================= Electrum Protocol ================= This is intended to be a reference for client and server authors alike. I have attempted to ensure what is written is correct for the two known remaining server implementations: jelectrum and ElectrumX, and also for Electrum clients of the 2.x series. We know other clients exist but I am not aware of the source of any being publicly available. Message Stream -------------- Clients and servers communicate using JSON RPC over an unspecified underlying stream transport protocol, typically TCP or SSL. `JSON RPC 1.0`_ and `JSON RPC 2.0`_ are specified; use of version 2.0 is encouraged but not required. Server support of batch requests is encouraged for version 1.0 but not required. Clients making batch requests should limit their size depending on the nature of their query, because servers will limit response size as an anti-DoS mechanism. Eeach RPC call, and each response, is separated by a single newline in their respective streams. The JSON specification does not permit control characters within strings, so no confusion is possible there. However it does permit newlines as extraneous whitespace between elements; client and server MUST NOT use newlines in such a way. If using JSON RPC 2.0's feature of parameter passing by name, the names shown in the protocol version's description MUST be used. A server advertising support for a particular protocol version MUST support each method documented for that protocol version, unless the method is explicitly marked optional. It may support other methods or additional parameters with unspecified behaviour. Use of additional parameters is discouraged as it may conflict with future versions of the protocol. Notifications ------------- Some methods are subscriptions, which will respond with notifications when the thing subscribed to changes. The `method` of the notification is the same as the method of the subscription, and the `params` of the notification (and their names) are given in the documentation of the method. Protocol Negotiation -------------------- It is desirable to have a way to enhance and improve the protocol without forcing servers and clients to upgrade at the same time. Protocol negotiation is not implemented in any client or server at present to the best of my knowledge, so care is needed to ensure current clients and servers continue to operate as expected. Protocol versions are denoted by "m.n" strings, where *m* is the major version number and *n* the minor version number. For example: "1.5". A party to a connection will speak all protocol versions in a range, say from `protocol_min` to `protocol_max`. This min and max may be the same. When a connection is made, both client and server must initially assume the protocol to use is their own `protocol_min`. The client should send a `server.version` RPC call as early as possible in order to negotiate the precise protocol version; see its description for more detail. All responses received in the stream from and including the server's response to this call will use the negotiated protocol version. Script Hashes ------------- A script hash is the hash of the binary bytes of the locking script (ScriptPubKey), expressed as a hexadecimal string. The hash function to use is given by the "hash_function" member of `server.features` (currently "sha256" only). Like for block and transaction hashes, when converting the big-endian binary hash to a hexadecimal string the least-significant byte appears first, and the most-significant byte last. For example, the legacy Bitcoin address from the genesis block 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa has P2PKH script 76a91462e907b15cbf27d5425399ebf6f0fb50ebb88f1888ac with SHA256 hash 6191c3b590bfcfa0475e877c302da1e323497acf3b42c08d8fa28e364edf018b which is sent to the server reversed as 8b01df4e368ea28f8dc0423bcf7a4923e3a12d307c875e47a0cfbf90b5c39161 By subscribing to this hash you can find P2PKH payments to that address. One public key for that address (the genesis block public key) is 04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb 649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f which has P2PK script 4104678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb 649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5fac with SHA256 hash 3318537dfb3135df9f3d950dbdf8a7ae68dd7c7dfef61ed17963ff80f3850474 which is sent to the server reversed as 740485f380ff6379d11ef6fe7d7cdd68aea7f8bd0d953d9fdf3531fb7d531833 By subscribing to this hash you can find P2PK payments to that public key. Note the Genesis block coinbase is unspendable and therefore not indexed. Protocol Version 1.0 -------------------- server.version ============== Identifies the client to the