You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1173 lines
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1173 lines
44 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2016, Neil Booth
# All rights reserved.
# See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright
# and warranty status of this software.
'''Classes for local RPC server and remote client TCP/SSL servers.'''
import asyncio
import codecs
import json
import ssl
import time
import traceback
from bisect import bisect_left
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from functools import partial
import pylru
from lib.hash import sha256, double_sha256, hash_to_str, hex_str_to_hash
from lib.jsonrpc import JSONRPC, RequestBase
from lib.tx import Deserializer
import lib.util as util
from server.block_processor import BlockProcessor
from server.daemon import DaemonError
from server.irc import IRC
from server.version import VERSION
class MemPool(util.LoggedClass):
'''Representation of the daemon's mempool.
Updated regularly in caught-up state. Goal is to enable efficient
response to the value() and transactions() calls.
To that end we maintain the following maps:
tx_hash -> [txin_pairs, txout_pairs, unconfirmed]
hash168 -> set of all tx hashes in which the hash168 appears
A pair is a (hash168, value) tuple. Unconfirmed is true if any of the
tx's txins are unconfirmed. tx hashes are hex strings.
def __init__(self, daemon, coin, db, manager):
self.daemon = daemon
self.coin = coin
self.db = db
self.manager = manager
self.txs = {}
self.hash168s = defaultdict(set) # None can be a key
self.count = -1
async def main_loop(self, caught_up):
'''Asynchronously maintain mempool status with daemon.
Waits until the caught up event is signalled.'''
await caught_up.wait()
|'maintaining state with daemon...')
while True:
await self.update()
await asyncio.sleep(5)
except DaemonError as e:
|'ignoring daemon error: {}'.format(e))
async def update(self):
'''Update state given the current mempool to the passed set of hashes.
Remove transactions that are no longer in our mempool.
Request new transactions we don't have then add to our mempool.
hex_hashes = set(await self.daemon.mempool_hashes())
touched = set()
missing_utxos = []
initial = self.count < 0
if initial:
|'beginning import of {:,d} mempool txs'
# Remove gone items
gone = set(self.txs).difference(hex_hashes)
for hex_hash in gone:
txin_pairs, txout_pairs, unconfirmed = self.txs.pop(hex_hash)
hash168s = set(hash168 for hash168, value in txin_pairs)
hash168s.update(hash168 for hash168, value in txout_pairs)
for hash168 in hash168s:
if not self.hash168s[hash168]:
del self.hash168s[hash168]
# Get the raw transactions for the new hashes. Ignore the
# ones the daemon no longer has (it will return None). Put
# them into a dictionary of hex hash to deserialized tx.
raw_txs = await self.daemon.getrawtransactions(hex_hashes)
if initial:
|'analysing {:,d} mempool txs'
new_txs = {hex_hash: Deserializer(raw_tx).read_tx()
for hex_hash, raw_tx in zip(hex_hashes, raw_txs) if raw_tx}
del raw_txs, hex_hashes
# The mempool is unordered, so process all outputs first so
# that looking for inputs has full info.
script_hash168 = self.coin.hash168_from_script()
db_utxo_lookup = self.db.db_utxo_lookup
def txout_pair(txout):
return (script_hash168(txout.pk_script), txout.value)
for n, (hex_hash, tx) in enumerate(new_txs.items()):
# Yield to process e.g. signals
if n % 20 == 0:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
txout_pairs = [txout_pair(txout) for txout in tx.outputs]
self.txs[hex_hash] = (None, txout_pairs, None)
def txin_info(txin):
hex_hash = hash_to_str(txin.prev_hash)
mempool_entry = self.txs.get(hex_hash)
if mempool_entry:
return mempool_entry[1][txin.prev_idx], True
pair = db_utxo_lookup(txin.prev_hash, txin.prev_idx)
return pair, False
if initial:
next_log = time.time()
|'processed outputs, now examining inputs. '
'This can take some time...')
