You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1523 lines
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1523 lines
59 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2016-2018, Neil Booth
# All rights reserved.
# See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright
# and warranty status of this software.
'''Classes for local RPC server and remote client TCP/SSL servers.'''
import asyncio
import codecs
import datetime
import itertools
import json
import os
import pylru
import ssl
import time
from functools import partial
from ipaddress import ip_address
import attr
from aiorpcx import (
RPCSession, JSONRPCAutoDetect, JSONRPCConnection,
TaskGroup, handler_invocation, RPCError, Request, sleep, Event,
ExcessiveSessionCostError, FinalRPCError
import electrumx
import electrumx.lib.text as text
import electrumx.lib.util as util
from electrumx.lib.hash import (sha256, hash_to_hex_str, hex_str_to_hash,
HASHX_LEN, Base58Error)
from electrumx.server.daemon import DaemonError
from electrumx.server.peers import PeerManager
def scripthash_to_hashX(scripthash):
bin_hash = hex_str_to_hash(scripthash)
if len(bin_hash) == 32:
return bin_hash[:HASHX_LEN]
except Exception:
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'{scripthash} is not a valid script hash')
def non_negative_integer(value):
'''Return param value it is or can be converted to a non-negative
integer, otherwise raise an RPCError.'''
value = int(value)
if value >= 0:
return value
except (ValueError, TypeError):
f'{value} should be a non-negative integer')
def assert_boolean(value):
'''Return param value it is boolean otherwise raise an RPCError.'''
if value in (False, True):
return value
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'{value} should be a boolean value')
def assert_tx_hash(value):
'''Raise an RPCError if the value is not a valid transaction
if len(util.hex_to_bytes(value)) == 32:
except Exception:
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'{value} should be a transaction hash')
class SessionGroup(object):
name = attr.ib()
weight = attr.ib()
sessions = attr.ib()
retained_cost = attr.ib()
def session_cost(self):
return sum(session.cost for session in self.sessions)
def cost(self):
return self.retained_cost + self.session_cost()
class SessionManager(object):
'''Holds global state about all sessions.'''
def __init__(self, env, db, bp, daemon, mempool, shutdown_event):
env.max_send = max(350000, env.max_send)
self.env = env
self.db = db
self.bp = bp
self.daemon = daemon
self.mempool = mempool
self.peer_mgr = PeerManager(env, db)
self.shutdown_event = shutdown_event
self.logger = util.class_logger(__name__, self.__class__.__name__)
self.servers = {}
self.sessions = {} # session->iterable of its SessionGroups
self.session_groups = {} # group name->SessionGroup instance
self.txs_sent = 0
self.start_time = time.time()
self.history_cache = pylru.lrucache(256)
self.notified_height = None
# Masternode stuff only for such coins
if issubclass(env.coin.SESSIONCLS, DashElectrumX):
self.mn_cache_height = 0
self.mn_cache = []
# Event triggered when electrumx is listening for incoming requests.
self.server_listening = Event()
self.session_event = Event()
# Set up the RPC request handlers
cmds = ('add_peer daemon_url disconnect getinfo groups log peers '
'query reorg sessions stop'.split())
LocalRPC.request_handlers = {cmd: getattr(self, 'rpc_' + cmd)
for cmd in cmds}
async def _start_server(self, kind, *args, **kw_args):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
if kind == 'RPC':
protocol_class = LocalRPC
protocol_class = self.env.coin.SESSIONCLS
protocol_factory = partial(protocol_class, self, self.db,
self.mempool, self.peer_mgr, kind)
server = loop.create_server(protocol_factory, *args, **kw_args)
host, port = args[:2]
self.servers[kind] = await server
except OSError as e: # don't suppress CancelledError
self.logger.error(f'{kind} server failed to listen on {host}:'
f'{port:d} :{e!r}')
|'{kind} server listening on {host}:{port:d}')
async def _start_external_servers(self):
'''Start listening on TCP and SSL ports, but only if the respective
port was given in the environment.
env = self.env
host = env.cs_host(for_rpc=False)
if env.tcp_port is not None:
await self._start_server('TCP', host, env.tcp_port)
if env.ssl_port is not None:
sslc = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS)
sslc.load_cert_chain(env.ssl_certfile, keyfile=env.ssl_keyfile)
await self._start_server('SSL', host, env.ssl_port, ssl=sslc)
async def _close_servers(self, kinds):
'''Close the servers of the given kinds (TCP etc.).'''
if kinds:
|'closing down {} listening servers'
.format(', '.join(kinds)))
for kind in kinds:
server = self.servers.pop(kind, None)
if server:
await server.wait_closed()
async def _manage_servers(self):
paused = False
max_sessions = self.env.max_sessions
low_watermark = max_sessions * 19 // 20
while True:
await self.session_event.wait()
if not paused and len(self.sessions) >= max_sessions:
|'maximum sessions {max_sessions:,d} '
f'reached, stopping new connections until '
f'count drops to {low_watermark:,d}')
await self._close_servers(['TCP', 'SSL'])
paused = True
# Start listening for incoming connections if paused and
# session count has fallen
if paused and len(self.sessions) <= low_watermark:
|'resuming listening for incoming connections')
await self._start_external_servers()
paused = False
async def _log_sessions(self):
'''Periodically log sessions.'''
