This file is part of cpp - ethereum .
cpp - ethereum is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
cpp - ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
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/** @file state.cpp
* @ author Christoph Jentzsch < cj @ ethdev . com >
* @ date 2014
* State test functions .
# include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
# include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
# include "JsonSpiritHeaders.h"
# include <libdevcore/CommonIO.h>
# include <libethereum/CanonBlockChain.h>
# include <libethereum/State.h>
# include <libethereum/ExtVM.h>
# include <libethereum/Defaults.h>
# include <libevm/VM.h>
# include "TestHelper.h"
# include "Stats.h"
using namespace std ;
using namespace json_spirit ;
using namespace dev ;
using namespace dev : : eth ;
namespace dev { namespace test {
void doStateTests ( json_spirit : : mValue & v , bool _fillin )
if ( Options : : get ( ) . stats )
Listener : : registerListener ( Stats : : get ( ) ) ;
for ( auto & i : v . get_obj ( ) )
std : : cout < < " " < < i . first < < " \n " ;
mObject & o = i . second . get_obj ( ) ;
BOOST_REQUIRE ( o . count ( " env " ) > 0 ) ;
BOOST_REQUIRE ( o . count ( " pre " ) > 0 ) ;
BOOST_REQUIRE ( o . count ( " transaction " ) > 0 ) ;
ImportTest importer ( o , _fillin ) ;
State theState = importer . m_statePre ;
bytes tx = importer . m_transaction . rlp ( ) ;
bytes output ;
Listener : : ExecTimeGuard guard { i . first } ;
output = theState . execute ( lastHashes ( importer . m_environment . currentBlock . number ) , tx ) . output ;
catch ( Exception const & _e )
cnote < < " Exception: \n " < < diagnostic_information ( _e ) ;
theState . commit ( ) ;
catch ( std : : exception const & _e )
cnote < < " state execution exception: " < < _e . what ( ) ;
if ( _fillin )
importer . exportTest ( output , theState ) ;
# else
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION ( Exception ( ) < < errinfo_comment ( " You can not fill tests when FATDB is switched off " ) ) ;
# endif
BOOST_REQUIRE ( o . count ( " post " ) > 0 ) ;
BOOST_REQUIRE ( o . count ( " out " ) > 0 ) ;
// check output
checkOutput ( output , o ) ;
// check logs
checkLog ( theState . pending ( ) . size ( ) ? theState . log ( 0 ) : LogEntries ( ) , importer . m_environment . sub . logs ) ;
// check addresses
auto expectedAddrs = importer . m_statePost . addresses ( ) ;
auto resultAddrs = theState . addresses ( ) ;
for ( auto & expectedPair : expectedAddrs )
auto & expectedAddr = expectedPair . first ;
auto resultAddrIt = resultAddrs . find ( expectedAddr ) ;
if ( resultAddrIt = = resultAddrs . end ( ) )
BOOST_ERROR ( " Missing expected address " < < expectedAddr ) ;
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ( importer . m_statePost . balance ( expectedAddr ) = = theState . balance ( expectedAddr ) , expectedAddr < < " : incorrect balance " < < theState . balance ( expectedAddr ) < < " , expected " < < importer . m_statePost . balance ( expectedAddr ) ) ;
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ( importer . m_statePost . transactionsFrom ( expectedAddr ) = = theState . transactionsFrom ( expectedAddr ) , expectedAddr < < " : incorrect txCount " < < theState . transactionsFrom ( expectedAddr ) < < " , expected " < < importer . m_statePost . transactionsFrom ( expectedAddr ) ) ;
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ( importer . m_statePost . code ( expectedAddr ) = = theState . code ( expectedAddr ) , expectedAddr < < " : incorrect code " ) ;
checkStorage ( importer . m_statePost . storage ( expectedAddr ) , theState . storage ( expectedAddr ) , expectedAddr ) ;
checkAddresses < map < Address , u256 > > ( expectedAddrs , resultAddrs ) ;
# endif
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ( theState . rootHash ( ) = = h256 ( o [ " postStateRoot " ] . get_str ( ) ) , " wrong post state root " ) ;
} } // Namespace Close
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " stExample " , " /StateTests " , dev : : test : : doStateTests ) ;
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( stSystemOperationsTest )
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " stSystemOperationsTest " , " /StateTests " , dev : : test : : doStateTests ) ;
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( stCallCreateCallCodeTest )
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " stCallCreateCallCodeTest " , " /StateTests " , dev : : test : : doStateTests ) ;
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( stPreCompiledContracts )
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " stPreCompiledContracts " , " /StateTests " , dev : : test : : doStateTests ) ;