# Now add the inputs
for n, (hex_hash, tx) in enumerate(new_txs.items()):
# Yield to process e.g. signals
await asyncio.sleep(0)
if initial and time.time() > next_log:
next_log = time.time() + 20
|'{:,d} done ({:d}%)'
.format(n, int(n / len(new_txs) * 100)))
txout_pairs = self.txs[hex_hash][1]
infos = (txin_info(txin) for txin in tx.inputs)
txin_pairs, unconfs = zip(*infos)
except self.db.MissingUTXOError:
# Drop this TX. If other mempool txs depend on it
# it's harmless - next time the mempool is refreshed
# they'll either be cleaned up or the UTXOs will no
# longer be missing.
del self.txs[hex_hash]
self.txs[hex_hash] = (txin_pairs, txout_pairs, any(unconfs))
# Update touched and self.hash168s for the new tx
for hash168, value in txin_pairs:
for hash168, value in txout_pairs:
if missing_utxos:
|'{:,d} txs had missing UTXOs; probably the '
'daemon is a block or two ahead of us.'
first = ', '.join('{} / {:,d}'.format(hash_to_str(txin.prev_hash),
for txin in sorted(missing_utxos)[:3])
|'first ones are {}'.format(first))
self.count += 1
if self.count % 25 == 0 or gone:
self.count = 0
|'{:,d} txs touching {:,d} addresses'
.format(len(self.txs), len(self.hash168s)))
def transactions(self, hash168):
'''Generate (hex_hash, tx_fee, unconfirmed) tuples for mempool
entries for the hash168.
unconfirmed is True if any txin is unconfirmed.
for hex_hash in self.hash168s[hash168]:
txin_pairs, txout_pairs, unconfirmed = self.txs[hex_hash]
tx_fee = (sum(v for hash168, v in txin_pairs)
- sum(v for hash168, v in txout_pairs))
yield (hex_hash, tx_fee, unconfirmed)
def value(self, hash168):
'''Return the unconfirmed amount in the mempool for hash168.
Can be positive or negative.
value = 0
for hex_hash in self.hash168s[hash168]:
txin_pairs, txout_pairs, unconfirmed = self.txs[hex_hash]
value -= sum(v for h168, v in txin_pairs if h168 == hash168)
value += sum(v for h168, v in txout_pairs if h168 == hash168)
return value
class ServerManager(util.LoggedClass):
'''Manages the client servers, a mempool, and a block processor.
Servers are started immediately the block processor first catches
up with the daemon.
class NotificationRequest(RequestBase):
def __init__(self, height, touched):
self.height = height
self.touched = touched
async def process(self, session):
self.remaining = 0
await session.notify(self.height, self.touched)
def __init__(self, env):
self.start = time.time()
self.bp = BlockProcessor(self, env)
self.mempool = MemPool(self.bp.daemon, env.coin, self.bp, self)
self.irc = IRC(env)
self.env = env
self.servers = []
self.sessions = {}
self.groups = defaultdict(set)
self.txs_sent = 0
self.next_log_sessions = 0
self.max_subs = env.max_subs
self.subscription_count = 0
self.next_stale_check = 0
self.history_cache = pylru.lrucache(256)
self.header_cache = pylru.lrucache(8)
self.queue = asyncio.PriorityQueue()
self.delayed_sessions = []
self.next_queue_id = 0
self.height = 0
self.futures = []
env.max_send = max(350000, env.max_send)
|'session timeout: {:,d} seconds'
|'session bandwidth limit {:,d} bytes'
|'max response size {:,d} bytes'.format(env.max_send))
|'max subscriptions across all sessions: {:,d}'
|'max subscriptions per session: {:,d}'
def mempool_transactions(self, hash168):
'''Generate (hex_hash, tx_fee, unconfirmed) tuples for mempool
entries for the hash168.
unconfirmed is True if any txin is unconfirmed.
return self.mempool.transactions(hash168)
def mempool_value(self, hash168):
'''Return the unconfirmed amount in the mempool for hash168.