log_interval = self.env.log_sessions
if log_interval:
while True:
await sleep(log_interval)
data = self._session_data(for_log=True)
for line in text.sessions_lines(data):
def _sub_count(self):
return sum(s.sub_count() for s in self.sessions)
def _lookup_session(self, session_id):
session_id = int(session_id)
except Exception:
for session in self.sessions:
if session.session_id == session_id:
return session
return None
async def _for_each_session(self, session_ids, operation):
if not isinstance(session_ids, list):
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, 'expected a list of session IDs')
result = []
for session_id in session_ids:
session = self._lookup_session(session_id)
if session:
result.append(await operation(session))
result.append(f'unknown session: {session_id}')
return result
async def _clear_stale_sessions(self):
'''Cut off sessions that haven't done anything for 10 minutes.'''
while True:
await sleep(60)
stale_cutoff = time.time() - self.env.session_timeout
stale_sessions = [session for session in self.sessions
if session.last_recv < stale_cutoff]
if stale_sessions:
text = ', '.join(str(session.session_id)
for session in stale_sessions)
|'closing stale connections {text}')
async with TaskGroup() as group:
for session in stale_sessions:
await group.spawn(session.close())
async def _recalc_concurrency(self):
'''Periodically recalculate session concurrency.'''
session_class = self.env.coin.SESSIONCLS
period = 100
while True:
await sleep(period)
hard_limit = session_class.cost_hard_limit
# Reduce retained group cost
refund = period * hard_limit / 5000
dead_groups = []
for group in self.session_groups.values():
group.retained_cost = max(0.0, group.retained_cost - refund)
if group.retained_cost == 0 and not group.sessions:
# Remove dead groups
for group in dead_groups:
async with TaskGroup() as group:
for session in list(self.sessions):
# Subs have an on-going cost so decay more slowly with more subs
session.cost_decay_per_sec = hard_limit / (10000 + 5 * session.sub_count())
except ExcessiveSessionCostError:
await group.spawn(session.close())
def _get_info(self):
'''A summary of server state.'''
return {
'closing': len([s for s in self.sessions if s.is_closing()]),
'daemon': self.daemon.logged_url(),
'daemon_height': self.daemon.cached_height(),
'db_height': self.db.db_height,
'errors': sum(s.errors for s in self.sessions),
'groups': len(self.session_groups),
'logged': len([s for s in self.sessions if s.log_me]),
'paused': sum(not s._can_send.is_set() for s in self.sessions),
'pid': os.getpid(),
'requests': sum(s.unanswered_request_count() for s in self.sessions),
'sessions': self.session_count(),
'sessions_with_subs': self.session_count_with_subs(),
'subs': self._sub_count(),
'txs_sent': self.txs_sent,
'uptime': util.formatted_time(time.time() - self.start_time),
'version': electrumx.version,
def _session_data(self, for_log):
'''Returned to the RPC 'sessions' call.'''
now = time.time()
sessions = sorted(self.sessions, key=lambda s: s.start_time)
return [(session.session_id,
session.recv_count, session.recv_size,
session.send_count, session.send_size,
now - session.start_time)
for session in sessions]
def _group_data(self):
'''Returned to the RPC 'groups' call.'''
result = []
for name, group in self.session_groups.items():
sessions = group.sessions
sum(s.unanswered_request_count() for s in sessions),
sum(s.txs_sent for s in sessions),
sum(s.sub_count() for s in sessions),
sum(s.recv_count for s in sessions),
sum(s.recv_size for s in sessions),
sum(s.send_count for s in sessions),
sum(s.send_size for s in sessions),
return result
async def _refresh_hsub_results(self, height):
'''Refresh the cached header subscription responses to be for height,
and record that as notified_height.
# Paranoia: a reorg could race and leave db_height lower
height = min(height, self.db.db_height)
raw = await self.raw_header(height)
self.hsub_results = {'hex': raw.hex(), 'height': height}
self.notified_height = height
# --- LocalRPC command handlers
async def rpc_add_peer(self, real_name):
'''Add a peer.
real_name: " t50001 s50002" for example
await self.peer_mgr.add_localRPC_peer(real_name)
return "peer '{}' added".format(real_name)
async def rpc_disconnect(self, session_ids):
'''Disconnect sesssions.
session_ids: array of session IDs
async def close(session):
'''Close the session's transport.'''
await session.close(force_after=2)
return f'disconnected {session.session_id}'
return await self._for_each_session(session_ids, close)
async def rpc_log(self, session_ids):
'''Toggle logging of sesssions.
session_ids: array of session IDs
async def toggle_logging(session):
'''Toggle logging of the session.'''
return f'log {session.session_id}: {session.log_me}'
return await self._for_each_session(session_ids, toggle_logging)
async def rpc_daemon_url(self, daemon_url):
'''Replace the daemon URL.'''
daemon_url = daemon_url or self.env.daemon_url
except Exception as e:
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'an error occured: {e!r}')
return f'now using daemon at {self.daemon.logged_url()}'
async def rpc_stop(self):
'''Shut down the server cleanly.'''
return 'stopping'
async def rpc_getinfo(self):
'''Return summary information about the server process.'''
return self._get_info()
async def rpc_groups(self):
'''Return statistics about the session groups.'''
return self._group_data()
async def rpc_peers(self):
'''Return a list of data about server peers.'''
return self.peer_mgr.rpc_data()
async def rpc_query(self, items, limit):
'''Return a list of data about server peers.'''
