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**ElectrumX** should run on any flavour of unix. I have run it
successfully on MaxOSX and DragonFlyBSD. It won't run out-of-the-box
on Windows, but the changes required to make it do so should be
small - pull requests are welcome.
================ ========================
Package Notes
================ ========================
Python3 ElectrumX uses asyncio. Python version >= 3.5.3 is
`aiohttp`_ Python library for asynchronous HTTP. Version >=
1.0 required; I am using 1.0.5.
`pylru`_ Python LRU cache package. I'm using 1.0.9.
DB Engine I use `plyvel`_ 0.9, a Python interface to LevelDB.
A database engine package is required but others
are supported (see **Database Engine** below).
`IRC`_ Python IRC package. Only required if you enable
IRC; ElectrumX will happily serve clients that
try to connect directly. I use 15.0.4 but
older versions likely are fine.
`x11_hash`_ Only required for DASH. Python X11 Hash package. Only
required if for Dash. Version 1.4 tested.
================ ========================
You need to be running a non-pruning bitcoin daemon with::
set in its configuration file. If you have an existing installation
of bitcoind and have not previously set this you will need to reindex
the blockchain with::
bitcoind -reindex
which can take some time.
While not a requirement for running ElectrumX, it is intended to be
run with supervisor software such as Daniel Bernstein's
`daemontools`_, Gerald Pape's `runit`_ package or `systemd`. These
make administration of secure unix servers very easy, and I strongly
recommend you install one of these and familiarise yourself with them.
The instructions below and sample run scripts assume `daemontools`;
adapting to `runit` should be trivial for someone used to either.
When building the database from the genesis block, ElectrumX has to
flush large quantities of data to disk and its DB. You will have a
better experience if the database directory is on an SSD than on an
HDD. Currently to around height 447,100 of the Bitcoin blockchain the
final size of the leveldb database, and other ElectrumX file metadata
comes to just over 18.7GB (17.5 GiB). LevelDB needs a bit more for
brief periods, and the block chain is only getting longer, so I would
recommend having at least 30-40GB of free space before starting.
Database Engine
You can choose from LevelDB and RocksDB to store transaction
information on disk. The time taken and DB size is not significantly
different. We tried to support LMDB but its history write performance
was much worse.
You will need to install one of:
+ `plyvel <>`_ for LevelDB
+ `python-rocksdb <>`_ for RocksDB (`pip3 install python-rocksdb`)
+ `pyrocksdb <>`_ for an unmaintained version that doesn't work with recent releases of RocksDB
Install the prerequisites above.
Check out the code from Github::
git clone
cd electrumx
You can install with `` or run the code from the source tree
or a copy of it.
You should create a standard user account to run the server under;
your own is probably adequate unless paranoid. The paranoid might
also want to create another user account for the daemontools logging
process. The sample scripts and these instructions assume it is all
under one account which I have called *electrumx*.
Next create a directory where the database will be stored and make it
writeable by the electrumx account. I recommend this directory live
on an SSD::
mkdir /path/to/db_directory
chown electrumx /path/to/db_directory
Process limits
You must ensure the ElectrumX process has a large open file limit.
During sync it should not need more than about 1,024 open files. When
serving it will use approximately 256 for LevelDB plus the number of
incoming connections. It is not unusual to have 1,000 to 2,000
connections being served, so I suggest you set your open files limit
to at least 2,500.
Note that setting the limit in your shell does *NOT* affect ElectrumX
unless you are invoking ElectrumX directly from your shell. If you
are using `systemd`, you need to set it in the `.service` file (see
Using daemontools
Next create a daemontools service directory; this only holds symlinks
(see daemontools documentation). The `svscan` program will ensure the
servers in the directory are running by launching a `supervise`
supervisor for the server and another for its logging process. You
can run `svscan` under the *electrumx* account if that is the only one
involved (server and logger) otherwise it will need to run as root so
that the user can be switched to electrumx.
Assuming this directory is called `service`, you would do one of::
mkdir /service # If running svscan as root
mkdir ~/service # As electrumx if running svscan as that a/c
Next create a directory to hold the scripts that the `supervise`
process spawned by `svscan` will run - this directory must be readable
by the `svscan` process. Suppose this directory is called *scripts*,
you might do::
mkdir -p ~/scripts/electrumx
Then copy the all sample scripts from the ElectrumX source tree there::
cp -R /path/to/repo/electrumx/contrib/daemontools ~/scripts/electrumx
This copies 3 things: the top level server run script, a log/ directory
with the logger run script, an env/ directory.
You need to configure the environment variables under env/ to your
setup, as explained in `ENVIRONMENT.rst`_. ElectrumX server currently
takes no command line arguments; all of its configuration is taken
from its environment which is set up according to env/ directory (see
'envdir' man page). Finally you need to change the log/run script to
use the directory where you want the logs to be written by multilog.
