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This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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/** @file EthashAux.cpp
* @author Gav Wood <>
* @date 2014
#include "EthashAux.h"
#include <boost/detail/endian.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <array>
#include <thread>
#include <libdevcore/Common.h>
#include <libdevcore/Guards.h>
#include <libdevcore/Log.h>
#include <libdevcore/SHA3.h>
#include <libdevcore/FileSystem.h>
#include <libethash/internal.h>
#include <libethash/io.h>
#include "BlockInfo.h"
#include "Exceptions.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace chrono;
using namespace dev;
using namespace eth;
9 years ago
using namespace boost::filesystem;
const char* DAGChannel::name() { return EthGreen "DAG"; }
EthashAux* dev::eth::EthashAux::s_this = nullptr;
char dev::eth::EthashAux::s_dagDirName[256] = "";
9 years ago
dev::eth::DAGEraseMode dev::eth::EthashAux::s_dagEraseMode = DAGEraseMode::None;
const unsigned EthashProofOfWork::defaultLocalWorkSize = 64;
const unsigned EthashProofOfWork::defaultGlobalWorkSizeMultiplier = 4096; // * CL_DEFAULT_LOCAL_WORK_SIZE
const unsigned EthashProofOfWork::defaultMSPerBatch = 0;
const EthashProofOfWork::WorkPackage EthashProofOfWork::NullWorkPackage = EthashProofOfWork::WorkPackage();
//unsigned EthashProofOfWork::s_dagLoadMode = 0;
EthashAux* EthashAux::get()
static std::once_flag flag;
std::call_once(flag, []{s_this = new EthashAux();});
return s_this;
uint64_t EthashAux::cacheSize(BlockInfo const& _header)
return ethash_get_cachesize((uint64_t)_header.number());
uint64_t EthashAux::dataSize(uint64_t _blockNumber)
return ethash_get_datasize(_blockNumber);
void EthashAux::setDAGDirName(const char * custom_dir_name)
char strbuf[256];
if (strcmp(custom_dir_name, "") != 0)
strcpy(strbuf, custom_dir_name);
ethash_get_default_dirname(strbuf, 256);
strcpy(s_dagDirName, strbuf);
char * EthashAux::dagDirName()
return s_dagDirName;
9 years ago
void EthashAux::setDAGEraseMode(DAGEraseMode mode)
s_dagEraseMode = mode;
void EthashAux::eraseDAGs()
if (s_dagEraseMode == DAGEraseMode::None) return;
path p(s_dagDirName);
if (!is_directory(p))
cnote << "Can't clean up DAG directory:" << s_dagDirName << "does not exist (yet).";
9 years ago
vector<path> files;
directory_iterator end_itr;
for (directory_iterator itr(p); itr != end_itr; ++itr)
if (is_regular_file(itr->path())) {
std::sort(files.begin(), files.end(),
[](const path& p1, const path& p2)
return file_size(p1) < file_size(p2);
size_t dagcount = files.size();
size_t dagcounter = 0;
for (std::vector<path>::const_iterator path = files.begin(); path != files.end(); ++path)
if (s_dagEraseMode == DAGEraseMode::Bench && path->filename() == "full-R23-0000000000000000") {}
else if ((s_dagEraseMode == DAGEraseMode::Old || s_dagEraseMode == DAGEraseMode::Bench) && dagcount - dagcounter <= 2) {}
cnote << "Deleting DAG file " << path->string();
10 years ago
h256 EthashAux::seedHash(unsigned _number)
unsigned epoch = _number / ETHASH_EPOCH_LENGTH;
Guard l(get()->x_epochs);
if (epoch >= get()->m_seedHashes.size())
10 years ago
h256 ret;
unsigned n = 0;
if (!get()->m_seedHashes.empty())
ret = get()->m_seedHashes.back();
n = get()->m_seedHashes.size() - 1;
get()->m_seedHashes.resize(epoch + 1);
// cdebug << "Searching for seedHash of epoch " << epoch;
for (; n <= epoch; ++n, ret = sha3(ret))
get()->m_seedHashes[n] = ret;
// cdebug << "Epoch" << n << "is" << ret;
10 years ago
return get()->m_seedHashes[epoch];
10 years ago
uint64_t EthashAux::number(h256 const& _seedHash)
Guard l(get()->x_epochs);
unsigned epoch = 0;
auto epochIter = get()->m_epochs.find(_seedHash);
if (epochIter == get()->m_epochs.end())
// cdebug << "Searching for seedHash " << _seedHash;
for (h256 h; h != _seedHash && epoch < 2048; ++epoch, h = sha3(h), get()->m_epochs[h] = epoch) {}
if (epoch == 2048)
std::ostringstream error;