coin = self.env.coin
db = self.db
lines = []
def arg_to_hashX(arg):
script = bytes.fromhex(arg)
lines.append(f'Script: {arg}')
return coin.hashX_from_script(script)
except ValueError:
hashX = coin.address_to_hashX(arg)
except Base58Error as e:
return None
lines.append(f'Address: {arg}')
return hashX
for arg in items:
hashX = arg_to_hashX(arg)
if not hashX:
n = None
history = await db.limited_history(hashX, limit=limit)
for n, (tx_hash, height) in enumerate(history):
lines.append(f'History #{n:,d}: height {height:,d} '
f'tx_hash {hash_to_hex_str(tx_hash)}')
if n is None:
lines.append('No history found')
n = None
utxos = await db.all_utxos(hashX)
for n, utxo in enumerate(utxos, start=1):
lines.append(f'UTXO #{n:,d}: tx_hash '
f'{hash_to_hex_str(utxo.tx_hash)} '
f'tx_pos {utxo.tx_pos:,d} height '
f'{utxo.height:,d} value {utxo.value:,d}')
if n == limit:
if n is None:
lines.append('No UTXOs found')
balance = sum(utxo.value for utxo in utxos)
lines.append(f'Balance: {coin.decimal_value(balance):,f} '
return lines
async def rpc_sessions(self):
'''Return statistics about connected sessions.'''
return self._session_data(for_log=False)
async def rpc_reorg(self, count):
'''Force a reorg of the given number of blocks.
count: number of blocks to reorg
count = non_negative_integer(count)
if not self.bp.force_chain_reorg(count):
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, 'still catching up with daemon')
return f'scheduled a reorg of {count:,d} blocks'
# --- External Interface
async def serve(self, notifications, event):
'''Start the RPC server if enabled. When the event is triggered,
start TCP and SSL servers.'''
if self.env.rpc_port is not None:
await self._start_server('RPC', self.env.cs_host(for_rpc=True),
await event.wait()
session_class = self.env.coin.SESSIONCLS
session_class.cost_soft_limit = self.env.cost_soft_limit
session_class.cost_hard_limit = self.env.cost_hard_limit
session_class.cost_decay_per_sec = session_class.cost_hard_limit / 10000
session_class.bw_cost_per_byte = 1.0 / self.env.bw_unit_cost
session_class.cost_sleep = self.env.request_sleep / 1000
session_class.initial_concurrent = self.env.initial_concurrent
|'max session count: {self.env.max_sessions:,d}')
|'session timeout: {self.env.session_timeout:,d} seconds')
|'session cost hard limit {self.env.cost_hard_limit:,d}')
|'session cost soft limit {self.env.cost_soft_limit:,d}')
|'bandwidth unit cost {self.env.bw_unit_cost:,d}')
|'request sleep {self.env.request_sleep:,d}ms')
|'initial concurrent {self.env.initial_concurrent:,d}')
|'max response size {self.env.max_send:,d} bytes')
if self.env.drop_client is not None:
|'drop clients matching: {}'
# Start notifications; initialize hsub_results
await notifications.start(self.db.db_height, self._notify_sessions)
await self._start_external_servers()
# Peer discovery should start after the external servers
# because we connect to ourself
async with TaskGroup() as group:
await group.spawn(self.peer_mgr.discover_peers())
await group.spawn(self._clear_stale_sessions())
await group.spawn(self._recalc_concurrency())
await group.spawn(self._log_sessions())
await group.spawn(self._manage_servers())
# Close servers then sessions
await self._close_servers(list(self.servers.keys()))
async with TaskGroup() as group:
for session in list(self.sessions):
await group.spawn(session.close(force_after=1))
def extra_cost(self, session):
# Note there is no guarantee that session is still in self.sessions. Example traceback:
# notify_sessions->notify->address_status->bump_cost->recalc_concurrency->extra_cost
# during which there are many places the sesssion could be removed
groups = self.sessions.get(session)
if groups is None:
return 0
return sum((group.cost() - session.cost) * group.weight for group in groups)
def session_count(self):
'''The number of connections that we've sent something to.'''
return len(self.sessions)
def session_count_with_subs(self):
'''The number of connections that have at least one hashX subscription.'''
return sum(len(session.hashX_subs) > 0 for session in self.sessions
if hasattr(session, 'hashX_subs'))
async def daemon_request(self, method, *args):
'''Catch a DaemonError and convert it to an RPCError.'''
return await getattr(self.daemon, method)(*args)
except DaemonError as e:
raise RPCError(DAEMON_ERROR, f'daemon error: {e!r}') from None
async def raw_header(self, height):
'''Return the binary header at the given height.'''
return await self.db.raw_header(height)
except IndexError:
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'height {height:,d} '
'out of range') from None
async def broadcast_transaction(self, raw_tx):
hex_hash = await self.daemon.broadcast_transaction(raw_tx)
self.txs_sent += 1
return hex_hash
async def limited_history(self, hashX):
'''A caching layer.'''
hc = self.history_cache
if hashX not in hc:
# History DoS limit. Each element of history is about 99
# bytes when encoded as JSON. This limits resource usage
# on bloated history requests, and uses a smaller divisor
# so large requests are logged before refusing them.
limit = self.env.max_send // 97
hc[hashX] = await self.db.limited_history(hashX, limit=limit)
return hc[hashX]
async def _notify_sessions(self, height, touched):
'''Notify sessions about height changes and touched addresses.'''
