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# Copyright (c) 2016, Neil Booth
# All rights reserved.
# See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright
# and warranty status of this software.
'''Interface to the blockchain database.'''
import array
import ast
import itertools
import os
from struct import pack, unpack
from bisect import bisect_right
from collections import namedtuple
from lib.util import chunks, formatted_time, LoggedClass
from lib.hash import hash_to_str
from import open_db
from server.version import VERSION
UTXO = namedtuple("UTXO", "tx_num tx_pos tx_hash height value")
class DB(LoggedClass):
'''Simple wrapper of the backend database for querying.
Performs no DB update, though the DB will be cleaned on opening if
it was shutdown uncleanly.
class MissingUTXOError(Exception):
'''Raised if a mempool tx input UTXO couldn't be found.'''
class DBError(Exception):
'''Raised on general DB errors generally indicating corruption.'''
def __init__(self, env):
self.env = env
self.coin = env.coin'switching current directory to {}'
os.chdir(env.db_dir)'reorg limit is {:,d} blocks'
self.db = None
create = self.db_height == -1
self.headers_file = self.open_file('headers', create)
self.txcount_file = self.open_file('txcount', create)
self.tx_hash_file_size = 16 * 1024 * 1024
# tx_counts[N] has the cumulative number of txs at the end of
# height N. So tx_counts[0] is 1 - the genesis coinbase
self.tx_counts = array.array('I')
self.tx_counts.fromfile(self.txcount_file, self.db_height + 1)
if self.tx_counts:
assert self.db_tx_count == self.tx_counts[-1]
assert self.db_tx_count == 0
def open_db(self, for_sync):
'''Open the database. If the database is already open, it is
closed and re-opened.
If for_sync is True, it is opened for sync (high number of open
file, etc.)
Re-open to set the maximum number of open files appropriately.
def log_reason(message, is_for_sync):
reason = 'sync' if is_for_sync else 'serving''{} for {}'.format(message, reason))
if self.db:
if self.db.for_sync == for_sync:
log_reason('closing DB to re-open', for_sync)
# Open DB and metadata files. Record some of its state.
db_name = '{}-{}'.format(self.coin.NAME, self.coin.NET)
self.db = open_db(db_name, self.env.db_engine, for_sync)
if self.db.is_new:'created new {} database {}'
.format(self.env.db_engine, db_name))
log_reason('opened {} database {}'
.format(self.env.db_engine, db_name), self.db.for_sync)
if self.first_sync == self.db.for_sync:'software version: {}'.format(VERSION))'DB version: {:d}'.format(self.db_version))'coin: {}'.format(self.coin.NAME))'network: {}'.format(self.coin.NET))'height: {:,d}'.format(self.db_height))'tip: {}'.format(hash_to_str(self.db_tip)))'tx count: {:,d}'.format(self.db_tx_count))
if self.first_sync:'sync time so far: {}'
def read_state(self):
if self.db.is_new:
self.db_height = -1
self.db_tx_count = 0
self.db_tip = b'\0' * 32
self.db_version = max(self.DB_VERSIONS)
self.flush_count = 0
self.utxo_flush_count = 0
self.wall_time = 0
self.first_sync = True
state = self.db.get(b'state')
if state:
state = ast.literal_eval(state.decode())
if not isinstance(state, dict):
raise self.DBError('failed reading state from DB')
8 years ago
self.db_version = state['db_version']
if self.db_version not in self.DB_VERSIONS:
raise self.DBError('your DB version is {} but this software '
'only handles versions {}'
.format(self.db_version, self.DB_VERSIONS))
if state['genesis'] != self.coin.GENESIS_HASH:
raise self.DBError('DB genesis hash {} does not match coin {}'
self.db_height = state['height']
self.db_tx_count = state['tx_count']
self.db_tip = state['tip']
self.flush_count = state['flush_count']
self.utxo_flush_count = state['utxo_flush_count']
self.wall_time = state['wall_time']
self.first_sync = state['first_sync']
if self.flush_count < self.utxo_flush_count:
raise self.DBError('DB corrupt: flush_count < utxo_flush_count')
def write_state(self, batch):
'''Write chain state to the batch.'''
state = {
'genesis': self.coin.GENESIS_HASH,
'height': self.db_height,
'tx_count': self.db_tx_count,
'tip': self.db_tip,
'flush_count': self.flush_count,
'utxo_flush_count': self.utxo_flush_count,
'wall_time': self.wall_time,
'first_sync': self.first_sync,
'db_version': self.db_version,
batch.put(b'state', repr(state).encode())
def clean_db(self):
'''Clean out stale DB items.