error << "apparent block number for " << _seedHash << " is too high; max is " << (ETHASH_EPOCH_LENGTH * 2048);
throw std::invalid_argument(error.str());
epoch = epochIter->second;
return epoch * ETHASH_EPOCH_LENGTH;
void EthashAux::killCache(h256 const& _s)
WriteGuard l(x_lights);
EthashAux::LightType EthashAux::light(h256 const& _seedHash)
UpgradableGuard l(get()->x_lights);
if (get()->m_lights.count(_seedHash))
return get()->;
UpgradeGuard l2(l);
return (get()->m_lights[_seedHash] = make_shared<LightAllocation>(_seedHash));
EthashAux::LightAllocation::LightAllocation(h256 const& _seedHash)
uint64_t blockNumber = EthashAux::number(_seedHash);
light = ethash_light_new(blockNumber);
if (!light)
size = ethash_get_cachesize(blockNumber);
bytesConstRef EthashAux::LightAllocation::data() const
return bytesConstRef((byte const*)light->cache, size);
EthashAux::FullAllocation::FullAllocation(ethash_light_t _light, ethash_callback_t _cb)
// cdebug << "About to call ethash_full_new...";
full = ethash_full_new(_light, EthashAux::dagDirName(), _cb);
// cdebug << "Called OK.";
if (!full)
clog(DAGChannel) << "DAG Generation Failure. Reason: " << strerror(errno);
bytesConstRef EthashAux::FullAllocation::data() const
return bytesConstRef((byte const*)ethash_full_dag(full), size());
static std::function<int(unsigned)> s_dagCallback;
static int dagCallbackShim(unsigned _p)
clog(DAGChannel) << "Generating DAG file. Progress: " << toString(_p) << "%";
return s_dagCallback ? s_dagCallback(_p) : 0;
EthashAux::FullType EthashAux::full(h256 const& _seedHash, bool _createIfMissing, function<int(unsigned)> const& _f)
FullType ret;
auto l = light(_seedHash);
if ((ret = get()->m_fulls[_seedHash].lock()))
get()->m_lastUsedFull = ret;
return ret;
if (_createIfMissing || computeFull(_seedHash, false) == 100)
s_dagCallback = _f;
// cnote << "Loading from libethash...";
ret = make_shared<FullAllocation>(l->light, dagCallbackShim);
// cnote << "Done loading.";
get()->m_fulls[_seedHash] = get()->m_lastUsedFull = ret;
return ret;
unsigned EthashAux::computeFull(h256 const& _seedHash, bool _createIfMissing)
Guard l(get()->x_fulls);
uint64_t blockNumber;
DEV_IF_THROWS(blockNumber = EthashAux::number(_seedHash))
return 0;
if (FullType ret = get()->m_fulls[_seedHash].lock())
get()->m_lastUsedFull = ret;
return 100;
if (_createIfMissing && (!get()->m_fullGenerator || !get()->m_fullGenerator->joinable()))
get()->m_fullProgress = 0;
get()->m_generatingFullNumber = blockNumber / ETHASH_EPOCH_LENGTH * ETHASH_EPOCH_LENGTH;
get()->m_fullGenerator = unique_ptr<thread>(new thread([=](){
cnote << "Loading full DAG of seedhash: " << _seedHash;
get()->full(_seedHash, true, [](unsigned p){ get()->m_fullProgress = p; return 0; });
cnote << "Full DAG loaded";
get()->m_fullProgress = 0;
get()->m_generatingFullNumber = NotGenerating;
return (get()->m_generatingFullNumber == blockNumber) ? get()->m_fullProgress : 0;
9 years ago
EthashProofOfWork::Result EthashAux::FullAllocation::compute(h256 const& _headerHash, Nonce const& _nonce) const
ethash_return_value_t r = ethash_full_compute(full, *(ethash_h256_t*), (uint64_t)(u64)_nonce);
if (!r.success)
return EthashProofOfWork::Result{h256((uint8_t*)&r.result, h256::ConstructFromPointer), h256((uint8_t*)&r.mix_hash, h256::ConstructFromPointer)};
EthashProofOfWork::Result EthashAux::LightAllocation::compute(h256 const& _headerHash, Nonce const& _nonce) const
ethash_return_value r = ethash_light_compute(light, *(ethash_h256_t*), (uint64_t)(u64)_nonce);
if (!r.success)
return EthashProofOfWork::Result{h256((uint8_t*)&r.result, h256::ConstructFromPointer), h256((uint8_t*)&r.mix_hash, h256::ConstructFromPointer)};
EthashProofOfWork::Result EthashAux::eval(h256 const& _seedHash, h256 const& _headerHash, Nonce const& _nonce)
if (FullType dag = get()->m_fulls[_seedHash].lock())
return dag->compute(_headerHash, _nonce);
DEV_IF_THROWS(return EthashAux::get()->light(_seedHash)->compute(_headerHash, _nonce))
return EthashProofOfWork::Result{ ~h256(), h256() };