height_changed = height != self.notified_height
if height_changed:
await self._refresh_hsub_results(height)
# Invalidate our history cache for touched hashXs
hc = self.history_cache
for hashX in set(hc).intersection(touched):
del hc[hashX]
async with TaskGroup() as group:
for session in self.sessions:
await group.spawn(session.notify, touched, height_changed)
def _ip_addr_group_name(self, session):
ip_addr = session._address
if not ip_addr:
return 'unknown_ip'
ip_addr = ip_addr[0]
if ':' in ip_addr:
ip_addr = ip_address(ip_addr)
return ':'.join(ip_addr.exploded.split(':')[:3])
return '.'.join(ip_addr.split('.')[:3])
def _timeslice_name(self, session):
return f't{int(session.start_time - self.start_time) // 300}'
def _session_group(self, name, weight):
group = self.session_groups.get(name)
if not group:
group = SessionGroup(name, weight, set(), 0)
self.session_groups[name] = group
return group
def add_session(self, session):
# Return the session groups
groups = (
self._session_group(self._timeslice_name(session), 0.03),
self._session_group(self._ip_addr_group_name(session), 1.0),
self.sessions[session] = groups
for group in groups:
def remove_session(self, session):
'''Remove a session from our sessions list if there.'''
groups = self.sessions.pop(session)
for group in groups:
group.retained_cost += session.cost
class SessionBase(RPCSession):
'''Base class of ElectrumX JSON sessions.
Each session runs its tasks in asynchronous parallelism with other
session_counter = itertools.count()
def __init__(self, session_mgr, db, mempool, peer_mgr, kind):
connection = JSONRPCConnection(JSONRPCAutoDetect)
self.logger = util.class_logger(__name__, self.__class__.__name__)
self.session_mgr = session_mgr
self.db = db
self.mempool = mempool
self.peer_mgr = peer_mgr
self.kind = kind # 'RPC', 'TCP' etc.
self.env = session_mgr.env
self.coin = self.env.coin
self.client = 'unknown'
self.anon_logs = self.env.anon_logs
self.txs_sent = 0
self.log_me = False
self.daemon_request = self.session_mgr.daemon_request
# Hijack the connection so we can log messages
self._receive_message_orig = self.connection.receive_message
self.connection.receive_message = self.receive_message
async def notify(self, touched, height_changed):
def peer_address_str(self, *, for_log=True):
'''Returns the peer's IP address and port as a human-readable
string, respecting anon logs if the output is for a log.'''
if for_log and self.anon_logs:
return 'xx.xx.xx.xx:xx'
return super().peer_address_str()
def receive_message(self, message):
if self.log_me:
|'processing {message}')
return self._receive_message_orig(message)
def toggle_logging(self):
self.log_me = not self.log_me
def flags(self):
'''Status flags.'''
status = self.kind[0]
if self.is_closing():
status += 'C'
if self.log_me:
status += 'L'
status += str(self._concurrency.max_concurrent)
return status
def connection_made(self, transport):
'''Handle an incoming client connection.'''
self.session_id = next(self.session_counter)
context = {'conn_id': f'{self.session_id}'}
self.logger = util.ConnectionLogger(self.logger, context)
|'{self.kind} {self.peer_address_str()}, '
f'{self.session_mgr.session_count():,d} total')
def connection_lost(self, exc):
'''Handle client disconnection.'''
msg = ''
if not self._can_send.is_set():
msg += ' with full socket buffer'
if self._concurrency.max_concurrent != self.initial_concurrent:
msg += ' whilst throttled'
if self.send_size >= 1024*1024:
msg += ('. Sent {:,d} bytes in {:,d} messages'
.format(self.send_size, self.send_count))
if msg:
msg = 'disconnected' + msg
def sub_count(self):
return 0
async def handle_request(self, request):
'''Handle an incoming request. ElectrumX doesn't receive
notifications from client sessions.
if isinstance(request, Request):
handler = self.request_handlers.get(request.method)
handler = None
coro = handler_invocation(handler, request)()
return await coro
class ElectrumX(SessionBase):
'''A TCP server that handles incoming Electrum connections.'''
PROTOCOL_MAX = (1, 4, 1)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.subscribe_headers = False
self.connection.max_response_size = self.env.max_send
self.hashX_subs = {}
self.sv_seen = False
self.mempool_statuses = {}
self.is_peer = False
def protocol_min_max_strings(cls):
return [util.version_string(ver)
for ver in (cls.PROTOCOL_MIN, cls.PROTOCOL_MAX)]
def server_features(cls, env):
'''Return the server features dictionary.'''
min_str, max_str = cls.protocol_min_max_strings()
return {
'hosts': env.hosts_dict(),
'pruning': None,
'server_version': electrumx.version,
'protocol_min': min_str,
'protocol_max': max_str,
'genesis_hash': env.coin.GENESIS_HASH,
'hash_function': 'sha256',
async def server_features_async(self):
return self.server_features(self.env)
def server_version_args(cls):
'''The arguments to a server.version RPC call to a peer.'''
return [electrumx.version, cls.protocol_min_max_strings()]
def protocol_version_string(self):
return util.version_string(self.protocol_tuple)
def extra_cost(self):
return self.session_mgr.extra_cost(self)
def sub_count(self):
return len(self.hashX_subs)
async def notify(self, touched, height_changed):
'''Notify the client about changes to touched addresses (from mempool
updates or new blocks) and height.
if height_changed and self.subscribe_headers:
args = (await self.subscribe_headers_result(), )
await self.send_notification('blockchain.headers.subscribe', args)
touched = touched.intersection(self.hashX_subs)
if touched or (height_changed and self.mempool_statuses):
changed = {}
for hashX in touched:
alias = self.hashX_subs[hashX]
status = await self.address_status(hashX)
changed[alias] = status
# Check mempool hashXs - the status is a function of the
# confirmed state of other transactions. Note: we cannot
# iterate over mempool_statuses as it changes size.
for hashX in tuple(self.mempool_statuses):
# Items can be evicted whilst await-ing status; False
# ensures such hashXs are notified
old_status = self.mempool_statuses.get(hashX, False)
status = await self.address_status(hashX)
if status != old_status:
alias = self.hashX_subs[hashX]
changed[alias] = status
for alias, status in changed.items():
if len(alias) == 64:
method = 'blockchain.scripthash.subscribe'
method = 'blockchain.address.subscribe'
await self.send_notification(method, (alias, status))
if changed:
es = '' if len(changed) == 1 else 'es'
|'notified of {len(changed):,d} address{es}')
async def subscribe_headers_result(self):
'''The result of a header subscription or notification.'''