Stale DB items are excess history flushed since the most
recent UTXO flush (only happens on unclean shutdown), and aged
undo information.
if self.flush_count > self.utxo_flush_count:
self.utxo_flush_count = self.flush_count'DB shut down uncleanly. Scanning for '
'excess history flushes...')
history_keys = self.excess_history_keys()'deleting {:,d} history entries'
history_keys = []
undo_keys = self.stale_undo_keys()
if undo_keys:'deleting {:,d} stale undo entries'
with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
batch_delete = batch.delete
for key in history_keys:
for key in undo_keys:
def excess_history_keys(self):
prefix = b'H'
keys = []
for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
flush_id, = unpack('>H', key[-2:])
if flush_id > self.utxo_flush_count:
return keys
def stale_undo_keys(self):
prefix = b'U'
cutoff = self.db_height - self.env.reorg_limit
keys = []
for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
height, = unpack('>I', key[-4:])
if height > cutoff:
return keys
def undo_key(self, height):
'''DB key for undo information at the given height.'''
return b'U' + pack('>I', height)
def write_undo_info(self, height, undo_info):
'''Write out undo information for the current height.'''
self.db.put(self.undo_key(height), undo_info)
def read_undo_info(self, height):
'''Read undo information from a file for the current height.'''
return self.db.get(self.undo_key(height))
def open_file(self, filename, create=False):
'''Open the file name. Return its handle.'''
return open(filename, 'rb+')
except FileNotFoundError:
if create:
return open(filename, 'wb+')
def fs_update(self, fs_height, headers, block_tx_hashes):
'''Write headers, the tx_count array and block tx hashes to disk.
Their first height is fs_height. No recorded DB state is
updated. These arrays are all append only, so in a crash we
just pick up again from the DB height.
blocks_done = len(self.headers)
new_height = fs_height + blocks_done
prior_tx_count = (self.tx_counts[fs_height] if fs_height >= 0 else 0)
cur_tx_count = self.tx_counts[-1] if self.tx_counts else 0
txs_done = cur_tx_count - prior_tx_count
assert len(self.tx_hashes) == blocks_done
assert len(self.tx_counts) == new_height + 1
# First the headers + 1) * self.coin.HEADER_LEN)
# Then the tx counts + 1) * self.tx_counts.itemsize)
self.txcount_file.write(self.tx_counts[fs_height + 1:])
# Finally the hashes
hashes = memoryview(b''.join(itertools.chain(*block_tx_hashes)))
assert len(hashes) % 32 == 0
assert len(hashes) // 32 == txs_done
cursor = 0
file_pos = prior_tx_count * 32
while cursor < len(hashes):
file_num, offset = divmod(file_pos, self.tx_hash_file_size)
size = min(len(hashes) - cursor, self.tx_hash_file_size - offset)
filename = 'hashes{:04d}'.format(file_num)
with self.open_file(filename, create=True) as f:
f.write(hashes[cursor:cursor + size])
cursor += size
file_pos += size
def read_headers(self, start, count):
'''Requires count >= 0.'''
# Read some from disk
disk_count = min(count, self.db_height + 1 - start)
if start < 0 or count < 0 or disk_count != count:
raise self.DBError('{:,d} headers starting at {:,d} not on disk'
.format(count, start))
if disk_count:
header_len = self.coin.HEADER_LEN * header_len)
return * header_len)
return b''
def fs_tx_hash(self, tx_num):
'''Return a par (tx_hash, tx_height) for the given tx number.
