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The following environment variables are required:
DB_DIRECTORY - path to the database directory (if relative, to `run` script)
USERNAME - the username the server will run as, if using `run` script
ELECTRUMX - path to the script (if relative,
to `run` script)
DAEMON_URL - A comma-separated list of daemon URLS. If more than one is
provided ElectrumX will failover to the next when one stops
working. The generic form is:
The leading 'http://' is optional, as is the trailing
slash. The ':port' part is also optional and will default
to the standard RPC port for COIN if omitted.
The other environment variables are all optional and will adopt
sensible defaults if not specified.
COIN - see lib/, must be a coin NAME. Defaults to Bitcoin.
NETWORK - see lib/, must be a coin NET. Defaults to mainnet.
DB_ENGINE - database engine for the transaction database. Default is
leveldb. Supported alternatives are rocksdb and lmdb.
You will need to install the appropriate python packages.
Not case sensitive.
REORG_LIMIT - maximum number of blocks to be able to handle in a chain
reorganisation. ElectrumX retains some fairly compact
undo information for this many blocks in levelDB.
Default is 200.
HOST - the host that the TCP and SSL servers will use. Defaults to
TCP_PORT - if set will serve Electrum TCP clients on that HOST:TCP_PORT
SSL_PORT - if set will serve Electrum SSL clients on that HOST:SSL_PORT
If set, SSL_CERTFILE and SSL_KEYFILE must be filesystem paths.
RPC_PORT - Listen on this port for local RPC connections, defaults to
BANNER_FILE - a path to a banner file to serve to clients. The banner file
is re-read for each new client. The string $VERSION in your
banner file will be replaced with the ElectrumX version you
are runnning, such as 'ElectrumX 0.7.11'.
LOG_SESSIONS - the number of seconds between printing session statistics to
the log. Defaults to 3600. Set to zero to suppress this
ANON_LOGS - set to anything non-empty to remove IP addresses from
logs. By default IP addresses will be logged.
DONATION_ADDRESS - server donation address. Defaults to none.
These following environment variables are to help limit server
resource consumption and to prevent simple DoS. Address subscriptions
in ElectrumX are very cheap - they consume about 100 bytes of memory
each and are processed efficiently. I feel the defaults are low and
encourage you to raise them.
MAX_SEND - maximum size of a response message to send over the wire,
in bytes. Defaults to 1,000,000 and will treat values
smaller than 350,000 as 350,000 because standard Electrum
protocol header chunk requests are almost that large.
The Electrum protocol has a flaw in that address
histories must be served all at once or not at all,
an obvious avenue for abuse. MAX_SEND is a
stop-gap until the protocol is improved to admit
incremental history requests. Each history entry
is appoximately 100 bytes so the default is
equivalent to a history limit of around 10,000
entries, which should be ample for most legitimate
users. If you increase this bear in mind one client
can request history for multiple addresses. Also,
the largest raw transaction you will be able to serve
to a client is just under half of MAX_SEND, as each raw
byte becomes 2 hexadecimal ASCII characters on the wire.
MAX_SUBS - maximum number of address subscriptions across all
sessions. Defaults to 250,000.
MAX_SESSION_SUBS - maximum number of address subscriptions permitted to a
single session. Defaults to 50,000.
BANDWIDTH_LIMIT - per-session periodic bandwith usage limit in bytes.
Bandwidth usage over each period is totalled, and
when this limit is exceeded each subsequent request
is stalled by sleeping before handling it,
effectively yielding processing resources to other
sessions. Each time this happens the event is
logged. The more bandwidth usage exceeds the limit
the longer the next request will sleep. Each sleep
is a round number of seconds with a minimum of one.
The bandwith usage counter is reset to zero at the
end of each period. Currently the period is
hard-coded to be one hour. The default limit value
is 2 million bytes.
CONN_LIMIT - the number of new incoming connections is limited to
The default is 10 every 10 seconds.
SESSION_TIMEOUT - an integer number of seconds defaulting to 600.
Sessions with no activity for longer than this are
If you want IRC connectivity to advertise your node:
IRC - set to anything non-empty
IRC_NICK - the nick to use when connecting to IRC. The default is a
hash of REPORT_HOST. Either way 'E_' will be prepended.
REPORT_HOST - the host to advertise. Defaults to HOST.
REPORT_TCP_PORT - the TCP port to advertise. Defaults to TCP_PORT.
'0' disables publishing the port.
REPORT_SSL_PORT - the SSL port to advertise. Defaults to SSL_PORT.
'0' disables publishing the port.
REPORT_HOST_TOR - Tor .onion address to advertise. Appends '_tor" to nick.
REPORT_TCP_PORT_TOR - the TCP port to advertise for Tor. Defaults to
REPORT_TCP_PORT, unless it is '0', then use TCP_PORT.
'0' disables publishing the port.
REPORT_SSL_PORT_TOR - the SSL port to advertise for Tor. Defaults to
REPORT_SSL_PORT, unless it is '0', then use SSL_PORT.
'0' disables publishing the port.
If synchronizing from the Genesis block your performance might change
by tweaking the following cache variables. Cache size is only checked
roughly every minute, so the caches can grow beyond the specified
size. Also the Python process is often quite a bit fatter than the
combined cache size, because of Python overhead and also because
leveldb consumes a lot of memory during UTXO flushing. So I recommend
you set the sum of these to nothing over half your available physical
HIST_MB - amount of history cache, in MB, to retain before flushing to
disk. Default is 300; probably no benefit being much larger
as history is append-only and not searched.
UTXO_MB - amount of UTXO and history cache, in MB, to retain before
flushing to disk. Default is 1000. This may be too large
for small boxes or too small for machines with lots of RAM.
Larger caches generally perform better as there is
significant searching of the UTXO cache during indexing.
However, I don't see much benefit in my tests pushing this
too high, and in fact performance begins to fall. My
machine has 24GB RAM; the slow down is probably because of
leveldb caching and Python GC effects. However this may be
very dependent on hardware and you may have different
The following are for debugging purposes.
FORCE_REORG - if set to a positive integer, it will simulate a reorg
of the blockchain for that number of blocks on startup.
Although it should fail gracefully if set to a value
greater than REORG_LIMIT, I do not recommend it as I have
not tried it and there is a chance your DB might corrupt.