return self.session_mgr.hsub_results
async def headers_subscribe(self):
'''Subscribe to get raw headers of new blocks.'''
self.subscribe_headers = True
return await self.subscribe_headers_result()
async def add_peer(self, features):
'''Add a peer (but only if the peer resolves to the source).'''
self.is_peer = True
return await self.peer_mgr.on_add_peer(features, self.peer_address())
async def peers_subscribe(self):
'''Return the server peers as a list of (ip, host, details) tuples.'''
return self.peer_mgr.on_peers_subscribe(self.is_tor())
async def address_status(self, hashX):
'''Returns an address status.
Status is a hex string, but must be None if there is no history.
# Note history is ordered and mempool unordered in electrum-server
# For mempool, height is -1 if it has unconfirmed inputs, otherwise 0
db_history = await self.session_mgr.limited_history(hashX)
mempool = await self.mempool.transaction_summaries(hashX)
status = ''.join(f'{hash_to_hex_str(tx_hash)}:'
for tx_hash, height in db_history)
status += ''.join(f'{hash_to_hex_str(tx.hash)}:'
for tx in mempool)
excess = max(len(db_history) + len(mempool) - 2, 0)
self.bump_cost(1.0 + excess / 50)
if status:
status = sha256(status.encode()).hex()
status = None
if mempool:
self.mempool_statuses[hashX] = status
self.mempool_statuses.pop(hashX, None)
return status
async def hashX_listunspent(self, hashX):
'''Return the list of UTXOs of a script hash, including mempool
utxos = await self.db.all_utxos(hashX)
utxos = sorted(utxos)
utxos.extend(await self.mempool.unordered_UTXOs(hashX))
self.bump_cost(1.0 + len(utxos) / 50)
spends = await self.mempool.potential_spends(hashX)
return [{'tx_hash': hash_to_hex_str(utxo.tx_hash),
'tx_pos': utxo.tx_pos,
'height': utxo.height, 'value': utxo.value}
for utxo in utxos
if (utxo.tx_hash, utxo.tx_pos) not in spends]
async def hashX_subscribe(self, hashX, alias):
self.hashX_subs[hashX] = alias
return await self.address_status(hashX)
async def get_balance(self, hashX):
utxos = await self.db.all_utxos(hashX)
confirmed = sum(utxo.value for utxo in utxos)
unconfirmed = await self.mempool.balance_delta(hashX)
self.bump_cost(1.0 + len(utxos) / 50)
return {'confirmed': confirmed, 'unconfirmed': unconfirmed}
async def scripthash_get_balance(self, scripthash):
'''Return the confirmed and unconfirmed balance of a scripthash.'''
hashX = scripthash_to_hashX(scripthash)
return await self.get_balance(hashX)
async def unconfirmed_history(self, hashX):
# Note unconfirmed history is unordered in electrum-server
# height is -1 if it has unconfirmed inputs, otherwise 0
result = [{'tx_hash': hash_to_hex_str(tx.hash),
'height': -tx.has_unconfirmed_inputs,
'fee': tx.fee}
for tx in await self.mempool.transaction_summaries(hashX)]
self.bump_cost(0.25 + len(result) / 50)
return result
async def confirmed_and_unconfirmed_history(self, hashX):
# Note history is ordered but unconfirmed is unordered in e-s
history = await self.session_mgr.limited_history(hashX)
self.bump_cost(0.25 + len(history) / 50)
conf = [{'tx_hash': hash_to_hex_str(tx_hash), 'height': height}
for tx_hash, height in history]
return conf + await self.unconfirmed_history(hashX)
async def scripthash_get_history(self, scripthash):
'''Return the confirmed and unconfirmed history of a scripthash.'''
hashX = scripthash_to_hashX(scripthash)
return await self.confirmed_and_unconfirmed_history(hashX)
async def scripthash_get_mempool(self, scripthash):
'''Return the mempool transactions touching a scripthash.'''
hashX = scripthash_to_hashX(scripthash)
return await self.unconfirmed_history(hashX)
async def scripthash_listunspent(self, scripthash):
'''Return the list of UTXOs of a scripthash.'''
hashX = scripthash_to_hashX(scripthash)
return await self.hashX_listunspent(hashX)
async def scripthash_subscribe(self, scripthash):
'''Subscribe to a script hash.
scripthash: the SHA256 hash of the script to subscribe to'''
hashX = scripthash_to_hashX(scripthash)
return await self.hashX_subscribe(hashX, scripthash)
async def _merkle_proof(self, cp_height, height):
max_height = self.db.db_height
if not height <= cp_height <= max_height:
f'require header height {height:,d} <= '
f'cp_height {cp_height:,d} <= '
f'chain height {max_height:,d}')
branch, root = await self.db.header_branch_and_root(cp_height + 1,
return {
'branch': [hash_to_hex_str(elt) for elt in branch],
'root': hash_to_hex_str(root),
async def block_header(self, height, cp_height=0):
'''Return a raw block header as a hexadecimal string, or as a
dictionary with a merkle proof.'''
