# Copyright (c) 2016, Neil Booth # # All rights reserved. # # See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright # and warranty status of this software. '''Block prefetcher and chain processor.''' import array import ast import asyncio import struct import time from bisect import bisect_left from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple from functools import partial import plyvel from server.cache import FSCache, UTXOCache, NO_CACHE_ENTRY from server.daemon import DaemonError from lib.hash import hash_to_str from lib.script import ScriptPubKey from lib.util import chunks, LoggedClass def formatted_time(t): '''Return a number of seconds as a string in days, hours, mins and secs.''' t = int(t) return '{:d}d {:02d}h {:02d}m {:02d}s'.format( t // 86400, (t % 86400) // 3600, (t % 3600) // 60, t % 60) UTXO = namedtuple("UTXO", "tx_num tx_pos tx_hash height value") class ChainError(Exception): pass class Prefetcher(LoggedClass): '''Prefetches blocks (in the forward direction only).''' def __init__(self, daemon, height): super().__init__() self.daemon = daemon self.semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore() self.queue = asyncio.Queue() self.queue_size = 0 # Target cache size. Has little effect on sync time. self.target_cache_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024 self.fetched_height = height self.recent_sizes = [0] async def get_blocks(self): '''Returns a list of prefetched blocks.''' blocks, total_size = await self.queue.get() self.queue_size -= total_size return blocks async def clear(self, height): '''Clear prefetched blocks and restart from the given height. Used in blockchain reorganisations. This coroutine can be called asynchronously to the _prefetch coroutine so we must synchronize. ''' with await self.semaphore: while not self.queue.empty(): self.queue.get_nowait() self.queue_size = 0 self.fetched_height = height async def start(self): '''Loop forever polling for more blocks.''' self.logger.info('looping forever prefetching blocks...') while True: while self.queue_size < self.target_cache_size: try: with await self.semaphore: await self._prefetch() except DaemonError as e: self.logger.info('ignoring daemon errors: {}'.format(e)) await asyncio.sleep(2) def _prefill_count(self, room): ave_size = sum(self.recent_sizes) // len(self.recent_sizes) count = room // ave_size if ave_size else 0 return max(count, 10) async def _prefetch(self): '''Prefetch blocks if there are any to prefetch.''' daemon_height = await self.daemon.height() max_count = min(daemon_height - self.fetched_height, 4000) count = min(max_count, self._prefill_count(self.target_cache_size)) if not count: return 0 first = self.fetched_height + 1 hex_hashes = await self.daemon.block_hex_hashes(first, count) if not hex_hashes: self.logger.error('requested {:,d} hashes, got none'.format(count)) return 0 blocks = await self.daemon.raw_blocks(hex_hashes) sizes = [len(block) for block in blocks] total_size = sum(sizes) self.queue.put_nowait((blocks, total_size)) self.queue_size += total_size self.fetched_height += len(blocks) # Keep 50 most recent block sizes for fetch count estimation self.recent_sizes.extend(sizes) excess = len(self.recent_sizes) - 50 if excess > 0: self.recent_sizes = self.recent_sizes[excess:] return count class BlockProcessor(LoggedClass): '''Process blocks and update the DB state to match. Employ a prefetcher to prefetch blocks in batches for processing. Coordinate backing up in case of chain reorganisations. ''' def __init__(self, env, daemon): super().__init__() self.daemon = daemon # Meta self.utxo_MB = env.utxo_MB self.hist_MB = env.hist_MB self.next_cache_check = 0 self.coin = env.coin self.caught_up = False self.reorg_limit = env.reorg_limit # Chain state (initialize to genesis in case of new DB) self.db_height = -1 self.db_tx_count = 0 self.db_tip = b'\0' * 32 self.flush_count = 0 self.utxo_flush_count = 0 self.wall_time = 0 self.first_sync = True # Open DB and metadata files. Record some of its state. self.db = self.open_db(self.coin) self.tx_count = self.db_tx_count self.height = self.db_height self.tip = self.db_tip # Caches to be flushed later. Headers and tx_hashes have one # entry per block self.history = defaultdict(partial(array.array, 'I')) self.history_size = 0 self.backup_hash168s = set() self.utxo_cache = UTXOCache(self, self.db, self.coin) self.fs_cache = FSCache(self.coin, self.height, self.tx_count) self.prefetcher = Prefetcher(daemon, self.height) self.last_flush = time.time() self.last_flush_tx_count = self.tx_count # Redirected member func self.get_tx_hash = self.fs_cache.get_tx_hash # Log state self.logger.info('{}/{} height: {:,d} tx count: {:,d} ' 'flush count: {:,d} utxo flush count: {:,d} ' 'sync time: {}' .format(self.coin.NAME, self.coin.NET, self.height, self.tx_count, self.flush_count, self.utxo_flush_count, formatted_time(self.wall_time))) self.logger.info('reorg limit of {:,d} blocks' .format(self.reorg_limit)) self.logger.info('flushing UTXO cache at {:,d} MB' .format(self.utxo_MB)) self.logger.info('flushing history cache at {:,d} MB' .format(self.hist_MB)) self.clean_db() def coros(self, force_backup=False): if force_backup: return [self.force_chain_reorg(True), self.prefetcher.start()] else: return [self.start(), self.prefetcher.start()] async def start(self): '''External entry point for block processing. A simple wrapper that safely flushes the DB on clean shutdown. ''' try: await self.advance_blocks() finally: self.flush(True) async def advance_blocks(self): '''Loop forever processing blocks in the forward direction.''' while True: blocks = await self.prefetcher.get_blocks() for block in blocks: if not self.advance_block(block): await self.handle_chain_reorg() self.caught_up = False break await asyncio.sleep(0) # Yield if self.height != self.daemon.cached_height(): continue if not self.caught_up: self.caught_up = True self.logger.info('caught up to height {:,d}' .format(self.height)) # Flush everything when in caught-up state as queries # are performed on DB not in-memory self.flush(True) async def force_chain_reorg(self, to_genesis): try: await self.handle_chain_reorg(to_genesis) finally: self.flush(True) async def handle_chain_reorg(self, to_genesis=False): # First get all state on disk self.logger.info('chain reorg detected') self.flush(True) self.logger.info('finding common height...') hashes = await self.reorg_hashes(to_genesis) # Reverse and convert to hex strings. hashes = [hash_to_str(hash) for hash in reversed(hashes)] for hex_hashes in chunks(hashes, 50): blocks = await self.daemon.raw_blocks(hex_hashes) self.backup_blocks(blocks) self.logger.info('backed up to height {:,d}'.format(self.height)) await self.prefetcher.clear(self.height) self.logger.info('prefetcher reset') async def reorg_hashes(self, to_genesis): '''Return the list of hashes to back up beacuse of a reorg. The hashes are returned in order of increasing height.''' def match_pos(hashes1, hashes2): for n, (hash1, hash2) in enumerate(zip(hashes1, hashes2)): if hash1 == hash2: return n return -1 start = self.height - 1 count = 1 while start > 0: self.logger.info('start: {:,d} count: {:,d}'.format(start, count)) hashes = self.fs_cache.block_hashes(start, count) hex_hashes = [hash_to_str(hash) for hash in hashes] d_hex_hashes = await self.daemon.block_hex_hashes(start, count) n = match_pos(hex_hashes, d_hex_hashes) if n >= 0 and not to_genesis: start += n + 1 break count = min(count * 2, start) start -= count # Hashes differ from height 'start' count = (self.height - start) + 1 self.logger.info('chain was reorganised for {:,d} blocks from ' 'height {:,d} to height {:,d}' .format(count, start, start + count - 1)) return self.fs_cache.block_hashes(start, count) def open_db(self, coin): db_name = '{}-{}'.format(coin.NAME, coin.NET) try: db = plyvel.DB(db_name, create_if_missing=False, error_if_exists=False, compression=None) except: db = plyvel.DB(db_name, create_if_missing=True, error_if_exists=True, compression=None) self.logger.info('created new database {}'.format(db_name)) else: self.logger.info('successfully opened database {}'.format(db_name)) self.read_state(db) return db def read_state(self, db): state = db.get(b'state') state = ast.literal_eval(state.decode()) if state['genesis'] != self.coin.GENESIS_HASH: raise ChainError('DB genesis hash {} does not match coin {}' .format(state['genesis_hash'], self.coin.GENESIS_HASH)) self.db_height = state['height'] self.db_tx_count = state['tx_count'] self.db_tip = state['tip'] self.flush_count = state['flush_count'] self.utxo_flush_count = state['utxo_flush_count'] self.wall_time = state['wall_time'] self.first_sync = state.get('first_sync', True) def clean_db(self): '''Clean out stale DB items. Stale DB items are excess history flushed since the most recent UTXO flush (only happens on unclean shutdown), and aged undo information. ''' if self.flush_count < self.utxo_flush_count: raise ChainError('DB corrupt: flush_count < utxo_flush_count') with self.db.write_batch(transaction=True) as batch: if self.flush_count > self.utxo_flush_count: self.logger.info('DB shut down uncleanly. Scanning for ' 'excess history flushes...') self.remove_excess_history(batch) self.utxo_flush_count = self.flush_count self.remove_stale_undo_items(batch) self.flush_state(batch) def remove_excess_history(self, batch): prefix = b'H' unpack = struct.unpack keys = [] for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix): flush_id, = unpack('>H', key[-2:]) if flush_id > self.utxo_flush_count: keys.append(key) self.logger.info('deleting {:,d} history entries' .format(len(keys))) for key in keys: batch.delete(key) def remove_stale_undo_items(self, batch): prefix = b'U' unpack = struct.unpack cutoff = self.db_height - self.reorg_limit keys = [] for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix): height, = unpack('>I', key[-4:]) if height > cutoff: break keys.append(key) self.logger.info('deleting {:,d} stale undo entries' .format(len(keys))) for key in keys: batch.delete(key) def flush_state(self, batch): '''Flush chain state to the batch.''' if self.caught_up: self.first_sync = False now = time.time() self.wall_time += now - self.last_flush self.last_flush = now self.last_flush_tx_count = self.tx_count state = { 'genesis': self.coin.GENESIS_HASH, 'height': self.db_height, 'tx_count': self.db_tx_count, 'tip': self.db_tip, 'flush_count': self.flush_count, 'utxo_flush_count': self.utxo_flush_count, 'wall_time': self.wall_time, 'first_sync': self.first_sync, } batch.put(b'state', repr(state).encode()) def flush_utxos(self, batch): self.logger.info('flushing UTXOs: {:,d} txs and {:,d} blocks' .format(self.tx_count - self.db_tx_count, self.height - self.db_height)) self.utxo_cache.flush(batch) self.utxo_flush_count = self.flush_count self.db_tx_count = self.tx_count self.db_height = self.height self.db_tip = self.tip def assert_flushed(self): '''Asserts state is fully flushed.''' assert self.tx_count == self.db_tx_count assert not self.history assert not self.utxo_cache.cache assert not self.utxo_cache.db_cache assert not self.backup_hash168s def flush(self, flush_utxos=False): '''Flush out cached state. History is always flushed. UTXOs are flushed if flush_utxos.''' if self.height == self.db_height: self.logger.info('nothing to flush') self.assert_flushed() return flush_start = time.time() last_flush = self.last_flush tx_diff = self.tx_count - self.last_flush_tx_count show_stats = self.first_sync # Write out the files to the FS before flushing to the DB. If # the DB transaction fails, the files being too long doesn't # matter. But if writing the files fails we do not want to # have updated the DB. if self.height > self.db_height: self.fs_cache.flush(self.height, self.tx_count) with self.db.write_batch(transaction=True) as batch: # History first - fast and frees memory. Flush state last # as it reads the wall time. if self.height > self.db_height: self.flush_history(batch) else: self.backup_history(batch) if flush_utxos: self.flush_utxos(batch) self.flush_state(batch) self.logger.info('committing transaction...') # Update and put the wall time again - otherwise we drop the # time it took to commit the batch self.flush_state(self.db) flush_time = int(self.last_flush - flush_start) self.logger.info('flush #{:,d} to height {:,d} txs: {:,d} took {:,d}s' .format(self.flush_count, self.height, self.tx_count, flush_time)) # Catch-up stats if show_stats: daemon_height = self.daemon.cached_height() txs_per_sec = int(self.tx_count / self.wall_time) this_txs_per_sec = 1 + int(tx_diff / (self.last_flush - last_flush)) if self.height > self.coin.TX_COUNT_HEIGHT: tx_est = (daemon_height - self.height) * self.coin.TX_PER_BLOCK else: tx_est = ((daemon_height - self.coin.TX_COUNT_HEIGHT) * self.coin.TX_PER_BLOCK + (self.coin.TX_COUNT - self.tx_count)) self.logger.info('tx/sec since genesis: {:,d}, ' 'since last flush: {:,d}' .format(txs_per_sec, this_txs_per_sec)) self.logger.info('sync time: {} ETA: {}' .format(formatted_time(self.wall_time), formatted_time(tx_est / this_txs_per_sec))) def flush_history(self, batch): self.logger.info('flushing history') assert not self.backup_hash168s self.flush_count += 1 flush_id = struct.pack('>H', self.flush_count) for hash168, hist in self.history.items(): key = b'H' + hash168 + flush_id batch.put(key, hist.tobytes()) self.logger.info('{:,d} history entries in {:,d} addrs' .format(self.history_size, len(self.history))) self.history = defaultdict(partial(array.array, 'I')) self.history_size = 0 def backup_history(self, batch): self.logger.info('backing up history to height {:,d} tx_count {:,d}' .format(self.height, self.tx_count)) # Drop any NO_CACHE entry self.backup_hash168s.discard(NO_CACHE_ENTRY) assert not self.history nremoves = 0 for hash168 in sorted(self.backup_hash168s): prefix = b'H' + hash168 deletes = [] puts = {} for key, hist in self.db.iterator(reverse=True, prefix=prefix): a = array.array('I') a.frombytes(hist) # Remove all history entries >= self.tx_count idx = bisect_left(a, self.tx_count) nremoves += len(a) - idx if idx > 0: puts[key] = a[:idx].tobytes() break deletes.append(key) for key in deletes: batch.delete(key) for key, value in puts.items(): batch.put(key, value) self.logger.info('removed {:,d} history entries from {:,d} addresses' .format(nremoves, len(self.backup_hash168s))) self.backup_hash168s = set() def cache_sizes(self): '''Returns the approximate size of the cache, in MB.''' # Good average estimates based on traversal of subobjects and # requesting size from Python (see deep_getsizeof). For # whatever reason Python O/S mem usage is typically +30% or # more, so we scale our already bloated object sizes. one_MB = int(1048576 / 1.3) utxo_cache_size = len(self.utxo_cache.cache) * 187 db_cache_size = len(self.utxo_cache.db_cache) * 105 hist_cache_size = len(self.history) * 180 + self.history_size * 4 utxo_MB = (db_cache_size + utxo_cache_size) // one_MB hist_MB = hist_cache_size // one_MB self.logger.info('cache stats at height {:,d} daemon height: {:,d}' .format(self.height, self.daemon.cached_height())) self.logger.info(' entries: UTXO: {:,d} DB: {:,d} ' 'hist addrs: {:,d} hist size {:,d}' .format(len(self.utxo_cache.cache), len(self.utxo_cache.db_cache), len(self.history), self.history_size)) self.logger.info(' size: {:,d}MB (UTXOs {:,d}MB hist {:,d}MB)' .format(utxo_MB + hist_MB, utxo_MB, hist_MB)) return utxo_MB, hist_MB def undo_key(self, height): '''DB key for undo information at the given height.''' return b'U' + struct.pack('>I', height) def write_undo_info(self, height, undo_info): '''Write out undo information for the current height.''' self.db.put(self.undo_key(height), undo_info) def read_undo_info(self, height): '''Read undo information from a file for the current height.''' return self.db.get(self.undo_key(height)) def advance_block(self, block): # We must update the fs_cache before calling advance_txs() as # the UTXO cache uses the fs_cache via get_tx_hash() to # resolve compressed key collisions header, tx_hashes, txs = self.coin.read_block(block) self.fs_cache.advance_block(header, tx_hashes, txs) prev_hash, header_hash = self.coin.header_hashes(header) if prev_hash != self.tip: return False self.tip = header_hash self.height += 1 undo_info = self.advance_txs(tx_hashes, txs) if self.daemon.cached_height() - self.height <= self.reorg_limit: self.write_undo_info(self.height, b''.join(undo_info)) # Check if we're getting full and time to flush? now = time.time() if now > self.next_cache_check: self.next_cache_check = now + 60 utxo_MB, hist_MB = self.cache_sizes() if utxo_MB >= self.utxo_MB or hist_MB >= self.hist_MB: self.flush(utxo_MB >= self.utxo_MB) return True def advance_txs(self, tx_hashes, txs): put_utxo = self.utxo_cache.put spend_utxo = self.utxo_cache.spend undo_info = [] # Use local vars for speed in the loops history = self.history tx_num = self.tx_count coin = self.coin parse_script = ScriptPubKey.from_script pack = struct.pack for tx, tx_hash in zip(txs, tx_hashes): hash168s = set() tx_numb = pack('= 0 return limit def get_history(self, hash168, limit=1000): '''Generator that returns an unpruned, sorted list of (tx_hash, height) tuples of transactions that touched the address, earliest in the blockchain first. Includes both spending and receiving transactions. By default yields at most 1000 entries. Set limit to None to get them all. ''' limit = self.resolve_limit(limit) prefix = b'H' + hash168 for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix): a = array.array('I') a.frombytes(hist) for tx_num in a: if limit == 0: return yield self.get_tx_hash(tx_num) limit -= 1 def get_balance(self, hash168): '''Returns the confirmed balance of an address.''' return sum(utxo.value for utxo in self.get_utxos(hash168, limit=None)) def get_utxos(self, hash168, limit=1000): '''Generator that yields all UTXOs for an address sorted in no particular order. By default yields at most 1000 entries. Set limit to None to get them all. ''' limit = self.resolve_limit(limit) unpack = struct.unpack prefix = b'u' + hash168 utxos = [] for k, v in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix): (tx_pos, ) = unpack('