# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Neil Booth
# All rights reserved.
# See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright
# and warranty status of this software.

'''Class for handling asynchronous connections to a blockchain

import asyncio
import json
import time
import traceback

import aiohttp

import lib.util as util

class DaemonError(Exception):
    '''Raised when the daemon returns an error in its results.'''

class Daemon(util.LoggedClass):
    '''Handles connections to a daemon at the given URL.'''

    WARMING_UP = -28

    class DaemonWarmingUpError(Exception):
        '''Raised when the daemon returns an error in its results.'''

    def __init__(self, urls):
        self._height = None
        self._mempool_hashes = set()
        self.mempool_refresh_event = asyncio.Event()
        # Limit concurrent RPC calls to this number.
        # See DEFAULT_HTTP_WORKQUEUE in bitcoind, which is typically 16
        self.workqueue_semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(value=10)
        self.down = False
        self.last_error_time = 0

    def set_urls(self, urls):
        '''Set the URLS to the given list, and switch to the first one.'''
        if not urls:
            raise DaemonError('no daemon URLs provided')
        self.urls = urls
        self.url_index = 0
        for n, url in enumerate(urls):
            self.logger.info('daemon #{:d} at {}{}'
                             .format(n + 1, self.logged_url(url),
                                     '' if n else ' (current)'))

    def url(self):
        '''Returns the current daemon URL.'''
        return self.urls[self.url_index]

    def failover(self):
        '''Call to fail-over to the next daemon URL.

        Returns False if there is only one, otherwise True.
        if len(self.urls) > 1:
            self.url_index = (self.url_index + 1) % len(self.urls)
            self.logger.info('failing over to {}'.format(self.logged_url()))
            return True
        return False

    async def _send_data(self, data):
        async with self.workqueue_semaphore:
            async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
                async with session.post(self.url(), data=data) as resp:
                    # If bitcoind can't find a tx, for some reason
                    # it returns 500 but fills out the JSON.
                    # Should still return 200 IMO.
                    if resp.status in (200, 500):
                        return await resp.json()
                    return (resp.status, resp.reason)

    async def _send(self, payload, processor):
        '''Send a payload to be converted to JSON.

        Handles temporary connection issues.  Daemon reponse errors
        are raise through DaemonError.
        def log_error(error):
            self.down = True
            now = time.time()
            prior_time = self.last_error_time
            if now - prior_time > 60:
                self.last_error_time = now
                if prior_time and self.failover():
                    secs = 0
                    self.logger.error('{}  Retrying occasionally...'

        data = json.dumps(payload)
        secs = 1
        max_secs = 4
        while True:
                result = await self._send_data(data)
                if not isinstance(result, tuple):
                    result = processor(result)
                    if self.down:
                        self.down = False
                        self.last_error_time = 0
                        self.logger.info('connection restored')
                    return result
                log_error('HTTP error code {:d}: {}'
                          .format(result[0], result[1]))
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                log_error('timeout error.')
            except aiohttp.ClientHttpProcessingError:
                log_error('HTTP error.')
            except aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError:
            except aiohttp.ClientConnectionError:
                log_error('connection problem - is your daemon running?')
            except self.DaemonWarmingUpError:
                log_error('starting up checking blocks.')
            except (asyncio.CancelledError, DaemonError):
            except Exception:

            await asyncio.sleep(secs)
            secs = min(max_secs, secs * 2, 1)

    def logged_url(self, url=None):
        '''The host and port part, for logging.'''
        url = url or self.url()
        return url[url.rindex('@') + 1:]

    async def _send_single(self, method, params=None):
        '''Send a single request to the daemon.'''
        def processor(result):
            err = result['error']
            if not err:
                return result['result']
            if err.get('code') == self.WARMING_UP:
                raise self.DaemonWarmingUpError
            raise DaemonError(err)

        payload = {'method': method}
        if params:
            payload['params'] = params
        return await self._send(payload, processor)

    async def _send_vector(self, method, params_iterable, replace_errs=False):
        '''Send several requests of the same method.

        The result will be an array of the same length as params_iterable.
        If replace_errs is true, any item with an error is returned as None,
        otherwise an exception is raised.'''
        def processor(result):
            errs = [item['error'] for item in result if item['error']]
            if any(err.get('code') == self.WARMING_UP for err in errs):
                raise self.DaemonWarmingUpError
            if not errs or replace_errs:
                return [item['result'] for item in result]
            raise DaemonError(errs)

        payload = [{'method': method, 'params': p} for p in params_iterable]
        if payload:
            return await self._send(payload, processor)
        return []

    async def block_hex_hashes(self, first, count):
        '''Return the hex hashes of count block starting at height first.'''
        params_iterable = ((h, ) for h in range(first, first + count))
        return await self._send_vector('getblockhash', params_iterable)

    async def deserialised_block(self, hex_hash):
        '''Return the deserialised block with the given hex hash.'''
        return await self._send_single('getblock', (hex_hash, True))

    async def raw_blocks(self, hex_hashes):
        '''Return the raw binary blocks with the given hex hashes.'''
        params_iterable = ((h, False) for h in hex_hashes)
        blocks = await self._send_vector('getblock', params_iterable)
        # Convert hex string to bytes
        return [bytes.fromhex(block) for block in blocks]

    async def mempool_hashes(self):
        '''Update our record of the daemon's mempool hashes.'''
        return await self._send_single('getrawmempool')

    async def estimatefee(self, params):
        '''Return the fee estimate for the given parameters.'''
        return await self._send_single('estimatefee', params)

    async def getnetworkinfo(self):
        '''Return the result of the 'getnetworkinfo' RPC call.'''
        return await self._send_single('getnetworkinfo')

    async def relayfee(self):
        '''The minimum fee a low-priority tx must pay in order to be accepted
        to the daemon's memory pool.'''
        network_info = await self.getnetworkinfo()
        return network_info['relayfee']

    async def getrawtransaction(self, hex_hash):
        '''Return the serialized raw transaction with the given hash.'''
        return await self._send_single('getrawtransaction', (hex_hash, 0))

    async def getrawtransactions(self, hex_hashes, replace_errs=True):
        '''Return the serialized raw transactions with the given hashes.

        Replaces errors with None by default.'''
        params_iterable = ((hex_hash, 0) for hex_hash in hex_hashes)
        txs = await self._send_vector('getrawtransaction', params_iterable,
        # Convert hex strings to bytes
        return [bytes.fromhex(tx) if tx else None for tx in txs]

    async def sendrawtransaction(self, params):
        '''Broadcast a transaction to the network.'''
        return await self._send_single('sendrawtransaction', params)

    async def height(self, mempool=False):
        '''Query the daemon for its current height.'''
        self._height = await self._send_single('getblockcount')
        if mempool:
            self._mempool_hashes = set(await self.mempool_hashes())
        return self._height

    def cached_mempool_hashes(self):
        '''Return the cached mempool hashes.'''
        return self._mempool_hashes

    def cached_height(self):
        '''Return the cached daemon height.

        If the daemon has not been queried yet this returns None.'''
        return self._height