@ -26,81 +26,95 @@ import server.db
class Prefetcher ( LoggedClass ) :
''' Prefetches blocks (in the forward direction only). '''
def __init__ ( self , tasks , daemon , height ) :
def __init__ ( self , coin , daemon , height ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . tasks = tasks
self . coin = coin
self . daemon = daemon
self . semaphore = asyncio . Semaphore ( )
self . caught_up = False
# Access to fetched_height should be protected by the semaphore
self . fetched_height = height
# A list of (blocks, size) pairs. Earliest last.
self . cache = [ ]
self . semaphore = asyncio . Semaphore ( )
self . refill_event = asyncio . Event ( )
# A cache queue of (blocks, size) pairs. The target cache
# size has little effect on sync time.
self . cache = asyncio . Queue ( )
self . cache_size = 0
# Target cache size. Has little effect on sync time.
self . target_cache_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024
self . min_cache_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024
# This makes the first fetch be 10 blocks
self . ave_size = self . target _cache_size / / 10
self . ave_size = self . min _cache_size / / 10
async def clear ( self , height ) :
''' Clear prefetched blocks and restart from the given height.
Used in blockchain reorganisations . This coroutine can be
called asynchronously to the _prefetch coroutine so we must
synchronize .
synchronize with a semaphore .
Set height to - 1 when shutting down to place a sentinel on the
queue to tell the block processor to shut down too .
with await self . semaphore :
while not self . tasks . empty ( ) :
self . tasks . get_nowait ( )
self . cache = [ ]
while not self . cache . empty ( ) :
self . cache . get_nowait ( )
self . cache_size = 0
if height == - 1 :
self . cache . put_nowait ( ( None , 0 ) )
else :
self . refill_event . set ( )
self . fetched_height = height
self . logger . info ( ' reset to height ' . format ( height ) )
def get_blocks ( self ) :
''' Return the next list of blocks from our prefetch cache. '''
# Cache might be empty after a clear()
if self . cache :
blocks , size = self . cache . pop ( )
async def get_blocks ( self ) :
''' Return the next list of blocks from our prefetch cache.
A return value of None indicates to shut down . Once caught up
an entry is queued every few seconds synchronized with mempool
refreshes to indicate a new mempool is available . Of course
the list of blocks in such a case will normally be empty . '''
blocks , size = await self . cache . get ( )
self . cache_size - = size
if self . cache_size < self . min_cache_size :
self . refill_event . set ( )
return blocks
return [ ]
async def main_loop ( self ) :
''' Loop forever polling for more blocks. '''
daemon_height = await self . daemon . height ( )
if daemon_height > self . fetched_height :
log_msg = ' catching up to daemon height {:,d} ... '
else :
if self . fetched_height > = daemon_height :
log_msg = ' caught up to daemon height {:,d} '
else :
log_msg = ' catching up to daemon height {:,d} ... '
self . logger . info ( log_msg . format ( daemon_height ) )
while True :
try :
secs = 0
if self . cache_size < self . target_cache_size :
if not await self . _prefetch ( ) :
self . caught_up = True
secs = 5
self . tasks . put_nowait ( None )
await asyncio . sleep ( secs )
with await self . semaphore :
await self . _prefetch_blocks ( )
await self . refill_event . wait ( )
except DaemonError as e :
self . logger . info ( ' ignoring daemon error: {} ' . format ( e ) )
except asyncio . CancelledError :
await self . clear ( - 1 )
async def _prefetch_blocks ( self ) :
''' Prefetch some blocks and put them on the queue.
async def _prefetch ( self ) :
''' Prefetch blocks unless the prefetch queue is full. '''
# Refresh the mempool after updating the daemon height, if and
# only if we've caught up
Repeats until the queue is full or caught up . If caught up ,
sleep for a period of time before returning .
daemon_height = await self . daemon . height ( mempool = self . caught_up )
cache_room = self . target_cache_size / / self . ave_size
with await self . semaphore :
while self . cache_size < self . min_cache_size :
