Browse Source

Move mempool to be with BlockServer

BlockProcessor doesn't really need a mempool; mempools are
only useful for servers.
Set first_sync before flushing, so it goes into DB state.
Start servers immediately on catchup; mempool fills asynchronously.

Fixes #31
Neil Booth 8 years ago
  1. 183
  2. 195


@ -152,170 +152,6 @@ class ChainReorg(Exception):
'''Raised on a blockchain reorganisation.'''
class MemPool(LoggedClass):
'''Representation of the daemon's mempool.
Updated regularly in caught-up state. Goal is to enable efficient
response to the value() and transactions() calls.
To that end we maintain the following maps:
tx_hash -> [txin_pairs, txout_pairs, unconfirmed]
hash168 -> set of all tx hashes in which the hash168 appears
A pair is a (hash168, value) tuple. Unconfirmed is true if any of the
tx's txins are unconfirmed. tx hashes are hex strings.
def __init__(self, bp):
self.txs = {}
self.hash168s = defaultdict(set) # None can be a key
self.bp = bp
self.count = -1
async def update(self, hex_hashes):
'''Update state given the current mempool to the passed set of hashes.
Remove transactions that are no longer in our mempool.
Request new transactions we don't have then add to our mempool.
hex_hashes = set(hex_hashes)
touched = set()
missing_utxos = []
initial = self.count < 0
if initial:'beginning import of {:,d} mempool txs'
# Remove gone items
gone = set(self.txs).difference(hex_hashes)
for hex_hash in gone:
txin_pairs, txout_pairs, unconfirmed = self.txs.pop(hex_hash)
hash168s = set(hash168 for hash168, value in txin_pairs)
hash168s.update(hash168 for hash168, value in txout_pairs)
for hash168 in hash168s:
if not self.hash168s[hash168]:
del self.hash168s[hash168]
# Get the raw transactions for the new hashes. Ignore the
# ones the daemon no longer has (it will return None). Put
# them into a dictionary of hex hash to deserialized tx.
raw_txs = await self.bp.daemon.getrawtransactions(hex_hashes)
if initial:'analysing {:,d} mempool txs'
new_txs = {hex_hash: Deserializer(raw_tx).read_tx()
for hex_hash, raw_tx in zip(hex_hashes, raw_txs) if raw_tx}
del raw_txs, hex_hashes
# The mempool is unordered, so process all outputs first so
# that looking for inputs has full info.
script_hash168 = self.bp.coin.hash168_from_script()
db_utxo_lookup = self.bp.db_utxo_lookup
def txout_pair(txout):
return (script_hash168(txout.pk_script), txout.value)
for n, (hex_hash, tx) in enumerate(new_txs.items()):
# Yield to process e.g. signals
if n % 100 == 0:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
txout_pairs = [txout_pair(txout) for txout in tx.outputs]
self.txs[hex_hash] = (None, txout_pairs, None)
def txin_info(txin):
hex_hash = hash_to_str(txin.prev_hash)
mempool_entry = self.txs.get(hex_hash)
if mempool_entry:
return mempool_entry[1][txin.prev_idx], True
pair = db_utxo_lookup(txin.prev_hash, txin.prev_idx)
return pair, False
if initial:
next_log = time.time()'processed outputs, now examining inputs. '
'This can take some time...')
# Now add the inputs
for n, (hex_hash, tx) in enumerate(new_txs.items()):
# Yield to process e.g. signals
if n % 10 == 0:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