Can be positive or negative.
return self.mempool.value(hash168)
def setup_bands(self):
bands = []
limit = self.env.bandwidth_limit
for n in range(self.BANDS):
limit //= 4
limit = self.env.bandwidth_limit
for n in range(self.BANDS):
limit += limit // 2
self.bands = sorted(bands)
|'bands: {}'.format(self.bands))
def session_priority(self, session):
if isinstance(session, LocalRPC):
return 0
group_bandwidth = sum(s.bandwidth_used for s in self.sessions[session])
return 1 + (bisect_left(self.bands, session.bandwidth_used)
+ bisect_left(self.bands, group_bandwidth) + 1) // 2
async def enqueue_delayed_sessions(self):
now = time.time()
keep = []
for pair in self.delayed_sessions:
timeout, session = pair
if timeout <= now:
self.delayed_sessions = keep
await asyncio.sleep(1)
def enqueue_session(self, session):
# Might have disconnected whilst waiting
if not session in self.sessions:
priority = self.session_priority(session)
item = (priority, self.next_queue_id, session)
self.next_queue_id += 1
secs = int(session.pause)
if secs:
session.log_info('delaying processing whilst paused')
excess = priority - self.BANDS
if excess > 0:
secs = excess
session.log_info('delaying response {:d}s'.format(secs))
if secs:
self.delayed_sessions.append((time.time() + secs, item))
async def serve_requests(self):
'''Asynchronously run through the task queue.'''
while True:
priority_, id_, session = await self.queue.get()
if session in self.sessions:
await session.serve_requests()
async def main_loop(self):
'''Server manager main loop.'''
def add_future(coro):
# shutdown() assumes bp.main_loop() is first
for n in range(4):
for future in asyncio.as_completed(self.futures):
await future # Note: future is not one of self.futures
except asyncio.CancelledError:
await self.shutdown()
async def start_server(self, kind, *args, **kw_args):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
protocol_class = LocalRPC if kind == 'RPC' else ElectrumX
protocol = partial(protocol_class, self, self.bp, self.env, kind)
server = loop.create_server(protocol, *args, **kw_args)
host, port = args[:2]
self.servers.append(await server)
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error('{} server failed to listen on {}:{:d} :{}'
.format(kind, host, port, e))
|'{} server listening on {}:{:d}'
.format(kind, host, port))
async def start_servers(self, caught_up):
'''Connect to IRC and start listening for incoming connections.
Only connect to IRC if enabled. Start listening on RCP, TCP
and SSL ports only if the port wasn't pecified. Waits for the
caught_up event to be signalled.
await caught_up.wait()
env = self.env
if env.rpc_port is not None:
await self.start_server('RPC', 'localhost', env.rpc_port)
if env.tcp_port is not None:
await self.start_server('TCP',, env.tcp_port)
if env.ssl_port is not None:
# Python 3.5.3: use PROTOCOL_TLS
sslc = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
sslc.load_cert_chain(env.ssl_certfile, keyfile=env.ssl_keyfile)
await self.start_server('SSL',, env.ssl_port, ssl=sslc)
def notify(self, touched):
'''Notify sessions about height changes and touched addresses.'''
# Invalidate caches
hc = self.history_cache
for hash168 in set(hc).intersection(touched):
del hc[hash168]
if self.bp.db_height != self.height:
self.height = self.bp.db_height
for session in self.sessions:
if isinstance(session, ElectrumX):
request = self.NotificationRequest(self.bp.db_height, touched)
# Periodically log sessions
if self.env.log_sessions and time.time() > self.next_log_sessions:
data = self.session_data(for_log=True)
for line in ServerManager.sessions_text_lines(data):
self.next_log_sessions = time.time() + self.env.log_sessions
def electrum_header(self, height):
'''Return the binary header at the given height.'''
if not 0 <= height <= self.bp.db_height:
raise self.RPCError('height {:,d} out of range'.format(height))
if height in self.header_cache:
return self.header_cache[height]
header = self.bp.read_headers(height, 1)
header = self.env.coin.electrum_header(header, height)
self.header_cache[height] = header
return header
async def async_get_history(self, hash168):
if hash168 in self.history_cache:
return self.history_cache[hash168]
# History DoS limit. Each element of history is about 99
# bytes when encoded as JSON. This limits resource usage on
# bloated history requests, and uses a smaller divisor so
# large requests are logged before refusing them.
limit = self.env.max_send // 97
# Python 3.6: use async generators; update callers
history = []
for item in self.bp.get_history(hash168, limit=limit):
if len(history) % 100 == 0:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
self.history_cache[hash168] = history
return history
async def shutdown(self):
'''Call to shutdown the servers. Returns when done.'''
