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Protocol Basics
Message Stream
Clients and servers communicate using **JSON RPC** over an unspecified
underlying stream transport protocol, typically TCP or SSL.
Two standards `JSON RPC 1.0
<>`_ and `JSON RPC 2.0
<>`_ are specified; use of version
2.0 is encouraged but not required. Server support of batch requests
is encouraged for version 1.0 but not required. Clients making batch
requests should limit their size depending on the nature of their
query, because servers will limit response size as an anti-DoS
Eeach RPC call, and each response, is separated by a single newline in
their respective streams. The JSON specification does not permit
control characters within strings, so no confusion is possible there.
However it does permit newlines as extraneous whitespace between
elements; client and server MUST NOT use newlines in such a way.
If using JSON RPC 2.0's feature of parameter passing by name, the
names shown in the description of the method in question MUST be used.
A server advertising support for a particular protocol version MUST
support each method documented for that protocol version, unless the
method is explicitly marked optional. It may support other methods or
additional parameters with unspecified behaviour. Use of additional
parameters is discouraged as it may conflict with future versions of
the protocol.
Some RPC calls are subscriptions, which, after the initial response,
will send a JSON RPC :dfn:`notification` each time the thing
subscribed to changes. The `method` of the notification is the same
as the method of the subscription, and the `params` of the
notification (and their names) are given in the documentation of the
Version Negotiation
It is desirable to have a way to enhance and improve the protocol
without forcing servers and clients to upgrade at the same time.
Protocol negotiation is not implemented in any client or server at
present to the best of my knowledge, so care is needed to ensure
current clients and servers continue to operate as expected.
Protocol versions are denoted by dotted "a.b" strings, where *m* is
the major version number and *n* the minor version number. For
example: "1.5".
A party to a connection will speak all protocol versions in a range,
say from `protocol_min` to `protocol_max`, which may be the same.
When a connection is made, both client and server must initially
assume the protocol to use is their own `protocol_min`.
The client should send a :func:`server.version` RPC call as early as
possible in order to negotiate the precise protocol version; see its
description for more detail. All responses received in the stream
from and including the server's response to this call will use the
negotiated protocol version.
.. _deserialized header:
Deserialized Headers
A deserialized header is a dictionary that is coin-specific, and may
even vary in its members for the same coin at different heights.
A typical example would be similar to this template::
"block_height": <integer>,
"version": <integer>,
"prev_block_hash": <hexadecimal string>,
"merkle_root": <hexadecimal string>,
"timestamp": <integer>,
"bits": <integer>,
"nonce": <integer>
The precise meaning of a block header varies across coins, and also by
coin depending on height, so deserialized headers are deprecated and
will be removed from the protocol in some future version. Instead,
raw headers (as hexadecimal strings) along with their height will be
returned by RPC calls, and it will be up to the client to interpret
them. Detailed knowledge of the meaning of a block header is neither
necessary nor appropriate in the server.
.. _script hashes:
Script Hashes
A :dfn:`script hash` is the hash of the binary bytes of the locking
script (ScriptPubKey), expressed as a hexadecimal string. The hash
function to use is given by the "hash_function" member of
:func:`server.features` (currently "sha256" only). Like for block and
transaction hashes, when converting the big-endian binary hash to a
hexadecimal string the least-significant byte appears first, and the
most-significant byte last.
For example, the legacy Bitcoin address from the genesis block::
has P2PKH script::
with SHA256 hash::
which is sent to the server reversed as::
By subscribing to this hash you can find P2PKH payments to that address.
One public key for that address (the genesis block public key) is::
which has P2PK script::
with SHA256 hash::
which is sent to the server reversed as::
By subscribing to this hash you can find P2PK payments to that public
.. note:: The Genesis block coinbase is unspendable and therefore not
indexed. It will not show with the above P2PK script hash
.. _status:
To calculate the `status` of a :ref:`script hash <script hashes>` (or
1. order confirmed transactions to the script hash by height (and
position in the block if there are more than one in a block)
2. form a string that is the concatenation of strings
``"tx_hash:height:"`` for each transaction in order, where:
* ``tx_hash`` is the transaction hash in hexadecimal
* ``height`` is the height of the block it is in.
3. Next, with mempool transactions in any order, append a string that
is the same, but where **height** is ``-1`` if the transaction has at
least one unconfirmed input, and ``0`` if all inputs are confirmed.
4. The :dfn:`status` of the script hash is the :func:`sha256` hash of the
full string expressed as a hexadecimal string.