If the tx_height is not on disk, returns (None, tx_height).'''
tx_height = bisect_right(self.tx_counts, tx_num)
if tx_height > self.db_height:
return None, tx_height
file_pos = tx_num * 32
file_num, offset = divmod(file_pos, self.tx_hash_file_size)
filename = 'hashes{:04d}'.format(file_num)
with self.open_file(filename) as f:
return, tx_height
def fs_block_hashes(self, height, count):
headers = self.read_headers(height, count)
# FIXME: move to
hlen = self.coin.HEADER_LEN
return [self.coin.header_hash(header)
for header in chunks(headers, hlen)]
def _resolve_limit(limit):
if limit is None:
return -1
assert isinstance(limit, int) and limit >= 0
return limit
def get_history(self, hash168, limit=1000):
'''Generator that returns an unpruned, sorted list of (tx_hash,
height) tuples of confirmed transactions that touched the address,
earliest in the blockchain first. Includes both spending and
receiving transactions. By default yields at most 1000 entries.
Set limit to None to get them all.
limit = self._resolve_limit(limit)
prefix = b'H' + hash168
for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
a = array.array('I')
for tx_num in a:
if limit == 0:
yield self.fs_tx_hash(tx_num)
limit -= 1
def get_balance(self, hash168):
'''Returns the confirmed balance of an address.'''
return sum(utxo.value for utxo in self.get_utxos(hash168, limit=None))
def get_utxos(self, hash168, limit=1000):
'''Generator that yields all UTXOs for an address sorted in no
particular order. By default yields at most 1000 entries.
Set limit to None to get them all.
limit = self._resolve_limit(limit)
s_unpack = unpack
# Key: b'u' + address_hash168 + tx_idx + tx_num
# Value: the UTXO value as a 64-bit unsigned integer
prefix = b'u' + hash168
for db_key, db_value in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
if limit == 0:
limit -= 1
tx_pos, tx_num = s_unpack('<HI', db_key[-6:])
value, = unpack('<Q', db_value)
tx_hash, height = self.fs_tx_hash(tx_num)
yield UTXO(tx_num, tx_pos, tx_hash, height, value)
def get_utxo_hash168(self, tx_hash, index):
'''Returns the hash168 for a UTXO.
Used only for electrum client command-line requests.
hash168 = None
if 0 <= index <= 65535:
idx_packed = pack('<H', index)
hash168, tx_num_packed = self.db_hash168(tx_hash, idx_packed)
return hash168
def db_hash168(self, tx_hash, idx_packed):
'''Return (hash168, tx_num_packed) for the given TXO.
Both are None if not found.'''
# Key: b'h' + compressed_tx_hash + tx_idx + tx_num
# Value: hash168
prefix = b'h' + tx_hash[:4] + idx_packed
# Find which entry, if any, the TX_HASH matches.
for db_key, hash168 in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
assert len(hash168) == 21
tx_num_packed = db_key[-4:]
tx_num, = unpack('<I', tx_num_packed)
hash, height = self.fs_tx_hash(tx_num)
if hash == tx_hash:
return hash168, tx_num_packed
return None, None
def db_utxo_lookup(self, tx_hash, tx_idx):
'''Given a prevout return a (hash168, value) pair.
Raises MissingUTXOError if the UTXO is not found. Used by the
mempool code.
idx_packed = pack('<H', tx_idx)
hash168, tx_num_packed = self.db_hash168(tx_hash, idx_packed)
if not hash168:
# This can happen when the daemon is a block ahead of us
# and has mempool txs spending outputs from that new block
raise self.MissingUTXOError
# Key: b'u' + address_hash168 + tx_idx + tx_num
# Value: the UTXO value as a 64-bit unsigned integer
key = b'u' + hash168 + idx_packed + tx_num_packed
db_value = self.db.get(key)
if not db_value:
raise self.DBError('UTXO {} / {:,d} in one table only'
.format(hash_to_str(tx_hash), tx_idx))
value, = unpack('<Q', db_value)
return hash168, value