# Don't cancel the block processor main loop - let it close itself
for future in self.futures[1:]:
for server in self.servers:
await server.wait_closed()
self.servers = [] # So add_session closes new sessions
while not all(future.done() for future in self.futures):
await asyncio.sleep(0)
if self.sessions:
await self.close_sessions()
async def close_sessions(self, secs=30):
|'cleanly closing client sessions, please wait...')
for session in self.sessions:
|'listening sockets closed, waiting up to '
'{:d} seconds for socket cleanup'.format(secs))
limit = time.time() + secs
while self.sessions and time.time() < limit:
await asyncio.sleep(2)
|'{:,d} sessions remaining'
await asyncio.sleep(1)
def add_session(self, session):
# Some connections are acknowledged after the servers are closed
if not self.servers:
now = time.time()
if now > self.next_stale_check:
self.next_stale_check = now + 60
group = self.groups[int(session.start - self.start) // 180]
self.sessions[session] = group
session.log_info('connection from {}, {:,d} total'
.format(session.peername(), len(self.sessions)))
def remove_session(self, session):
group = self.sessions.pop(session)
self.subscription_count -= session.sub_count()
def close_session(self, session):
'''Close the session's transport and cancel its future.'''
return 'disconnected {:d}'.format(session.id_)
def toggle_logging(self, session):
'''Toggle logging of the session.'''
session.log_me = not session.log_me
return 'log {:d}: {}'.format(session.id_, session.log_me)
def clear_stale_sessions(self, grace=15):
'''Cut off sessions that haven't done anything for 10 minutes. Force
close stubborn connections that won't close cleanly after a
short grace period.
now = time.time()
shutdown_cutoff = now - grace
stale_cutoff = now - self.env.session_timeout
stale = []
for session in self.sessions:
if session.is_closing():
if session.stop <= shutdown_cutoff:
elif session.last_recv < stale_cutoff:
if stale:
|'closing stale connections {}'.format(stale))
# Consolidate small groups
keys = [k for k, v in self.groups.items() if len(v) <= 2
and sum(session.bandwidth_used for session in v) < 10000]
if len(keys) > 1:
group = set.union(*(self.groups[key] for key in keys))
for key in keys:
del self.groups[key]
self.groups[max(keys)] = group
def new_subscription(self):
if self.subscription_count >= self.max_subs:
raise JSONRPC.RPCError('server subscription limit {:,d} reached'
self.subscription_count += 1
def irc_peers(self):
return self.irc.peers
def session_count(self):
'''The number of connections that we've sent something to.'''
return len(self.sessions)
def server_summary(self):
'''A one-line summary of server state.'''
return {
'blocks': self.bp.db_height,
'closing': len([s for s in self.sessions if s.is_closing()]),
'errors': sum(s.error_count for s in self.sessions),
'groups': len(self.groups),
'logged': len([s for s in self.sessions if s.log_me]),
'peers': len(self.irc.peers),
'requests': sum(s.requests_remaining() for s in self.sessions),
'sessions': self.session_count(),
'txs_sent': self.txs_sent,
'watched': self.subscription_count,
def text_lines(method, data):
if method == 'sessions':
return ServerManager.sessions_text_lines(data)
return ServerManager.groups_text_lines(data)
def groups_text_lines(data):
'''A generator returning lines for a list of groups.
data is the return value of rpc_groups().'''
