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# Copyright (c) 2016, Neil Booth
# All rights reserved.
# See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright
# and warranty status of this software.
'''Mempool handling.'''
import asyncio
import itertools
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from lib.hash import hash_to_str, hex_str_to_hash
import lib.util as util
from server.daemon import DaemonError
class MemPool(util.LoggedClass):
'''Representation of the daemon's mempool.
Updated regularly in caught-up state. Goal is to enable efficient
response to the value() and transactions() calls.
To that end we maintain the following maps:
tx_hash -> (txin_pairs, txout_pairs)
hashX -> set of all tx hashes in which the hashX appears
A pair is a (hashX, value) tuple. tx hashes are hex strings.
def __init__(self, bp, controller):
self.daemon = bp.daemon
self.controller = controller
self.coin = bp.coin
self.db = bp
self.touched = bp.touched
self.touched_event = asyncio.Event()
self.prioritized = set()
self.stop = False
self.txs = {}
self.hashXs = defaultdict(set) # None can be a key
def prioritize(self, tx_hash):
'''Prioritize processing the given hash. This is important during
initial mempool sync.'''
def resync_daemon_hashes(self, unprocessed, unfetched):
'''Re-sync self.txs with the list of hashes in the daemon's mempool.
Additionally, remove gone hashes from unprocessed and
unfetched. Add new ones to unprocessed.
txs = self.txs
hashXs = self.hashXs
touched = self.touched
hashes = self.daemon.cached_mempool_hashes()
gone = set(txs).difference(hashes)
for hex_hash in gone:
unprocessed.pop(hex_hash, None)
item = txs.pop(hex_hash)
if item:
txin_pairs, txout_pairs = item
tx_hashXs = set(hashX for hashX, value in txin_pairs)
tx_hashXs.update(hashX for hashX, value in txout_pairs)
for hashX in tx_hashXs:
if not hashXs[hashX]:
del hashXs[hashX]
new = hashes.difference(txs)
for hex_hash in new:
txs[hex_hash] = None
async def main_loop(self):
'''Asynchronously maintain mempool status with daemon.
Processes the mempool each time the daemon's mempool refresh
event is signalled.
unprocessed = {}
unfetched = set()
txs = self.txs
fetch_size = 800
process_some = self.async_process_some(unfetched, fetch_size // 2)
await self.daemon.mempool_refresh_event.wait()'beginning processing of daemon mempool. '
'This can take some time...')
next_log = 0
loops = -1 # Zero during initial catchup
while True:
# Avoid double notifications if processing a block
if self.touched and not self.processing_new_block():
# Log progress / state
todo = len(unfetched) + len(unprocessed)
if loops == 0:
pct = (len(txs) - todo) * 100 // len(txs) if txs else 0'catchup {:d}% complete '
'({:,d} txs left)'.format(pct, todo))
if not todo:
loops += 1
now = time.time()
if now >= next_log and loops:'{:,d} txs touching {:,d} addresses'
.format(len(txs), len(self.hashXs)))
next_log = now + 150
if not todo:
await self.daemon.mempool_refresh_event.wait()
self.resync_daemon_hashes(unprocessed, unfetched)
if unfetched:
count = min(len(unfetched), fetch_size)
hex_hashes = [unfetched.pop() for n in range(count)]
unprocessed.update(await self.fetch_raw_txs(hex_hashes))
if unprocessed:
await process_some(unprocessed)
except DaemonError as e:'ignoring daemon error: {}'.format(e))
except asyncio.CancelledError:
# This aids clean shutdowns
self.stop = True
def async_process_some(self, unfetched, limit):
pending = []
txs = self.txs
async def process(unprocessed):
nonlocal pending
raw_txs = {}
for hex_hash in self.prioritized:
if hex_hash in unprocessed:
raw_txs[hex_hash] = unprocessed.pop(hex_hash)
while unprocessed and len(raw_txs) < limit:
hex_hash, raw_tx = unprocessed.popitem()
raw_txs[hex_hash] = raw_tx
if unprocessed:
deferred = []
deferred = pending
pending = []
result, deferred = await self.controller.run_in_executor(
self.process_raw_txs, raw_txs, deferred)
hashXs = self.hashXs
touched = self.touched
for hex_hash, in_out_pairs in result.items():
if hex_hash in txs:
txs[hex_hash] = in_out_pairs
for hashX, value in itertools.chain(*in_out_pairs):
return process
def processing_new_block(self):
'''Return True if we're processing a new block.'''