server. server.version(**client_name**, **protocol_version**) **client_name** An optional string identifying the connecting client software. **protocol_verion** Optional. The value passed is ignored. **Response** A string identifying the server software. **Example**:: server.version("2.7.11", "1.0") blockchain.address.get_balance ============================== Return the confirmed and unconfirmed balances of a bitcoin address. blockchain.address.get_balance(**address**) **address** The address as a Base58 string. **Response** A dictionary with keys *confirmed* and *unconfirmed*. The value of each is the appropriate balance in coin units as a string. **Response Example**:: { "confirmed": "1.03873966", "unconfirmed": "0.236844" } blockchain.address.get_history ============================== Return the confirmed and unconfirmed history of a bitcoin address. blockchain.address.get_history(**address**) **address** The address as a Base58 string. **Response** A list of confirmed transactions in blockchain order, with the output of *blockchain.address.get_mempool* appended to the list. Each transaction is a dictionary with keys *height* and *tx_hash*. *height* is the integer height of the block the transaction was confirmed in; if unconfirmed then *height* is 0 if all inputs are confirmed, and -1 otherwise. *tx_hash* the transaction hash in hexadecimal. **Response Examples** :: [ { "height": 200004, "tx_hash": "acc3758bd2a26f869fcc67d48ff30b96464d476bca82c1cd6656e7d506816412" }, { "height": 215008, "tx_hash": "f3e1bf48975b8d6060a9de8884296abb80be618dc00ae3cb2f6cee3085e09403" } ] :: [ { "fee": 20000, "height": 0, "tx_hash": "9fbed79a1e970343fcd39f4a2d830a6bde6de0754ed2da70f489d0303ed558ec" } ] blockchain.address.get_mempool ============================== Return the unconfirmed transactions of a bitcoin address. blockchain.address.get_mempool(**address**) **address** The address as a Base58 string. **Response** A list of mempool transactions in arbitrary order. Each transaction is a dictionary with keys *height* , *tx_hash* and *fee*. *tx_hash* the transaction hash in hexadecimal, *height* is `0` if all inputs are confirmed, and `-1` otherwise, and *fee* is the transaction fee in minimum coin units as an integer. **Response Examples** :: [ { "tx_hash": "45381031132c57b2ff1cbe8d8d3920cf9ed25efd9a0beb764bdb2f24c7d1c7e3", "height": 0, "fee": 24310 } ] blockchain.address.listunspent ============================== Return an ordered list of UTXOs sent to a bitcoin address. blockchain.address.listunspent(**address**) **address** The address as a Base58 string. **Response** A list of unspent outputs in blockchain order. Each transaction is a dictionary with keys *height* , *tx_pos*, *tx_hash* and *value* keys. *height* is the integer height of the block the transaction was confirmed in, *tx_hash* the transaction hash in hexadecimal, *tx_pos* the zero-based index of the output in the transaction's list of outputs, and *value* its integer value in minimum coin units (satoshis in the case of Bitcoin). This function takes the mempool into account. Mempool transactions paying to the address are included at the end of the list in an undefined order, each with *tx_height* of zero. Any output that is spent in the mempool does not appear. **Response Example** :: [ { "tx_pos": 0, "value": 45318048, "tx_hash": "9f2c45a12db0144909b5db269415f7319179105982ac70ed80d76ea79d923ebf", "height": 437146 }, { "tx_pos": 0, "value": 919195, "tx_hash": "3d2290c93436a3e964cfc2f0950174d8847b1fbe3946432c4784e168da0f019f", "height": 441696 } ] blockchain.address.subscribe ============================ Subscribe to a bitcoin address. blockchain.address.subscribe(**address**) **address** The address as a Base58 string. **Response** The *status* [1]_ of the address. **Notifications** As this is a subcription, the client will receive a notification when the status of the address changes. The parameters are: [**address**, **status**] .. [1] To calculate the *status* of an address, order confirmed transactions touching the address by height (and position in the block if there are more than one in a block). Form a string that is the concatenation of strings 'tx_hash:height:' for each transaction in order. *tx_hash* is the transaction hash in hexadecimal, *height* the height of the block it is in. Next, with mempool transactions in any order, append a string that is the same, but where *height* is `-1` if the transaction has at least one unconfirmed input, and `0` if all inputs are confirmed. The *status* is the **sha256** hash of this string expressed as a hexadecimal string. blockchain.block.get_header =========================== Return the *deserialized header* [2]_ of the block at the given height. blockchain.block.get_header(**height**) **height** The height of the block, an