fmt = ('{:<6} {:>9} {:>9} {:>6} {:>6} {:>8}'
'{:>7} {:>9} {:>7} {:>9}')
yield fmt.format('ID', 'Sessions', 'Bwidth KB', 'Reqs', 'Txs', 'Subs',
'Recv', 'Recv KB', 'Sent', 'Sent KB')
for (id_, session_count, bandwidth, reqs, txs_sent, subs,
recv_count, recv_size, send_count, send_size) in data:
yield fmt.format(id_,
'{:,d}'.format(bandwidth // 1024),
'{:,d}'.format(recv_size // 1024),
'{:,d}'.format(send_size // 1024))
def group_data(self):
'''Returned to the RPC 'groups' call.'''
result = []
for group_id in sorted(self.groups.keys()):
sessions = self.groups[group_id]
sum(s.bandwidth_used for s in sessions),
sum(s.requests_remaining() for s in sessions),
sum(s.txs_sent for s in sessions),
sum(s.sub_count() for s in sessions),
sum(s.recv_count for s in sessions),
sum(s.recv_size for s in sessions),
sum(s.send_count for s in sessions),
sum(s.send_size for s in sessions),
return result
def sessions_text_lines(data):
'''A generator returning lines for a list of sessions.
data is the return value of rpc_sessions().'''
def time_fmt(t):
t = int(t)
return ('{:3d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'
.format(t // 3600, (t % 3600) // 60, t % 60))
fmt = ('{:<6} {:<5} {:>23} {:>15} {:>5} {:>5} '
'{:>7} {:>7} {:>7} {:>7} {:>7} {:>9}')
yield fmt.format('ID', 'Flags', 'Peer', 'Client', 'Reqs', 'Txs',
'Subs', 'Recv', 'Recv KB', 'Sent', 'Sent KB', 'Time')
for (id_, flags, peer, client, reqs, txs_sent, subs,
recv_count, recv_size, send_count, send_size, time) in data:
yield fmt.format(id_, flags, peer, client,
'{:,d}'.format(recv_size // 1024),
'{:,d}'.format(send_size // 1024),
def session_data(self, for_log):
'''Returned to the RPC 'sessions' call.'''
now = time.time()
sessions = sorted(self.sessions, key=lambda s: s.start)
return [(session.id_,
session.recv_count, session.recv_size,
session.send_count, session.send_size,
now - session.start)
for session in sessions]
def lookup_session(self, param):
id_ = int(param)
for session in self.sessions:
if session.id_ == id_:
return session
return None
def for_each_session(self, params, operation):
result = []
for param in params:
session = self.lookup_session(param)
if session:
result.append('unknown session: {}'.format(param))
return result
async def rpc_disconnect(self, params):
return self.for_each_session(params, self.close_session)
async def rpc_log(self, params):
return self.for_each_session(params, self.toggle_logging)
async def rpc_getinfo(self, params):
return self.server_summary()
async def rpc_groups(self, params):
return self.group_data()
async def rpc_sessions(self, params):
return self.session_data(for_log=False)
async def rpc_numsessions(self, params):
return self.session_count()
async def rpc_peers(self, params):
return self.irc.peers
async def rpc_numpeers(self, params):
return len(self.irc.peers)
class Session(JSONRPC):
'''Base class of ElectrumX JSON session protocols.
Each session runs its tasks in asynchronous parallelism with other
sessions. To prevent some sessions blocking others, potentially
long-running requests should yield.
def __init__(self, manager, bp, env, kind):
self.manager = manager
self.bp = bp
self.env = env
self.daemon = bp.daemon
self.coin = bp.coin
self.kind = kind
self.client = 'unknown'
self.anon_logs = env.anon_logs
self.max_send = env.max_send
self.bandwidth_limit = env.bandwidth_limit
self.txs_sent = 0
self.requests = []
def is_closing(self):
'''True if this session is closing.'''
return self.transport and self.transport.is_closing()
def flags(self):
'''Status flags.'''
status = self.kind[0]
if self.is_closing():
status += 'C'
if self.log_me:
status += 'L'
status += str(self.manager.session_priority(self))
return status
def requests_remaining(self):
return sum(request.remaining for request in self.requests)
def enqueue_request(self, request):
'''Add a request to the session's list.'''
