@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ small - patches welcome. |
communication with the daemon. I am using aiohttp-0.21. |
communication with the daemon. I am using aiohttp-0.21. |
While not requirements for running ElectrumX, it is intended to be run |
While not requirements for running ElectrumX, it is intended to be run |
with supervisor software such as Daniel Bernstein's daemontools, or |
with supervisor software such as Daniel Bernstein's daemontools, |
Gerald Pape's runit package. These make administration of secure |
Gerald Pape's runit package or systemd. These make administration of secure |
unix servers very easy, and I strongly recommend you install one of these |
unix servers very easy, and I strongly recommend you install one of these |
and familiarise yourself with them. The instructions below and sample |
and familiarise yourself with them. The instructions below and sample |
run scripts assume daemontools; adapting to runit should be trivial |
run scripts assume daemontools; adapting to runit should be trivial |
@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ on an SSD:: |
mkdir /path/to/db_directory |
mkdir /path/to/db_directory |
chown electrumx /path/to/db_directory |
chown electrumx /path/to/db_directory |
Using daemontools |
----------------- |
Next create a daemontools service directory; this only holds symlinks |
Next create a daemontools service directory; this only holds symlinks |
(see daemontools documentation). The 'svscan' program will ensure the |
(see daemontools documentation). The 'svscan' program will ensure the |
servers in the directory are running by launching a 'supervise' |
servers in the directory are running by launching a 'supervise' |
@ -107,6 +111,35 @@ You can see its logs with:: |
tail -F /path/to/log/dir/current | tai64nlocal |
tail -F /path/to/log/dir/current | tai64nlocal |
Using systemd |
------------- |
This repository contains a sample systemd unit file that you can use to |
setup ElectrumX with systemd. Simply copy it to :code:`/etc/systemd/system`:: |
cp samples/systemd-unit /etc/systemd/system/electrumx.service |
The sample unit file assumes that the repository is located at |
:code:`/home/electrumx/electrumx`. If that differs on your system, you need to |
change the unit file accordingly. |
You need to set a few configuration variables in :code:`/etc/electrumx.conf`, |
see `samples/NOTES` for the list of required variables. |
Now you can start ElectrumX using :code:`systemctl`:: |
systemctl start electrumx |
You can use :code:`journalctl` to check the log output:: |
journalctl -u electrumx -f |
Once configured, you may want to start ElectrumX at boot:: |
systemctl enable electrumx |
Sync Progress |
Sync Progress |
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