integer. **Response** .. [2] The *deserialized header* of a block is a dictionary like so:: { "block_height": , 'version': , 'prev_block_hash': , 'merkle_root': , 'timestamp': , 'bits': , 'nonce': } blockchain.block.get_chunk ========================== Return a concatenated chunk of block headers. A chunk consists of a fixed number of block headers over which difficulty is constant, and at the end of which difficulty is retargeted. In the case of Bitcoin a chunk is 2,016 headers, each of 80 bytes, and chunk 5 is the block headers from height 10,080 to 12,095 inclusive. When encoded as hexadecimal, the response string is twice as long, so for Bitcoin it is 322,560 bytes long, making this a bandwidth-intensive request. blockchain.block.get_chunk(**index**) **index** The zero-based index of the chunk, an integer. **Response** The binary block headers, as hexadecimal strings, in order concatenated together. blockchain.estimatefee ====================== Return the estimated transaction fee per kilobyte for a transaction to be confirmed within a certain number of blocks. blockchain.block.get_chunk(**number**) **number** The number of blocks to target for confirmation. **Response** The estimated transaction fee in coin units per kilobyte, as a floating point number. If the daemon does not have enough information to make an estimate, the integer `-1` is returned. **Example Response** :: 0.00101079 blockchain.headers.subscribe ============================ Subscribe to receive block headers when a new block is found. blockchain.headers.subscribe() **Response** The *deserialized header* [2]_ of the current block chain tip. **Notification Parameters** As this is a subcription, the client will receive a notification when a new block is found. The parameters are: [**deserialized_header**] **NOTE**: if a new block comes in quickly so the server has not finished processing the prior block(s), it may skip them and only notify of the new tip. The protocol does not guarantee notifications of all intermediate blocks. In a similar vein, the client also needs to be able to handle chain reorganisations; in case of a re-org the new tip will not connect directly onto the prior chain tip. The client needs to be able to figure out where the connection point and request any missing block headers. blockchain.numblocks.subscribe ============================== Subscribe to receive the block height when a new block is found. This subscription is deprecated in favour of *blockchain.headers.subscribe* which provides more detailed information. blockchain.numblocks.subscribe() **Response** The height of the current block, an integer **Notification Parameters** As this is a subcription, the client will receive a notification when a new block is found. The parameters are: [**height**] blockchain.relayfee =================== Return the minimum fee a low-priority tx must pay in order to be accepted to the daemon's memory pool. blockchain.relayfee() **Response** The fee in coin units as a floating point number. **Example Responses** :: 1e-05 :: 0.0 blockchain.transaction.broadcast ================================ Broadcast a transaction to the network. blockchain.transaction.broadcast(**raw_tx**) **raw_tx** The raw transaction as a hexadecimal string. **Response** Unfortunately the protocol version 1.0 API does not obey the JSON specification for the response; this will be fixed in a future version of the protocol. If the daemon accepts the transaction, return the transaction hash as a hexadecimal string. If the daemon rejects the transaction, the server must not return an error, but instead return the error message string as the result. The client needs to determine if an error occurred by comparing the result to the expected transaction hash. **Response Examples** :: 'a76242fce5753b4212f903ff33ac6fe66f2780f34bdb4b33b175a7815a11a98e' :: '258: txn-mempool-conflict' blockchain.transaction.get ========================== Return a raw transaction. blockchain.transaction.get(**tx_hash**, **height**) **tx_hash** The transaction hash as a hexadecimal string. **height** The height at which it was confirmed, an integer. This parameter is optional and ignored; it is recommended that clients do not send it as it will be removed in a future protocol version. **Response** The raw transaction as a hexadecimal string. blockchain.transaction.get_merkle ================================= Return the markle branch to a confirmed transaction given its hash and height. blockchain.transaction.get(**tx_hash**, **height**) **tx_hash** The transaction hash as a hexadecimal string. **height** The height at which it was confirmed, an integer. **Response** A dictionary with keys *block_height*, *merkle* and *pos*. *block_height* is the height of the block the transaction