if not self.requests:
async def serve_requests(self):
'''Serve requests in batches.'''
total = 0
errs = []
# Process 8 items at a time
for request in self.requests:
initial = request.remaining
await request.process(self)
total += initial - request.remaining
except asyncio.CancelledError:
except Exception:
# Should probably be considered a bug and fixed
self.log_error('error handling request {}'.format(request))
if total >= 8:
self.log_info('done {:,d} items'.format(total))
# Remove completed requests and re-enqueue ourself if any remain.
self.requests = [req for req in self.requests
if req.remaining and not req in errs]
if self.requests:
def connection_made(self, transport):
'''Handle an incoming client connection.'''
def connection_lost(self, exc):
'''Handle client disconnection.'''
if self.error_count or self.send_size >= 1024*1024:
self.log_info('disconnected. Sent {:,d} bytes in {:,d} messages '
'{:,d} errors'
.format(self.send_size, self.send_count,
async def handle_request(self, method, params):
'''Handle a request.'''
handler = self.handlers.get(method)
if not handler:
return await handler(params)
def sub_count(self):
return 0
async def daemon_request(self, method, *args):
'''Catch a DaemonError and convert it to an RPCError.'''
return await getattr(self.daemon, method)(*args)
except DaemonError as e:
raise self.RPCError('daemon error: {}'.format(e))
def param_to_tx_hash(self, param):
'''Raise an RPCError if the parameter is not a valid transaction
if isinstance(param, str) and len(param) == 64:
return param
except ValueError:
raise self.RPCError('parameter should be a transaction hash: {}'
def param_to_hash168(self, param):
if isinstance(param, str):
return self.coin.address_to_hash168(param)
raise self.RPCError('param {} is not a valid address'.format(param))
def params_to_hash168(self, params):
if len(params) == 1:
return self.param_to_hash168(params[0])
raise self.RPCError('params {} should contain a single address'
class ElectrumX(Session):
'''A TCP server that handles incoming Electrum connections.'''
def __init__(self, *args):
self.subscribe_headers = False
self.subscribe_height = False
self.notified_height = None
self.max_subs = self.env.max_session_subs
self.hash168s = set()
rpcs = [
'address.get_balance address.get_history address.get_mempool '
'address.get_proof address.listunspent address.subscribe '
'block.get_header block.get_chunk estimatefee headers.subscribe '
'numblocks.subscribe relayfee transaction.broadcast '
'transaction.get transaction.get_merkle utxo.get_address'),
'banner donation_address peers.subscribe version'),
self.handlers = {'.'.join([prefix, suffix]):
getattr(self, suffix.replace('.', '_'))
for prefix, suffixes in rpcs
for suffix in suffixes.split()}
def sub_count(self):
return len(self.hash168s)
async def notify(self, height, touched):
'''Notify the client about changes in height and touched addresses.
Cache is a shared cache for this update.
if height != self.notified_height:
self.notified_height = height
if self.subscribe_headers:
payload = self.notification_payload(
(self.manager.electrum_header(height), ),
if self.subscribe_height:
payload = self.notification_payload(
(height, ),
hash168_to_address = self.coin.hash168_to_address
matches = self.hash168s.intersection(touched)
for hash168 in matches:
address = hash168_to_address(hash168)
status = await self.address_status(hash168)
payload = self.notification_payload(
'blockchain.address.subscribe', (address, status))
if matches:
self.log_info('notified of {:,d} addresses'.format(len(matches)))
def height(self):
'''Return the current flushed database height.'''
return self.bp.db_height
def current_electrum_header(self):
'''Used as response to a headers subscription request.'''
return self.manager.electrum_header(self.height())
async def address_status(self, hash168):
'''Returns status as 32 bytes.'''