return self.daemon.cached_height() > self.db.db_height
async def fetch_raw_txs(self, hex_hashes):
'''Fetch a list of mempool transactions.'''
raw_txs = await self.daemon.getrawtransactions(hex_hashes)
# Skip hashes the daemon has dropped. Either they were
# evicted or they got in a block.
return {hh: raw for hh, raw in zip(hex_hashes, raw_txs) if raw}
def process_raw_txs(self, raw_tx_map, pending):
'''Process the dictionary of raw transactions and return a dictionary
of updates to apply to self.txs.
This runs in the executor so should not update any member
variables it doesn't own. Atomic reads of self.txs that do
not depend on the result remaining the same are fine.
script_hashX = self.coin.hashX_from_script
deserializer = self.coin.DESERIALIZER
db_utxo_lookup = self.db.db_utxo_lookup
txs = self.txs
# Deserialize each tx and put it in our priority queue
for tx_hash, raw_tx in raw_tx_map.items():
if tx_hash not in txs:
tx, _tx_hash = deserializer(raw_tx).read_tx()
# Convert the tx outputs into (hashX, value) pairs
txout_pairs = [(script_hashX(txout.pk_script), txout.value)
for txout in tx.outputs]
# Convert the tx inputs to ([prev_hex_hash, prev_idx) pairs
txin_pairs = [(hash_to_str(txin.prev_hash), txin.prev_idx)
for txin in tx.inputs]
pending.append((tx_hash, txin_pairs, txout_pairs))
# Now process what we can
result = {}
deferred = []
for item in pending:
if self.stop:
tx_hash, old_txin_pairs, txout_pairs = item
if tx_hash not in txs:
mempool_missing = False
txin_pairs = []
for prev_hex_hash, prev_idx in old_txin_pairs:
tx_info = txs.get(prev_hex_hash, 0)
if tx_info is None:
tx_info = result.get(prev_hex_hash)
if not tx_info:
mempool_missing = True
if tx_info:
elif not mempool_missing:
prev_hash = hex_str_to_hash(prev_hex_hash)
txin_pairs.append(db_utxo_lookup(prev_hash, prev_idx))
except (self.db.MissingUTXOError, self.db.DBError):
# DBError can happen when flushing a newly processed
# block. MissingUTXOError typically happens just
# after the daemon has accepted a new block and the
# new mempool has deps on new txs in that block.
if mempool_missing:
result[tx_hash] = (txin_pairs, txout_pairs)
return result, deferred
async def transactions(self, hashX):
'''Generate (hex_hash, tx_fee, unconfirmed) tuples for mempool
entries for the hashX.
unconfirmed is True if any txin is unconfirmed.
# hashXs is a defaultdict
if hashX not in self.hashXs:
return []
deserializer = self.coin.DESERIALIZER
hex_hashes = self.hashXs[hashX]
raw_txs = await self.daemon.getrawtransactions(hex_hashes)
result = []
for hex_hash, raw_tx in zip(hex_hashes, raw_txs):
item = self.txs.get(hex_hash)
if not item or not raw_tx:
txin_pairs, txout_pairs = item
tx_fee = (sum(v for hashX, v in txin_pairs) -
sum(v for hashX, v in txout_pairs))
tx, tx_hash = deserializer(raw_tx).read_tx()
unconfirmed = any(hash_to_str(txin.prev_hash) in self.txs
for txin in tx.inputs)
result.append((hex_hash, tx_fee, unconfirmed))
return result
def value(self, hashX):
'''Return the unconfirmed amount in the mempool for hashX.
Can be positive or negative.
value = 0
# hashXs is a defaultdict
if hashX in self.hashXs:
for hex_hash in self.hashXs[hashX]:
txin_pairs, txout_pairs = self.txs[hex_hash]
value -= sum(v for h168, v in txin_pairs if h168 == hashX)
value += sum(v for h168, v in txout_pairs if h168 == hashX)
return value