# Copyright (c) 2016, Neil Booth # Copyright (c) 2017, the ElectrumX authors # # All rights reserved. # # See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright # and warranty status of this software. '''Interface to the blockchain database.''' import array import ast import logging import os from struct import pack, unpack from bisect import bisect_right from collections import namedtuple import lib.util as util from lib.hash import hash_to_str, HASHX_LEN from server.storage import db_class from server.history import History UTXO = namedtuple("UTXO", "tx_num tx_pos tx_hash height value") class DB(object): '''Simple wrapper of the backend database for querying. Performs no DB update, though the DB will be cleaned on opening if it was shutdown uncleanly. ''' DB_VERSIONS = [6] class MissingUTXOError(Exception): '''Raised if a mempool tx input UTXO couldn't be found.''' class DBError(Exception): '''Raised on general DB errors generally indicating corruption.''' def __init__(self, env): self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.env = env self.coin = env.coin # Setup block header size handlers if self.coin.STATIC_BLOCK_HEADERS: self.header_offset = self.coin.static_header_offset self.header_len = self.coin.static_header_len else: self.header_offset = self.dynamic_header_offset self.header_len = self.dynamic_header_len self.logger.info('switching current directory to {}' .format(env.db_dir)) os.chdir(env.db_dir) self.db_class = db_class(self.env.db_engine) self.logger.info('using {} for DB backend'.format(self.env.db_engine)) self.history = History() self.utxo_db = None self.open_dbs() self.logger.info('reorg limit is {:,d} blocks' .format(self.env.reorg_limit)) self.headers_file = util.LogicalFile('meta/headers', 2, 16000000) self.tx_counts_file = util.LogicalFile('meta/txcounts', 2, 2000000) self.hashes_file = util.LogicalFile('meta/hashes', 4, 16000000) if not self.coin.STATIC_BLOCK_HEADERS: self.headers_offsets_file = util.LogicalFile( 'meta/headers_offsets', 2, 16000000) # Write the offset of the genesis block if self.headers_offsets_file.read(0, 8) != b'\x00' * 8: self.headers_offsets_file.write(0, b'\x00' * 8) # tx_counts[N] has the cumulative number of txs at the end of # height N. So tx_counts[0] is 1 - the genesis coinbase size = (self.db_height + 1) * 4 tx_counts = self.tx_counts_file.read(0, size) assert len(tx_counts) == size self.tx_counts = array.array('I', tx_counts) if self.tx_counts: assert self.db_tx_count == self.tx_counts[-1] else: assert self.db_tx_count == 0 def open_dbs(self): '''Open the databases. If already open they are closed and re-opened. When syncing we want to reserve a lot of open files for the synchronization. When serving clients we want the open files for serving network connections. ''' def log_reason(message, is_for_sync): reason = 'sync' if is_for_sync else 'serving' self.logger.info('{} for {}'.format(message, reason)) # Assume we're serving until we find out otherwise for for_sync in [False, True]: if self.utxo_db: if self.utxo_db.for_sync == for_sync: return log_reason('closing DB to re-open', for_sync) self.utxo_db.close() self.history.close_db() # Open DB and metadata files. Record some of its state. self.utxo_db = self.db_class('utxo', for_sync) if self.utxo_db.is_new: self.logger.info('created new database') self.logger.info('creating metadata directory') os.mkdir('meta') with util.open_file('COIN', create=True) as f: f.write('ElectrumX databases and metadata for {} {}' .format(self.coin.NAME, self.coin.NET).encode()) else: log_reason('opened DB', self.utxo_db.for_sync) self.read_utxo_state() if self.first_sync == self.utxo_db.for_sync: break # Open history DB, clear excess history self.utxo_flush_count = self.history.open_db(self.db_class, for_sync, self.utxo_flush_count) self.clear_excess_undo_info() self.logger.info('DB version: {:d}'.format(self.db_version)) self.logger.info('coin: {}'.format(self.coin.NAME)) self.logger.info('network: {}'.format(self.coin.NET)) self.logger.info('height: {:,d}'.format(self.db_height)) self.logger.info('tip: {}'.format(hash_to_str(self.db_tip))) self.logger.info('tx count: {:,d}'.format(self.db_tx_count)) if self.first_sync: self.logger.info('sync time so far: {}' .format(util.formatted_time(self.wall_time))) def fs_update_header_offsets(self, offset_start, height_start, headers): if self.coin.STATIC_BLOCK_HEADERS: return offset = offset_start offsets = [] for h in headers: offset += len(h) offsets.append(pack("= 0 else 0) cur_tx_count = self.tx_counts[-1] if self.tx_counts else 0 txs_done = cur_tx_count - prior_tx_count assert len(block_tx_hashes) == blocks_done assert len(self.tx_counts) == new_height + 1 hashes = b''.join(block_tx_hashes) assert len(hashes) % 32 == 0 assert len(hashes) // 32 == txs_done # Write the headers, tx counts, and tx hashes offset = self.header_offset(height_start) self.headers_file.write(offset, b''.join(headers)) self.fs_update_header_offsets(offset, height_start, headers) offset = height_start * self.tx_counts.itemsize self.tx_counts_file.write(offset, self.tx_counts[height_start:].tobytes()) offset = prior_tx_count * 32 self.hashes_file.write(offset, hashes) def read_headers(self, start_height, count): '''Requires start_height >= 