# Note history is ordered and mempool unordered in electrum-server
# For mempool, height is -1 if unconfirmed txins, otherwise 0
history = await self.manager.async_get_history(hash168)
mempool = self.manager.mempool_transactions(hash168)
status = ''.join('{}:{:d}:'.format(hash_to_str(tx_hash), height)
for tx_hash, height in history)
status += ''.join('{}:{:d}:'.format(hex_hash, -unconfirmed)
for hex_hash, tx_fee, unconfirmed in mempool)
if status:
return sha256(status.encode()).hex()
return None
async def tx_merkle(self, tx_hash, height):
'''tx_hash is a hex string.'''
hex_hashes = await self.daemon_request('block_hex_hashes', height, 1)
block = await self.daemon_request('deserialised_block', hex_hashes[0])
tx_hashes = block['tx']
pos = tx_hashes.index(tx_hash)
except ValueError:
raise self.RPCError('tx hash {} not in block {} at height {:,d}'
.format(tx_hash, hex_hashes[0], height))
idx = pos
hashes = [hex_str_to_hash(txh) for txh in tx_hashes]
merkle_branch = []
while len(hashes) > 1:
if len(hashes) & 1:
idx = idx - 1 if (idx & 1) else idx + 1
idx //= 2
hashes = [double_sha256(hashes[n] + hashes[n + 1])
for n in range(0, len(hashes), 2)]
return {"block_height": height, "merkle": merkle_branch, "pos": pos}
def unconfirmed_history(self, hash168):
# Note unconfirmed history is unordered in electrum-server
# Height is -1 if unconfirmed txins, otherwise 0
mempool = self.manager.mempool_transactions(hash168)
return [{'tx_hash': tx_hash, 'height': -unconfirmed, 'fee': fee}
for tx_hash, fee, unconfirmed in mempool]
async def get_history(self, hash168):
# Note history is ordered but unconfirmed is unordered in e-s
history = await self.manager.async_get_history(hash168)
conf = [{'tx_hash': hash_to_str(tx_hash), 'height': height}
for tx_hash, height in history]
return conf + self.unconfirmed_history(hash168)
def get_chunk(self, index):
'''Return header chunk as hex. Index is a non-negative integer.'''
chunk_size = self.coin.CHUNK_SIZE
next_height = self.height() + 1
start_height = min(index * chunk_size, next_height)
count = min(next_height - start_height, chunk_size)
return self.bp.read_headers(start_height, count).hex()
async def get_utxos(self, hash168):
# Python 3.6: use async generators; update callers
utxos = []
for utxo in self.bp.get_utxos(hash168, limit=None):
if len(utxos) % 25 == 0:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
return utxos
async def get_balance(self, hash168):
utxos = await self.get_utxos(hash168)
confirmed = sum(utxo.value for utxo in utxos)
unconfirmed = self.manager.mempool_value(hash168)
return {'confirmed': confirmed, 'unconfirmed': unconfirmed}
async def list_unspent(self, hash168):
return [{'tx_hash': hash_to_str(utxo.tx_hash), 'tx_pos': utxo.tx_pos,
'height': utxo.height, 'value': utxo.value}
for utxo in sorted(await self.get_utxos(hash168))]
# --- blockchain commands
async def address_get_balance(self, params):
hash168 = self.params_to_hash168(params)
return await self.get_balance(hash168)
async def address_get_history(self, params):
hash168 = self.params_to_hash168(params)
return await self.get_history(hash168)
async def address_get_mempool(self, params):
hash168 = self.params_to_hash168(params)
return self.unconfirmed_history(hash168)
async def address_get_proof(self, params):
hash168 = self.params_to_hash168(params)
raise self.RPCError('get_proof is not yet implemented')
async def address_listunspent(self, params):
hash168 = self.params_to_hash168(params)
return await self.list_unspent(hash168)
async def address_subscribe(self, params):
hash168 = self.params_to_hash168(params)
if len(self.hash168s) >= self.max_subs:
raise self.RPCError('your address subscription limit {:,d} reached'
result = await self.address_status(hash168)
# add_subscription can raise so call it before adding
return result
async def block_get_chunk(self, params):
index = self.params_to_non_negative_integer(params)
return self.get_chunk(index)
async def block_get_header(self, params):
height = self.params_to_non_negative_integer(params)
return self.manager.electrum_header(height)
async def estimatefee(self, params):
return await self.daemon_request('estimatefee', params)
async def headers_subscribe(self, params):
self.subscribe_headers = True
return self.current_electrum_header()
async def numblocks_subscribe(self, params):
self.subscribe_height = True
return self.height()
async def relayfee(self, params):
'''The minimum fee a low-priority tx must pay in order to be accepted
to the daemon's memory pool.'''
return await self.daemon_request('relayfee')
async def transaction_broadcast(self, params):
'''Pass through the parameters to the daemon.
