import os import pytest from electrumx.lib import util def test_cachedproperty(): class Target: CALL_COUNT = 0 def __init__(self): self.call_count = 0 @util.cachedproperty def prop(self): self.call_count += 1 return self.call_count @util.cachedproperty def cls_prop(cls): cls.CALL_COUNT += 1 return cls.CALL_COUNT t = Target() assert t.prop == t.prop == 1 assert Target.cls_prop == Target.cls_prop == 1 def test_formatted_time(): assert util.formatted_time(0) == '00s' assert util.formatted_time(59) == '59s' assert util.formatted_time(60) == '01m 00s' assert util.formatted_time(3599) == '59m 59s' assert util.formatted_time(3600) == '01h 00m 00s' assert util.formatted_time(3600*24) == '1d 00h 00m' assert util.formatted_time(3600*24*367) == '367d 00h 00m' assert util.formatted_time(3600*24, ':') == '1d:00h:00m' def test_deep_getsizeof(): int_t = util.deep_getsizeof(1) assert util.deep_getsizeof('foo') == util.deep_getsizeof('') + 3 assert util.deep_getsizeof([1, 1]) > 2 * int_t assert util.deep_getsizeof({1: 1}) > 2 * int_t assert util.deep_getsizeof({1: {1: 1}}) > 3 * int_t class Base: pass class A(Base): pass class B(Base): pass def test_subclasses(): assert util.subclasses(Base) == [A, B] assert util.subclasses(Base, strict=False) == [A, B, Base] def test_chunks(): assert list(util.chunks([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2)) == [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]] def test_increment_byte_string(): assert util.increment_byte_string(b'1') == b'2' assert util.increment_byte_string(b'\x01\x01') == b'\x01\x02' assert util.increment_byte_string(b'\xff\xff') is None def test_bytes_to_int(): assert util.bytes_to_int(b'\x07[\xcd\x15') == 123456789 def test_int_to_bytes(): assert util.int_to_bytes(456789) == b'\x06\xf8U' def test_int_to_varint(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): util.int_to_varint(-1) assert util.int_to_varint(0) == b'\0' assert util.int_to_varint(5) == b'\5' assert util.int_to_varint(252) == b'\xfc' assert util.int_to_varint(253) == b'\xfd\xfd\0' assert util.int_to_varint(65535) == b'\xfd\xff\xff' assert util.int_to_varint(65536) == b'\xfe\0\0\1\0' assert util.int_to_varint(2**32-1) == b'\xfe\xff\xff\xff\xff' assert util.int_to_varint(2**32) == b'\xff\0\0\0\0\1\0\0\0' assert util.int_to_varint(2**64-1) \ == b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff' def test_LogicalFile(tmpdir): prefix = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'log') L = util.LogicalFile(prefix, 2, 6) with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): L.open_file(0, create=False) # Check creates a file with L.open_file(8, create=True) as f: pass with util.open_file(prefix + '01') as f: pass L.write(0, b'987') assert, -1) == b'987' assert, 4) == b'987' assert, 1) == b'8' L.write(0, b'01234567890') assert, -1) == b'01234567890' assert, -1) == b'567890' with util.open_file(prefix + '01') as f: assert == b'67890' # Test file boundary L.write(0, b'957' * 6) assert, -1) == b'957' * 6 def test_open_fns(tmpdir): tmpfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file1') with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): util.open_file(tmpfile) with util.open_file(tmpfile, create=True) as f: f.write(b'56') with util.open_file(tmpfile) as f: assert == b'56' # Test open_truncate truncates and creates with util.open_truncate(tmpfile) as f: assert == b'' tmpfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file2') with util.open_truncate(tmpfile) as f: assert == b'' def test_address_string(): assert util.address_string(('', 84)) == '' assert util.address_string(('', 84)) == '' assert util.address_string(('0a::23', 84)) == '[a::23]:84' def test_is_valid_hostname(): is_valid_hostname = util.is_valid_hostname assert not is_valid_hostname('') assert is_valid_hostname('a') assert is_valid_hostname('_') # Hyphens assert not is_valid_hostname('-b') assert not is_valid_hostname('a.-b') assert is_valid_hostname('a-b') assert not is_valid_hostname('b-') assert not is_valid_hostname('b-.c') # Dots assert is_valid_hostname('a.') assert is_valid_hostname('foo1.Foo') assert not is_valid_hostname('foo1..Foo') assert is_valid_hostname('12Foo.Bar.Bax_') assert is_valid_hostname('12Foo.Bar.Baz_12') # 63 octets in part assert is_valid_hostname('a.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMN' '') # Over 63 octets in part assert not is_valid_hostname('a.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMN' '') len255 = ('a' * 62 + '.') * 4 + 'abc' assert is_valid_hostname(len255) assert not is_valid_hostname(len255 + 'd') def test_protocol_tuple(): assert util.protocol_tuple(None) == (0, ) assert util.protocol_tuple("foo") == (0, ) assert util.protocol_tuple(1) == (0, ) assert util.protocol_tuple("1") == (1, ) assert util.protocol_tuple("0.1") == (0, 1) assert util.protocol_tuple("0.10") == (0, 10) assert util.protocol_tuple("2.5.3") == (2, 5, 3) def test_version_string(): assert util.version_string(()) == "0.0" assert util.version_string((1, )) == "1.0" assert util.version_string((1, 2)) == "1.2" assert util.version_string((1, 3, 2)) == "1.3.2" def test_protocol_version(): assert util.protocol_version(None, "1.0", "1.0") == ((1, 0), (1, 0)) assert util.protocol_version("0.10", "0.10", "1.1") == ((0, 10), (0, 10)) assert util.protocol_version("1.0", "1.0", "1.0") == ((1, 0), (1, 0)) assert util.protocol_version("1.0", "1.0", "1.1") == ((1, 0), (1, 0)) assert util.protocol_version("1.1", "1.0", "1.1") == ((1, 1), (1, 1)) assert util.protocol_version("1.2", "1.0", "1.1") == (None, (1, 2)) assert util.protocol_version("0.9", "1.0", "1.1") == (None, (0, 9)) assert util.protocol_version(["0.9", "1.0"], "1.0", "1.1") \ == ((1, 0), (0, 9)) assert util.protocol_version(["0.9", "1.1"], "1.0", "1.1") \ == ((1, 1), (0,9)) assert util.protocol_version(["1.1", "0.9"], "1.0", "1.1") \ == (None, (1, 1)) assert util.protocol_version(["0.8", "0.9"], "1.0", "1.1") \ == (None, (0, 8)) assert util.protocol_version(["1.1", "1.2"], "1.0", "1.1") \ == ((1, 1), (1, 1)) assert util.protocol_version(["1.2", "1.3"], "1.0", "1.1") \ == (None, (1, 2)) def test_unpackers(): b = bytes(range(256)) assert util.unpack_int32_from(b, 0) == (50462976,) assert util.unpack_int32_from(b, 42) == (757869354,) assert util.unpack_int64_from(b, 0) == (506097522914230528,) assert util.unpack_int64_from(b, 42) == (3544384782113450794,) assert util.unpack_uint16_from(b, 0) == (256,) assert util.unpack_uint16_from(b, 42) == (11050,) assert util.unpack_uint32_from(b, 0) == (50462976,) assert util.unpack_uint32_from(b, 42) == (757869354,) assert util.unpack_uint64_from(b, 0) == (506097522914230528,) assert util.unpack_uint64_from(b, 42) == (3544384782113450794,) def test_hex_transforms(): h = "AABBCCDDEEFF" assert util.hex_to_bytes(h) == b'\xaa\xbb\xcc\xdd\xee\xff'