was confirmed in. *merkle* is a list of transaction hashes the current hash is paired with, recursively, in order to trace up to obtain merkle root of the block, deepest pairing first. *pos* is the 0-based index of the position of the transaction in the ordered list of transactions in the block. **Response Examples** :: { "merkle": [ "713d6c7e6ce7bbea708d61162231eaa8ecb31c4c5dd84f81c20409a90069cb24", "03dbaec78d4a52fbaf3c7aa5d3fccd9d8654f323940716ddf5ee2e4bda458fde", "e670224b23f156c27993ac3071940c0ff865b812e21e0a162fe7a005d6e57851", "369a1619a67c3108a8850118602e3669455c70cdcdb89248b64cc6325575b885", "4756688678644dcb27d62931f04013254a62aeee5dec139d1aac9f7b1f318112", "7b97e73abc043836fd890555bfce54757d387943a6860e5450525e8e9ab46be5", "61505055e8b639b7c64fd58bce6fc5c2378b92e025a02583303f69930091b1c3", "27a654ff1895385ac14a574a0415d3bbba9ec23a8774f22ec20d53dd0b5386ff", "5312ed87933075e60a9511857d23d460a085f3b6e9e5e565ad2443d223cfccdc", "94f60b14a9f106440a197054936e6fb92abbd69d6059b38fdf79b33fc864fca0", "2d64851151550e8c4d337f335ee28874401d55b358a66f1bafab2c3e9f48773d" ], "block_height": 450538, "pos": 710 } blockchain.utxo.get_address =========================== Return the address paid to by a UTXO. This method is optional and deprecated. blockchain.utxo.get_address(**tx_hash**, **index**) **tx_hash** The transaction hash as a hexadecimal string. **index** The zero-based index of the UTXO in the transaction. **Response** A Base58 address string, or *null*. If the transaction doesn't exist, the index is out of range, or the output is not paid to an address, *null* must be returned. If the output is spent *null* may be returned. server.banner ============= Return a banner to be shown in the Electrum console. server.banner() The return value is a string. server.donation_address ======================= Return a server donation address. server.donation_address() The return value is a string. server.peers.subscribe ====================== Return a list of peer servers. Despite the name this is not a subscription and the server must send no notifications. server.peers.subscribe() **Response** An array of peer servers. Each entry is a triple like ["", "e.anonyhost.org", ["v1.0", "p10000", "t", "s995"]] The first element is the IP address, the second is the host name (which might also be an IP address), and the third is a list of server features. Each feature and starts with a letter. 'v' indicates the server maximum protocol version, 'p' its pruning limit and is omitted if it does not prune, 't' is the TCP port number, and 's' is the SSL port number. If a port is not given for 's' or 't' the default port for the coin network is implied. If 's' or 't' is missing then the server does not support that transport. Version 1.1 ----------- This protocol version is the same as version `1.0` except for the following changes: * improved semantics of `server.version` to aid protocol negotiation, and a changed return value. * version 1.0 methods `blockchain.utxo.get_address` and `blockchain.numblocks.subscribe` have been removed. * method `blockchain.transaction.get` no longer takes the *height* argument that was ignored in 1.0, providing one will return an error. * method `blockchain.transaction.broadcast` returns errors like any other JSON RPC call. A *tx_hash* result is only returned on success. * new methods `blockchain.scripthash.get_balance`, `blockchain.scripthash.get_history`, `blockchain.scripthash.get_mempool`, `blockchain.scripthash.listunspent`, `blockchain.scripthash.subscribe`, `server.features` and `server.add_peer`. server.version ============== Identify the client and inform the server the range of understood protocol versions. server.version(**client_name**, **protocol_version** = ["1.1", "1.1"]) **client_name** An optional string identifying the connecting client software. **protocol_verion** Optional with default value ["1.1", "1.1"]. It must be a pair [`protocol_min`, `protocol_max`], each of which is a string. If `protocol_min` and `protocol_max` are the same, they can be passed as a single string rather than as a pair of strings. The server should use the highest protocol version both support: protocol_version_to_use = min(client.protocol_max, server.protocol_max) If this is below the value max(client.protocol_min, server.protocol_min) then there is no protocol version in common and the server must close the connection. Otherwise it should send a response appropriate for that protocol version. **Response** An array of length 2 [, ] identifying the server and the protocol version that will be used for future communication. **Example** :: server.version('2.7.11', ["0.10", "1.1"]) **Example Response** ["ElectrumX 1.0.18", "1.1"] blockchain.scripthash.get_balance ================================= Return the confirmed and unconfirmed balances of a script hash. blockchain.scripthash.get_balance(**scripthash**) **scripthash** The script hash as a hexadecimal string. **Response** As for `blockchain.address.get_balance`. blockchain.scripthash.get_history ================================= Return the confirmed and unconfirmed history of a script hash. blockchain.scripthash.get_history(**scripthash**) **scripthash** The script hash as a hexadecimal string. **Response** As for `blockchain.address.get_history`. blockchain.scripthash.get_mempool ================================= Return the unconfirmed transactions of a script hash. blockchain.scripthash.get_mempool(**scripthash**) **scripthash** The script hash as a hexadecimal string. **Response** As for `blockchain.address.get_mempool`. blockchain.scripthash.listunspent ================================= Return an ordered list of UTXOs sent to a script hash. blockchain.scripthash.listunspent(**scripthash**) **scripthash** The script hash as a hexadecimal string. **Response** As for `blockchain.address.listunspent`. blockchain.scripthash.subscribe =============================== Subscribe to a script hash. blockchain.scripthash.subscribe(**scripthash**) **scripthash** The script hash as a hexadecimal string. **Response** The *status* [1]_ of the script hash. **Notifications** As this is a subcription, the client will receive a notification when the status of the script hash changes. The parameters are: [**scripthash**, **status**] server.add_peer =============== This call is intended for a new server to get itself into the server's peers list. server.add_peer(**features**) * **features** The same information as a call to the client server's **server.features** RPC call would return. server.features =============== Get a list of features and services supported by the server. server.features() **Response** A dictionary of keys and values. Each key represents a feature or service of the server, and the value gives additional information. The following features MUST be reported by the server. Additional key-value pairs may be returned. * **hosts** An dictionary, keyed by host name, that this server can be reached at. Normally this will only have a single entry; other entries can be used in case there are other connection routes (e.g. Tor). The value for a host is itself a dictionary, with the following optional keys: * **ssl_port** An integer. Omit or set to *null* if SSL connectivity is not provided. * **tcp_port** An integer. Omit or set to *null* if TCP connectivity is not provided. A server should ignore information provided about any host other than the one it connected to. * **genesis_hash** The hash of the genesis block. This is used to detect if a peer is connected to one serving a different network. * **hash_function** The hash function the server uses for script hashing. The client must use this function to hash pay-to-scripts to produce script hashes to send to the server. The default is "sha256". "sha256" is currently the only acceptable value. * **server_version** A string that identifies the server software. Should be the same as the response to **server.version** RPC call. * **protocol_max** * **protocol_min** Strings that are the minimum and maximum Electrum protocol versions this server speaks. Example: "1.1". * **pruning** An integer, the pruning limit. Omit or set to *null* if there is no pruning limit. Should be the same as what would suffix the letter **p** in the IRC real name. **Example Response** :: { "genesis_hash": "000000000933ea01ad0ee984209779baaec3ced90fa3f408719526f8d77f4943", "hosts": {"": {"tcp_port": 51001, "ssl_port": 51002}}, "protocol_max": "1.0", "protocol_min": "1.0", "pruning": null, "server_version": "ElectrumX 1.0.17", "hash_function": "sha256" } Protocol Version 1.2 -------------------- Protocol version 1.2 is the same as version `1.1` except for the addition of a new method `mempool.get_fee_histogram`. All methods with taking addresses are deprecated, and will be removed at some point in the future. You should update your code to use `Script Hashes`_ and the scripthash methods introduced in protocol 1.1 instead. mempool.get_fee_histogram ========================= Request a histogram of the fee rates paid by transactions in the memory pool, weighted by transaction size. mempool.get_fee_histogram() **Response** The histogram is an array of [fee, vsize] pairs, where vsize_n is the cumulative virtual size of mempool transactions with a fee rate in the interval [fee_(n-1), fee_n)], and fee_(n-1) > fee_n. Fee intervals may have variable size. The choice of appropriate intervals is currently not part of the protocol. .. _JSON RPC 1.0: http://json-rpc.org/wiki/specification .. _JSON RPC 2.0: http://json-rpc.org/specification