if initial and time.time() > next_log:
next_log = time.time() + 20'{:,d} done ({:d}%)'
.format(n, int(n / len(new_txs) * 100)))
txout_pairs = self.txs[hex_hash][1]
infos = (txin_info(txin) for txin in tx.inputs)
txin_pairs, unconfs = zip(*infos)
except self.bp.MissingUTXOError:
# Drop this TX. If other mempool txs depend on it
# it's harmless - next time the mempool is refreshed
# they'll either be cleaned up or the UTXOs will no
# longer be missing.
del self.txs[hex_hash]
self.txs[hex_hash] = (txin_pairs, txout_pairs, any(unconfs))
# Update touched and self.hash168s for the new tx
for hash168, value in txin_pairs:
for hash168, value in txout_pairs:
if missing_utxos:'{:,d} txs had missing UTXOs; probably the '
'daemon is a block or two ahead of us.'
first = ', '.join('{} / {:,d}'.format(hash_to_str(txin.prev_hash),
for txin in sorted(missing_utxos)[:3])'first ones are {}'.format(first))
self.count += 1
if self.count % 25 == 0 or gone:
self.count = 0'{:,d} txs touching {:,d} addresses'
.format(len(self.txs), len(self.hash168s)))
# Might include a None
return touched
def transactions(self, hash168):
'''Generate (hex_hash, tx_fee, unconfirmed) tuples for mempool
entries for the hash168.
unconfirmed is True if any txin is unconfirmed.
for hex_hash in self.hash168s[hash168]:
txin_pairs, txout_pairs, unconfirmed = self.txs[hex_hash]
tx_fee = (sum(v for hash168, v in txin_pairs)
- sum(v for hash168, v in txout_pairs))
yield (hex_hash, tx_fee, unconfirmed)
def value(self, hash168):
'''Return the unconfirmed amount in the mempool for hash168.
Can be positive or negative.
value = 0
for hex_hash in self.hash168s[hash168]:
txin_pairs, txout_pairs, unconfirmed = self.txs[hex_hash]
value -= sum(v for h168, v in txin_pairs if h168 == hash168)
value += sum(v for h168, v in txout_pairs if h168 == hash168)
return value
class BlockProcessor(server.db.DB):
'''Process blocks and update the DB state to match.
@ -335,7 +171,6 @@ class BlockProcessor(server.db.DB):
self.daemon = Daemon(env.daemon_url, env.debug)
self.mempool = MemPool(self)
self.touched = set()
self.futures = []
@ -423,12 +258,11 @@ class BlockProcessor(server.db.DB):
'''Called after each deamon poll if caught up.'''
# Caught up to daemon height. Flush everything as queries
# are performed on the DB and not in-memory.
if self.first_sync:
self.first_sync = False'{} synced to height {:,d}. DB version:'
.format(VERSION, self.height, self.db_version))
self.touched.update(await self.mempool.update(mempool_hashes))
async def handle_chain_reorg(self):
# First get all state on disk
@ -1025,18 +859,3 @@ class BlockProcessor(server.db.DB):
tx_hash = tx_hashes[tx_num - self.tx_counts[tx_height - 1]]
return tx_hash, tx_height
def mempool_transactions(self, hash168):
'''Generate (hex_hash, tx_fee, unconfirmed) tuples for mempool
entries for the hash168.
unconfirmed is True if any txin is unconfirmed.
return self.mempool.transactions(hash168)
def mempool_value(self, hash168):
'''Return the unconfirmed amount in the mempool for hash168.
Can be positive or negative.
return self.mempool.value(hash168)