# Try and catch up all blocks but limit to room in cache.
# Constrain count to between 0 and 4000 regardless
# Constrain fetch count to between 0 and 2500 regardless.
cache_room = self . min_cache_size / / self . ave_size
count = min ( daemon_height - self . fetched_height , cache_room )
count = min ( 40 00, max ( count , 0 ) )
count = min ( 25 00, max ( count , 0 ) )
if not count :
return 0
self . cache . put_nowait ( ( [ ] , 0 ) )
self . caught_up = True
await asyncio . sleep ( 5 )
first = self . fetched_height + 1
hex_hashes = await self . daemon . block_hex_hashes ( first , count )
@ -108,20 +122,24 @@ class Prefetcher(LoggedClass):
self . logger . info ( ' new block height {:,d} hash {} '
. format ( first + count - 1 , hex_hashes [ - 1 ] ) )
blocks = await self . daemon . raw_blocks ( hex_hashes )
assert count == len ( blocks )
size = sum ( len ( block ) for block in blocks )
# Strip the unspendable genesis coinbase
if first == 0 :
blocks [ 0 ] = blocks [ 0 ] [ : self . coin . HEADER_LEN ] + bytes ( 1 )
# Update our recent average block size estimate
size = sum ( len ( block ) for block in blocks )
if count > = 10 :
self . ave_size = size / / count
else :
self . ave_size = ( size + ( 10 - count ) * self . ave_size ) / / 10
self . cache . insert ( 0 , ( blocks , size ) )
self . cache . put_nowait ( ( blocks , size ) )
self . cache_size + = size
self . fetched_height + = len ( blocks )
self . fetched_height + = count
return count
self . refill_event . clear ( )
class ChainError ( Exception ) :
@ -141,9 +159,6 @@ class BlockProcessor(server.db.DB):
def __init__ ( self , env ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( env )
# The block processor reads its tasks from this queue
self . tasks = asyncio . Queue ( )
# These are our state as we move ahead of DB state
self . fs_height = self . db_height
self . fs_tx_count = self . db_tx_count
@ -152,9 +167,7 @@ class BlockProcessor(server.db.DB):
self . tx_count = self . db_tx_count
self . daemon = Daemon ( self . coin . daemon_urls ( env . daemon_url ) )
self . caught_up = False
self . _shutdown = False
self . event = asyncio . Event ( )
self . caught_up_event = asyncio . Event ( )
# Meta
self . utxo_MB = env . utxo_MB
@ -164,7 +177,7 @@ class BlockProcessor(server.db.DB):
# Headers and tx_hashes have one entry per block
self . history = defaultdict ( partial ( array . array , ' I ' ) )
self . history_size = 0
self . prefetcher = Prefetcher ( self . tasks , self . daemon , self . height )
self . prefetcher = Prefetcher ( self . coin , self . daemon , self . height )
self . last_flush = time . time ( )
self . last_flush_tx_count = self . tx_count
@ -194,52 +207,32 @@ class BlockProcessor(server.db.DB):
await self . handle_chain_reorg ( set ( ) , self . env . force_reorg )
while True :
task = await self . tasks . get ( )
if self . _shutdown :
blocks = self . prefetcher . get_blocks ( )
blocks = await self . prefetcher . get_blocks ( )
if blocks :
start = time . time ( )
await self . advance_blocks ( blocks , touched )
if not self . first_sync :
s = ' ' if len ( blocks ) == 1 else ' s '
self . logger . info ( ' processed {:,d} block {} in {:.1f} s '
. format ( len ( blocks ) , s ,
time . time ( ) - start ) )
elif not self . caught_up :
self . caught_up = True
self . first_caught_up ( )
elif blocks is None :
break # Shutdown
else :
self . caught_up ( )
self . logger . info ( ' flushing state to DB for a clean shutdown... ' )
self . flush ( True )
self . logger . info ( ' shutdown complete ' )
def shutdown ( self ) :
''' Call to shut down the block processor. '''
self . logger . info ( ' flushing state to DB for clean shutdown... ' )
self . _shutdown = True
self . tasks . put_nowait ( None )
async def advance_blocks ( self , blocks , touched ) :
''' Strip the unspendable genesis coinbase. '''
if self . height == - 1 :
blocks [ 0 ] = blocks [ 0 ] [ : self . coin . HEADER_LEN ] + bytes ( 1 )
def do_it ( ) :
''' Process the list of blocks passed. Detects and handles reorgs. '''
def job ( ) :
for block in blocks :
if self . _shutdown :
self . advance_block ( block , touched )
start = time . time ( )
loop = asyncio . get_event_loop ( )
try :
if self . caught_up :
await loop . run_in_executor ( None , do_it )
else :
do_it ( )
await loop . run_in_executor ( None , job )
except ChainReorg :
await self . handle_chain_reorg ( touched )
if self . caught_up :
if self . caught_up_event . is_set ( ) :
# Flush everything as queries are performed on the DB and
# not in-memory.
await asyncio . sleep ( 0 )
@ -248,8 +241,15 @@ class BlockProcessor(server.db.DB):
self . check_cache_size ( )
self . next_cache_check = time . time ( ) + 60
def first_caught_up ( self ) :
if not self . first_sync :
s = ' ' if len ( blocks ) == 1 else ' s '
self . logger . info ( ' processed {:,d} block {} in {:.1f} s '
. format ( len ( blocks ) , s ,
time . time ( ) - start ) )
def caught_up ( self ) :
''' Called when first caught up after starting. '''
if not self . caught_up_event . is_set ( ) :
self . flush ( True )
if self . first_sync :
self . logger . info ( ' {} synced to height {:,d} '
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ class BlockProcessor(server.db.DB):
self . first_sync = False
self . flush_state ( self . db )
self . reopen_db ( False )
self . event . set ( )
self . caught_up_ event. set ( )
async def handle_chain_reorg ( self , touched , count = None ) :
''' Handle a chain reorganisation.