height = non_negative_integer(height)
cp_height = non_negative_integer(cp_height)
raw_header_hex = (await self.session_mgr.raw_header(height)).hex()
self.bump_cost(1.25 - (cp_height == 0))
if cp_height == 0:
return raw_header_hex
result = {'header': raw_header_hex}
result.update(await self._merkle_proof(cp_height, height))
return result
async def block_headers(self, start_height, count, cp_height=0):
'''Return count concatenated block headers as hex for the main chain;
starting at start_height.
start_height and count must be non-negative integers. At most
MAX_CHUNK_SIZE headers will be returned.
start_height = non_negative_integer(start_height)
count = non_negative_integer(count)
cp_height = non_negative_integer(cp_height)
cost = count / 50
max_size = self.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE
count = min(count, max_size)
headers, count = await self.db.read_headers(start_height, count)
result = {'hex': headers.hex(), 'count': count, 'max': max_size}
if count and cp_height:
cost += 1.0
last_height = start_height + count - 1
result.update(await self._merkle_proof(cp_height, last_height))
return result
def is_tor(self):
'''Try to detect if the connection is to a tor hidden service we are
peername = self.peer_mgr.proxy_peername()
if not peername:
return False
peer_address = self.peer_address()
return peer_address and peer_address[0] == peername[0]
async def replaced_banner(self, banner):
network_info = await self.daemon_request('getnetworkinfo')
ni_version = network_info['version']
major, minor = divmod(ni_version, 1000000)
minor, revision = divmod(minor, 10000)
revision //= 100
daemon_version = '{:d}.{:d}.{:d}'.format(major, minor, revision)
for pair in [
('$SERVER_VERSION', electrumx.version_short),
('$SERVER_SUBVERSION', electrumx.version),
('$DAEMON_VERSION', daemon_version),
('$DAEMON_SUBVERSION', network_info['subversion']),
('$DONATION_ADDRESS', self.env.donation_address),
banner = banner.replace(*pair)
return banner
async def donation_address(self):
'''Return the donation address as a string, empty if there is none.'''
return self.env.donation_address
async def banner(self):
'''Return the server banner text.'''
banner = f'You are connected to an {electrumx.version} server.'
if self.is_tor():
banner_file = self.env.tor_banner_file
banner_file = self.env.banner_file
if banner_file:
with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f:
banner =
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error(f'reading banner file {banner_file}: {e!r}')
banner = await self.replaced_banner(banner)
return banner
async def relayfee(self):
'''The minimum fee a low-priority tx must pay in order to be accepted
to the daemon's memory pool.'''
return await self.daemon_request('relayfee')
async def estimatefee(self, number):
'''The estimated transaction fee per kilobyte to be paid for a
transaction to be included within a certain number of blocks.
number: the number of blocks
number = non_negative_integer(number)
return await self.daemon_request('estimatefee', number)
async def ping(self):
'''Serves as a connection keep-alive mechanism and for the client to
confirm the server is still responding.
return None
async def server_version(self, client_name='', protocol_version=None):
'''Returns the server version as a string.
client_name: a string identifying the client
protocol_version: the protocol version spoken by the client
if self.sv_seen and self.protocol_tuple >= (1, 4):
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'server.version already sent')
self.sv_seen = True
if client_name:
client_name = str(client_name)
if self.env.drop_client is not None and \
raise FinalRPCError(BAD_REQUEST,
f'unsupported client: {client_name}')
self.client = client_name[:17]
# Find the highest common protocol version. Disconnect if
# that protocol version in unsupported.
ptuple, client_min = util.protocol_version(
protocol_version, self.PROTOCOL_MIN, self.PROTOCOL_MAX)
await self.crash_old_client(ptuple, self.env.coin.CRASH_CLIENT_VER)
if ptuple is None:
if client_min > self.PROTOCOL_MIN:
|'client requested future protocol version '
f'{util.version_string(client_min)} '
f'- is your software out of date?')
raise FinalRPCError(BAD_REQUEST,
f'unsupported protocol version: {protocol_version}')
return (electrumx.version, self.protocol_version_string())
async def crash_old_client(self, ptuple, crash_client_ver):
if crash_client_ver:
client_ver = util.protocol_tuple(self.client)
is_old_protocol = ptuple is None or ptuple <= (1, 2)
is_old_client = client_ver != (0,) and client_ver <= crash_client_ver
if is_old_protocol and is_old_client:
|'attempting to crash old client with version {self.client}')
# this can crash electrum client 2.6 <= v < 3.1.2
await self.send_notification('blockchain.relayfee', ())
# this can crash electrum client (v < 2.8.2) UNION (3.0.0 <= v < 3.3.0)
await self.send_notification('blockchain.estimatefee', ())
async def transaction_broadcast(self, raw_tx):
'''Broadcast a raw transaction to the network.
raw_tx: the raw transaction as a hexadecimal string'''
self.bump_cost(0.25 + len(raw_tx) / 5000)
# This returns errors as JSON RPC errors, as is natural
hex_hash = await self.session_mgr.broadcast_transaction(raw_tx)
except DaemonError as e:
error, = e.args
message = error['message']
|'error sending transaction: {message}')
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, 'the transaction was rejected by '
f'network rules.\n\n{message}\n[{raw_tx}]')
self.txs_sent += 1
client_ver = util.protocol_tuple(self.client)
if client_ver != (0, ):
msg = self.coin.warn_old_client_on_tx_broadcast(client_ver)
if msg:
|'sent tx: {hex_hash}. and warned user to upgrade their '
f'client from {self.client}')
return msg
|'sent tx: {hex_hash}')
return hex_hash
async def transaction_get(self, tx_hash, verbose=False):
'''Return the serialized raw transaction given its hash
tx_hash: the transaction hash as a hexadecimal string
verbose: passed on to the daemon
if verbose not in (True, False):
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'"verbose" must be a boolean')
return await self.daemon_request('getrawtransaction', tx_hash, verbose)
async def _block_hash_and_tx_hashes(self, height):
'''Returns a pair (block_hash, tx_hashes) for the main chain block at
the given height.