@ -27,19 +27,25 @@ from server.version import VERSION
class BlockServer(BlockProcessor):
'''Like BlockProcessor but also has a server manager and starts
servers when caught up.'''
'''Like BlockProcessor but also has a mempool and a server manager.
Servers are started immediately the block processor first catches
up with the daemon.
def __init__(self, env):
self.server_mgr = ServerManager(self, env)
self.bs_caught_up = False
self.mempool = MemPool(self)
self.caught_up_yet = False
async def caught_up(self, mempool_hashes):
# Call the base class to flush before doing anything else.
await super().caught_up(mempool_hashes)
if not self.bs_caught_up:
if not self.caught_up_yet:
await self.server_mgr.start_servers()
self.bs_caught_up = True
self.caught_up_yet = True
self.touched.update(await self.mempool.update(mempool_hashes))
self.server_mgr.notify(self.height, self.touched)
def on_cancel(self):
@ -47,6 +53,185 @@ class BlockServer(BlockProcessor):
def mempool_transactions(self, hash168):
'''Generate (hex_hash, tx_fee, unconfirmed) tuples for mempool
entries for the hash168.
unconfirmed is True if any txin is unconfirmed.
return self.mempool.transactions(hash168)
def mempool_value(self, hash168):
'''Return the unconfirmed amount in the mempool for hash168.
Can be positive or negative.
return self.mempool.value(hash168)
class MemPool(LoggedClass):
'''Representation of the daemon's mempool.
Updated regularly in caught-up state. Goal is to enable efficient
response to the value() and transactions() calls.
To that end we maintain the following maps:
tx_hash -> [txin_pairs, txout_pairs, unconfirmed]
hash168 -> set of all tx hashes in which the hash168 appears
A pair is a (hash168, value) tuple. Unconfirmed is true if any of the
tx's txins are unconfirmed. tx hashes are hex strings.
def __init__(self, bp):
self.txs = {}
self.hash168s = defaultdict(set) # None can be a key
self.bp = bp
self.count = -1
async def update(self, hex_hashes):
'''Update state given the current mempool to the passed set of hashes.
Remove transactions that are no longer in our mempool.
Request new transactions we don't have then add to our mempool.
hex_hashes = set(hex_hashes)
touched = set()
missing_utxos = []
initial = self.count < 0
if initial:'beginning import of {:,d} mempool txs'
# Remove gone items
gone = set(self.txs).difference(hex_hashes)
for hex_hash in gone:
txin_pairs, txout_pairs, unconfirmed = self.txs.pop(hex_hash)
hash168s = set(hash168 for hash168, value in txin_pairs)
hash168s.update(hash168 for hash168, value in txout_pairs)
for hash168 in hash168s:
if not self.hash168s[hash168]:
del self.hash168s[hash168]
# Get the raw transactions for the new hashes. Ignore the
# ones the daemon no longer has (it will return None). Put
# them into a dictionary of hex hash to deserialized tx.
raw_txs = await self.bp.daemon.getrawtransactions(hex_hashes)
if initial:'analysing {:,d} mempool txs'
new_txs = {hex_hash: Deserializer(raw_tx).read_tx()
for hex_hash, raw_tx in zip(hex_hashes, raw_txs) if raw_tx}
del raw_txs, hex_hashes
# The mempool is unordered, so process all outputs first so
# that looking for inputs has full info.
script_hash168 = self.bp.coin.hash168_from_script()
db_utxo_lookup = self.bp.db_utxo_lookup
def txout_pair(txout):
return (script_hash168(txout.pk_script), txout.value)
for n, (hex_hash, tx) in enumerate(new_txs.items()):
# Yield to process e.g. signals
if n % 100 == 0:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
txout_pairs = [txout_pair(txout) for txout in tx.outputs]
self.txs[hex_hash] = (None, txout_pairs, None)
def txin_info(txin):
hex_hash = hash_to_str(txin.prev_hash)
mempool_entry = self.txs.get(hex_hash)
if mempool_entry:
return mempool_entry[1][txin.prev_idx], True
pair = db_utxo_lookup(txin.prev_hash, txin.prev_idx)
return pair, False
if initial:
next_log = time.time()'processed outputs, now examining inputs. '
'This can take some time...')
# Now add the inputs
for n, (hex_hash, tx) in enumerate(new_txs.items()):
# Yield to process e.g. signals
if n % 10 == 0:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
if initial and time.time() > next_log:
next_log = time.time() + 20'{:,d} done ({:d}%)'
.format(n, int(n / len(new_txs) * 100)))
txout_pairs = self.txs[hex_hash][1]
infos = (txin_info(txin) for txin in tx.inputs)
txin_pairs, unconfs = zip(*infos)
except self.bp.MissingUTXOError:
# Drop this TX. If other mempool txs depend on it
# it's harmless - next time the mempool is refreshed
# they'll either be cleaned up or the UTXOs will no
# longer be missing.
del self.txs[hex_hash]
self.txs[hex_hash] = (txin_pairs, txout_pairs, any(unconfs))
# Update touched and self.hash168s for the new tx
for hash168, value in txin_pairs:
for hash168, value in txout_pairs:
if missing_utxos:'{:,d} txs had missing UTXOs; probably the '
'daemon is a block or two ahead of us.'
first = ', '.join('{} / {:,d}'.format(hash_to_str(txin.prev_hash),
for txin in sorted(missing_utxos)[:3])'first ones are {}'.format(first))
self.count += 1
if self.count % 25 == 0 or gone:
self.count = 0'{:,d} txs touching {:,d} addresses'
.format(len(self.txs), len(self.hash168s)))
# Might include a None
return touched
def transactions(self, hash168):
'''Generate (hex_hash, tx_fee, unconfirmed) tuples for mempool
entries for the hash168.
unconfirmed is True if any txin is unconfirmed.
for hex_hash in self.hash168s[hash168]:
txin_pairs, txout_pairs, unconfirmed = self.txs[hex_hash]
tx_fee = (sum(v for hash168, v in txin_pairs)
- sum(v for hash168, v in txout_pairs))
yield (hex_hash, tx_fee, unconfirmed)
def value(self, hash168):
'''Return the unconfirmed amount in the mempool for hash168.
Can be positive or negative.
value = 0
for hex_hash in self.hash168s[hash168]:
txin_pairs, txout_pairs, unconfirmed = self.txs[hex_hash]
value -= sum(v for h168, v in txin_pairs if h168 == hash168)
value += sum(v for h168, v in txout_pairs if h168 == hash168)
return value
class ServerManager(LoggedClass):
'''Manages the servers.'''