An ugly API: current Electrum clients only pass the raw
transaction in hex and expect error messages to be returned in
the result field. And the server shouldn't be doing the client's
user interface job here.
tx_hash = await self.daemon.sendrawtransaction(params)
self.txs_sent += 1
self.manager.txs_sent += 1
self.log_info('sent tx: {}'.format(tx_hash))
return tx_hash
except DaemonError as e:
error = e.args[0]
message = error['message']
self.log_info('sendrawtransaction: {}'.format(message))
if 'non-mandatory-script-verify-flag' in message:
return (
'Your client produced a transaction that is not accepted '
'by the network any more. Please upgrade to Electrum '
'2.5.1 or newer.'
return (
'The transaction was rejected by network rules. ({})\n[{}]'
.format(message, params[0])
async def transaction_get(self, params):
'''Return the serialized raw transaction.'''
# For some reason Electrum passes a height. Don't require it
# in anticipation it might be dropped in the future.
if 1 <= len(params) <= 2:
tx_hash = self.param_to_tx_hash(params[0])
return await self.daemon_request('getrawtransaction', tx_hash)
raise self.RPCError('params wrong length: {}'.format(params))
async def transaction_get_merkle(self, params):
if len(params) == 2:
tx_hash = self.param_to_tx_hash(params[0])
height = self.param_to_non_negative_integer(params[1])
return await self.tx_merkle(tx_hash, height)
raise self.RPCError('params should contain a transaction hash '
'and height')
async def utxo_get_address(self, params):
if len(params) == 2:
tx_hash = self.param_to_tx_hash(params[0])
index = self.param_to_non_negative_integer(params[1])
tx_hash = hex_str_to_hash(tx_hash)
hash168 = self.bp.get_utxo_hash168(tx_hash, index)
if hash168:
return self.coin.hash168_to_address(hash168)
return None
raise self.RPCError('params should contain a transaction hash '
'and index')
# --- server commands
async def banner(self, params):
'''Return the server banner.'''
banner = 'Welcome to Electrum!'
if self.env.banner_file:
with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f:
banner =
except Exception as e:
self.log_error('reading banner file {}: {}'
.format(self.env.banner_file, e))
network_info = await self.daemon.getnetworkinfo()
version = network_info['version']
major, minor = divmod(version, 1000000)
minor, revision = divmod(minor, 10000)
revision //= 100
version = '{:d}.{:d}.{:d}'.format(major, minor, revision)
subversion = network_info['subversion']
banner = (banner.replace('$VERSION', VERSION)
.replace('$DAEMON_VERSION', version)
.replace('$DAEMON_SUBVERSION', subversion))
return banner
async def donation_address(self, params):
'''Return the donation address as a string.
If none is specified return the empty string.
return self.env.donation_address
async def peers_subscribe(self, params):
'''Returns the peer (ip, host, ports) tuples.
Despite the name electrum-server does not treat this as a
return list(self.manager.irc_peers().values())
async def version(self, params):
'''Return the server version as a string.'''
if params:
self.client = str(params[0])[:15]
if len(params) > 1:
self.protocol_version = params[1]
return VERSION
class LocalRPC(Session):
'''A local TCP RPC server for querying status.'''
def __init__(self, *args):
cmds = ('disconnect getinfo groups log numpeers numsessions '
'peers sessions'
self.handlers = {cmd: getattr(self.manager, 'rpc_{}'.format(cmd))
for cmd in cmds}
self.client = 'RPC'
self.max_send = 5000000