
def get_htlcs_in_oldest_unrevoked_ctx(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> Sequence[Tuple[Direction, UpdateAddHtlc]]:
assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
ctn = self.ctn_oldest_unrevoked(subject)
return self.htlcs(subject, ctn)
def get_htlcs_in_latest_ctx(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> Sequence[Tuple[Direction, UpdateAddHtlc]]:
assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
ctn = self.ctn_latest(subject)
return self.htlcs(subject, ctn)
def get_htlcs_in_next_ctx(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> Sequence[Tuple[Direction, UpdateAddHtlc]]:
assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
ctn = self.ctn_latest(subject) + 1
return self.htlcs(subject, ctn)
def was_htlc_preimage_released(self, *, htlc_id: int, htlc_sender: HTLCOwner) -> bool:
settles = self.log[htlc_sender]['settles']
if htlc_id not in settles:
return False
return settles[htlc_id][htlc_sender] is not None
def all_settled_htlcs_ever_by_direction(self, subject: HTLCOwner, direction: Direction,
ctn: int = None) -> Sequence[UpdateAddHtlc]:
"""Return the list of all HTLCs that have been ever settled in subject's
ctx up to ctn, filtered to only "direction".
assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
if ctn is None:
ctn = self.ctn_oldest_unrevoked(subject)
# subject's ctx
# party is the proposer of the HTLCs
party = subject if direction == SENT else subject.inverted()
d = []
for htlc_id, ctns in self.log[party]['settles'].items():
if ctns[subject] is not None and ctns[subject] <= ctn:
return d
def all_settled_htlcs_ever(self, subject: HTLCOwner, ctn: int = None) \
-> Sequence[Tuple[Direction, UpdateAddHtlc]]:
"""Return the list of all HTLCs that have been ever settled in subject's
ctx up to ctn.
assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
if ctn is None:
ctn = self.ctn_oldest_unrevoked(subject)
sent = [(SENT, x) for x in self.all_settled_htlcs_ever_by_direction(subject, SENT, ctn)]
received = [(RECEIVED, x) for x in self.all_settled_htlcs_ever_by_direction(subject, RECEIVED, ctn)]
return sent + received
def received_in_ctn(self, ctn: int) -> Sequence[UpdateAddHtlc]:
return [self.log[REMOTE]['adds'][htlc_id]
for htlc_id, ctns in self.log[REMOTE]['settles'].items()
if ctns[LOCAL] == ctn]
def sent_in_ctn(self, ctn: int) -> Sequence[UpdateAddHtlc]:
return [self.log[LOCAL]['adds'][htlc_id]
for htlc_id, ctns in self.log[LOCAL]['settles'].items()
if ctns[LOCAL] == ctn]
##### Queries re Fees:
def get_feerate(self, subject: HTLCOwner, ctn: int) -> int:
"""Return feerate used in subject's commitment txn at ctn."""
ctn = max(0, ctn) # FIXME rm this
# only one party can update fees; use length of logs to figure out which:
assert not (len(self.log[LOCAL]['fee_updates']) > 1 and len(self.log[REMOTE]['fee_updates']) > 1)
fee_log = self.log[LOCAL]['fee_updates'] # type: Sequence[FeeUpdate]
if len(self.log[REMOTE]['fee_updates']) > 1:
fee_log = self.log[REMOTE]['fee_updates']
# binary search
left = 0
right = len(fee_log)
while True:
i = (left + right) // 2
ctn_at_i = fee_log[i].ctns[subject]
if right - left <= 1:
if ctn_at_i is None: # Nones can only be on the right end
right = i
if ctn_at_i <= ctn: # among equals, we want the rightmost
left = i
right = i
assert ctn_at_i <= ctn
return fee_log[i].rate
def get_feerate_in_oldest_unrevoked_ctx(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> int:
return self.get_feerate(subject=subject, ctn=self.ctn_oldest_unrevoked(subject))
def get_feerate_in_latest_ctx(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> int:
return self.get_feerate(subject=subject, ctn=self.ctn_latest(subject))
def get_feerate_in_next_ctx(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> int:
return self.get_feerate(subject=subject, ctn=self.ctn_latest(subject) + 1)