Browse Source

Merge branch 'develop'

Neil Booth 9 years ago
  1. 42
  2. 55
  3. 37


@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# See the file "LICENSE" for information about the copyright
# and warranty status of this software.
import os
import sys
from server.env import Env
from server.db import DB
def main():
env = Env()
db = DB(env)
coin = db.coin
argc = 1
limit = int(sys.argv[argc])
argc += 1
limit = 10
for addr in sys.argv[argc:]:
print('Address: ', addr)
hash160 = coin.address_to_hash160(addr)
n = None
for n, (tx_hash, height) in enumerate(db.get_history(hash160, limit)):
print('History #{:d}: hash: {} height: {:d}'
.format(n + 1, bytes(reversed(tx_hash)).hex(), height))
if n is None:
print('No history')
n = None
for n, utxo in enumerate(db.get_utxos(hash160, limit)):
print('UTXOs #{:d}: hash: {} pos: {:d} height: {:d} value: {:d}'
.format(n, bytes(reversed(utxo.tx_hash)).hex(),
utxo.tx_pos, utxo.height, utxo.value))
if n is None:
print('No UTXOs')
if __name__ == '__main__':


@ -433,27 +433,41 @@ class DB(object):
return tx_hash, height
def get_balance(self, hash160):
'''Returns the confirmed balance of an address.'''
utxos = self.get_utxos(hash_160)
return sum(utxo.value for utxo in utxos)
def get_history(self, hash160):
'''Returns an unpruned, sorted list of (tx_hash, height) tuples of
transactions that touched the address, earliest in the
blockchain first. Includes both spending and receiving
def resolve_limit(limit):
if limit is None:
return -1
assert isinstance(limit, int) and limit >= 0
return limit
def get_history(self, hash160, limit=1000):
'''Generator that returns an unpruned, sorted list of (tx_hash,
height) tuples of transactions that touched the address,
earliest in the blockchain first. Includes both spending and
receiving transactions. By default yields at most 1000 entries.
Set limit to None to get them all.
limit = self.resolve_limit(limit)
prefix = b'H' + hash160
a = array.array('I')
for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
a = array.array('I')
return [self.get_tx_hash(tx_num) for tx_num in a]
for tx_num in a:
if limit == 0:
yield self.get_tx_hash(tx_num)
limit -= 1
def get_balance(self, hash160):
'''Returns the confirmed balance of an address.'''
return sum(utxo.value for utxo in self.get_utxos(hash_160, limit=None))
def get_utxos(self, hash160):
'''Returns all UTXOs for an address sorted such that the earliest
in the blockchain comes first.
def get_utxos(self, hash160, limit=1000):
'''Generator that yields all UTXOs for an address sorted in no
particular order. By default yields at most 1000 entries.
Set limit to None to get them all.
limit = self.resolve_limit(limit)
unpack = struct.unpack
prefix = b'u' + hash160
utxos = []
@ -461,10 +475,15 @@ class DB(object):
(tx_pos, ) = unpack('<H', k[-2:])
for n in range(0, len(v), 12):
if limit == 0:
(tx_num, ) = unpack('<I', v[n:n+4])
(value, ) = unpack('<Q', v[n+4:n+12])
tx_hash, height = self.get_tx_hash(tx_num)
utxos.append(UTXO(tx_num, tx_pos, tx_hash, height, value))
yield UTXO(tx_num, tx_pos, tx_hash, height, value)
limit -= 1
# Sorted by height and block position.
return sorted(utxos)
def get_utxos_sorted(self, hash160):
'''Returns all the UTXOs for an address sorted by height and
position in the block.'''
return sorted(self.get_utxos(hash160, limit=None))


@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ from server.db import DB
class Server(object):
def __init__(self, env, loop):
def __init__(self, env):
self.env = env
self.db = DB(env)
self.rpc = RPC(env)
self.block_cache = BlockCache(env, self.db, self.rpc, loop)
self.block_cache = BlockCache(env, self.db, self.rpc)
def async_tasks(self):
return [
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class BlockCache(object):
'''Requests blocks ahead of time from the daemon. Serves them
to the blockchain processor.'''
def __init__(self, env, db, rpc, loop):
def __init__(self, env, db, rpc):
self.logger = logging.getLogger('BlockCache')
@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ class BlockCache(object):
self.blocks = []
self.recent_sizes = []
self.ave_size = 0
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
for signame in ('SIGINT', 'SIGTERM'):
loop.add_signal_handler(getattr(signal, signame),
partial(self.on_signal, signame))
@ -201,32 +203,3 @@ class RPC(object):'sleeping 1 second and trying again...')
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# for addr in [
# # '1dice8EMZmqKvrGE4Qc9bUFf9PX3xaYDp',
# # '1HYBcza9tVquCCvCN1hUZkYT9RcM6GfLot',
# # '1BNwxHGaFbeUBitpjy2AsKpJ29Ybxntqvb',
# # '1ARanTkswPiVM6tUEYvbskyqDsZpweiciu',
# # '1VayNert3x1KzbpzMGt2qdqrAThiRovi8',
# # '1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa',
# # '1XPTgDRhN8RFnzniWCddobD9iKZatrvH4',
# # '153h6eE6xRhXuN3pE53gWVfXacAtfyBF8g',
# ]:
# print('Address: ', addr)
# hash160 = coin.address_to_hash160(addr)
# utxos = self.db.get_utxos(hash160)
# for n, utxo in enumerate(utxos):
# print('UTXOs #{:d}: hash: {} pos: {:d} height: {:d} value: {:d}'
# .format(n, bytes(reversed(utxo.tx_hash)).hex(),
# utxo.tx_pos, utxo.height, utxo.value))
# for addr in [
# '19k8nToWwMGuF4HkNpzgoVAYk4viBnEs5D',
# '1HaHTfmvoUW6i6nhJf8jJs6tU4cHNmBQHQ',
# '1XPTgDRhN8RFnzniWCddobD9iKZatrvH4',
# ]:
# print('Address: ', addr)
# hash160 = coin.address_to_hash160(addr)
# for n, (tx_hash, height) in enumerate(self.db.get_history(hash160)):
# print('History #{:d}: hash: {} height: {:d}'
# .format(n + 1, bytes(reversed(tx_hash)).hex(), height))