The directory need not exist as multilog will create it, but its
parent directory must exist.
Now start the 'svscan' process. This will not do much as the service
directory is still empty::
svscan ~/service & disown
svscan is now waiting for services to be added to the directory::
cd ~/service
ln -s ~/scripts/electrumx electrumx
Creating the symlink will kick off the server process almost immediately.
You can see its logs with::
tail -F /path/to/log/dir/current | tai64nlocal
Using systemd
This repository contains a sample systemd unit file that you can use to
setup ElectrumX with systemd. Simply copy it to :code:`/etc/systemd/system`::
cp contrib/systemd/electrumx.service /etc/systemd/system/
The sample unit file assumes that the repository is located at
:code:`/home/electrumx/electrumx`. If that differs on your system, you need to
change the unit file accordingly.
You need to set a few configuration variables in :code:`/etc/electrumx.conf`,
see `ENVIRONMENT.rst`_ for the list of required variables.
Now you can start ElectrumX using :code:`systemctl`::
systemctl start electrumx
You can use :code:`journalctl` to check the log output::
journalctl -u electrumx -f
Once configured you may want to start ElectrumX at boot::
systemctl enable electrumx
**Warning**: systemd is aggressive in forcibly shutting down
processes. Depending on your hardware, ElectrumX can need several
minutes to flush cached data to disk during initial sync. You should
set TimeoutStopSec to *at least* 10 mins in your `.service` file.
Installing Python 3.6 under Ubuntu
Many Ubuntu distributions have an incompatible Python version baked in.
Because of this, it is easier to install Python 3.6 rather than attempting
to update Python 3.5.2 to 3.5.3. See `contrib/python3.6/`_.
Installing on Raspberry Pi 3
To install on the Raspberry Pi 3 you will need to update to the "stretch" distribution.
See the full procedure in `contrib/raspberrypi3/`_.
See also `contrib/raspberrypi3/`_ for an easy way to configure and
launch electrumx.
Sync Progress
Time taken to index the blockchain depends on your hardware of course.
As Python is single-threaded most of the time only 1 core is kept
busy. ElectrumX uses Python's `asyncio` to prefill a cache of future
blocks asynchronously to keep the CPU busy processing the chain
without pausing.
Consequently there will probably be only a minor boost in performance
if the daemon is on the same host. It may even be beneficial to have
the daemon on a *separate* machine so the machine doing the indexing
has its caches and disk I/O tuned to that task only.
The **CACHE_MB** environment variable controls the total cache size
ElectrumX uses; see `ENVIRONMENT.rst`_ for caveats.
Here is my experience with the current codebase, to given heights and
rough wall-time. The period from heights 363,000 to 378,000 is the
most sluggish::
Machine A Machine B
181,000 25m 00s 5m 30s
283,500 1h 00m
321,800 1h 40m
357,000 12h 32m 2h 41m
386,000 21h 56m 4h 25m
414,200 1d 12h 29m 6h 30m
447,168 2d 13h 20m 9h 47m
*Machine A*: a low-spec 2011 1.6GHz AMD E-350 dual-core fanless CPU,
8GB RAM and a DragonFlyBSD UFS fileystem on an SSD. It requests
blocks over the LAN from a bitcoind on machine B. **DB_CACHE** the
default of 1,200. LevelDB.
*Machine B*: a late 2012 iMac running Sierra 10.12.2, 2.9GHz quad-core
Intel i5 CPU with an HDD and 24GB RAM. Running bitcoind on the same
machine. **DB_CACHE** set to 1,800. LevelDB.
For chains other than bitcoin-mainnet sychronization should be much
Terminating ElectrumX
The preferred way to terminate the server process is to send it the
**stop** RPC command, or alternatively on Unix the INT or TERM
signals. For a daemontools supervised process this can be done by
bringing it down like so::
svc -d ~/service/electrumx
ElectrumX will note receipt of the signals in the logs, and ensure the
block chain index is flushed to disk before terminating. You should
be patient as flushing data to disk can take many minutes.
ElectrumX uses the transaction functionality, with fsync enabled, of
the databases. I have written it with the intent that, to the extent
the atomicity guarantees are upheld by the DB software, the operating
system, and the hardware, the database should not get corrupted even
if the ElectrumX process if forcibly killed or there is loss of power.
The worst case should be having to restart indexing from the most
recent UTXO flush.
Once the process has terminated, you can start it up again with::
svc -u ~/service/electrumx
You can see the status of a running service with::
svstat ~/service/electrumx
`svscan` can of course handle multiple services simultaneously from
the same service directory, such as a testnet or altcoin server. See
the man pages of these various commands for more information.