0, count >= 0. Reads as many headers as are available starting at start_height up to count. This would be zero if start_height is beyond self.db_height, for example. Returns a (binary, n) pair where binary is the concatenated binary headers, and n is the count of headers returned. ''' # Read some from disk if start_height < 0 or count < 0: raise self.DBError('{:,d} headers starting at {:,d} not on disk' .format(count, start_height)) disk_count = max(0, min(count, self.db_height + 1 - start_height)) if disk_count: offset = self.header_offset(start_height) size = self.header_offset(start_height + disk_count) - offset return self.headers_file.read(offset, size), disk_count return b'', 0 def fs_tx_hash(self, tx_num): '''Return a par (tx_hash, tx_height) for the given tx number. If the tx_height is not on disk, returns (None, tx_height).''' tx_height = bisect_right(self.tx_counts, tx_num) if tx_height > self.db_height: tx_hash = None else: tx_hash = self.hashes_file.read(tx_num * 32, 32) return tx_hash, tx_height def fs_block_hashes(self, height, count): headers_concat, headers_count = self.read_headers(height, count) if headers_count != count: raise self.DBError('only got {:,d} headers starting at {:,d}, not ' '{:,d}'.format(headers_count, height, count)) offset = 0 headers = [] for n in range(count): hlen = self.header_len(height + n) headers.append(headers_concat[offset:offset + hlen]) offset += hlen return [self.coin.header_hash(header) for header in headers] def get_history(self, hashX, limit=1000): '''Generator that returns an unpruned, sorted list of (tx_hash, height) tuples of confirmed transactions that touched the address, earliest in the blockchain first. Includes both spending and receiving transactions. By default yields at most 1000 entries. Set limit to None to get them all. ''' for tx_num in self.history.get_txnums(hashX, limit): yield self.fs_tx_hash(tx_num) # -- Undo information def min_undo_height(self, max_height): '''Returns a height from which we should store undo info.''' return max_height - self.env.reorg_limit + 1 def undo_key(self, height): '''DB key for undo information at the given height.''' return b'U' + pack('>I', height) def read_undo_info(self, height): '''Read undo information from a file for the current height.''' return self.utxo_db.get(self.undo_key(height)) def flush_undo_infos(self, batch_put, undo_infos): '''undo_infos is a list of (undo_info, height) pairs.''' for undo_info, height in undo_infos: batch_put(self.undo_key(height), b''.join(undo_info)) def clear_excess_undo_info(self): '''Clear excess undo info. Only most recent N are kept.''' prefix = b'U' min_height = self.min_undo_height(self.db_height) keys = [] for key, hist in self.utxo_db.iterator(prefix=prefix): height, = unpack('>I', key[-4:]) if height >= min_height: break keys.append(key) if keys: with self.utxo_db.write_batch() as batch: for key in keys: batch.delete(key) self.logger.info('deleted {:,d} stale undo entries' .format(len(keys))) # -- UTXO database def read_utxo_state(self): state = self.utxo_db.get(b'state') if not state: self.db_height = -1 self.db_tx_count = 0 self.db_tip = b'\0' * 32 self.db_version = max(self.DB_VERSIONS) self.utxo_flush_count = 0 self.wall_time = 0 self.first_sync = True else: state = ast.literal_eval(state.decode()) if not isinstance(state, dict): raise self.DBError('failed reading state from DB') self.db_version = state['db_version'] if self.db_version not in self.DB_VERSIONS: raise self.DBError('your UTXO DB version is {} but this ' 'software only handles versions {}' .format(self.db_version, self.DB_VERSIONS)) # backwards compat genesis_hash = state['genesis'] if isinstance(genesis_hash, bytes): genesis_hash = genesis_hash.decode() if genesis_hash != self.coin.GENESIS_HASH: raise self.DBError('DB genesis hash {} does not match coin {}' .format(genesis_hash, self.coin.GENESIS_HASH)) self.db_height = state['height'] self.db_tx_count = state['tx_count'] self.db_tip = state['tip'] self.utxo_flush_count = state['utxo_flush_count'] self.wall_time = state['wall_time'] self.first_sync = state['first_sync'] def write_utxo_state(self, batch): '''Write (UTXO) state to the batch.''' state = { 'genesis': self.coin.GENESIS_HASH, 'height': self.db_height, 'tx_count': self.db_tx_count, 'tip': self.db_tip, 'utxo_flush_count': self.utxo_flush_count, 'wall_time': self.wall_time, 'first_sync': self.first_sync, 'db_version': self.db_version, } batch.put(b'state', repr(state).encode()) def set_flush_count(self, count): self.utxo_flush_count = count with self.utxo_db.write_batch() as batch: self.write_utxo_state(batch) def get_balance(self, hashX): '''Returns the confirmed balance of an address.''' return sum(utxo.value for utxo in self.get_utxos(hashX, limit=None)) def get_utxos(self, hashX, limit=1000): '''Generator that yields all UTXOs for an address sorted in no particular order. By default yields at most 1000 entries. Set limit to None to get them all. ''' limit = util.resolve_limit(limit) s_unpack = unpack # Key: b'u' + address_hashX + tx_idx + tx_num # Value: the UTXO value as a 64-bit unsigned integer prefix = b'u' + hashX for db_key, db_value in self.utxo_db.iterator(prefix=prefix): if limit == 0: return limit -= 1 tx_pos, tx_num = s_unpack('