block_hash is a hexadecimal string, and tx_hashes is an
ordered list of hexadecimal strings.
height = non_negative_integer(height)
block_hash = hash_to_hex_str((await self.db.fs_block_hashes(height, 1))[0])
tx_hashes = await self.db.tx_hashes_at_blockheight(height)
except self.db.DBError as e:
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'db error: {e!r}')
tx_hashes = [hash_to_hex_str(hash) for hash in tx_hashes]
self.bump_cost(1.0 + len(tx_hashes) / 1000)
return block_hash, tx_hashes
def _get_merkle_branch(self, tx_hashes, tx_pos):
'''Return a merkle branch to a transaction.
tx_hashes: ordered list of hex strings of tx hashes in a block
tx_pos: index of transaction in tx_hashes to create branch for
hashes = [hex_str_to_hash(hash) for hash in tx_hashes]
branch, root = self.db.merkle.branch_and_root(hashes, tx_pos)
branch = [hash_to_hex_str(hash) for hash in branch]
return branch
async def transaction_merkle(self, tx_hash, height):
'''Return the merkle branch to a confirmed transaction given its hash
and height.
tx_hash: the transaction hash as a hexadecimal string
height: the height of the block it is in
height = non_negative_integer(height)
block_hash, tx_hashes = await self._block_hash_and_tx_hashes(height)
pos = tx_hashes.index(tx_hash)
except ValueError:
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'tx hash {tx_hash} not in '
f'block {block_hash} at height {height:,d}')
branch = self._get_merkle_branch(tx_hashes, pos)
return {"block_height": height, "merkle": branch, "pos": pos}
async def transaction_id_from_pos(self, height, tx_pos, merkle=False):
'''Return the txid and optionally a merkle proof, given
a block height and position in the block.
tx_pos = non_negative_integer(tx_pos)
height = non_negative_integer(height)
if merkle not in (True, False):
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'"merkle" must be a boolean')
block_hash, tx_hashes = await self._block_hash_and_tx_hashes(height)
tx_hash = tx_hashes[tx_pos]
except IndexError:
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'no tx at position {tx_pos:,d} in '
f'block {block_hash} at height {height:,d}')
if merkle:
branch = self._get_merkle_branch(tx_hashes, tx_pos)
return {"tx_hash": tx_hash, "merkle": branch}
return tx_hash
async def compact_fee_histogram(self):
return await self.mempool.compact_fee_histogram()
def set_request_handlers(self, ptuple):
self.protocol_tuple = ptuple
handlers = {
'blockchain.block.header': self.block_header,
'blockchain.block.headers': self.block_headers,
'blockchain.estimatefee': self.estimatefee,
'blockchain.headers.subscribe': self.headers_subscribe,
'blockchain.relayfee': self.relayfee,
'blockchain.scripthash.get_balance': self.scripthash_get_balance,
'blockchain.scripthash.get_history': self.scripthash_get_history,
'blockchain.scripthash.get_mempool': self.scripthash_get_mempool,
'blockchain.scripthash.listunspent': self.scripthash_listunspent,
'blockchain.scripthash.subscribe': self.scripthash_subscribe,
'blockchain.transaction.broadcast': self.transaction_broadcast,
'blockchain.transaction.get': self.transaction_get,
'blockchain.transaction.get_merkle': self.transaction_merkle,
'blockchain.transaction.id_from_pos': self.transaction_id_from_pos,
'mempool.get_fee_histogram': self.mempool.compact_fee_histogram,
'server.add_peer': self.add_peer,
'server.banner': self.banner,
'server.donation_address': self.donation_address,
'server.features': self.server_features_async,
'server.peers.subscribe': self.peers_subscribe,
'server.version': self.server_version,
self.request_handlers = handlers
class LocalRPC(SessionBase):
'''A local TCP RPC server session.'''
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.client = 'RPC'
self.connection.max_response_size = 0
def protocol_version_string(self):
return 'RPC'
class DashElectrumX(ElectrumX):
'''A TCP server that handles incoming Electrum Dash connections.'''
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.mns = set()
def set_request_handlers(self, ptuple):
'masternode.subscribe': self.masternode_subscribe,
'masternode.list': self.masternode_list,
'protx.diff': self.protx_diff,
'': self.protx_info,
async def notify(self, touched, height_changed):
'''Notify the client about changes in masternode list.'''
await super().notify(touched, height_changed)
for mn in self.mns.copy():
status = await self.daemon_request('masternode_list',
['status', mn])
await self.send_notification('masternode.subscribe',
[mn, status.get(mn)])
# Masternode command handlers
async def masternode_announce_broadcast(self, signmnb):
'''Pass through the masternode announce message to be broadcast
by the daemon.
signmnb: signed masternode broadcast message.'''
return await self.daemon_request('masternode_broadcast',
['relay', signmnb])
except DaemonError as e:
error, = e.args
message = error['message']
|'masternode_broadcast: {message}')
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, 'the masternode broadcast was '
async def masternode_subscribe(self, collateral):
'''Returns the status of masternode.