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " stLogTests " , " /StateTests " , dev : : test : : doStateTests ) ;
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( stRecursiveCreate )
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " stRecursiveCreate " , " /StateTests " , dev : : test : : doStateTests ) ;
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " stInitCodeTest " , " /StateTests " , dev : : test : : doStateTests ) ;
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( stTransactionTest )
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " stTransactionTest " , " /StateTests " , dev : : test : : doStateTests ) ;
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( stSpecialTest )
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " stSpecialTest " , " /StateTests " , dev : : test : : doStateTests ) ;
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " stRefundTest " , " /StateTests " , dev : : test : : doStateTests ) ;
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( stBlockHashTest )
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " stBlockHashTest " , " /StateTests " , dev : : test : : doStateTests ) ;
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( stQuadraticComplexityTest )
if ( test : : Options : : get ( ) . quadratic )
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " stQuadraticComplexityTest " , " /StateTests " , dev : : test : : doStateTests ) ;
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( stMemoryStressTest )
if ( test : : Options : : get ( ) . memory )
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " stMemoryStressTest " , " /StateTests " , dev : : test : : doStateTests ) ;
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( stSolidityTest )
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " stSolidityTest " , " /StateTests " , dev : : test : : doStateTests ) ;
dev : : test : : executeTests ( " stMemoryTest " , " /StateTests " , dev : : test : : doStateTests ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < boost : : unit_test : : framework : : master_test_suite ( ) . argc ; + + i )
string arg = boost : : unit_test : : framework : : master_test_suite ( ) . argv [ i ] ;
if ( arg = = " --createtest " )
if ( boost : : unit_test : : framework : : master_test_suite ( ) . argc < = i + 2 )
cnote < < " usage: ./testeth --createtest <PathToConstructor> <PathToDestiny> \n " ;
return ;
cnote < < " Populating tests... " ;
json_spirit : : mValue v ;
string s = asString ( dev : : contents ( boost : : unit_test : : framework : : master_test_suite ( ) . argv [ i + 1 ] ) ) ;
BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE ( s . length ( ) > 0 , " Content of " + ( string ) boost : : unit_test : : framework : : master_test_suite ( ) . argv [ i + 1 ] + " is empty. " ) ;
json_spirit : : read_string ( s , v ) ;
dev : : test : : doStateTests ( v , true ) ;
writeFile ( boost : : unit_test : : framework : : master_test_suite ( ) . argv [ i + 2 ] , asBytes ( json_spirit : : write_string ( v , true ) ) ) ;
catch ( Exception const & _e )
BOOST_ERROR ( " Failed state test with Exception: " < < diagnostic_information ( _e ) ) ;
catch ( std : : exception const & _e )
BOOST_ERROR ( " Failed state test with Exception: " < < _e . what ( ) ) ;
string testPath = dev : : test : : getTestPath ( ) ;
testPath + = " /StateTests/RandomTests " ;
vector < boost : : filesystem : : path > testFiles ;
boost : : filesystem : : directory_iterator iterator ( testPath ) ;
for ( ; iterator ! = boost : : filesystem : : directory_iterator ( ) ; + + iterator )
if ( boost : : filesystem : : is_regular_file ( iterator - > path ( ) ) & & iterator - > path ( ) . extension ( ) = = " .json " )
testFiles . push_back ( iterator - > path ( ) ) ;
for ( auto & path : testFiles )
cnote < < " Testing ... " < < path . filename ( ) ;
json_spirit : : mValue v ;
string s = asString ( dev : : contents ( path . string ( ) ) ) ;
BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE ( s . length ( ) > 0 , " Content of " + path . string ( ) + " is empty. Have you cloned the 'tests' repo branch develop and set ETHEREUM_TEST_PATH to its path? " ) ;
json_spirit : : read_string ( s , v ) ;
dev : : test : : doStateTests ( v , false ) ;
catch ( Exception const & _e )
BOOST_ERROR ( " Failed test with Exception: " < < diagnostic_information ( _e ) ) ;
catch ( std : : exception const & _e )
BOOST_ERROR ( " Failed test with Exception: " < < _e . what ( ) ) ;
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( userDefinedFileState )
dev : : test : : userDefinedTest ( " --singletest " , dev : : test : : doStateTests ) ;