# Copyright (c) 2017, Neil Booth # # All rights reserved. # # See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright # and warranty status of this software. '''Peer management.''' import ast import asyncio import random import ssl import time from collections import defaultdict, Counter from functools import partial from lib.jsonrpc import JSONSession from lib.peer import Peer from lib.socks import SocksProxy import lib.util as util from server.irc import IRC import server.version as version PEERS_FILE = 'peers' PEER_GOOD, PEER_STALE, PEER_NEVER, PEER_BAD = range(4) STALE_SECS = 86400 WAKEUP_SECS = 300 def peer_from_env(env): '''Return ourself as a peer from the environment settings.''' main_identity = env.identities[0] hosts = {identity.host: {'tcp_port': identity.tcp_port, 'ssl_port': identity.ssl_port} for identity in env.identities} features = { 'hosts': hosts, 'pruning': None, 'server_version': version.VERSION, 'protocol_min': version.PROTOCOL_MIN, 'protocol_max': version.PROTOCOL_MAX, 'genesis_hash': env.coin.GENESIS_HASH, } return Peer(main_identity.host, features, 'env') class PeerSession(JSONSession): '''An outgoing session to a peer.''' def __init__(self, peer, peer_mgr, kind): super().__init__() self.max_send = 0 self.peer = peer self.peer_mgr = peer_mgr self.kind = kind self.failed = False self.log_prefix = '[{}] '.format(self.peer) async def wait_on_items(self): while True: await self.items_event.wait() await self.process_pending_items() def connection_made(self, transport): '''Handle an incoming client connection.''' super().connection_made(transport) self.log_prefix = '[{}] '.format(str(self.peer)[:25]) self.future = self.peer_mgr.ensure_future(self.wait_on_items()) # Update IP address if not self.peer.is_tor: peer_info = self.peer_info() if peer_info: self.peer.ip_addr = peer_info[0] # Collect data proto_ver = (version.PROTOCOL_MIN, version.PROTOCOL_MAX) self.send_request(self.on_version, 'server.version', [version.VERSION, proto_ver]) self.send_request(self.on_features, 'server.features') def connection_lost(self, exc): '''Handle disconnection.''' super().connection_lost(exc) self.future.cancel() self.peer_mgr.connection_lost(self) def on_peers_subscribe(self, result, error): '''Handle the response to the peers.subcribe message.''' if error: self.failed = True self.log_error('server.peers.subscribe: {}'.format(error)) else: self.check_remote_peers(result) self.close_if_done() def check_remote_peers(self, updates): '''When a peer gives us a peer update. Each update is expected to be of the form: [ip_addr, hostname, ['v1.0', 't51001', 's51002']] ''' try: real_names = [' '.join([u[1]] + u[2]) for u in updates] peers = [Peer.from_real_name(real_name, str(self.peer)) for real_name in real_names] except Exception: self.log_error('bad server.peers.subscribe response') return self.peer_mgr.add_peers(peers) if not self.peer_mgr.env.peer_announce: return # Announce ourself if not present my = self.peer_mgr.myself for peer in my.matches(peers): if peer.tcp_port == my.tcp_port and peer.ssl_port == my.ssl_port: return self.log_info('registering ourself with server.add_peer') self.send_request(self.on_add_peer, 'server.add_peer', [my.features]) def on_add_peer(self, result, error): '''Handle the response to the add_peer message.''' self.close_if_done() def peer_verified(self, is_good): '''Call when it has been determined whether or not the peer seems to be on the same network. ''' if is_good: self.send_request(self.on_peers_subscribe, 'server.peers.subscribe') else: self.peer.mark_bad() self.failed = True def on_features(self, features, error): # Several peers don't implement this. If they do, check they are # the same network with the genesis hash. verified = False if not error and isinstance(features, dict): our_hash = self.peer_mgr.env.coin.GENESIS_HASH if our_hash != features.get('genesis_hash'): self.peer_verified(False) self.log_warning('incorrect genesis hash') else: self.peer_verified(True) self.peer.update_features(features) verified = True # For legacy peers not implementing features, check their height # as a proxy to determining they're on our network if not verified and not self.peer.bad: self.send_request(self.on_headers, 'blockchain.headers.subscribe') self.close_if_done() def on_headers(self, result, error): '''Handle the response to the version message.''' if error: self.failed = True self.log_error('blockchain.headers.subscribe returned an error') elif not isinstance(result, dict): self.log_error('bad blockchain.headers.subscribe response') self.peer_verified(False) else: our_height = self.peer_mgr.controller.bp.db_height their_height = result.get('block_height') is_good = (isinstance(their_height, int) and abs(our_height - their_height) <= 5) self.peer_verified(is_good) if not is_good: self.log_warning('bad height {}'.format(their_height)) self.close_if_done() def on_version(self, result, error): '''Handle the response to the version message.''' if error: self.failed = True self.log_error('server.version returned an error') elif isinstance(result, str): self.peer.server_version = result self.peer.features['server_version'] = result self.close_if_done() def close_if_done(self): if not self.has_pending_requests(): is_good = not self.failed self.peer.last_connect = time.time() self.peer_mgr.set_connection_status(self.peer, is_good) if is_good: if self.peer.is_tor: self.log_info('verified via {} over Tor'.format(self.kind)) else: self.log_info('verified via {} at {}' .format(self.kind, self.peer_addr(anon=False))) self.close_connection() class PeerManager(util.LoggedClass): '''Looks after the DB of peer network servers. Attempts to maintain a connection with up to 8 peers. Issues a 'peers.subscribe' RPC to them and tells them our data. ''' def __init__(self, env, controller): super().