# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Neil Booth
# All rights reserved.
# See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright
# and warranty status of this software.

'''IRC connectivity to discover peers.

Only calling start() requires the IRC Python module.

import asyncio
import re

from collections import namedtuple

from lib.hash import double_sha256
from lib.util import LoggedClass

class IRC(LoggedClass):

    class DisconnectedError(Exception):

    def __init__(self, env, peer_mgr):
        self.coin = env.coin
        self.peer_mgr = peer_mgr

        # If this isn't something a peer or client expects
        # then you won't appear in the client's network dialog box
        self.channel = env.coin.IRC_CHANNEL
        self.prefix = env.coin.IRC_PREFIX
        self.nick = '{}{}'.format(self.prefix,
                                  env.irc_nick if env.irc_nick else
        self.peer_regexp = re.compile('({}[^!]*)!'.format(self.prefix))

    async def start(self, name_pairs):
        '''Start IRC connections if enabled in environment.'''
        import irc.client as irc_client
        from jaraco.stream import buffer

        # see https://pypi.python.org/pypi/irc under DecodingInput
        irc_client.ServerConnection.buffer_class = \

        # Register handlers for events we're interested in
        reactor = irc_client.Reactor()
        for event in 'welcome join whoreply disconnect'.split():
            reactor.add_global_handler(event, getattr(self, 'on_' + event))

        # Note: Multiple nicks in same channel will trigger duplicate events
        clients = [IrcClient(self.coin, real_name, self.nick + suffix,
                   for (real_name, suffix) in name_pairs]

        while True:
                for client in clients:
                while True:
                    await asyncio.sleep(2)
            except irc_client.ServerConnectionError as e:
                self.logger.error('connection error: {}'.format(e))
            except self.DisconnectedError:
            await asyncio.sleep(10)

    def log_event(self, event):
        self.logger.info('IRC event type {} source {}  args {}'
                         .format(event.type, event.source, event.arguments))

    def on_welcome(self, connection, event):
        '''Called when we connect to irc server.'''

    def on_disconnect(self, connection, event):
        '''Called if we are disconnected.'''
        raise self.DisconnectedError

    def on_join(self, connection, event):
        '''Called when someone new connects to our channel, including us.'''
        # /who the channel when we join.  We used to /who on each
        # namreply event, but the IRC server would frequently kick us
        # for flooding.  This requests only once including the tor case.
        if event.source.startswith(self.nick + '!'):
            match = self.peer_regexp.match(event.source)
            if match:

    def on_whoreply(self, connection, event):
        '''Called when a response to our who requests arrives.

        The nick is the 4th argument, and real name is in the 6th
        argument preceeded by '0 ' for some reason.
        nick = event.arguments[4]
        if nick.startswith(self.prefix):
            line = event.arguments[6].split()
            hp_string = ' '.join(line[1:])  # hostname, ports, version etc.
            self.peer_mgr.add_irc_peer(nick, hp_string)

class IrcClient(object):

    def __init__(self, coin, real_name, nick, server):
        self.irc_host = coin.IRC_SERVER
        self.irc_port = coin.IRC_PORT
        self.nick = nick
        self.real_name = real_name
        self.server = server

    def connect(self, irc):
        '''Connect this client to its IRC server'''
        irc.logger.info('joining {} as "{}" with real name "{}"'
                        .format(irc.channel, self.nick, self.real_name))
        self.server.connect(self.irc_host, self.irc_port, self.nick,