collateral: masternode collateral.
result = await self.daemon_request('masternode_list',
['status', collateral])
if result is not None:
return result.get(collateral)
return None
async def masternode_list(self, payees):
Returns the list of masternodes.
payees: a list of masternode payee addresses.
if not isinstance(payees, list):
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, 'expected a list of payees')
def get_masternode_payment_queue(mns):
'''Returns the calculated position in the payment queue for all the
valid masterernodes in the given mns list.
mns: a list of masternodes information.
now = int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%s"))
mn_queue = []
# Only ENABLED masternodes are considered for the list.
for line in mns:
mnstat = mns[line].split()
if mnstat[0] == 'ENABLED':
# if last paid time == 0
if int(mnstat[5]) == 0:
# use active seconds
# now minus last paid
delta = now - int(mnstat[5])
# if > active seconds, use active seconds
if delta >= int(mnstat[4]):
# use active seconds
mn_queue = sorted(mn_queue, key=lambda x: x[8], reverse=True)
return mn_queue
def get_payment_position(payment_queue, address):
Returns the position of the payment list for the given address.
payment_queue: position in the payment queue for the masternode.
address: masternode payee address.
position = -1
for pos, mn in enumerate(payment_queue, start=1):
if mn[2] == address:
position = pos
return position
# Accordingly with the masternode payment queue, a custom list
# with the masternode information including the payment
# position is returned.
cache = self.session_mgr.mn_cache
if not cache or self.session_mgr.mn_cache_height != self.db.db_height:
full_mn_list = await self.daemon_request('masternode_list',
mn_payment_queue = get_masternode_payment_queue(full_mn_list)
mn_payment_count = len(mn_payment_queue)
mn_list = []
for key, value in full_mn_list.items():
mn_data = value.split()
mn_info = {}
mn_info['vin'] = key
mn_info['status'] = mn_data[0]
mn_info['protocol'] = mn_data[1]
mn_info['payee'] = mn_data[2]
mn_info['lastseen'] = mn_data[3]
mn_info['activeseconds'] = mn_data[4]
mn_info['lastpaidtime'] = mn_data[5]
mn_info['lastpaidblock'] = mn_data[6]
mn_info['ip'] = mn_data[7]
mn_info['paymentposition'] = get_payment_position(
mn_payment_queue, mn_info['payee'])
mn_info['inselection'] = (
mn_info['paymentposition'] < mn_payment_count // 10)
balance = await self.address_get_balance(mn_info['payee'])
mn_info['balance'] = (sum(balance.values())
/ self.coin.VALUE_PER_COIN)
self.session_mgr.mn_cache_height = self.db.db_height
# If payees is an empty list the whole masternode list is returned
if payees:
return [mn for mn in cache if mn['payee'] in payees]
return cache
async def protx_diff(self, base_height, height):
Calculates a diff between two deterministic masternode lists.
The result also contains proof data.
base_height: The starting block height (starting from 1).
height: The ending block height.
if not isinstance(base_height, int) or not isinstance(height, int):
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, 'expected a int block heights')
max_height = self.db.db_height
if (not 1 <= base_height <= max_height or
not base_height <= height <= max_height):
f'require 1 <= base_height {base_height:,d} <= '
f'height {height:,d} <= '
f'chain height {max_height:,d}')
return await self.daemon_request('protx',
('diff', base_height, height))
async def protx_info(self, protx_hash):
Returns detailed information about a deterministic masternode.
protx_hash: The hash of the initial ProRegTx
if not isinstance(protx_hash, str):
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, 'expected protx hash string')
res = await self.daemon_request('protx', ('info', protx_hash))
if 'wallet' in res:
del res['wallet']
return res
class SmartCashElectrumX(DashElectrumX):
'''A TCP server that handles incoming Electrum-SMART connections.'''
def set_request_handlers(self, ptuple):
'smartrewards.current': self.smartrewards_current,
'smartrewards.check': self.smartrewards_check
async def smartrewards_current(self):
'''Returns the current smartrewards info.'''
result = await self.daemon_request('smartrewards', ['current'])
if result is not None:
return result
return None
async def smartrewards_check(self, addr):
Returns the status of an address
addr: a single smartcash address
result = await self.daemon_request('smartrewards', ['check', addr])
if result is not None:
return result
return None
class AuxPoWElectrumX(ElectrumX):
async def block_header(self, height, cp_height=0):
result = await super().block_header(height, cp_height)
# Older protocol versions don't truncate AuxPoW
if self.protocol_tuple < (1, 4, 1):
return result
# Not covered by a checkpoint; return full AuxPoW data
if cp_height == 0:
return result
# Covered by a checkpoint; truncate AuxPoW data
result['header'] = self.truncate_auxpow(result['header'], height)
return result
async def block_headers(self, start_height, count, cp_height=0):
result = await super().block_headers(start_height, count, cp_height)
# Older protocol versions don't truncate AuxPoW
if self.protocol_tuple < (1, 4, 1):
return result
# Not covered by a checkpoint; return full AuxPoW data
if cp_height == 0:
return result
# Covered by a checkpoint; truncate AuxPoW data
result['hex'] = self.truncate_auxpow(result['hex'], start_height)
return result
def truncate_auxpow(self, headers_full_hex, start_height):
height = start_height
headers_full = util.hex_to_bytes(headers_full_hex)
cursor = 0
headers = bytearray()
while cursor < len(headers_full):
cursor += self.db.dynamic_header_len(height)
height += 1
return headers.hex()