# Copyright (c) 2016, Neil Booth # # All rights reserved. # # See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright # and warranty status of this software. '''Server controller. Coordinates the parts of the server. Serves as a cache for client-serving data such as histories. ''' import asyncio import signal import ssl import traceback from functools import partial from server.daemon import Daemon, DaemonError from server.block_processor import BlockProcessor from server.protocol import ElectrumX, LocalRPC, RPCError, JSONRPC from lib.hash import (sha256, double_sha256, hash_to_str, Base58, hex_str_to_hash) from lib.util import LoggedClass class Controller(LoggedClass): def __init__(self, loop, env): '''Create up the controller. Creates DB, Daemon and BlockProcessor instances. ''' super().__init__() self.loop = loop self.env = env self.coin = env.coin self.daemon = Daemon(env.daemon_url) self.block_processor = BlockProcessor(env, self.daemon, on_update=self.on_update) JSONRPC.init(self.block_processor, self.coin) self.servers = [] self.addresses = {} self.jobs = asyncio.Queue() self.peers = {} def start(self): '''Prime the event loop with asynchronous jobs.''' coros = self.block_processor.coros() coros.append(self.run_jobs()) for coro in coros: asyncio.ensure_future(coro) # Signal handlers for signame in ('SIGINT', 'SIGTERM'): self.loop.add_signal_handler(getattr(signal, signame), partial(self.on_signal, signame)) async def on_update(self, height, touched): if not self.servers: self.servers = await self.start_servers() ElectrumX.notify(height, touched) async def start_servers(self): '''Start listening on RPC, TCP and SSL ports. Does not start a server if the port wasn't specified. Does nothing if servers are already running. ''' servers = [] env = self.env loop = self.loop protocol = partial(LocalRPC, self) if env.rpc_port is not None: host = 'localhost' rpc_server = loop.create_server(protocol, host, env.rpc_port) servers.append(await rpc_server) self.logger.info('RPC server listening on {}:{:d}' .format(host, env.rpc_port)) protocol = partial(ElectrumX, self, self.daemon, env) if env.tcp_port is not None: tcp_server = loop.create_server(protocol, env.host, env.tcp_port) servers.append(await tcp_server) self.logger.info('TCP server listening on {}:{:d}' .format(env.host, env.tcp_port)) if env.ssl_port is not None: # FIXME: update if we want to require Python >= 3.5.3 ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2) ssl_context.load_cert_chain(env.ssl_certfile, keyfile=env.ssl_keyfile) ssl_server = loop.create_server(protocol, env.host, env.ssl_port, ssl=ssl_context) servers.append(await ssl_server) self.logger.info('SSL server listening on {}:{:d}' .format(env.host, env.ssl_port)) return servers def stop(self): '''Close the listening servers.''' for server in self.servers: server.close() def on_signal(self, signame): '''Call on receipt of a signal to cleanly shutdown.''' self.logger.warning('received {} signal, preparing to shut down' .format(signame)) for task in asyncio.Task.all_tasks(self.loop): task.cancel() def add_job(self, coro): '''Queue a job for asynchronous processing.''' self.jobs.put_nowait(coro) async def run_jobs(self): '''Asynchronously run through the job queue.''' while True: job = await self.jobs.get() try: await job except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except Exception: # Getting here should probably be considered a bug and fixed traceback.print_exc() def address_status(self, hash168): '''Returns status as 32 bytes.''' status = self.addresses.get(hash168) if status is None: history = self.block_processor.get_history(hash168) status = ''.join('{}:{:d}:'.format(hash_to_str(tx_hash), height) for tx_hash, height in history) if status: status = sha256(status.encode()) self.addresses[hash168] = status return status async def get_merkle(self, tx_hash, height): '''tx_hash is a hex string.''' block_hash = await self.daemon.send_single('getblockhash', (height,)) block = await self.daemon.send_single('getblock', (block_hash, True)) tx_hashes = block['tx'] # This will throw if the tx_hash is bad pos = tx_hashes.index(tx_hash) idx = pos hashes = [hex_str_to_hash(txh) for txh in tx_hashes] merkle_branch = [] while len(hashes) > 1: if len(hashes) & 1: hashes.append(hashes[-1]) idx = idx - 1 if (idx & 1) else idx + 1 merkle_branch.append(hash_to_str(hashes[idx])) idx //= 2 hashes = [double_sha256(hashes[n] + hashes[n + 1]) for n in range(0, len(hashes), 2)] return {"block_height": height, "merkle": merkle_branch, "pos": pos} def get_peers(self): '''Returns a dictionary of IRC nick to (ip, host, ports) tuples, one per peer.''' return self.peers def height(self): return self.block_processor.height def get_history(self, hash168): history = self.block_processor.get_history(hash168, limit=None) return [ {'tx_hash': hash_to_str(tx_hash), 'height': height} for tx_hash, height in history ] def get_chunk(self, index): '''Return header chunk as hex. Index is a non-negative integer.''' chunk_size = self.coin.CHUNK_SIZE next_height = self.height() + 1 start_height = min(index * chunk_size, next_height) count = min(next_height - start_height, chunk_size) return self.block_processor.read_headers(start_height, count).hex() def get_balance(self, hash168): confirmed = self.block_processor.get_balance(hash168) unconfirmed = -1 # FIXME return {'confirmed': confirmed, 'unconfirmed': unconfirmed} def list_unspent(self, hash168): utxos = self.block_processor.get_utxos_sorted(hash168) return tuple({'tx_hash': hash_to_str(utxo.tx_hash), 'tx_pos': utxo.tx_pos, 'height': utxo.height, 'value': utxo.value} for utxo in utxos)