__init__() # Initialise the Peer class Peer.DEFAULT_PORTS = env.coin.PEER_DEFAULT_PORTS self.env = env self.controller = controller self.loop = controller.loop self.irc = IRC(env, self) self.myself = peer_from_env(env) # value is max outgoing connections at a time self.semaphore = asyncio.BoundedSemaphore(value=8) self.retry_event = asyncio.Event() # Peers have one entry per hostname. Once connected, the # ip_addr property is either None, an onion peer, or the # IP address that was connected to. Adding a peer will evict # any other peers with the same host name or IP address. self.peers = set() self.onion_peers = [] self.last_tor_retry_time = 0 self.tor_proxy = SocksProxy(env.tor_proxy_host, env.tor_proxy_port, loop=self.loop) self.import_peers() def info(self): '''The number of peers.''' self.set_peer_statuses() counter = Counter(peer.status for peer in self.peers) return { 'bad': counter[PEER_BAD], 'good': counter[PEER_GOOD], 'never': counter[PEER_NEVER], 'stale': counter[PEER_STALE], 'total': len(self.peers), } def set_peer_statuses(self): '''Set peer statuses.''' cutoff = time.time() - STALE_SECS for peer in self.peers: if peer.bad: peer.status = PEER_BAD elif peer.last_connect > cutoff: peer.status = PEER_GOOD elif peer.last_connect: peer.status = PEER_STALE else: peer.status = PEER_NEVER def rpc_data(self): '''Peer data for the peers RPC method.''' self.set_peer_statuses() descs = ['good', 'stale', 'never', 'bad'] def peer_data(peer): data = peer.serialize() data['status'] = descs[peer.status] return data def peer_key(peer): return (peer.bad, -peer.last_connect) return [peer_data(peer) for peer in sorted(self.peers, key=peer_key)] def add_peers(self, peers, limit=3, check_ports=False, source=None): '''Add a limited number of peers that are not already present.''' retry = False new_peers = [] for peer in peers: matches = peer.matches(self.peers) if not matches: new_peers.append(peer) elif check_ports: for match in matches: if match.check_ports(peer): self.logger.info('ports changed for {}'.format(peer)) retry = True if new_peers: retry = True source = source or new_peers[0].source if limit: random.shuffle(new_peers) use_peers = new_peers[:limit] else: use_peers = new_peers self.logger.info('accepted {:d}/{:d} new peers of {:d} from {}' .format(len(use_peers), len(new_peers), len(peers), source)) self.peers.update(use_peers) if retry: self.retry_event.set() def on_add_peer(self, features, source): '''Add peers from an incoming connection.''' peers = Peer.peers_from_features(features, source) if peers: self.log_info('add_peer request received from {}' .format(peers[0].host)) self.add_peers(peers, check_ports=True) return bool(peers) def on_peers_subscribe(self, is_tor): '''Returns the server peers as a list of (ip, host, details) tuples. We return all peers we've connected to in the last day. Additionally, if we don't have onion routing, we return a few hard-coded onion servers. ''' cutoff = time.time() - STALE_SECS recent = [peer for peer in self.peers if peer.last_connect > cutoff and not peer.bad and peer.is_public] onion_peers = [] # Always report ourselves if valid (even if not public) peers = set() if self.myself.last_connect > cutoff: peers.add(self.myself) # Bucket the clearnet peers and select one from each buckets = defaultdict(list) for peer in recent: if peer.is_tor: onion_peers.append(peer) else: buckets[peer.bucket()].append(peer) peers.update(random.choice(bpeers) for bpeers in buckets.values()) # Add up to 20% onion peers (but up to 10 is OK anyway) onion_peers = onion_peers or self.onion_peers random.shuffle(onion_peers) max_onion = 50 if is_tor else max(10, len(peers) // 4) peers.update(onion_peers[:max_onion]) return [peer.to_tuple() for peer in peers] def serialize(self): serialized_peers = [peer.serialize() for peer in self.peers if not peer.bad] data = (1, serialized_peers) # version 1 return repr(data) def write_peers_file(self): with util.open_truncate(PEERS_FILE) as f: f.write(self.serialize().encode()) self.logger.info('wrote out {:,d} peers'.format(len(self.peers))) def read_peers_file(self): try: with util.open_file(PEERS_FILE, create=True) as f: data = f.read(-1).decode() except Exception as e: self.logger.error('error reading peers file {}'.format(e)) else: if data: version, items = ast.literal_eval(data) if version == 1: peers = [Peer.deserialize(item) for item in items] self.add_peers(peers, source='peers file', limit=None) def import_peers(self): '''Import hard-coded peers from a file or the coin defaults.''' self.add_peers([self.myself]) coin_peers = self.env.coin.PEERS self.onion_peers = [Peer.from_real_name(rn, 'coins.py') for rn in coin_peers if '.onion ' in rn] # If we don't have many peers in the peers file, add # hard-coded ones self.read_peers_file() if len(self.peers) < 5: peers = [Peer.from_real_name(real_name, 'coins.py') for real_name in coin_peers] self.add_peers(peers, limit=None) def connect_to_irc(self): '''Connect to IRC if not disabled.''' if self.env.irc and self.env.coin.IRC_PREFIX: pairs = [(self.myself.real_name(ident.host), ident.nick_suffix) for ident in self.env.identities] self.ensure_future(self.irc.start(pairs)) else: self.logger.info('IRC is disabled') def add_irc_peer(self, nick, real_name): '''Add an IRC peer.''' peer = Peer.from_real_name(real_name, '{}'.format(nick)) self.add_peers([peer]) def ensure_future(self, coro, callback=None): '''Schedule the coro to be run.''' return self.controller.ensure_future(coro, callback=callback) async def main_loop(self): '''Main loop performing peer maintenance. This includes 1) Forgetting unreachable peers. 2) Verifying connectivity of new peers. 3) Retrying old peers at regular intervals. ''' self.connect_to_irc() if not self.env.peer_discovery: self.logger.info('peer discovery is disabled') return self.logger.info('beginning peer discovery') try: while True: timeout = self.loop.call_later(WAKEUP_SECS, self.retry_event.set) await self.retry_event.wait() self.retry_event.clear() timeout.cancel() await self.retry_peers() finally: self.write_peers_file() def is_coin_onion_peer(self, peer): '''Return true if this peer is a hard-coded onion peer.''' return peer.is_tor and any(peer.host in real_name for real_name in self.env.coin.PEERS) async def retry_peers(self): '''Retry peers that are close to getting stale.''' # Exponential backoff of retries now = time.time() nearly_stale_time = (now - STALE_SECS) + WAKEUP_SECS * 2 def retry_peer(peer): # Try some Tor at startup to determine the proxy so we can # serve the right banner file if self.tor_proxy.port is None and self.is_coin_onion_peer(peer): return True # Retry a peer whose ports might have updated if peer.other_port_pairs: return True # Retry a good connection if it is about to turn stale if peer.try_count == 0: return peer.last_connect < nearly_stale_time # Retry a failed connection if enough time has passed return peer.last_try < now - WAKEUP_SECS * 2 ** peer.try_count peers = [peer for peer in self.peers if retry_peer(peer)] # If we don't have a tor proxy drop tor peers, but retry # occasionally if self.tor_proxy.port is None: if now < self.last_tor_retry_time + 3600: peers = [peer for peer in peers if not peer.is_tor] elif any(peer.is_tor for peer in peers): self.last_tor_retry_time = now for peer in peers: peer.last_try = time.time() peer.try_count += 1 pairs = peer.connection_port_pairs() if peer.bad or not pairs: self.maybe_forget_peer(peer) else: await self.semaphore.acquire() self.retry_peer(peer, pairs) def retry_peer(self, peer, port_pairs): kind, port = port_pairs[0] # Python 3.5.3: use PROTOCOL_TLS sslc = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) if kind == 'SSL' else None if peer.is_tor: create_connection = self.tor_proxy.create_connection else: create_connection = self.loop.create_connection protocol_factory = partial(PeerSession, peer, self, kind) coro = create_connection(protocol_factory, peer.host, port, ssl=sslc) callback = partial(self.connection_done, peer, port_pairs) self.ensure_future(coro, callback) def connection_done(self, peer, port_pairs, future): '''Called when a connection attempt succeeds or fails. If failed, log it and try remaining port pairs. If none, release the connection count semaphore. ''' exception = future.exception() if exception: kind, port = port_pairs[0] self.logger.info('failed connecting to {} at {} port {:d}: {}' .format(peer, kind, port, exception)) port_pairs = port_pairs[1:] if port_pairs: self.retry_peer(peer, port_pairs) else: self.set_connection_status(peer, False) self.semaphore.release() def connection_lost(self, session): '''Called by the peer session when disconnected.''' self.semaphore.release() def set_connection_status(self, peer, good): '''Called when a connection succeeded or failed.''' if good: peer.try_count = 0 peer.source = 'peer' # Remove matching IP addresses for match in peer.matches(self.peers): if match != peer and peer.host == peer.ip_addr: self.peers.remove(match) else: self.maybe_forget_peer(peer) def maybe_forget_peer(self, peer): '''Forget the peer if appropriate, e.g. long-term unreachable.''' if peer.bad: forget = peer.last_connect < time.time() - STALE_SECS // 2 else: try_limit = 10 if peer.last_connect else 3 forget = peer.try_count >= try_limit if forget: desc = 'bad' if peer.bad else 'unreachable' self.logger.info('forgetting {} peer: {}'.format(desc, peer)) self.peers.discard(peer) return forget