Understanding the Logs
You can see the logs usefully like so::
tail -F /path/to/log/dir/current | tai64nlocal
Here is typical log output on startup::
INFO:BlockProcessor:switching current directory to /crucial/server-good
INFO:BlockProcessor:using leveldb for DB backend
INFO:BlockProcessor:created new database
INFO:BlockProcessor:creating metadata diretcory
INFO:BlockProcessor:software version: ElectrumX 0.10.2
INFO:BlockProcessor:DB version: 5
INFO:BlockProcessor:coin: Bitcoin
INFO:BlockProcessor:network: mainnet
INFO:BlockProcessor:height: -1
INFO:BlockProcessor:tip: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
INFO:BlockProcessor:tx count: 0
INFO:BlockProcessor:sync time so far: 0d 00h 00m 00s
INFO:BlockProcessor:reorg limit is 200 blocks
INFO:Daemon:daemon at
INFO:BlockProcessor:flushing DB cache at 1,200 MB
INFO:Controller:RPC server listening on localhost:8000
INFO:Prefetcher:catching up to daemon height 447,187...
INFO:Prefetcher:verified genesis block with hash 000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f
INFO:BlockProcessor:our height: 9 daemon: 447,187 UTXOs 0MB hist 0MB
INFO:BlockProcessor:our height: 52,509 daemon: 447,187 UTXOs 9MB hist 14MB
INFO:BlockProcessor:our height: 85,009 daemon: 447,187 UTXOs 12MB hist 31MB
INFO:BlockProcessor:our height: 102,384 daemon: 447,187 UTXOs 15MB hist 47MB
INFO:BlockProcessor:our height: 133,375 daemon: 447,187 UTXOs 80MB hist 222MB
INFO:BlockProcessor:our height: 134,692 daemon: 447,187 UTXOs 96MB hist 250MB
INFO:BlockProcessor:flushed to FS in 0.7s
INFO:BlockProcessor:flushed history in 16.3s for 1,124,512 addrs
INFO:BlockProcessor:flush #1 took 18.7s. Height 134,692 txs: 941,963
INFO:BlockProcessor:tx/sec since genesis: 2,399, since last flush: 2,400
INFO:BlockProcessor:sync time: 0d 00h 06m 32s ETA: 1d 13h 03m 42s
Under normal operation these cache stats repeat once or twice a
minute. UTXO flushes can take several minutes and look like this::
INFO:BlockProcessor:our height: 378,745 daemon: 447,332 UTXOs 1,013MB hist 184MB
INFO:BlockProcessor:our height: 378,787 daemon: 447,332 UTXOs 1,014MB hist 194MB
INFO:BlockProcessor:flushed to FS in 0.3s
INFO:BlockProcessor:flushed history in 13.4s for 934,933 addrs
INFO:BlockProcessor:flushed 6,403 blocks with 5,879,440 txs, 2,920,524 UTXO adds, 3,646,572 spends in 93.1s, committing...
INFO:BlockProcessor:flush #120 took 226.4s. Height 378,787 txs: 87,695,588
INFO:BlockProcessor:tx/sec since genesis: 1,280, since last flush: 359
INFO:BlockProcessor:sync t ime: 0d 19h 01m 06s ETA: 3d 21h 17m 52s
INFO:BlockProcessor:our height: 378,812 daemon: 447,334 UTXOs 10MB hist 10MB
The ETA shown is just a rough guide and in the short term can be quite
volatile. It tends to be a little optimistic at first; once you get
to height 280,000 is should be fairly accurate.
Creating an self-signed SSL certificate
These instructions are based on those of the `electrum-server` documentation.
To run an SSL server you need to generate a self-signed certificate
using openssl. Alternatively you could not set **SSL_PORT** in the
environment and not serve over SSL, but this is not recommended.
Use the sample code below to create a self-signed cert with a
recommended validity of 5 years. You may supply any information for
your sign request to identify your server. They are not currently
checked by the client except for the validity date. When asked for a
challenge password just leave it empty and press enter::
$ openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x -out server.pass.key 2048
$ openssl rsa -passin pass:x -in server.pass.key -out server.key
writing RSA key
$ rm server.pass.key
$ openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:California
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []: electrum-server.tld
A challenge password []:
$ openssl x509 -req -days 1825 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt
The `server.crt` file goes in **SSL_CERTFILE** and `server.key` in
**SSL_KEYFILE** in the server process's environment.
Starting with Electrum 1.9, the client will learn and locally cache
the SSL certificate for your server upon the first request to prevent
man-in-the middle attacks for all further connections.
If your certificate is lost or expires on the server side, you will
need to run your server with a different server name and a new
certificate. Therefore it's a good idea to make an offline backup
copy of your certificate and key in case you need to restore them.
.. _`ENVIRONMENT.rst`:
.. _`contrib/systemd/electrumx.service`:
.. _`daemontools`:
.. _`runit`:
.. _`aiohttp`:
.. _`pylru`:
.. _`IRC`:
.. _`x11_hash`:
.. _`contrib/python3.6/`:
.. _`contrib/raspberrypi3/`:
.. _`contrib/raspberrypi3/`: